MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 105 I don’t know each other

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The Jiuzhi lamp didn't care much. The exhibition was self-contained and told him: "Call Zhou Yunlie. The matter is handled by him."

The disciples are quite puzzled, but they dare not violate the rules. They handed over: "Zhou Chuan is in the Tianchuan, is calling now, or waiting for tomorrow morning..."

"He is very busy. When you ask him to come to you, you will be." Jiuzhi Lan will turn the book in the palm of his hand and go to the page. "I will always lock myself up and refine my day. He should also do some serious things."

The disciple took the lead to retreat.

In a few moments, another disciple pushed in and brought in a light fragrant wind, and a far-reaching whistling sound from the sky, and the lights in front of the nine lights shook a few.

The woman's voice is soft and soft, like a plum wine that is just right: "Mountain Lord, I am here to serve you."

Nine branches of the lamp are not lifted, as if the old bamboo new ink is more interesting than the face of the beautiful woman in front of the eyes: "The tea is put down, you can go."

The sound of water in the ear came into the ear, and the scent of the wine floated, causing a glimpse of the nine branches of the eyebrows, looking sideways, just as opposed to the woman’s affection.

The eyes are soft and sly, and the title is hilarious, like a passionate geese.

The Jiuzhi lamp ignored the enchanting spirit of the eye, and the cold and cold feeling of the tone, horizontal and vertical: "... repairing the Huanzong?"

Being so straightforward, the woman was quite boring, but when she thought about coming to the gambling with her sisters, she still smirked and said: "The mountain owner is really eye-catching. If it is cold today, drink this glass of wine, warm. Let's body."

"I don't drink alcohol."

“Hey,” said the woman. “I heard people say that the mountain owner is massive.”

The whole body of the Jiuzhi lamp was cold with his eyes: "...quite."

The woman licked her lips.

Shortly after the completion of the Hehuan ancestors, the talents were acceptable, and they developed some ignorant temperament. The beautiful men like these blue-light monks are both fearful and can’t help themselves.

But without her further action, Jiuzhi Deng said: "I only need people to serve tea, there is nothing else to say. Go."

The woman had a boss's faceless face, because she was more beautiful than the ordinary woman, and her heart was also reduced to the size of a needle-pointed mang, and she did not forget the joke before leaving: "You have no smell at all here." Like a grave."

Jiuzhi lamp did not care about her, she also expected this point, passed the mouth addiction, triumphantly left, and even forgot to take away the warm wine she specially prepared.

The taste fluttered out of the silver pot lid, and the Jiuzhi lamp was inadvertently reviewed. He upset and pushed the jug away. He wanted to be far away from it, but he lost his head. As the table turned downside down, the cover of the cover was broken, and the scent of the wine immediately filled the corners of the green bamboo temple.

The cold sweat of the Jiuzhi lamp instantly fell, and the mouth of the temple was pushed open to the temple door. The clothes rushed into the bamboo forest on the side of the temple, and the bamboo was bent over and vomited.

Until he stopped himself and walked out of the bamboo forest, no one saw the wolverine of the mountain owner.

He looked dim and his eyes were red, and he sat alone in front of the temple, quietly waiting for the wine to disperse.

Jiuzhi lights red eyes look at the moon, like a quiet rabbit.

At this time, he changed back to the teenager who was always used to waiting, sitting in the corner of Fengling Mountain, waiting for his brother who loved drinking in the middle of the night to go home and warm him a bowl of hangover soup.

After a gust of wind, the wind chimes hanging under the gallery rang, and the nine-leaf lamp lips squinted a little smile, and the sound was logically imagined as a brother practicing sword.

Suddenly, he returned to his youth. The brothers supported his waist and taught himself how to practice his sword. He patiently held his hand and told him that Fengling’s swordsmanship is more flexible and he wants to imagine the sword as yours. Arm.

After all, he danced a set of Fengling swords with the young man, and the swordsmanship was freehand, but the Jiuzhi lamp now recalls only the temperature of his palm and the touch of the scorpion.

At that time he was still young. At that time, Xu Xingzhi’s hand was not cold.

All kinds of things, such as yesterday’s death, are now born.

Soon, the disciples who had just come to the temple came again and bowed down and bowed down: "Returning to the mountain, there should be a response from Tianchuan. Zhou Yunlie will be able to arrive after half an hour."

"Know it." He stood up and reborn from the boy into a mountain lord. "Call people to clean up the temple. I went to the mountains to practice the sword. Zhou Yunlie came, and came to me."

In the Tianchuan River, the smoky smoke falls into the sea, the sand gull sticks, the tide has receded, and the empty waves are shattered.

