MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 50 Meiqian month (1)

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In a blink of an eye, Xu Xing’s continuous wine has been three days.

During the day, he gets up regularly and handles the things in the party. It is not a problem, but as soon as he arrives at night, he will find someone to drink and get drunk.

Everyone said that Jiuzhi Lan and Fengling Xuxing had a private relationship early in the morning, so he left the faction and attacked Master Xu very much.

Many Fengling female disciples believe that they are true. In the daytime, when they saw the shaking fan, Xu Xing was full of sympathy. Privately, Xu’s brother seemed to be innocent, but he was really in love.

Xu Xingzhi has always been a person who loves to listen to other people's opinions. Even if there is some rumor, it is left and right. The rest of the troubles are mixed with the wine, and the drink is exhausted.

Qing Jingjun good wine, however, the amount of alcohol is not worth mentioning, the amount of half an altar is enough for him to quietly go to the house to expose the tile.

Wen Xuechen, Qu Chi and Zhou Beinan lived for several days because of concerns about Xu Xing's body and staying in Fengling.

On the first day, Qu Chi accompanied him to drink. Who wanted three glasses of wine to go down, he swayed and stood up, regardless of Xu Xingzhi's call, and fell quilt to sleep.

On the second day, Xu Xingzhi was called Zhou Beinan. Zhoubei South is a bit of alcohol, according to his hot temper, can not stand the way like Xu Xingzhi, and with a temper to accompany him to drink a few patrols, a word does not fit the sleeves will smash him.

The two beat, stopped, drank two glasses of wine, and then started. In the end, Zhou Beinan, who was overwhelmed, was dragged back to the room by Xu Xingzhi. The mouth still whispered that Xu Xingzhi’s Laozi was the most annoying to your face. When you go out, there is no girl to look at me.

On the third day, change to Wen Xuechen and Qu Chi to accompany the wine.

Wen Xuechen because of heart disease, drunk wine does not touch, Qu Chi has been sleeping from the first day to noon today, knowing that the amount of alcohol is too bad, do not dare to contaminate the prajna soup, so the wine on the table into the belly of Xu Xing.

Wen Xuechen has less words, Qu Chi Wen Wen, and the wine is really intoxicating. Today's Xu Xingzhi is finally drunk.

He squatted on Wen Xue's shoulder and laughed awkwardly, screaming Wen Xue's thighs: "Snow dust, snow dust, let's go to see the magical altar to see the little lights."

Wen Xuechen was slapped by his palms and his face was white.

Qu Chi hurriedly pulled Xu Xingzhi to his side and told him to make trouble on himself.

As he calmed Xu Xingzhi, he sighed against Wen Xuexue: "Snow dust, I have never seen him so heavy. Is the Jiuzhi lamp so important to him?"

"Important is important. But his behavior is that he has a flaw in his heart." Wen Xuechen simply replied.

Qu Chi doubts: "What is he worried about? Is it because the nine branches of the demonization of the devil when they are desperate to die, but did not have the heart to start? But he is difficult to start, this is the human nature, the nine lights will not blame Responsible for him. How much sincerely he did to his two younger brothers, we all look in the eyes..."

Wen Xuechen: "He just regrets this.... He raised the nine lights well."

After the wine cellar was hot, Xu Xingzhi refused to send the two and sent him alone to the temple. Wen Xuechen and Qu Chi kept silent and didn't send it. Finally, they followed the way to the temple door and watched Xu Xingzhi enter the gate before they went back to resettle.

However, one of Xu Xing entered the gate. After a few falls, he fell down under the plum tree and fell asleep.

The last few nights of the rain all night, bit by bit until dawn, the plum blossoms in the courtyard were hit by the rain, the pieces fell red, and the pavilion became a bright blanket, and it was reflected in the moonlight. clear.

Xu Xingzhi was quietly lying under the plum tree, surrounded by black branches, green green, sprinkling red, and the beautiful scenery of the six points was enlarged to nine points.

In the drunkenness, one person slowly walked over the lantern and whispered to him: "...senior brother?"

