MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 100 The people do not return

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The sun is coming out and the streets are getting more and more lively.

Ling powder cake, fried white intestine, fried noodles, peanut burden, river fresh ice bowl, sour bitter and salty; chicken trafficker, tinker, Mr. Ge, sharpening, pinching doll, noisy and noisy, together It became the appearance of fireworks among individuals.

The tea house borrowed the name of the boss to visit relatives and announced that it was temporarily closed for business. More than a dozen people who have just returned to the world have invariably shrunk in the private rooms on the second floor of the tea house, and looked at the mortal scenes through the lattice window.

In the face of wild monsters and monsters, they are commonplace and well-versed. However, people have not seen such a large number of people for a long time, and they are simply overwhelmed. Everyone feels like a beast that has been mistaken into the world from the mountains. Self-defeating, as if you have grown invisible minions and long hair.

The so-called township turned like a rotten Ke, but nothing.

Among all, only Xu Xingzhi spent 13 years in the false world. Although I have seen the illusion of the street for thirteen years, it is always better than nothing, so that he will not be afraid of everything in front of him.

Xu Xingzhi carefully took the bamboo curtains of all the private rooms on the second floor. They only taught them to listen to the sounds of the world, and gradually got used to it. He led Zhou Wang and picked a sunny private room and squatted in the window. On the side, took a few of the money from the boss, first taught her to recognize the worldly money, and introduced her to the street snacks and all kinds of fresh things.

Zhou Wang’s eyes whispered around, like a deer running into the market. Everything was fresh and strange, and the diagonally diagonally smashed stalls, she stared at the little half an hour until it Gradually born, revealing the appearance of a bamboo bone silver plaque.

Xu Xingzhi asked her: "Like?"

Zhou Wang answered the question: "Dang Niang gave me a small bag with flowers and grass, wrapped around a few lines, told me that this is called a kite, and I can fly to the sky with the line. From the line to the making, he is full. It took half a month."

Xu Xingzhi is silent.

Zhou Wangtuo looked at the opposite side and said slowly: "Actually, the kite is not very fun. I put it up in the afternoon. But the girl looked at me and had fun. On the second day, I took the kite and gave it to me. So every day after I practiced the exercises, I will take the line and run around. From the age of four to nine, I put it for five years."

"Is it still?" Xu Xingzhi asked.

Zhou Wang took out a small cloth pocket from his arms and broke a big irreparable big mouth. Perhaps this is why it can't continue to let go.

Above, there are not only flowers and grasses spun with plant juice stains, but also little girls lying in the flowers and plants. If it is described in the manner of Zhou Wang's childhood, it really takes half a month to embroider.

Zhou looked up at the dazzling sundial and closed his eyes.

There was a reddish color in front of her eyes, which gradually turned into a pale, 20-year-old mortal youth image.

When he first saw her flying a kite, he stood in front of the tower and patted his hand. Ai Ai shouted to the little girl who was flying in front: "Awang, fly. Fly."

Later, the girl grew up, gave birth to her wings, flew out of the wild, and went to a place without him.

Xu Xingzhi did not speak, only extended his right arm and pressed the wooden hand to press Zhou Wang’s head down.

For a long time, Xu Xingzhi was afraid of hurting her eyes.

Tao leisure used a flesh and blood, in exchange for Xu Xingzhi's right arm, so that Xu Xingzhi would not become more ruined, but he was half-happy and not. Although the only glimmer of hope is pinned on Meng Zhongguang, it is also awkward.

However, since they have returned to the world, they have to consider doing something.

He was thinking about it, and he heard a scream coming from the side wall.

As soon as he heard the voice, Xu Xingzhi reacted. He brushed a bamboo curtain and turned his head. He shouted: "Come on. Pull it up."

After a long time, Zhou Beinan took a painful face through the wall with his left hand. After coming over, he was also welcome. He opened his mouth and said: "There are people who have curtains in the private rooms. Why do you have a sun here?!"

Xu Xingzhi jumped from the window sill: "Whoever lets you look at it, you will go inside."

Said, he came to Zhoubei South, and raised his chin: "...hand, let me see."

Zhou Beinan took his right hand to protect his left hand and banged him: "It’s rolling, it’s not disgusting."

Xu Xingzhi did not say anything, a folding fan knocked on the back of his right hand.

Zhou Beinan was knocked out of the gods, and his right hand was loose. Xu Xingzhi picked up his left hand palm with a "free pen" and hooked it to the front. When he looked at it, his brow smashed up: "Xiaolu!"

