MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 2 Reborn

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Thirty miles can only rely on the foot, not to mention carrying a person on the back, the speed of travel is naturally very slow.

Fortunately, this person is not multiple, probably because it is burned to leave only one person to do it, it is easy to carry it back.

The road was also clean, and even a snake worm ant could not see.

And the place they are going to is also particularly eye-catching.

In the 30th mile, Xu Xingzhi can see a towering tower in the southeast. It goes straight to the sky, floats in the sky, and looks at the four scorpions. Only there are traces of artificial axe.

Even without a shadow, Xu Xingzhi will definitely choose to go there.

There is no day in the wild, the sky is heavy, like the pus in the eyes of the old man. It should be a new rain, a sudden shower, a dark day, a forest, and a green tide.

Xu Xingzhi carried a dying coke and walked through the woods.

But after all, it was too quiet, and it was so quiet that it made people snoring. Xu Xingzhi whistled.

The whistle is very clear, as if it can seep into the wet rocks.

He fluently blows through a little tune of the old tune, and then he praises himself with sincerity: "It’s so good."

The person behind him moved a little, and a hot air blew his neck.

... seems to be laughing.

But when Xu Xingzhi went back, his head was quietly resting on his back, motionless.

Probably an illusion.

Through the woods, the hills that appeared in the hustle and bustle appeared first, and Xu Xingzhi’s leg was soft, and it was really exhausted. He simply smashed a dry cave and drilled it in.

There was a rock with moss in the cave. Xu Xing wanted to put the man down on the rock, but he found that the arms were stiff and almost exhausted the whole body around his neck. Only left a little room for breathing.

Xu Xingzhi did not put him down, but if he planned to let go, he would be easily strangled by accident.

Xu Xingzhi was quite helpless, and he did not dare to pat his body, for fear of accidentally shaking his fragile arms and legs: "Hey, wake up. Can you wake up?"

The person behind him squirmed.

Xu Xingzhi said: "Let's take a break here. You let me go."

The man behind him struggled to release the distorted arm a little bit, but did not really let go of Xu Xingzhi, but tightened his clothes.

His voice was still hoarse after being burned: "... Are you leaving?"

Although this face is so terrible, Xu Xingzhi's heart is quite calm.

On the one hand, he only met with the monster, and he was splashed with blood. Now he looks calm.

On the other hand, in the wilderness of monsters, a monster that basically keeps the human form does not seem so terrible.

Xu Xingzhi placed the man on the rock and carefully wrapped the coat down and wrapped it on him. "Do not go."

The man was burned out of his eyes and looked straight at Xu Xingzhi. He said weakly: "Why save me?"

Xu Xingzhi gave him the clothes: "Why are there so many?"

He whispered, "What if I am dead on your back?"

Xu Xingzhi feels very funny: "Nature is to take you home. Can you throw you in the middle of the road?"

After all, he stood up and said, "There is a river outside, I am going to pick up some water and come back. Don't peel the clothes down, otherwise you can tear the skin and don't cry."

The little milk dog liked to grab the clothes that Xu Xingzhi had wrapped him: " pain."

When Xu Xingzhi left, he grabbed Xu Xingzhi's sleeves and sniffed it greedily.

The flesh of his body fell with the pulling action, but he seemed to feel no pain at all.

He whispered: "Brother, brother."

Xu Xingzhi walked out of the cave and squatted down the river. There was still a sense of unreality in his heart.

He crouched down, trying to wash away the blood from his hands, washing and washing, but the blood was so strong that it was unbearable.

Xu Xingzhi’s knees were suddenly soft, and he vomited several times under the river, and did not spit out anything.

He wiped his mouth, lay down to the river, looked up at the wild green sky, and reached out and touched his waist.

The dagger, who was soaked in the aura of heaven and earth, was still there, reminding Xu Xingzhi of his unfinished mission.

Xu Xingzhi did not notice that there was a large snake head slowly swimming out of the forest where he was dozens of feet away.

The snake has only one complete snake head, and the torso is a snake bone, which is only connected with some carrion.