Xu Xingzhi looked at it with a sleepy eye and only saw a piece of light and a beautiful face that was not very clear: "...heavy light."

“Is the brother drunk?” Meng Zhongguang put the lamp on his feet and reached for Xu Xing’s back. His voice was low. “...Is it for the nine lights?”

During the day of Xu Xingzhi, I found someone who could pour out depression and not be ridiculed.

"The little light is too upright..." He crouched on the shoulder of Meng Zhongguang and lost his voice. "I knew that he would go back there. I wouldn't teach him like this... I shouldn't teach him like this."

The warmth of wine brought by Xu Xingzhi’s lips is accompanied by the light incense of the extremely hooked people. Meng Zhongguang’s throat knot is gently rolled: “Sister...”

"...the little light he started earlier than you, and the time spent with me is more." Xu Xingzhi's appointment as Meng Zhongguang, wants the warmth of the eyes of the people to immerse into the body, he has counted the nine lights The little things, the tone is gentle, but I have never noticed that Meng Zhongguang squinted his lips when he heard the word "small lights".

"The sky is really good today. The first time he called my brother is on the roof. When we first watched the stars. He could know all the stars..."

"If the small lamp is a smile, it would be a pity. It’s a pity that when you smile, the days are always better."

"He said that in addition to his mother, he has almost no one who knows him, even the fourth one..."

At this point, Xu Xing could not tell a word.

A hot hot sticker was attached to his slightly iced lips. Xu Xingzhi felt that the back neck was crushed. One hand climbed onto his chest and grabbed the strong muscles on his left chest. The fingertips were also accurate. I got the center point of the fate.

Xu Xingzhi’s whisper was swallowed by the other side.

The curved knee top separates Xu Xing's legs, forcing his legs to be placed nowhere, and can only be opened in a hurry.

Xu Xingzhi was kissed and made a fuss. He only felt that the things that were entangled in him were not soft, but he was patient and horrible. He refused to let him even have a space to breathe.

One of Xu Xing was shocked and forgot the usefulness of the nose. The more he breathed, the more he wanted to open his mouth, and when he fell for a while, he easily indulged the cat-like tongue into his mouth and tried to provoke.

... The slang of the slang is slippery, and it is difficult to sneak under the ice.

After the gradual retreat of the soft tongue, Xu Xingzhi was able to find the ability to breathe, and gasped for a big mouth, and his cheeks rose red.

... heavy light? ... is the light to yourself...

When he was faint, Meng Zhong CD went around Xu Xingzhi, learning Xu Xingzhi's usual posture when he was a child, and banned Xu Xingzhi with his long legs and stalked Xu Xingzhi's long hair band with one hand. Wrap around the wrist for two laps, pull back, and use his fingers to hook Xu Xingzhi's chin, forcing him to turn his face to the side.

Xu Xingzhi's alcoholism invaded the body. It was really weak and weak. When he saw the situation, he was a little scared: "...Heavy light?"

Meng Zhongguang's fingertips pinched the skin between Xu Xing's neck and was obsessed with it.

"Senior brother, I don't want to hear you mention nine lights. He is gone. The person who is by your side is me....and only me. You just need to look at me alone."

Xu Xingzhi's slight sigh, even if he felt itchy between the necks, he had to look up in the direction of his hard-working direction. The feeling of not listening to the body made him feel a thin anger that was powerless: "Heavy light... Don't make trouble, There is no strength in the brothers, don’t tease the brothers."

Meng Zhongguang heard the words and smiled, opened his lips, and slowly bite Xu Xingzhi's neck with his teeth, sucking the rolling knot.

The strange touch made Xu Xingzhi almost scream, but before he shouted, he suddenly remembered one thing.

——The guest house in the Zhoubei South three-person residence is not far from his sleeping hall.

Yes, he quickly compressed the shouts that were about to be exported, and turned into a low-pitched hoarse voice: "No - oh!"

Xu Xingzhi's weak resistance seems to make Meng Zhongguang very happy. He will press down on the wristband of the hair band. Xu Xingzhi's scalp is stinging. He can only be put out of a forced posture, revealing the fragile neck and letting him take it.