Zhou Beinan was hiding fast after seeing the sun, but the back of the left hand was still injured by the sun. Fortunately, Lu Yuji heard him yelling from the distance, and heard Xu Xingzhi call him, and soon he rushed. Come over, catch the hand of Zhou Beinan and help him heal the spirit.

The speciality of Zhou Beinan is not very obvious in the wilderness. When I came to the world, I immediately showed loneliness and helplessness.

——Where the ghosts are slaves, only when they are in wartime, there are ghosts who can supply spiritual power to fear the sun and the sun. The usual ghosts and ghosts are not much different from the general ghosts. The fear of light and fear is hot, and Zhou Beinan’s repairs are not spared. In the daytime, it is inevitable to be weak, not to mention that the face has been covered with a slap in the face. If he does not block his hand in time, this face may not be seen now.

Zhou Beinan sipped cold air and said to Zhou Wang: "Quchi woke up. Awang, you go and have a look."

Xu Xingzhi’s sleeves started and felt that there was nothing in his own life: “I will go too.”

"He is very good, that is, he has been in a daze." Zhou Beinan waved his hand. "Awang goes, you stay. Xiaolu has something to tell you."

After sending away Zhou Wang, Lu Yujiu said his thoughts: "Xu brother, I want to go back to the cool valley."

Xu Xingzhi nodded: "Yes. Wait for the light, then the time"

Lu Yujiu has some difficulties: "...when will he be back?"

"Is it urgent?"

Lu Yujiu took out the few pieces of the jade roulette that had been properly wrapped by him.

Xu Xingzhi understands that in the case of Wen Xuechen, the jade is like a body, solitary and straight, and now the jade is broken, and it cannot be left in the wild, but should be buried in the cool valley.

At this time, it was still a long time from the dark, so Xu Xingzhi asked Zhou Beinan: "Are you left, or follow him?"

Zhou Beinan shook his head: "Meng Zhongguang has not returned yet, and Qu Chi is confused. I have to stay."

Lu Yujiu inserted a sentence: "In fact, I can only go back alone, but Beinan said that we must let Master Xu accompany them..."

Xu Xingzhi beheaded.

This is also true. No one knows what the cool valley is now. If there is a magical guard, the Lu Yujiu **** will be eager to make a move.

Although he has already become the body of Yuan Ying, but the most powerful ghost slaves in his family are not in the north and south, it is difficult to continue only by those remnants.

Thinking about this, Xu Xingzhi on Lu Yujiu: "Yes. Anyway, Zhou Fatzi can't use it. I will accompany you for a trip."

It was said that Zhou Beinan went down to the bench and was so angry that he wanted to give Xu Xingzhi a bar.

Since the two have agreed, they will travel immediately and strive to go back early.

After they left, Zhou Beinan sat on the first floor of the closed tea house, sitting under a window swaying with fine dust to wipe his rifle.

Unexpectedly, after a quarter of an hour, the three footsteps rang down from the upstairs.

Zhou Beinan looked up and waited until one of the three people in the Qing Dynasty was inevitably surprised: "Qu Chi? Where are you going?"

Qu Chi乖乖 stood still: "...going out."

Zhou Beinan felt that he chose to ask Qu Chi that he really went into the water and turned to look at Zhou Wang.

Zhou Wang followed with Qu Chi, and was slightly helpless: "Cognac said that he wants to go out and don't know where he is going."

Qu Chi Wen Sheng guaranteed: "I don't go far. I just go looking for Tao Xian."

... There is silence in the four.

Qu Chi has a well-founded analysis: "If he is not here, he must have gone outside."

Zhou Wang was a little flustered and looked at Zhou Beinan: "...hey?"

Zhou Beinan thought about it and thought that it would be harmless to let him go out.

As soon as the Qu Chi acted, it was always safe, even if it was after the loss of wisdom, it was not a slap in the face. If he was forced to stay here, the trouble would not be good. Secondly, he did not have Danyangfeng clothing. It is not a fairyland, but it is difficult for people who practice monasticism to pass by, and there is no need to worry about being recognized.

More importantly, the person who is most comforting is gone.

He didn't dare to tell Qu Chi about the things he had, but he didn't know how to deal with a series of reactions that were likely to happen after he was told.

So, he waved his hand for comfort: "Go. Go early and go back early."

In order to ensure that there is no loss, Zhou Beinan calls for Danyang Fenglin Good Letter: "Follow them, take care."

However, Zhou Beinan thought so much, after all, he still missed a ring.

——The clothing suit of the three people is very different from that of the market. When they go out, they get countless attentions.

