MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 66 Truth

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Blood blossoms!

With the blood rituals, the power is naturally better than the ordinary array of thousands, the five 曜 曜 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The sound of the armor unloading the ground is endless, and even the steel rifle in Zhoubei Nanzhang is no exception. Zhou Wang immediately squatted down and tried to take back the blade. However, she found that the two giant blades that she used to be used were like the roots of Taishan. They were attracted by the pattern of the ground and dragged to the bottom.

Three feet in front of Wen Xuechen, the sapphire roulette flew around and used this as a glimpse to maintain the operation of the entire array.

After loosening the wooden handle of the dagger, Wenxue dust swayed out half a meter forward, and took out the plains from his arms, wiped the fingers covered with Lu Yujiu's blood, and put the wrinkled handcuffs away.

The **** mottled white scorpion was blown away by the wind, and the broken kite flew into the air.

Lu Yuji looked up at his blood and walked slowly, bowing his head slowly and looking at the dagger that wedged into his double-ribbed space.

Lu Yujiu was uncomfortable, and he couldn’t figure out why things would become like this.

He couldn't figure out why he would be removed from the cool valley roster.

Lu Yujiu desperately recalled what he had done wrong 13 years ago, but when he thought about it, he only had a grievance, and a stock of hot air went straight up, and under his eyes, he could not blink.

He looked at the people who had made him admire and dare not look straight, and he was shaking like a weed that could not be lifted by the night rain that was worn by Lin Lin.

He tried his best and only groaned like a mosquito. "You are not a gentle brother."

Watching Lu Yuji with a blood, suddenly fell to the side, Zhou Beinan's lips licked.

His doubts are far better than anger. He can't even understand why this happened in front of him.

Xu Xingzhi heard that he used a gas sound to send a drunken nightmare: "Snow dust... Lu Yujiu..."

His tone sounds a bit funny, Xu Xingzhi wants to laugh, but he himself seems to be looking at the direction of Wen Xuechen.

The expression on the face of everyone who knows Wen Xuechen is fragmented. Only Meng Zhongguang protects Xu Xingzhi with one arm and retreats with vigilance.

Anger first woke up in Zhou Wang’s body. She screamed and ignited a raging fire in her heart. Then she tried to pick up her own blade in vain, and her anger rose and a black hair flew up and took her. A face is more pale and snowy.

She is full of wind, madly rushing toward Wenxuechen!

Zhou Beinan returned from the shackles and shouted "Awang", and the figure had already rushed toward her like a moon-like meteor.

Qu Chi pushed the pottery to the side of Xu Xing, and also chased Zhou Wang.

When the law on the ground saw someone move, it instantly vacated the soft light veins of a hundred feet long and three feet thick, like a giant cockroach with a big mouth opening, and headed north and south with Qu Chi!

Zhou Beinan has been prepared for the full preparation, and he intends to strike with him. Whoever wants the giant to come to his eyes, he will turn into a smoldering light, and he will pass through him and turn into a huge fist next to him. Qu Chi!

The huge hands and big hands covered the sky, and Qu Chi only wanted to recover Zhou Wang. When he noticed that the shadows were wrapped around the hurricane, he instinctively wanted to press the sabre at the waist and wait for it. When Sabre has lost time, he has no time to pose for a confrontation.

The huge fist that swells like a small mountain suddenly slams into the door of Qu Chi! !

But in the end, the punch did not fall on Qu Chi.

When the millennium was launched, Xu Xingzhi greeted him from the rear, and he was in front of Qu Chi. He was able to block the fist with his fist and stopped the fall of the fist!

Compared with the giant hand, his left fist is like sesame and watermelon. However, in an instant, the spiritual power from his fists will completely smash the giant hand into pieces!

Xu Xingzhi's clothes were flying, and the wooden hand that fell on the side of the body was swallowed up by the rolled up clothes.

However, he just raised his eyes, and the scattered pieces were turned into thousands of fine moths in a flash, and they rushed toward the face of Xu Xing!

Xu Xingzhi was still panicked in the future, and he was covered by a robe cover, and his ears were protected by both hands.

In the humming sound of the moth, Meng Zhongguang hugged Xu Xingzhi, and his voice was low: "Brother, don't be afraid."

When a moth flies over the ear side of Xu Xing, there is a voice in the vibration of the feathers. "Well, I have said it, you should be glad that I never participated in the list."