He smelled the scent of a plant, not the plum fragrance in the courtyard, but a natural taste.

Xu Xingzhi was stunned by the numbness of the wine, and he was so upset that he wanted to push Meng Zhongguang away, but his hands and feet were unexpectedly soft and muddy, and he did not listen to his call.

"...Senior brother, I am so embarrassed." Meng Zhongguang finally stopped, his lips along the neck of his neck all the way to the bottom of Xu Xing's ears, whispered and hot air into Xu Xing's ear, "Sisters always It’s the fact that the nine-lighted brothers are four years older than me, and the light is not convinced.”

He continued: "...I used to dream that I would have such a good man in the world. If I knew, I would have found it early, accompanied by my brother..."

Xu Xingzhi only felt that such relatives were really ruthless, and the ears were blown by Meng Zhongguang. But when he realized that the venting object was Meng Zhongguang, he instantly softened a few points: "Heavy light, not so, you and me." Yes……"

"Brother, heavy light likes you."

Xu Xingzhi was struck by lightning. From the perspective of his being forced now, he could only see Meng Zhongguang’s ear tip with the light.

He decided to look at the beautiful ears of Meng Zhongguang and suspected that he was illusory after being drunk.

Meng Zhongguang seems to have seen Xu Xingzhi's mind, muttering "like you", a sound, like the Nanping night clock, crashed into the ears of Xu Xing, deafening.

Xu Xingzhi had never had such thoughts before. For a moment, he was aphasia and lost his voice. Meng Zhongguang whispered in his ear: "He is no longer there. I will not let go of my brother again.... Brother, you are sooner or later. mine."

The lips twirled and fell on the lips of Xu Xing again. After a moment of smashing, he suddenly violently violently. His lower lip was pulled and bitten several times, leaving a sweet tooth mark, and then a delicate temperature. Soft again penetrated into his mouth, before and after, straight and Xu Tongzhi stirred low and breathless, the forehead was dampened with sweat, a few strands of hair messy and wandering down, clinging to the horns.

I am paying for the salary, Samsung is in the sky. Tonight evening, see this good man.

... Xu Xingzhi suddenly turned and sat up.

At the beginning of the blink of an eye, I saw a bed of carved clouds, and Xu Xingzhi thought that he was still in the original memory.

Until he found himself able to control his body, he was sure that he was back.

This is not a stalactite cave under the cliff where several people live, but a large-scale palace. The surrounding decoration is dominated by stone ornaments. The lotus-like small stone incense burner emits residual smoke. A thyme has been burned out, leaving only a few grass cores to breathe red light in the hollow pattern.

Here is the palace of Nanzu, Xu Xingzhi has seen it in the memory of Ye Buyi.

Seeing the surrounding environment, Xu Xingzhi not only did not have a big dream to wake up, but he was unbearable, and spent a lot of effort to hold back without vomiting.

Start with a kiss and end with a kiss. He has been delayed for too long in the original Lord's memory, so that he can't tell the difference between reality and dream.

He found that the relationship between the original owner and Meng Zhongguang did not seem as simple as he imagined.

What makes him more uncomfortable is that he clearly remembers that in the evening speech of the brothers and brothers, the original Lord once mentioned that if there is an afterlife, I would like to get a father like Qing Jun, and a sister like Yuan Ruyi.

... In Xu Ping's memory, his father, Xu Sanqiu, has a mild temperament and can drink at the same table with him, tolerate his chores, willfulness, and even not doing business.

Xu Xiaotong is sensible, well-behaved, and occasionally has a little daughter's modality. He loves to seduce him and spoils him. He will sit with him quietly on the stone steps to watch the stars and enjoy the moon. He will also cook a bowl of pears for him after his return. liqueur.

If there is no such family member, according to his temperament, he may have used the sky as a cover, and he has to travel the sky. Why bother to love the door and the bowl of hot soup that will be opened for him at any time?

If it is not for such a family, why should he try his best to return to the world?

