MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 5 Wild Lord

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A warm, soft hand covered Xu’s eyes, blocking his view: "...senior, nothing."

The other hand of Meng Zhongguang was lifted up, and the spider transformed by the spiritual power instantly collapsed into fly ash.

He picked up his fingertips and hooked up the spiritual power that Zhou Nai Nansi had not had time to withdraw. He pushed forward and pushed forward.

Outside the tower, the south side of Zhoubei violently provoked thousands of vines, and he waited for him to react, and he dragged him into the ground.

Zhou Beinan was furious: "Meng -"

A vine decisively blocked his mouth.

Soon, he left only one head left on the ground.

Lu Yujiu put the repaired ghost gun on his head and sat far away from him. He dismissed: "Let you die, deserve it."

Zhou Beinan: "..."

Xu Xingzhi slowed down for a long time before recovering from the state of cold hair and scalp. He blinked and asked, "Is it dead?"

... The sensation of the eyelashes across the palm is very subtle.

Meng Zhongguang withdrew his hand and wrapped around the waist of Xu Xingzhi. He used his forehead against the back of his hand. He snorted warmly and his tone was soft: "...the brothers are relieved, and things that are in the way will die."

Xu Xingzhi’s back was cold, and he always felt that this meaning was meant. When his legs were loose, he jumped from Meng Zhongguang’s body and made his sweaty palm. It was easy to say: “Scared to death.”

He didn't know what the original Lord had before, but since he was the first in the list, he would not be afraid of bugs like himself.

He secretly glared at Meng Zhongguang with his eyes and observed his reaction.

Meng Zhongguang smiled and held the chain of Xu Xingzhi: "It doesn't matter, the brothers don't have to be shy. Didn't you remember the things that you were scared by the locusts and the whole altar of the ghosts were blown up?"

Xu Xingzhi: "..." Do not remember, have not heard of it, really shameful, and leave.

When the crisis was solved, Xu Xingzhi realized how much the two men were in a pose.

At present, the beauty of the color is a real hook, but he has not been confused to forget the grievances of the original owner and the villain.

He pushed Meng Zhongguang and said coldly: "Thank you."

The voice did not fall, Meng Zhongguang did not hesitate to pull the chain, Xu Xingzhi lost his weight, step by step, and hit the back of Meng Zhongguang's chest.

Xu Xingzhi was hit by his head and looked up at Meng Zhongguang. He asked: "...What are you doing??"

Meng Zhongguang did not take care of Xu Xingzhi and said to Zhou Wang: "Go out."

After watching the lively Zhou Wang, I jumped from the bedside and closed the door for them.

Xu Xingzhi was still very sorry for not discovering the news. His eyes were chasing Zhou Wang until she disappeared at the door.

Meng Zhongguang's eye wave circulates slightly: "... Brother, is she good-looking?"

According to Xu Xingzhi's own urine, it is definitely telling the truth, such as "You are much better than her. If you are more than me, I will marry you into the door."

But in view of the wrong situation, he had to continue to install cold: "... Don't make trouble."


Meng Zhongguang suddenly shot, grabbed Xu Xingzhi's cheeks, and it didn't take a few seconds. Xu Xing's face was numb, but Meng Zhongguang had a faint wave of light in his eyes: "...How long should the brothers be cold to me? How long has it to punish me?"

Mom's rabbit scorpion, bullying the teacher to destroy the ancestors, I did not cry what you cry.

Xu Xingzhi was so painful that he was very unfriendly. He struggled to hold the front of Meng Zhongguang with his left hand, and he screamed: "Meng Zhongguang!"

Meng Chongguang ate this scare, and the light was slightly wronged for a while, but it burned the blazing fire.

Immediately, Xu Xingzhi's collarbone was bitten by a bite.

It’s a bite, it’s really cheap, and this bite goes down and the scalp of Xu Xing is numb, and the tears are coming down.

Meng Zhongguang, who has been upgraded from a rabbit scorpion to a dog scorpion, is full of hope: "... Brother, you will call my name again."

His fanatical eyes almost couldn't wait to ignite Xu Xingzhi.

Although he couldn't understand the feelings of Meng Zhongguang on the original Lord, in order to get rid of him, Xu Xingzhi suppressed the doubts in his heart and whispered: "Meng Chongguang, if you still read that I am your brother, don't take me. Tied here. I am also saving your life today. You are treating your savior like this? Did I teach you this way?"

Meng Zhongguang immediately woke up and hurriedly loosened Xu Xingzhi and squatted in front of him: "Yes, brother. I, I know it is wrong..."

Xu Xingzhi thought, ok, this time he figured out that this child is a gyro, and he is owing.

He was thinking, Meng Zhongguang looked up slightly and pleaded: "...but the brothers are very dangerous. I locked the brothers in the room, that is, I am afraid that the brothers will run around, and then there is no danger. The heavy light can no longer lose the brothers." Even a slight risk can't afford it..."