The snake silently spit out the bright red letter in the direction of Xu Xingzhi, and moved to the lower jaw.

Its jaw is wide enough to bite the entire head of Xu Xingzhi.

Xu Xingzhi’s ignorance, only lying in a daze.

The snake stepped closer to Xu Xing, but stopped when he was only ten feet away.

After a while, it seemed to smell something terrible. He turned his head and ran away, and the snake bone swept on the gray ground, making a sharp squeak.

Xu Xingzhi heard the abnormal noise, immediately went to the waist and daggers, and at the same time turned over and looked back -

There was an empty space behind him, and only a few strange traces ran all the way to the edge of the forest, disappearing the trail.

... fuck.

Xu Xingzhi’s judgment is not a long-term place. He took a broad leaf on a tree by the river and washed it with water. He simply rolled up the volume and put a little water.

When filling the water, he did not intend to see his reflection on the water.

Rao knows the dangers of this place, Xu Xingzhi still can't help but spend time staying.

This face is really not bad, the body is repaired, quite the wind of the celebrity celebrities, the face does not move, the movement is pleasing, the eyebrows and noses, all without the word "junmei".

It is probably because the temperament is too expensive and clear, and there is a tear in the left corner of the eye. Xu Xingzhi’s face is up, and he can see the cool color of abstinence.

Xu Xingzhi thought that God gave this face to his broken mouth. It was a violent thing.

When Xu Xingzhi felt, the big snake that slipped into the forest was rolling painfully and silently on the ground.

- Its joints are being smashed by a strange force, and the sound is loud, like a grass that has been ruined.

When Xu Xingzhi returned to the cave, he found that the shadow had already sat up, and he was holding a hay in his hand.

The hay has begun to fold a few broken marks from the end.

He folded the number while counting: "... five, six, seven..."

Seeing Xu Xingzhi's return, he turned his hands behind him and looked up at Xu Xingzhi.

... fascinating.

Xu Xingzhi saw that his spirit was not bad. He told him to drink water and urged him: "Let's go faster. It's not quite right here."

The black shadow nodded, and the weeds that were folded in the handle were put down, and two arms were extended, meaning clear.

... to back.

Xu Xingzhi looked at him: "I don't think you are hurt very badly. Go up and go."

The shadow does not move, just look up at Xu Xingzhi.

Xu Xingzhi and he confronted each other for a few seconds, not moving: "Get up."

The black shadow is still holding his arm, and his chin is slightly closed, which is actually a grievance.

Xu Xingzhi faced the man who couldn’t see the face of the facial features and insisted for a moment. The brow was impatient and wrinkled: "...hey."

When he came out of the cave, the shadow was still on the back of Xu Xing, wrapped in the robe of Xu Xingzhi.

Xu Xingzhi took the leg of the trousers and waded toward the other side, while the black shadow turned back and looked at the dense forest, and Sen smiled coldly.

The bone snake fell in the forest, and the bones twisted into a mass of mud, and the ground was full of remnants after struggling.

It fell in a weed, and there was no breath.

A group of broad bean-sized ants emerged from the nest, and the bone snake was cleaned up in a few moments.

The strange thing is that when passing through the forest footprints that Xu Xing just stepped on, they were afraid to avoid it and circumvent it directly, as if a terrible beast had just passed by.

The journey of 30 miles did not say a word. After all, it was boring. Xu Xingzhi spent more than 20 miles. After finishing the memory of the original master, I found that most of them were scattered and broken, not quite complete. The fragment, even the appearance of Meng Zhongguang is vague.

Xu Xingzhi felt strange at first, but it was reasonable to think about it. This memory was stripped from the dead. It is not surprising if there is any detail.

The only thing he knows now is that there is a cinnabar in the center of Meng Zhongguang’s forehead.

To kill Meng Zhongguang, you must cut the knife from there.

The left and right are boring, Xu Xingzhi took the initiative to talk to the people on the back: "How did you get hurt?"

The man was hoarse: "... was concealed."

Xu Xingzhi asked: "How long have you been in the wild?"