A Demon disciple walked quickly to Danfang in the sound of the waves. Before he approached, he could not stand the smoky medicinal cigarettes and coughed twice, only to scream in a smoked fire. Zhou Chuan, there is a letter bomb on the side of Fengling, please come over."

Zhou Yunlie did not respond, and the disciple called it again. There is still no response.

He was about to push the door in, and Zhou Yunlie walked out from inside.

It is a young man with a look of twenty-five and six years old. Unlike his name, he is actually very gentle. The facial features are like Zhou Xian, and his face looks like Zhou Beinan. However, he seems to have a kind of old and old forty or fifty years old. .

His face was flaming in flames, but his lips were shaking with ecstasy: "When I change clothes, I will go immediately."

The disciple did not want to enter the Dan Room. When the words arrived, they turned and went.

Zhou Yunlie re-entered Danfang and watched the faint shadow that was faintly smouldering.

Zhoubei Nanli is there, dumb voice: "Father, the nine lights are calling you, you go."

Zhou Yunlie’s lips were shaking even more. In front of his son, he was like a child who made a mistake: “Northern China... I have not done anything in these years.”

Zhou Beinan looked at the copper stove on the side of the body that I didn’t know how many times the fire was fired and the bottom was burnt red, saying, “I know.”

Zhou Yunlie eagerly wants to pull his son's sleeve: "Northern, you believe me, you..."

Zhou Beinan did not dodge, because he knew that whether he was hiding or not hiding, he was like a cigarette in the furnace, could not touch, could not touch.

After catching an empty Zhou Yunlie, the face was dead.

Seeing such a father, Zhou Beinan couldn’t tell what was in his heart.

When he went to save the small string, he was good at making claims and did not explain to his father. Because he knew that his father’s temperament was not like his name, the heroic loyalty, and the pros and cons of him and his help to save the small strings, it was better than quick fix. .

However, he never expected that the cool valley valley would have nothing to do, and the father’s courage was scared.

His pregnant daughter and grandson fell into the hands of the magic road, and the son took the initiative to go to the magic road to find out. If Zhou Beinan rescued Zhou Xian, it would be a disaster for the Tianchuan; if Zhou Beinan lost the magic road, a pair of children would fall into the magic road. Hand, Ying Tianchuan will completely fall into the passive situation.

Therefore, Zhou Yunlie thought of a drop in order to protect his children and the Taiping Changan of Tianchuan.

"Down" is only a virtual and a snake, but only temporarily with the Magic Road to maintain the lives of the strings and North and South. Is there not Danyang Peak and Fengling Mountain? There is also a world book in Fengling Mountain. There is no problem in trying to resist the Magic Road.

If they are there, they should surrender to Tianchuan, and they will not be able to temporarily paralyze the people of the magic. On the day of counter-attack, they should be outside, and there will be no way to go.

People tend to be lucky, and if there is a retreat, the retreat will become the only way.

So, he walked back on the road, and it was a long period of thirteen years.

When watching a pair of children being thrown into the wild, Zhou Yunlie still holds a glimmer of hope, thinking that this brother and sister are alive and well, and they can take care of each other in the wild.

Now his son is turned into a ghost, standing in front of him, his face is not hurt, and his heart is flawed.

The father and the son stand opposite each other, but there is a gap between them.

After a long silence, Zhou Beinan urged him: "Father, let's go."

Zhou Yunlie also knew that he could not delay for too long. He turned and walked a few steps, turned his head again, and asked with hope: "The string... is it out?"

Zhou Beinan’s ear is a glimpse.

He didn't know what he said, but it was probably the answer that Zhou Yunlie was satisfied with, because he was hopeful and raised his habits and walked out.

Zhou Beinan looked at Dan furnace for a while and then stayed up to converge on his own breath and spiritual power. The body naturally disappeared. He fluttered outwards and wanted to see the old friends who were still good.

He was lucky today. As soon as he went out, he saw a few familiar faces and walked forward.

Zhou Beinan followed behind them, imagining that they had a lot of fun in their past, and they smiled on their faces.

After a while, he discovered that these people went in the direction of their former sleeping hall.

After Zhou Beinan was mixed into Yingtianchuan, he met the father holding Danbo, and then he followed, and he would return to his room to see one or two in the future.

He secretly conceived that he would show his face in front of them and scare them.

However, after crossing a junction, Zhou Beinan lived.

His residence has become an empty military field. The bricks and tiles that he was familiar with, one stone and one stone, no longer exist.