Compared with the Zhou Beinan and Qu Chi, which were entangled in the layers of flying blades, the front of the week was not blocked.

Wen Xuechen did not retreat, sitting in the same place, waiting for her to arrive.

Seeing that it is only a few feet away from the warm snow dust, Zhou Wang clenched the silver teeth and went straight away, but felt that the body was sinking and the limbs were pulled by the silk thread.

Zhou Wang fixed his eyes and saw that the original invisible silk thread appeared in shape, and dragged her several important joints together. The thin silver wire stretched out closely and wrapped around her palm and waist. ankle.

She is like a butterfly, hitting a large net that the spider has already laid.

Zhou Wang gritted his teeth forward and stepped on the wrist wrapped around the circle. The fine blood immediately spewed out, and the thin blood flower poured out of her tiger's mouth and fingers, following her little arm. Slow down.

The sound of Wen Xuechen is very light: "Don't move. If you don't want to be divided into pieces, you will stand."

Seeing the blood of the two closest people, the blood in the north and south of Zhou is surging, and the brain is almost bursting. He protects the sturdy and sturdy spirits that are rushing to him. Channel: "Warm snow dust, you are crazy! It is your daughter! It is a child of a small string..."

He is jealous, but the voice sounds like a pleading.

In the past 13 years, he has dreamt of countless times of reunion with the other two, and those pictures are invariably warm.

Zhou Beinan thought about it. If he cried, he wouldn’t be a shame. But he thought, going to fucking, shameful and shameful, as long as they can come back, as long as the four people can get together, let him die again. Back to him willingly.

But he never thought about such an encounter once, not once.

Wen Xuechen heard the words and looked at Zhou Wang with interest.

"North-South is still like that, even lie will not scatter." Wen Xuechen said to himself, "I have never married, and I have had children."

The girl's face was marked with a few bright wounds, but the blood did not match the redness of her eyes.

She took a step forward with her teeth and the blood on her knees was cracked again.

Wen Xuechen frowned slightly: "I said, I don't want to be separated, I will stay in the same place."

Zhou Wang’s hatred turned into bloodshot eyes, full of eyes: “You hurt my family, I want you to die without a place to die!”

With this sentence, she was covered with countless blood flowers and flew out at the same time. A brown short-skin was suddenly stained with blood and blue, but she was completely unaware of the pain. The little beast opened a silver tooth and bit it. A thin layer of thin lines on her wrist is banned.

The thin lines of the sound and the turbulent **** smell spread in her mouth.




The rupture of breaking sounds came from her joints.

The butterfly would rather tear her wings, but also take this spider web to bury it and bring her family back.

Such a tenacious and interesting vitality called Wen Xuechen for a moment, and immediately, he showed a slightly unseen smile: "You are a good child. Why do you need to follow them."

The answer to him was a few cracks.

Wen Xuechen still does not retreat. He lost his interest in the girl in front of him and glanced at the people in front of him.

- Lu Yujiu has been scrapped. This is almost the same as his previous assumptions. He values ​​the cool valley like this, and sees himself, he will definitely be the first to rush forward.

——The girl who is willing to fight with him is not within his calculations. This net was also prepared for the temperamental Zhou Beinan. However, I did not expect this woman’s action to receive a miraculous effect, using her as a bait. It is also a success that has attracted the attention of both Zhou Beinan and Qu Chi.

- Xu Xingzhi's heavy feelings and righteousness, and spent many days with them in the wild, even if the memory has not recovered, they will try to help.

- And Meng Zhongguang's movements are better predicted. If Xu Xingzhi is in distress, he will certainly not stand by.

- The only thing he did not expect was that Xu Xingzhi’s original blockade in the meridians seemed to be restored. However, it is not difficult to cope with the fact that he is afraid of the troubles of insects.

In this way, his real purpose can be achieved.

Wen Xuechen wiped the pale, purple lower lip with his thumb, and said coldly: "...on it."

As his voice just fell, the front of the array opened up several portals. During the rotation of the light wheel, there was a blade directly pierced from it, and a Danyangfeng disciple who was unloaded from the armor was completely worn from the back. through.

Although those disciples were waiting for the battle, they were always on the lookout for changes in the law on the ground, but they did not expect that there would be ambushes. For a time, two or three disciples had been seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Tao leisure exclaimed, Yuan Ruyi grabbed his sleeve with a bone hand, pulled out the already ruined flower buds on his head, and stopped in front of the pottery.

