MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 44 Deep affection

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When Xu Xingzhi was thrown into bed by Zhou Beinan, he was so inhaled: "We are revengeing me, Zhou Fatzi?"

"Pharmaceutical medicine." Zhou Beinan endured the patience and did not burn with the Xu Xingzhi of this virtue. "Snow dust, hurry, he is burning into charcoal."

Wen Xuechen opened the ring he used to store and took the medicines in order: "In addition to the hundred times you gave me, what medicine have you used? Tell me one by one. If it is a drug, you can't use it."

If you talk about the experience of getting sick, a few people in the temperature and snow dust is an expert.

After Xu Xingzhi reported several drug names, Wen Xuechen picked one out of a pile of medicine bottles, handed it to Zhou Beinan, Zhou Beinan to take the cup, and reconciled the water to the temperature, and sent it to the lips of Xu Xing: "Get yourself up and drink. Don't I hope that this son will feed you."

One of Xu Xing grabbed the edge of the cup and squinted at him.

Zhou Beinan screamed at him, "No skin, no face," and then eagerly reached out and supported his back and fed him to drink.

Wen Xuechen looked at Xu Xingzhi and suddenly asked: "Wu Pingsheng was born with your compatriots, and what are the hatreds, do you have to make trouble to this point?"

One of Xu Xing, turned to go to the north and south of Zhou.

Zhou Beinan can't do it: "...not what I said."

"Indeed, I just passed by and heard something I shouldn't have heard." Wen Xuechen said, "I don't want to inquire about privacy. I just want to remind you to be more careful about him. Today's business..."

Xu Xingzhi grabbed a thick hair and wanted to laugh, but the corner of his mouth seemed to be pulled by people, and he couldn’t show his smile as he used to.

Perhaps in the case of illness, Xu Xingzhi’s heart that he wants to conceal is a lot weaker. Those who have been in his heart for a long time are sprouting in his chest and growing wildly, and they have reached his throat.

He slowly relieved: "...the brother hates me, and there is no reason. After all, I even grabbed the name from him."

"...the name "Xu Pingsheng" was originally mine."

The name of Xu Xingzhi is taken from "Why do you want to scream and Xu Xing", and Xu Pingsheng's name is taken from "a smog of Yan Yuren".

Before Xu Pingsheng was five years old, he was called "Xu Xingzhi."

When his mother was pregnant with a second child, his father suddenly became seriously ill, and the medicine was difficult to treat. The priests at the time passed through Xujiacun. After receiving a lot of money, the person pointed to the mother’s Pregnancy: "This fetus is a woman, and the yin is quite heavy. It hurts people and hurts themselves. It is necessary to suppress the name of the boy in the Yang Shi five years, so that they can solve the problem and enjoy peace."

After the dog-headed priest received a large amount of money and left with satisfaction, Xu Pingsheng became Xu Pingsheng.

The name was so rushed that Xu Pingsheng didn't like it.

He cried to find his mother, wanting to return to his previous name, but the mother stroked the pregnant belly, helplessly comforted him, for his father, a little patience.

After he left, Xu Pingsheng overhearded under the window, and the mother whispered to the children in the belly to "walk", each word reveals endless expectations and hopes.

...he hates this person who has never met.

It turns out that the priest was just a swindler.

The mother’s child who has made a lot of troubles is a male.

The father was thrown away after the birth of his brother for ten days.

The mother fell in the postpartum wind in order to take care of her father's funeral, often with joint pain.

The family began to wander around the year with a greasy taste.

Even when the ghosts were repaired and ransacked and slaughtered Xujiacun, the mother died because of the inconvenience, and then she died under the ghosts and repaired her hands.

In Xu Ping’s young mind, all these disasters occurred after the arrival of the child who took his name.

But he had to live with this child. Because he is a brother.

What is most unbearable to him is that the child does not hate him, not only is he stalking him in front and behind, but he always loves to hold him.

After his mother died, he sold his family's thin produce and took the child to a nearby town to become an apprentice in a bistro.

He wanted to spend the rest of his life quietly here. He even planned everything for himself: When he took down enough money, he bought the vacant house in West Street at a low price. After repairing it, please ask again. Come to the Taoist monk practice, open a small restaurant for middle-aged people to drink, have a home of their own, he will marry a woman who is not beautiful, but gentle enough and lovely, a group of people who are not obedient, but enough contentment The child, calm and idle for the rest of his life.

However, Xu Xingzhi is like a special trip to break his dream.

On the second day in the town, the seven-year-old Xu Xingzhi smashed one of the town tyrants who had more than one.

On the third day, Xu Xingzhi fell down on the back door of the pub, and the ribs broke three.

Xu Pingsheng had to pay for the labor for several months in advance and healed Xu Xingzhi.