Just watching the flow of people upstairs, Zhou Wang did not think that anything was wrong, until she was mixed into the heap of people, only the small beast like a wake up, looked around. At the moment of meeting the pedestrians, the two shoulders were accidentally squatting in one place. The first reaction of Zhou Wang was to pull the knife, and the hand pressed back to the back to remember that it would cause trouble. The two giant blades of copper The knife was removed before she went out.

Compared with the bird-like look of the bird, Qu Chi does not care about the eyes of others, walking slowly along the street, the back is quite straight.

Although Dawu Town is not a traffic fortress, it is not too small. The three people have been in the town for more than half an hour. They have searched the entire north-south street and entered every shop to ask if they have seen Tao.

Qu Chi's appearance is gentle and elegant. When he asks people, he is not like a child. He only shows his grievances and stunned look when he hopes to fall through again and again.

Bypassing the corner of the rice noodle, a straw is impressive.

The dry straw of Chenghuang is tightly tied into a stick shape. The red and bright mountains are thick and thick, and they are tightly packed into a string. They are rolled over in the newly prepared brown syrup, and they are covered with fine sputum. Then, a thin layer of sweet, thin bubbles is placed on the fruit, which looks like a fruity tree.

... a street to the end of the street, at least three people holding fruit trees in the sale.

Although Zhou Wang had never seen this thing, but the ear has been tasted countless times, she recognized it at a glance, that is, the sugar cane that Qu Chi once stalked the pottery and talked over and over again.

Zhou Wang grabbed Qu Chi: "Dry, let me go to the clothes shop. Xu brother said that we can buy clothes there."

Qu Chi looked at the candied fruit and did not move.

Zhou Wang almost cried out: "Dry..."

"This is the sugar gourd?" Qu Chi pointed at the string of red fruits, but if he lost his way, "It's everywhere. He can easily buy it, why not come back."

Zhou Wang squatted on the sleeves of Qu Chi and looked at him with a look of help.

Qu Chi said: "...he said he will come back. He said he wants to go with me."

The state of Qu Chi is not quite right. He stared blankly at his toe, and the twilight was faint and faint, as if the drowning man was up and down.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it..."

"He is very important. Very important."

"I count you to enter the mountain on the third day of March, March, and how many years..."

Lin Haoxin saw Qu Chi faltering, went forward to take his shoulders, took a table and chairs selling powder, and gave Zhou Wang a look.

Zhou Wang with tears of swaying, went to the old man who sold the candied fruit.

Xu Xingzhi left some money before leaving, and also taught her to recognize the money, so she did not have to spend any effort, she took a string of the biggest and the most red mountain to the front of Qu Chi.

When I saw the candied fruit gourd, the Qu Chi Fang, who had a word, stopped the sound and turned the light into a soft and stable. He took his hands and looked at him for a long while. He seemed to have forgotten how to open his mouth. A pair of reddish thin lips lingered for a long time before he took a bite carefully.

He closed his eyes and contained a small half of candied haws, and spent a long time in his mouth before he swallowed slowly.

"...sour sour." Qu Chi lowered his head and the broken hair in front of him fell.

"I don't want candy gourd, I want him to come back."

Zhou Wang’s tongue was sour, and before he even had time to drop his tears, he saw Qu Chi release his hand. Yin Honghong fell on the ground. His body was also controlled to one side and was picked up by Lin Haoxin.

When he touched the palm of his hand, he felt that he was wrong. He turned his hand back to Qu Chi’s forehead and was shocked that he immediately shrank his hand back: "... When did the brother start to have a fever?"

When I saw the cool valley from afar, Xu Xingzhi had already realized that the Jiuzhi lamp did not send people to occupy the cool valley. This place is empty, I don’t know how many people have been smoked. Among them, the grass is slang, the rats are snarling, and the meaning of desolate and desolate is impossible.

Before Xu Xingzhi came to the valley, the vines that had been covered with the ruins were dry. He pulled them apart three or two times, and wiped the moss on his palms. Only then could he discern a truncated waist from the traces of the rain. The word "clear".

Lu Yujiu stood in the mouth of the past, and stepped forward, but he was afraid of a painful foot in the soil of the hometown. He had to hold the dead door and took a few deep breaths. He wanted to go in, but he heard Xu Xing’s scream: "Who?!"

Lu Yujiu was not scared, but the man hidden in the darkness was shocked. He pushed a bundle of firewood out to defend himself, and then he explored the skull of the tiger's head.

Waiting for Xu Xingzhi’s question, the firewood child first asked: “Where are you here?”

Confirming that he has no spiritual power, Xu Xingzhi walked in front of him and squatted down: "Can we not come?"

"Of course not." The child said seriously, "Here is a haunt."

The author has something to say: the next chapter, Lu Ghost Wang, Yu Jiu on the line.

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