However, the memory of the original Lord forced him to look directly at many problems.

——Why did he come here, why should he take over the life of Xu Xingzhi?

Why did the dream that belonged to Xu Xingzhi shine into his reality?

Why must he do this?

When the knowledge of the world sent him in, the so-called "spoken words seriously disturbed the world context", now I want to come, all **** is nonsense.

...but it is a letter written by a letter, and it is unattended to be thrown into the old book stall. How can there be such a skill?

At the beginning, his mind was chaotic, and he was forcibly pulled from the warm bed of his home to the darkness of the dark. He was already upside down. When he was put into the wild, he was almost cut off by the monster holding the razor. It was easy to earn a life and touch it. Got to Meng Zhongguang.

He didn't even have time to consider the reasons for the world's knowledge to pull him into the water, and he was forced to take over the dagger who wanted to kill Meng Zhongguang.

... fuck.

Piecemeal details entangled his brain, causing him a headache, and even found that the original relationship with Meng Zhongguang is not so bad compared to the unusual thing.

He reached out and touched, and the dagger that gave the world's knowledge to him was pressed under the pillow. I don't know if it is a coincidence. It just happens to be placed on the left side of the pillow. If Xu Xingzhi wants to draw a dagger, it is just a matter of raising his hand.

Xu Xingzhi looked at the dagger and looked at it for a while and felt nausea.

After doing a few simple actions, Xu Xingzhi felt that he had a bone pain in his back. When he lifted his leg, he went down to the ground. Whoever wants the knee to hit it straight is a bit of a turn.

Just at this time, a head was drilled out in a tightly closed threshold, just to see the way under the Xu Xing and then swaying down.

"Hey, hey!"

One hand was handed to Xu Xing's body in an instant, but Xu Xingzhi passed through his body and planted his head on the ground.

Zhoubei was stagnant for a moment, raising his hand to look at his palm that was translucent, and sneered at himself.

He turned his eyes and saw Xu Xingzhi holding his head in a group, his arms hugged and sighed with joy: "When you are lying for four days, you want to go to the ground and you can't die."

Xu Xingzhi glared at a pair of eyes and touched the bed for a long time before he touched the edge of the bed. He pressed his elbow to the bedside and barely gave the body a stun.

The first sentence he said after he could speak was: "I have been lying for four days, and when I am down, you smell the smell? Are you running to me if you are idle?"

In the dream, Zhou Beinan, who was still drinking with him, blushes: "Roll, don't put gold on your face, I am afraid that you accidentally die in bed and no one will give you a corpse."

"I am afraid that I will die, what did you just pick me up?"

Zhou Beinan blinked and said: "...Who is your mother picking you up? Then, can you see if I can hold you like this? Ah?"

"Can't take you back."

Zhou Beinan was turned over with a blindfold, but he still sat down with Xu Xingzhi and sat down on the bed: "The dog bites Lu Dongbin."

Xu Xingzhi smiled and reached out and grabbed the credit, and wiped the dust from his hand.

Jokes are jokes, and Xu Xingzhi’s downs are really not bad. In his head, it looked like a honeycomb, and he screamed for a long time. He only slowed down this battle and interrogated Zhou Beinan Road: "...I slept for four days?" wonder that Zhou Beinan can go down to the ground.

"Well. Who told you not to wake up, Lu Yujiu came to see you yesterday, and you were scared to cry." Zhou Beinan seems to speak without swearing Xu Xing's two sentences and is uncomfortable. "Are you a pig?"

One of Xu Xing doesn't mind: "Hey, what's the injury on your shoulder?"

Zhou Beinan: "..."

I couldn’t get a pungent cheap Zhou Beinan from Xu Xingzhi. “I’m so good, I can’t shoot a gun for a while.”

Zhou Beinan obviously does not pay much attention to his own affairs. He quickly stared at Xu Xingzhi and asked: "What happened to you? Since I came in, I always sleep in a dark, not my body?"

One of the Xu Xing words.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he really has a big problem, and he has changed from skin to bone to another person.