After the doctor saw his injury and left the prescription to collect the medical expenses, Xu Pingsheng asked him: "Why are you going to provoke the group?"

Xu Xingzhi did not dare to use force, if the air traveled: "... They yell at me."

Xu Ping was so angry that he almost cried out: "Do you give me less trouble?"

Why do you want to build my brother? I owe you in my life?

Xu Xingzhi opened his mouth and smiled apologetically: "Brother, sorry."

After the reprimand, he looked at the chest under Xu Xing's depression, and then he felt that the thorns were tight, the tears in his chest were tearing, and he was shaking and trying to reach out and touch.

Xu Xingzhi looked at him with amazement: "... Brother, are you crying?"

Xu Pingsheng immediately withdrew his hand and wiped two faces. The face returned to coldness: "Who is crying?"

After he was wounded, Xu Pingsheng reluctantly allocated a portion of the money from his only savings and sent Xu Xingzhi to school.

"Mother passed me before my death, I must send you to Kaimeng. Please study hard, don't make trouble, is it good?"

However, this is just a luxury.

Somehow, Xu Xingzhi was familiar with the gang of idlers in the town.

Naturally, he would not go to bullying with them, and they would see that they had rumors, but they would stop it. The two sides would not agree with each other. As a result, Xu Xingzhi actually had his own fans and younger brothers invisibly.

Xu Xingzhi’s hands grow long and his face is handsome, but the 12-year-old boy has already had a sense of enthusiasm when he walks down the street. He is not sluggish, and he is not confused. There seems to be nothing to make him feel sad, shameful or sad. Xu Pingsheng is the most common person who laughs and does not know what makes him so happy.

Sometimes he walked down the street, and the girl in the attic would throw flowers on him. He took the flowers and kissed him on the lips, causing the girls to blush.

He has never asked Xu Pingsheng for money since he was nine years old. He worked as a short-term worker in the town. The money he earned was handed over to Xu Pingsheng, and the rest were changed.

He can drink and love to drink.

Before Xu Pingsheng was here, I couldn't imagine a yellow-mouthed child who would be drunk and sing at the age of eleven. With a privately-educated teacher who ordered a drink, Zhangkou was a publicity. Leisure."

However, the Xu Xingzhi's eyes are too far-sighted, and the young man who sipping the table in the pub is mediocre.

Xu Xingzhi occasionally passed by the pub door and said to Xu Pingsheng: "Brother!"

A busy little girl with Xu Pingsheng looked at Xu Xingzhi and asked Xu Pingsheng: "Is that person your brother?"

Xu Pingsheng was so indifferent that he didn't want to raise his head: "I don't know."

...if you really don't know it.

However, one day, he had to know him.

At that time, Xu Xingzhi was one of the seriously injured town tyrants to drink at his pub. When the wine cellar was hot, he would like to see Xu Pingsheng.

Xu Pingsheng wiped his hand and went to the horror, but he didn't want to see him. It was a good sigh, and Xu Pingsheng was confused.

The man explained his tongue with a big tongue: "At the beginning... When you first entered the town with you, I saw you being thin and kicked you from behind. I didn’t expect to be so vengeful when I was young. I spent the night at my door, waiting for me to shoot me with bricks... I am doing it with the line, I know that you are the brother of the line, I hope you don’t, don’t care...”

Xu Pingsheng does not remember that. Because he was timid and timid, he was bullied from a young age to a big one, and he would remember who kicked him when he was.

But he clearly remembers that when he asked Xu Xingzhi why he was beaten, his answer was to understate the "he yells at me."

This is called Xu Pingsheng could not help but soften some.

Who would have thought that for three days, they had a beautiful monk who had a foot on the snow and a belt.

Because the mother was deceived when she was a child, Xu Pingsheng did not like the person who cultivated the Tao. However, this person’s words and deeds are very different from those of the wild road monk. It is really difficult for him to give birth to him.

The tone of his speech was very soft and mild to incredible: "I heard that you are the best in this area. It is best to count the rice wine of this family. I listened to my friends and talked about it.

Xu Xingzhi just happened to go to the store today. He wanted to hand over the silver money this month to his elder brother. When he heard the monk talking and interesting, he took the initiative to invite him to a good yellow wine in the store, and he would like to drink with him.

This monk loves wine, but apparently he is not good at wine, and he is drunk and unconscious when he does not have a half altar. Xu Xingzhi packed up for him and took him to a nearby Taoist temple to rest.

On the second day, Xu Xingzhi returned to the store and was excited. "My brother, the Taoist priest said yesterday that I saw it with me. I have tested my spiritual roots and said that I have spirituality and asked if I want to enter the Taoist practice."

Xu Pingsheng is not unexpected. Or, Xu Xingzhi’s personality, he will not be surprised by what he does: “That’s very good. If you believe him, let him go.”