He said: "I don't remember. It feels like a hundred years."

When Xu Xingzhi was joking, he went straight to the theme: "Do you know Meng Zhongguang?"

The black shadow is silent for a moment: "What are you looking for?"

Xu Xingzhi found a door, did not feel pleasantly surprised, and replied: "He is my younger brother..."

The black shadow just wanted to say something. The two suddenly heard the sound of the blast in the distance, and the ripples of the spiritual wind wrapped in the hot air pushed over and almost swept Xu Xingzhi to the ground.

The source of the loud noise is the direction of the giant tower in the southeast.

The black shadow is rare to reveal an anxious color, pushing the shoulder of Xu Xingzhi: "It is that place, go! Go!"

According to the personality of Xu Xingzhi, it is sure to immediately turn around and run to the northwest. The sooner the better, never touch the moldy head, but when I think that Meng Zhongguang may be there, Xu Xingzhi simply bites his teeth and faces the tower. Going wild.

As he approached the center of the battle, Xu Xingzhi felt that the people on his back were restless.

In the same way, the closer to the edge of the giant tower, the more inexplicable oppression is called Xu Xing's breathlessness.

The first person to enter Xu Xingzhi’s sight was a young man standing on a cliff. Half of the horrible iron ghost face blocked his upper half face. He was in a high place and fluttered like a crow, palm. There are lavender fluttering.

...but this is a small crow.

Xu Xingzhi remembers this person, he also appeared in his own words. He is the master of Meng Zhongguang, a ghost repairer, and a master of the evil spirits.

But Xu Xingzhi had not had time to give him a name.

Accurately speaking, in the entire book, Xu Xingzhi only named Meng Chongguang.

In Xu Xingzhi's vision, the world is divided into people's repairs, demon repairs, ghost repairs, and magic repairs. Among them, only one person is a well-recognized righteous, and has the ability to command the three realms.

The so-called demon repair is the essence of heaven and earth, and it is the cultivation of animals and plants.

The so-called ghost repair is based on the principle that "all beings will die, and death will return to the earth."

As for the human repair and the magic repair, this is all people, but the road is all the way, each side, the people repair, the monastic repair, pay attention to the long flowing water, natural natural; magic repair, bone repair and skin, pay attention to the fire cooking oil, pay attention to Ecstasy.

Those trapped in the wild, without exception, are not demons and ghosts, as well as those who have made mistakes and broke into evil ways.

Xu Xingzhi looked very far, and sure enough, there were a few rags of ghosts and sorrows flying around, and each hand held a sharp blade, fighting with the enemy.

Their forehead is flashing the lilac moiré that matches the color of the ghost face.

Ghost face youth is in the heights, although it is dark, but it is too conspicuous, and soon, a sharp arrow aimed at his chest, such as flying over the gap, went straight.

When the arrow was still more than ten feet away from him, a nine-turn rifle with more than half a foot was suddenly guarded in front of him, and it was against the arrow.

The two fronts reached each other and crossed an arc. The gun was hard to open the arrow from the middle!

Subsequently, there was a phantom float in front of the ghost face youth, gradually showing a figure.

The figure grabbed the end of the rifle and the wrist trembled, causing the rifle to draw a full arc of light in midair.

It was a very beautiful young man, but his eyebrows also had a little lavender moiré.

... This shows that he is also a dead soul.

He temporarily dropped the fierce battlefield underneath, and turned back to the young man wearing a ghost mask. He leaned down and took a sip at the tip of his mask. He smiled and said: " are you so careless, don't know Hide somewhere."

Ghost face youth, shy and annoyed: "Zhou Beinan, you can give me down!"

At the tip of his fingertips, the purple light floated, and the young man with the gun fell off the cliff uncontrollably and squatted in the air for several times before he stood firm.

The ghost face youth touched the tip of the nose, biting the full lips, and licking the corners of his mouth, as if he was sulking.

The shadow behind Xu Xingzhi sighed sincerely: "...just fine."

Xu Xingzhi asked him: "What should I do now?"

The shadow went to the sky and made a whistle.