Zhou Beinan saw Xu Xingzhi not talking, but turned to the bottom of his mind, and arrested him and asked: "What the **** are you doing? I have a lot of troubles. You used to be like this. Before..."

Before mentioning it, he shut himself up first, and he carefully considered the words before he began to say: "Also, in these years, you stayed with the nine lights, he is not difficult for you?"

One of Xu Xing, I know that he misunderstood something, and he misunderstood it.

However, he turned to think, did not openly deny, but vaguely said: "Fortunately, it is finally over."

Xu Xingzhi was really scared by the truthful and false news of the world. Now he needs some reliable things to stabilize his heart that was disturbed by the original memory.

......Quchi is already insomnia, can't count on it; Meng Zhongguang is deeply thought-out and difficult to cope; Lu Yujiu is only an intermediate disciple before the wilderness, perhaps not very able to understand the secrets of the past; Tao Yu does not have to mention, Danyang Only outside the peak disciples.

Such as 昼...

Thinking of this name, Xu Xingzhi felt a fist in his heart, and he was so depressed that he was uncomfortable.

If it weren't for the memory of the original Lord, Xu Xingzhi would never find that she and Wutong had so many similarities, so that he did not dare to go to see Yuan Ruzhen now.

Relatively speaking, Zhoubei is the most important son of Tianchuan, and most importantly, he knows some internal affairs. The most important thing is that he has the least chance. If Xu Xingzhi asks a little deeper, he does not have to worry about what to expose.

... to be plain, it is stupid.

Sure enough, before he asked him, Zhou Beinan first sneered: "It’s really embarrassing for you to raise the scorpion. The people we used to say are not good to him, but why didn’t they kill the hatred of the father and mother? If you want to kill and kill, you can give it a good time. Keep us here, clearly want to kill us slowly."

Xu Xingzhi used a bitter smile to deal with the past.

Zhou Beinan’s heart was also soft, and Xu Xing’s only showed a slightly weak expression. He turned awkward and coughed: “...but in the end it’s not all your problem... Got it, don’t mention it. Fine."

Xu Xingzhi refused to say more, and immediately received a message: "Can you know where the snow dust is going? I have never heard of it outside."

"Snow dust, warm snow dust..." mentioned Wen Xuechen, Zhou Beinan masseter muscles slightly drummed a few times, "The small string is about to be produced when I find me in the wild. She told me personally that she came from the cool valley, the snow dust is not It’s dead.”

When I heard these two words, I don’t know why. Xu Xingzhi felt a sigh of throat, like a hard blood clot, and the blood clot chilled coldly, and his throat was frozen and hurt.

He heard himself saying, "How can snow dust die?"

Lu Yujiu had previously talked with him about Wen Xuechen, only vaguely mentioning that “Wen’s brother may not be in the world”. At that time, Xu Xingzhi did not doubt the world’s knowledge, and he thought that Wen Xuechen’s death was due to heart disease. Not impossible.

However, now, Wen Xuechen’s real death is in front of Xu Xingzhi.

And this news is still married to Wen Xuechen's Zhou Xian.

Xu Xingzhi suspected that the body and memory of the original subject had been soaked in him too deeply, otherwise why explain why he now hurts to dig out the heart.

Xu Xingzhi's memory is acceptable. He knows the names of the artifacts guarded by the various doors. He also remembers that the artifacts of the Qingliang Valley guards are called "Taiwan bow".

According to Lu Yujiu, there are several cool valley brothers in his ghost slaves, which means that he is not alone involved in stealing artifacts.

With Xu Xingzhi’s current understanding of Wen Xuechen, he is cold and rational, and he is trying to figure out the right way. He is exhausted, just like Xu Xingzhi’s initial judgment. This person can never do anything to defy the right way and damage the teacher. .

I can imagine that if Lu Yujiu and other people in Qingliang Valley privately steal the Taixu bow, they are discovered by Wen Xuechen...

All kinds of water may be like layers of boiling water, and the impact is dizzy.

He rushed out and asked: "He is because of 'too virtual bow' -"

As soon as the words were exported, Xu Xingzhi took a bite of his tongue.