Zhou Beinan thought that he had read it wrong. He looked at it and looked at it. He saw his friends put a bowl of wine here, sitting around in the middle of the moon, and one of them led the way: "King Zhou Gongzi ""

Others followed: "King Zhou Gongzi."

This is obviously what they often do, they are familiar with the road, and the sound is extremely low.

And the people they want to respect, have already turned around and ran away.

Zhou Beinan, who has made a soul, shuttles in the corner of Ying Tianchuan, and the wolf is like a stranger.

The pavilions he is familiar with have changed their appearances. All the people who know each other are like being erased with the spirit of God. The old friends who are heading down are the magic roads.

In the rampage, I saw countless weeks of North and South coming face-to-face, Zhang Yang's happy Zhou Beinan, the laughing and roaring Zhou Beinan, the Zhou Beinan, the **** Zhou Beinan, and finally, all of them are floating sand phantoms.

Zhou Beinan rushed to the white sand beach, but there was no major change in the scene.

In his chest, he was like a soup, and he gasped for a while, then he threw himself on the sand. He shouted like a crying smile, screaming the sound of the waves and swallowing his ghost cry.

He finally came back and came back to his hometown that he could not recognize.

Zhou Beinan did not have a moment of hatred like this, and the confusion of the original heart was swept away. Only the blood of the roaring screamed in the cavity.


- Kill them.

At this time, the two disciples of the night priests went through the lights.

Zhou Beinan slowly turned his head and flashed **** redness in the eyes.

And between the tea houses of the small town of Dawu Mountain, which is far away from this, Xu Xingzhi walked down from the second floor.

On the first floor, there was a light on the palm of the hand, and the door opened. Qu Chi and a person who was bowing the tea cup stood between the main hall.

When I saw Xu Xingzhi, Qu Chi explained to him: "I didn't see the two men coming on shortly after I left the town. They told me one thing, I want to bring them back, let you listen."

The light shadow was slightly dim, Xu Xingzhi blinked slightly, and looked at the person who was quite familiar with the figure. The man also realized that he was being looked at, and looked up in a frank manner. He did not speak first, and Dan Feng’s eyes were bright and colorful. : "Do you remember me?"

One of Xu Xing’s eyes reveals a few happy colors: “卅四?”

When I lifted my hand and stopped, I stopped Xu Xing’s eagerness to export. “First wait. I still want to see you here.”

After all, he looked back and saw that the man was still squatting outside the door, the band was smashed and smashed, and he was about to get into the meat. The scarf on the neck to cover the stitching was more like a bunch. It is going to hang, it looks shabby and cramped, and there is a plain paper bag on the side of the body.

I saw him in this pocket, and he smashed his forehead: "...mama."

He stepped out of the threshold in a few steps and slammed him up: "Can't you get in?"

I couldn't help but tell the outsiders that the four of them pushed him into the tea house. The building was filled with a bit of cold and yin, and after falling into the entrance, his clothes were hurricane and the candlelight was shaken.

Meng Chongguang has been following Xu Xing's body, to see the person's appearance, his eyebrows are sharp and tight, and the disgusting feelings are beyond words.

Xu Xingzhi’s throat is a glimpse: “Life...”

The person who was yelling at him had a stiff shoulder and slowly looked up and looked at Xu Xingzhi. He looked very carefully.

When he saw him squatting, he poked his finger again: "Go. Don't you know? You are thinking about your younger brother, hey, just there."

Xu Pingsheng turned his eyes and looked at the monkey's expression helplessly: "... wrong."

Both Yan and Xu Xing are somewhat awkward.

Twenty-four: "... Wait, what is wrong?"

Xu Xingzhi went down a few steps, the clothes moved, and there was a scent of aroma. The smell of the person in front of him made Xu Pingsheng feel more intimate. Therefore, he repeatedly cleared the scorpion several times before clearing the hoarse voice. Added a few clear and gentle colors.

"Sorry, we are looking for the wrong person." Xu Pingsheng politely grabbed the sleeves of Yan Si. "We will retire immediately."

He took a handful of four: "Sow your hands! Xu Pingsheng, you are awkward again? Who is this? You don't remember?"

Xu Pingsheng looked in the direction of his fingers and saw that the fan-strapped youth had always been free from grievances, and his heart was slightly painful, but he couldn’t figure out why.

The smell on this person makes him feel at ease, then...may he know where he is going?

The long-night-clear youth bowed politely to Xu Xing: "I want to ask you about someone."

"My brother is doing this, so small." Xu Pingsheng stroked his knee and grinned at Xu Xingzhi. "I took him to the town to buy shoes. He lost. You saw him?"

The author has something to say: In front of his brother, the brother always wants to be a younger brother qwq

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