Xu Xingzhi has always had no resistance to the things that are beautiful, let alone the face that I see in the eyes.

For a moment, Xu Xingzhi even felt that there was a father who loved himself from the chest, and could not stop it. He was bitten by a dog scorpion, and it seemed that it was not so sad.

Xu Xingzhi took a deep breath and bargained with him: "But I can't stay in the room all day long, it's better to sit in prison."

Although the wildness itself is a huge prison, at least it is big enough.

Meng Zhongguang thought for a moment and reluctantly said: "...the brothers will go out during the day, but don't leave the tower, and come back later in the evening..."

Although it is not much better, but now it can be a little better, Xu Xingzhi does not disappoint.

When he nodded, Meng Chongguang finally showed some smiles. He was short-shouldered and hugged Xu Xingzhi.

Xu Xingzhi’s horror, because of his unbalanced body, can only instinctively surround Meng’s neck: “What are you doing?”

Meng Zhongguang replied in a special sincere manner: "Senior brother, it is already at night."

Xu Xingzhi saw it from the window lattice, only to feel that there was no difference between the outside and the sky.

Meng Zhongguang answered questions for Xu Xingzhi: "There is no difference between day and night. But now it is night, really."

Xu Xingzhi: "..."

I believe in your evil.

Meng Zhongguang took Xu Xingzhi back to the bed and asked: "Brother, let the heavy light sleep with you."

Xu Xingzhi knows that his opposition is useless. If he says that he is a little heavy, he can't say that he can still see a tearful glory, as if who gave him the weight of Meng Zhongguang.

He simply closed his eyes and rolled to the bottom of the bed to make room for Meng Zhongguang.

Meng Zhongguang happily climbed into the bed, pulled the quilt, and carefully covered Xu Xingzhi. He only occupied a small piece of the outside of the bed, covered a small piece of quilt, and then slept peacefully.

Xu Xingzhi couldn't sleep, and he turned for a long time, and eventually faced Meng Zhongguang.

After a few moments of swelling, Xu Xingzhi used his right hand to hold down his gold chain, to stop it from smashing, and the left hand slowly pulled out the dagger from the waist.

He pointed the tip of the knife down and pointed it at Meng Zhongguang's forehead.

...just one knife down and you can solve everything.

He can walk out of this horrible wildness and return to his father and sister's home. As long as he writes this story without mentioning it, he can be permanently distinguished from the world.

However, Xu Xingzhi felt that everything in front of him had a strange feeling that he could not tell the truth.

It stands to reason that this is a false world created by oneself, but only stayed here for one day, and Xu Xingzhi has a sense of solidity.

These characters are no longer fakes built on paper. They have flesh and blood, they will laugh, they will be angry, and they will be tender and tender.

... including Meng Zhongguang.

He seems to be an unfamiliar dog, but when he is holding himself, he has a warm and sensible body temperature when he is holding his eyes, including now.

For Xu Xingzhi, perhaps the quick fix is ​​the best. But the feeling of the character in the pen is too subtle. Xu Xingzhi can't convince him that he wants to kill only the dummy in a book.

Xu Xingzhi sneered at himself with a mockery, put away the dagger, and closed his eyes.

... He is not really Xu Xingzhi, he has never experienced the hatred of the teacher, and he has never experienced it. Therefore, it is difficult for him to have a sincere hatred against Meng Zhongguang.

On the contrary, he still has a lot of feelings for Meng Zhongguang.

Meng Zhongguang was a living person who walked from his dreams to his paper and came to himself.

Xu Xingzhi needs to find other reasons to kill him, otherwise he will not be able to get it.

After Xu Xingzhi put down the dagger, solved the happy knot, and fell asleep, Meng Zhongguang slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes stayed somewhere in the void.

It is unbiased, just the place where Xu Xingzhi’s dagger stayed.

Meng Zhongguang sat up silently and watched Xu Xing's sleeping face.

In the end, he stroked Xu's lips with his fingers and muttered: "Brother, I have been thinking, where have you been in these years?"

Later, he showed his stunned state, smiling slightly and talking to himself: "... ah, I guessed it. The brother is with the nine lights, right?"

"I am in the wild, and you are in the world, and he is keeping with him every day. The brothers are listening to his rumors, come to kill me, is this the case?"

Said, Meng Zhongguang raised his hand and slammed the throat of Xu Xingzhi.

The long breath circulates back and forth under his palm like a ball, and with a little force, he can easily cut off his throat.

I don't know how long it took to keep this action. Meng Zhongguang still loosened his hand, looked complicated, and whispered, saying: "... Brother, I know, you will always change your mind. It doesn't matter, I will wait."

During the conversation, the interior of the plant swayed the scent of a plant.

Meng Zhongguang lay down again, but he no longer restrained as before, leaving more space for Xu Xing.