The pain caused him to recover his reason, but he should have said something if he shouldn’t say it.

If the usual Xu Xingzhi, even in the face of Zhou Beinan, who is not deeply concerned, will follow the example of temptation and temptation, and from his mouth, he will never be so bold in cutting the subject.

If the knowledge of the world deceives him... If Meng Zhongguang’s theft of artifacts was not as presumed by Xu Xing, he asked this question, isn’t it...

Thinking about this, Xu Xingzhi's cold sweat brushed out, like a worm crawling up his back bones, and the muscles on his back were leaping.

Zhou Beinan was also silenced. After a while, his shoulders shook slightly and he was laughing.

"... too virtual bow?..." Zhou Beinan whispered the words, "Taiwan bow... a good bow..."

One of Xu Xing was a little confused in an instant.

Did he remember correctly? The artifacts guarded by Qingliang Valley are not "too virtual bows"?

Zhou Bei on the south side of the face to stare at him, the lips are faintly trembled, blood in his eyes: "... you don't know?"

The feeling of being forced to look at is not good. Xu Xingzhi’s throat has rolled quickly and he thought about how to fill the loopholes in the sentence: “I...”

Zhou Beinan grabbed him in front of him and pressed his arguments back into his throat: "Yes, yes, I forgot, you really don't know.... When the incident happened, you are no longer in Fengling Mountain." ”

He rubbed a hand with the hand that could still move, and smiled grinningly: "There is no ‘too virtual bow,' and from the beginning to the end, his mother doesn’t have a ‘too virtual bow’.”

Xu Xingzhi felt that his blood was frozen for a moment.

"...What do you mean?"

Zhou Beinan whispered: "The artifact is fake.... The four artifacts are all fake. The real artifacts have long been ruined in the battle of the gods and demons thousands of years ago."

Xu Xingzhi’s head was awkward.

In this case, the so-called "artifact appreciation forum" that appeared in the original main memory...

He is not stupid, and he understands a lot of things only between the electric and the flint.

——When the year was bold and chaotic, disturbing the fire and the wolf, the world was in chaos, the quiet Jun Yue was born without dust, one person and one sword, in exchange for the four seas to rise, more than a few clear, what a beautiful scenery.

However, if the artifact is still there, the four gates just need to ask for artifacts and repression. Why do the monks still have to fight so hard, but also need to be quiet to help turn the tide?

As for the artifact appreciation forum to show off the strength of the battle, I think that it is a slapstick.

If it is really overwhelming, why do you have to show off by showing off?

Xu Xingzhi quickly sorted out the ideas.

- Meng Zhongguang, they steal the artifact, want to send some kind of use, but find that the artifact is not used. The artifacts stolen can't be concealed, so Zhou Beinan and Meng Chongguang can only get rid of them.

In order not to call the four-door artifacts a secret leak of the counterfeit, but also to be severely punished, the four-door decided to be involved in the matter of the disciples were put into the wild.

Xu Xingzhi feels that this explanation is relatively complete. At least the knowledge of the world did not deceive him at this point.

A sentence from Zhoubeinan still told him to care.

What is "...when the incident happened, you are no longer in Fengling Mountain"?

The original owner left the Fengling Mountain before the theft of the artifact?

Xu Xingzhi was delineating the context of time in his heart, and he heard a hoarse sigh again.

Meng Chongguang wore a uniform in Fengling Mountain and walked in.

When I saw Meng Zhongguang, Xu Xingzhi thought of the kiss that called him dizzy for four days. He slammed his back and burned it. Some of his breath didn’t come up, and his mouth seemed to have tasted sweet and smooth. the taste of.

Meng Zhongguang does not seem to be surprised by the wake of Xu Xingzhi and the arrival of Zhou Beinan. He stood at the door and smiled with his hand: "Zhou Shixiong."

These three words are both warm and touching, but Zhou Beinan only feels scalp numb when he hears it. After secretly "fucking", he hardly pulls himself away from his emotions: "Well, I will leave." ”

The wall he walked in, disappeared in a blink of an eye, but Xu Xingzhi clearly saw that Zhou Beinan looked back before leaving, and looked at himself without sympathy.