More than a dozen people dressed in the Qinggu disciples climbed out of the line of transmission, and after the sword opened a **** road, they rushed to the Yuan Ruo and the pottery!

Yuan Ruzhen immediately noticed that the situation was wrong, and shouted: "Brother! Meng Shidi! Come back soon! They are coming here! Wen Xuechen is a tiger from the mountains!"

Under the flying insects, Xu Xingzhi was too soft to stand, and he could not resist the fear of climbing out of the bones.

He can only push the shoulders of Meng Zhongguang: "Go! Save the pottery and be like you!"

Meng Zhongguang stubbornly held his head: "No, I will never leave my brother."

Xu Xingzhi was across the clothes, groping for a slap in the face of his head: "Fuck it! I have spiritual strength to protect my body, I can't die!"

Meng Zhongguang killed his teeth: "No. Wen Xuechen, he just wants to let us take the opportunity to take away the brothers! I can't let go!"

During the speech, he smashed the two slaps of Xu Xingzhi's face, but he still refused to give up.

He hugged Xu Xingzhi with tears: "Brother, we are so hard to come here... you are killing me, and I will not let you go!"

Xu Xingzhi struggled to open his robes to protect his head. The sound of insects instantly softened his legs, forcing his stomach to suffocate, but he still earned all his strength and returned to squatting towards them. Go in the direction you are in.

A few disciples who were in the service of the Qinggu Valley had broken the sword and smashed them into the front of Yuan Ruyi. A sword cut off half of her scorpion; Xu Xingzhi, who was struggling toward them, was mad by that layer. The moth is entangled and will be swallowed up almost at any time.

There are still a few silk shackles that are tied to Zhou Wang, and Zhou Beinan Qu Chi is tired of coping with the vicissitudes of the formation, and it is difficult to get out.

No one thought of it, just at this time, a fierce break from the direction of Wen Xuechen: "Give me a hand!"

Lu Yujiu held a **** dagger in his hand, shaking his fingers and placing the blade in his throat.

I do not know when, he actually climbed from the ground, quietly pulled out the dagger that pierced his stomach, and wandered around Wen Xuechen.

Even Wen Xuechen only looked at the struggling Zhou Wang thoughtfully, and did not care about the movement of Lu Yujiu.

Lu Yujiu’s horrible ghost face is more and more screaming in the screaming drink: “You all stop! I will kill him!”

The disciples looked awkwardly, and it was unexpected that Wen Xuechen was not in a mess. Yang said: "Kill the Tao, do not care about me."

He turned his head and looked around provocatively to Lu Yuji, who was covered in blood. "Kill me."

Lu Yujiu gritted his teeth and raised his knife. He took his knife and fell. He filled his **** dagger into the right chest of Wen Xuechen, and cut the blade down. He used his strength to tear his right chest to the stomach and abdomen. There is a gap in the palm of your hand.

... Only when he dies, the rotating roulette will stop, and the formation will end.

- The people in front of me are not the warm brothers of the year.

Even if he thought about it, Lu Yujiu’s face was still gray and dead, and the blood of Wenxue’s dust splashed on him, and he was so cold.

This knife used up his remaining strength. When he stuck the knife into the warm snow dust chest, he had already stood up because of excessive blood loss. The extra cutting was when he fell down the side of the warm snow dust wheelchair. Insults cut the wound.

However, when he fell down and looked at Wen Xuechen from the ground, he was shocked to find that Wen Xuechen was as usual, not painful, and that the wound that opened on his body seemed to not exist; he even only I made an action, that is, reaching out to resist my stomach, so that no organs could control it.

... Wen Xuechen even had a thought to raise his lips.

Lu Yujiu and Zhou Yu, who were tied up, saw this scene and widened their eyes together.

A very horrible thought came to the heart of Lu Yujiu. He looked back hard from the ground and tried to identify the faces of the disciples who wanted to kill Tao Yu in the confusing eyes.

When he found out that something was wrong, there were already a few disciples who followed them from the outside world to detect it more quickly. One person pointed to one of the disciples who were in the cool valley, and shouted: "It is the magic road! He is Demon disciple! I have seen him!"

"Well brother and magic road together?!"