He densely wrapped up Xu Xingzhi's limbs and warm body, and put it in his ear, and sighed with anger: "Thank you for not killing me today. But, brother, you have to be punished a little bit. it is good……"

Xu Xingzhi, who gave up the assassination, went to sleep very fast, and he had already fallen asleep in a moment. But somehow, his body gradually burned up, his face was hot, his limbs were soft, his body was numb, and he was a little weak.

In his sleep, there seems to be a vine-like foreign object climbing along his thighs, slowly pulling his ankles, separating his legs, looking forward to coiling, patiently playing with him, and often burying his head. , sip a sip of water in the meandering stream.

Xu Xingzhi struggled, but his hands and feet were weak and crisp, as if a layer of convolution clouds wrapped him wildly and gently, and floated into the air.

He is anxious to break free from this strange dream, but he can't do anything about it. It's easy to wake up, it's the lips and the dizziness. He got up and went to drink water. Whoever had his feet on the ground, he felt a soft soreness at the roots of his thighs. He couldn't help but fell to the ground.

Meng Zhongguang was awakened and quickly got out of bed. He stopped Xu Xingzhi from the back: "Brother, what happened?"

At this time, Xu Xingzhi was physically sensitive and could not be touched at all. After being touched by this, he almost did not control his foot and rolled out Meng Zhongguang.

After a short pause, he regained his voice: "Nothing, a nightmare. Give me a glass of water."

Xu Xingzhi did not know that at this time his cheeks were flushed, his tears were clear, and there was a sense of beauty that he did not know.

Meng Zhongguang obediently poured the water, and there was an unspeakable joy in the back. The dog's tail was shaken.

Xu Xingzhi was lifted up and leaned on the bedside. Meng Huiguang, who looked like this, looked quite cute.

There is a wilderness, there is a mountain, named "Banshan", the yellow sand all over the sky, the frosty wind is tight, the mountain caves are lit with a glimmer of light, it seems that they will be extinguished by the gale at any time.

In the grotto.

A squad who is wrapped in animal skin and green and yellow in front of the body leans forward and is full of light: "Can you see it clearly? Is it really Xu Xingzhi?"

The next person replied: "I saw it when I evacuated. Standing next to Meng Zhongguang, it is indeed the first monarch of Fengling Mountain, Xu Xingzhi! In that year, the day of the test was the same day, I used to He has a side, remember clearly."

The animal skin is happy and smiles. "Good, great! With him, we are hopeful!"

It’s hard to understand the situation immediately.

The animal skin man pressed his majesty and said, "I ask you, who is the owner of Fengling Mountain now?"

When I mentioned the person, all the people underneath hated it, and one voice replied unwillingly: "It’s nine lights."

The animal skin man replied: "Right, as long as we seize Xu Xingzhi and trade with Jiuzhi Lan, he will definitely let us go!"

Someone raised an objection: "The nine lights are mad, and I want to put us to death. How can it be because of Xu Xingzhi..."

"How can it not?" The animal skin screamed and laughed. "The Jiuzhi lamp is the same as the Meng Zhongguang, and he was raised by Xu Xingzhi personally. Who doesn't know the wind of Xu Xing's good sleeves, he brought it out. Good teacher, all sick and ill. The nine lights and his friendship are even more extraordinary. If you take his brother, it is equal to pinching his lifeline!"

The more he talked, the more excited he was, and his expression was full of fanaticism: "When I have been rogue for so many years, I have already had enough! Just grab Xu Xingzhi, we can..."

A graceful woman leaned on the stone wall and thought for a long time before interrupting the excitement of the animal skin: "Xu Xingzhi suddenly appears in the wild, don't you think it is too embarrassing? In the past ten years, the only control The person with the wild key is the nine lights. How did he come in?"

She played with her newly dyed nails and smiled at her lips: "Isn't Xu Xingzhi unable to serve nine lights between the mattresses? Or is it a nine-lamp lamp to send him, is there anything to do? For example, Killing his good teacher, Meng Zhongguang? After all, Meng Zhongguang is now in this wilderness, but he is the only one. If he has some plans, he wants to rush out of the wild, and the nine lights will have a headache?... If these two possibilities If you catch Xu Xingzhi, it will not help, but it will be self-defeating."

The animal skin is stuffed, and the more you think about it, the more reasonable it is, and you can’t help but show the color of frustration.

He hated: "It is also. Xu Xingzhi was a master in the past, who knows no one in the world, what kind of things can't be done?"

The woman hated the iron and did not make a sound in the steel floor. She stepped closer to the animal skin, sat down on his stone seat, and pressed the chest tightly on his arm. He smiled: "Who can say that Xu Xingzhi is useless?" ”

The hidekeeper: "How do you say?"

The woman teased the split lips of the animal skin: "The nine lights are far away from the wild, but... don't you want to rule Meng Zhongguang? Don't you want to **** the position of the wild Lord who was taken away by him?"

The author has something to say: Heavy light: I have special brain skills.

Brother: ... roll.

Heavy light: Wang!

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