This eye went down, and the feeling of scalp numb climbed into the head of Xu Xingzhi.

Sitting on the ground for so long, Xu Xingzhi also picked up a little bit of strength. He got up and got up, rubbed the ash on his body, climbed up to the stone table and sat down, lifted the pot on the table and shook it, and the tea inside dried up.

He put the folding fan that he had been holding from the beginning on the table, and driven the spiritual power as in the previous memory, and turned the folding fan out of the inexhaustible jug.

Meng Zhongguang also sat down at the table.

Xu Xingzhi was full of a cup, but the cup was still not delivered to the mouth, and Meng Zhongguang held the cup.

There is a hidden sorrow in his eyes: "Brother, don't use this thing."

Meng Zhongguang’s finger was between his lips and the edge of the cup. This is called Xu Xingzhi’s thought of something not so good. He instinctively avoided it: “...why?”

Meng Zhongguang licked his lips: "... After he left, you always drink alcohol. Later, when you didn't have enough alcohol, you used this as a storage ring to make this storage jug."

Xu Xingzhi was thirsty and did not think about who he was referring to. He opened his hand around the cup: "I don't have alcohol addiction now, it is a thirst."

When the cup was sent to the mouth, Xu Xingzhi changed his direction and did not touch the place where Meng Zhongguang had pressed with his fingertips.

The light of Meng Zhongguang was dark and dark.

While he was drinking, Meng Zhongguang stared at the throat that he was sliding back and forth under the thin skin. After a while, he suddenly said: "Brother, do you have a lot to say to Master Zhou?"

Xu Xingzhi almost groaned, dripping the liquor from his lips and flowing down his chin into his clothes.

There was only a coat on his body, and when the wine ran down, his eyes twitched his mouth quickly, lest the clothes were stained.

Seeing the white smear from his neckline, Meng Zhongguang's tongue tipped to the merged teeth and quickly leaned down to gently squat on Xu Xing's exposed clavicle line.

One of Xu Xingzhi’s spirits slammed the open buckle with one hand. After doing this, he felt that this posture was a bit like a big girl. He had to stare at Meng Zhongguang, and his eyes were faintly threatening.

Meng Zhongguang’s arm did not retreat to hold Xu’s waist, pinching the obvious waistline of his side, compared to his bright and bright movement, he looked at Xu Xingzhi’s eyes but floated A layer of grievances: "Heavy light just wants to help the brothers do a cleanup."

The memory of the original master was interrupted until the plum tree was forced to go down by Meng Zhongguang.

Although Xu Xingzhi didn't want to see the next scene, but now Meng Mengguang posted it so close, he couldn't help but wonder what happened later.

How has his relationship with Meng Zhongguang progressed?

Is it really already...

When Xu Xingzhi was still Xu Ping, he did not go into the golden caves selling springs. However, he just thought that the girls there were beautiful and eye-catching. Listening to them singing a Huaiyang minor was a smooth mood. As for the next step, he thought I thought about it, but my father stayed away from him elsewhere, but the requirements for men and women were very strict. Xu Xingzhi himself was not very interested in this, so he had no experience.

Nowadays, he has not been able to hold Wenxiang nephrite, but he is stunned by a man. This kind of taste is very strange.

When I thought of my father Xu Sanqiu, Xu Xingzhi picked it up again and refused: "... don't hold me."

Meng Chongguang did not want to be rejected by Xu Xingzhi. He immediately showed his injured expression and did not speak. There was a mist in his eyes, but his fingers were buckled on the side of Xu Xing. There was no intention to withdraw.

Xu Xingzhi naturally did not dare to sin Meng Zhongguang and sighed an excuse: "I have never bathed in a few days, you are like this..."

Meng Zhongguang stuck to him, his tone was soft: "The brothers are relieved. The brothers stayed in bed for a few days, and I have to give my brothers a dress every day."

Xu Xingzhi: "..."