"... Wait, he is not injured... He is not Wen's brother, he is awake! The nine lights make Wen brothers awake!"

Wen Xuechen heard the words, slightly gimmicks, as if he couldn’t understand, and the lips had a cold smile.

Xu Xingzhi’s ear could not hear the noisy voice next to him. He rushed to Yuan Ruo’s side and used his spiritual power to fly a close-knit disciple. Then he took the hand of Yuan Ruyu. Half of the flower buds, fluttering in her ear, said: "The brother will give you one more."

After all, he tried his best to infuse the whole body with the broken flower buds, throw it out, let the half of the flower buds break through the layer of magical moths, break the virtual and spiritual veins, and fall straight to Wen Xuechen. It is used to maintain the entire array of gossip on the gossip.

The calyx only caught the slot of the wheel for a few moments and was twisted into pieces.

But for a few moments, in Xu Xingzhi, in Zhou Beinan, it is enough for Qu Chi.

Years of wilderness, they have long been good at catching a chance.

They have extradited their weapons in their hands. Zhou Beinan and Qu Chi are aiming at the roulette. Xu Xingzhi is aiming at Wen Xuechen and the three soldiers are all in one.

The temperature of the jasper roulette that Wen Xuechen has just started is broken into three pieces, and the warm snow dust is swept away by the hundred peaches and nails that have been turned into "pastel pens". The sleeves, clothes and pants are tightly nailed. In a circle, he was suspended from the outer tower level.

The roulette has been destroyed, and between the moment, the moth, the veins and the silk are all invisible.

Wen Xuechen raised his eyes and looked at the distance without any damage. He seemed to be only a little scared. He sighed low: " really waste."

Yuan Rukai let go of the leisure, and quickly rushed to the side of Lu Yujiu who fell to the ground, picked him up, and could not help but transfer his wounds that almost exhausted his whole body to himself.

Xu Xingzhi licked the ears of buzzing, and fell back and forth several times, and he could not pour out the strange sound of the moth flapping his wings.

However, the sound of "waking up the body" and "magic road" endlessly evokes his faint headache and dizziness.

When he was supported by Meng Zhongguang and walked to the tower, Lu Yujiu and several other injured disciples had been sent to the tower to rest.

Zhou Beinan used a long gun to reverse the handle and hit several waists of warm snow dust. He still did not hate it, and stretched his foot to go to the squat, and unexpectedly smashed an empty space.

He was so angry that he said: "If you come, come over and fill up his body, I still have to ask him."

Yuan Ruyi heard the words and looked suspicious, but he obediently eliminated his terrible wounds.

From the beginning to the end, Wenxue dust surface is no pain. He squinted at the undecided pottery, and comforted him by his side, and finally turned his attention back to Zhou Beinan: "You have stolen artifacts, being exiled here, and treating you badly?"

"Wen Xuechen, is your mother stupid?" Zhou Beinan slammed for a moment, screaming, "What kind of ecstasy soup did you put on the Jiuzhi lamp? When did we steal the artifact? His nine lights took the magic road counterattack four doors and killed you in the cool valley." The people of the valley, the blood of the corpse, the dead and the wounded, you don't remember!? They exiled our four disciples who refused to surrender to the magic road, and for 13 years, you **** told me that you can't remember ??"

Xu Xingzhi’s voice screamed, and he couldn’t breathe.

... Magic Road counterattack? Surrender the magic road?

These words broke the head of Xu Xingzhi, causing him to die, and let him be re-visited by the closed mind for a long time.

...he remembered it.

... All things, he finally remembered all.

The author has something to say: To sum up: North and South, who have been detained for 13 years in the wild, are good people.

I said some foreshadowing qwq hope that the little angels don't bother

Foreshadowing: Wen Xuechen made "the knowledge of the three realms", and did not pay attention to the death and death of several people, only concerned about the interests of the nine lights;

Foreshadowing 2: In Wen Xuechen's memory of the past, there are Xu Xingzhi, but there has never been a small string, but there have been only words and broken memories; (see Chapter 39)

Four strokes: Wen Xuechen does not roast after the wilderness (Chapter 2, Zhou Beinan suspects that Xu is brother when he was awake, tried him with fire; Chapter 51, Wen Xuechen, who was originally physically weak, did not promise the disciples to ask him to roast the fire)

This is roughly the case, the next chapter officially entered the large-scale memory killing ~

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