"Brother, let me go with you." Xu Xingzhi held his hand on the side of the wine cellar, and his eyes swayed with a real pleading. "You are my only family. I want to be with my brother."

Perhaps the visit of the town’s hegemony in the past few days has softened his heart. Perhaps it is the heart’s longing for the cultivation of the immortal, long-lived, or from some unspeakable emotion. The ghost made a poor request for Xu’s ridiculous request.

He resigned and joined Feng Xingshan with Xu Xingzhi.

In the first half of the year, he and Xu Xingzhi were both outside disciples, and the two of them joined each other, starting with cleaning up the Mingtang, memorizing the Taoist scriptures and so on.

Xu Pingsheng's heart is calm as never before.

From here, he and Xu Xingzhi are from scratch. His heart is not like Xu Xingzhi, and he has a lot of distracting thoughts on the dust.

He thought that he might be able to do better than Xu Xing here.

However, after half a year of double entry, Xu Xingzhi suddenly disappeared for more than ten days.

When Xu Pingsheng was worried, the new mountain lord Qing Jingjun, who brought them into Fengling Mountain, suddenly held a congression meeting, claiming that Xu Xingzhi’s spiritual roots were outstanding and versatile.

At the time of the full house, Xu Pingsheng felt full of grief and indignation.

Only ten days, Xu Pingsheng and Xu Xingzhi were again separated from the cloud.

God belongs to it, and God wants it. No matter how diligent he is, Xu Pingsheng loses to the illusory "God".

When he still has no repairs, Xu Xingzhi has easily broken through the third order of refining.

When he tried his best and finally climbed the stage of refining, Xu Xingzhi had successfully built the foundation.

When he struggled to break through the fifth-order day and night of refining, Xu Xingzhi has become the head of the list, the seven emotions are over, the temperament, and the scenery. And Xu Xingzhi’s eyes have already reached the point of Jin Dan’s great perfection, and it is very likely that he will become the first person among the four generations to cultivate Yuan Ying’s body.

Xu Pingsheng threw away all the secrets and treasures that Xu Xingzhi secretly gave him, and he climbed to the present position step by step, but still couldn’t see Xu Xing’s items.

Some disciples once saw Xu Xingzhi’s coming to the disciple’s temple to find Xu Pingsheng, and he enviedly asked him: “Xu Pingsheng, who is Xu Youxiong? I heard him call your brother...”

Xu Pingsheng Liang Liangdao: "I have nothing to do with him."

Some disciples who could not understand his disappointment from thousands of miles away laughed at him. "How can he be the brother of Xu’s brother? Is there such a sullen and cheerful person? ”

"This is true. Master loves Xu brothers, and all four know. The magic weapon leaked from Xu’s fingers is enough for us to easily climb the foundation. If he is really brother Xu, how can we still Mixed together?"

After all, the disciples who chatted together laughed.

Xu Pingsheng laughed with them and smiled with cheeks.

After touching the soft nail several times, Xu Xingzhi no longer bothered him.

Xu Pingsheng thought that he could finally cultivate his heart purely. However, one day, a woman found him and asked in aloud: " you Xu Pingsheng?"

With the woman’s first face, Xu Pingsheng’s life was breathless for the first time.

The girl's hair is bundled with a hair band that flutters like a butterfly. The skin is red lips and the muscles are radiant, but it makes people feel uncomfortable. It’s probably because she has a clean and elegant atmosphere, and she has seven points for the appearance of the princes who can be called for her.

Before her, Xu Pingsheng had never seen such a beautiful woman. When she saw it, she fell asleep and was half-word hard.

The girl squinted her head and smiled again and asked: "Are you Xu Pingsheng? My name is Yuan Ruzhen, and it is the next time for the seat of Guangfu."

Xu Pingsheng was really hard to show a smile: "I am. May I ask the teacher, what are you looking for?"

"It’s Xu’s brother who told me to send some fresh pastries with you.” When the girl mentioned the three words, she couldn’t hide her love and admiration. “...who are you from Xu’s brother? I care about you."

... Xu brother. Master Xu. Master Xu.

Xu Pingsheng stood in the spring of March, but his body was as cold as snow.

After a long time, he heard himself saying: "I am only his fellow countryman."

- If everything is standing in the perspective of Xu Pingsheng, Xu Xingzhi is a person who is disgusting.

The author has something to say: Maybe the little angels don't want to see Xu Pingsheng, and I have been thinking about which part of the brothers' memories.

Later, I decided to put this content in a relatively front position, not in the outside.

Xu Pingsheng is a very important person in the plot. If you don’t explain the two people’s predecessors, some behaviors and changes in the later period of Xu Ping’s life will be special neuropathy qwq.

The name of this article is "The villain is too beautiful", the world's villains are relatively speaking, for Xu Pingsheng, the brother is not the overly beautiful villain.

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