Xu Xingzhi did not know that he was doing this. He just wanted to ask, and a skeleton bone suddenly emerged from a huge rock, and it was scared that Xu Xing’s almost didn’t come up.

It was a female cheekbone, and the whole body was clean and clean. There was no trace of flesh, but there was a cloud of black hair, which was properly picked up by her, and she took a twilight long sash.

She first saw the burnt man, and was surprised: "You just went out and scattered, how did you get it?"

The black shadow did not answer, only coldly asked: "What happened?"

The bone girl stretched out the left hand of the bones, and placed it on the left wrist vein of the black shadow, saying: "It is the one that seals the mountain."

The black shadow laughs: "...not self-reliant."

The bones of the bones begin to glow in light green, pushing a ray of light into the shadows: "I will heal you don't have to worry. Even if you don't come back, they can win with Qu Chi and Zhou Beinan. ""

Hearing this conversation, Xu Xingzhi felt that there was some strangeness, but the collision of the treasures and the screaming screams disturbed his thinking. He no longer thought about it and took a head out from their hiding place.

In the melee, it is difficult for the enemy and the enemy to distinguish. Everyone is full of clothes and looks good. If you want to say something different, it is probably a 13-year-old girl.

She was very thin, and her brown shorts were torn and ruined. The sleeves were pulled over the elbows, revealing the fine wrists of the white frost.

And the contrast with all this is a sword that she holds in her hands. The double knife is made of bronze. If she stands up, it is not much shorter than her height, but she can easily swing with one hand. The leaping slashed the other's neck.

Her face was stained with blood, and she was white and weak.

As the bone girl said, the people who came to attack the giant tower quickly retreated like a tide, dragging their troops away.

The girl crossed the double-knife and inserted it back into a scabbard that intersected into a cross.

Xu Xingzhi was anxious and jumped out of the hiding place and shouted: "Mo chase!"

The battle site is in the empty valley, and his sound layer is layered and swayed.

The girl smelled back and saw a strange man, not surprised, slightly gimmick.

The ghost face youth standing on the cliff also followed the prestige, and the palm of his hand disappeared. He was used to manipulate the ghosts and float in the air, and fell to the ground.

He muttered: "...Xu brother?"

The girl is not afraid of him, and she raises her voice and asks: "Why don't you chase? They obviously have escaped from the landfall!"

Xu Xingzhi pointed to the direction in which they left: "The flag has not fallen, and the formation has not been chaotic when you fled. Have you seen such a methodical escape?"

When the girl stunned, she didn’t know if she should go after it.

The bone girl who had just been treated for the black shadow looked at Xu Xingzhi, and the skeleton made a whistling sound.

"Listen to him."

A cold command came from behind Xu Xingzhi.

Xu Xingzhi looked back and looked at the time.

The body of the black shadow was stretched out, and the body was dehydrated to the extreme, and the body quickly grew beyond the height of Xu Xingzhi.

He is like a butterfly after the feathering, and the skin of the smashed meat is removed, revealing the inside of the inside.

His skin is extremely white, white to have a feeling of faint light, the so-called "male color slut", he probably only took up the last two words, squatting under the body of a misty lazy bone, but not called People are bored, their eyes are slightly smeared upwards, and a natural dan red is dyed at the end of the eye.

He wrapped his body in the robe of Xu Xingzhi, but he did not wear more charms than anything else. The blockage was not blocked.

Xu Xingzhi saw his face only for a moment, but could not remove his sight from below his abdominal groove.

... fuck.

This person looks like a pretty girl, and she is bigger than me.

Xu Xingzhi thought for a long time and realized that he had just lost something very important.

... This person's eyebrows seems to have produced a very beautiful cinnabar.

Xu Xingzhi looked up and just matched a pair of peach eyes.

The masters of peach eyes and cinnabars looked at Xu Xingzhi so closely, and they looked like a deep pool. They both hooked people and had the desire to kill the people in front of them: "Brothers, heavy light has been waiting for you for so many years." , you finally came to me."

Read The Duke's Passion