If you don't know Meng Zhongguang's thoughts on himself, Xu Xingzhi will definitely praise the child's filial piety in his heart.

However, Xu Xingzhi, who knew the truth, only felt his face burnt.

Meng Zhongguang seems to be particularly inadequate. He lowered his voice and put it in the ear of Xu Xing. He said: "I also confirmed what I always wanted to confirm."

Xu Xingzhi felt that every skin he had attached to was burning with heat: "...what?"

"I have been thinking..." Meng Zhongguang kissed the earlobe of Xu Xingzhi, and satisfactorily saw that the place where he was kissed rose red, and whispered in a small voice, "The brothers have been with the nine lights all these years. I am afraid The nine lights are bullying the brothers, so I quietly tried it..."

Xu Xingzhi took a deep breath and felt a little ominous.

The temptation of Meng Zhongguang slipped past his ear tip: "The brother is very tight. I am so happy."

Xu Xingzhi’s face changed abruptly and immediately broke the arm of Meng Zhongguang and got up a few steps backwards.

I don't know if it is an illusion or something. Xu Xingzhi only felt the unusual feeling of the place where the stool rubbed against the buttocks.

Perceived Xu Xingzhi's resistance, Meng Zhongguang lowered his eyes and seemed to be somewhat low, but he quickly looked up and his eyes were full of bright smiles: "...have a joke with the brothers."

Xu Xingzhi only felt his ears burn tight.

Since Meng Zhongguang’s kiss fell and pushed him into the memory of the original master, more and more things have gone beyond Xu Xingzhi’s imagination and control.

Meng Zhongguang in front of him can be said to be his biggest trouble and variable.

... If Meng Chongguang really has the same feelings as the original owner, then he is not going to...

Fortunately, Xu Xingzhi always thinks about it, and he will be prepared in a few moments.

Even if Meng Zhongguang and the original Lord have already turned over the clouds, it is also the original thing of the Lord; if he wants to do it again, if he wants to obey, is there a second way to go?

This is the body of the original Lord, not his own. If Meng Zhongguang wants it, he will go with him.

After thinking about this, Xu Xingzhi realized that he was too passionate about this story.

- Since Meng Chongguang already knows the location of the wild key fragments, his only prophetic advantage no longer exists. Now he is just a spectator.

Moreover, since the last time he left his name in the tiger, he learned from Zhou Beinan that the year of the wilderness is the same as the year of his original place, and Xu Xingzhi has a hope.

Perhaps... Maybe he also lives in the same world as this group of people, but they don’t know each other.

If he can rely on the power of Meng Zhongguang to return to the world, he can find his family.

Thinking like this, Xu Xing decided to be a god, then he sat back at the table and drunk himself.

Leaving Meng Zhongguang, Xu Xingzhi can't get out of the wild, so it's useless to struggle. It's better to enjoy it.

Meng Zhongguang confirmed that Xu Xingzhi was not angry. He only breathed a sigh of relief and once again approached his body. His eyes were praying: "Brother, these days have passed. Can you forgive the things that heavy light did in the past?"

Xu Xingzhi did not answer.

He did a good job of dedicating himself to Meng Zhongguang for the original owner. However, he did not want to take this move.

So he opened the subject: "Where do we go to pick up the key pieces? Is there a headless sea? Is it a land outside?"

"When the brothers and Zhou Beinan raise their bodies, we will start again." Meng Chongguang did not get the answer he wanted, and he was saddened, but he could be so close to his brother, he was lucky, "...we go A place outside the country."

In the hall of the Fengling Mountain in the world, Jiuzhi Lan is reading the text at the desk and correcting it with cinnabar.

In the hall, there was no one but him, surrounded by walls and a heavy door, which isolated all the sounds of the outside, and it seemed to be like an empty mountain with thousands of birds flying.

When the door was pushed away from the outside, the Jiuzhi lamp looked up and asked, "Is it warm and snowy?"

As soon as the words were exported, the knives and screams that were intertwined in the temple smashed his guesses, and the nine lights flashed their brilliance and returned to the mountains and high waters.

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy