MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 88

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Across the enchantment, Luo gradually sat softly on the ground, looking at the pool of blood.

It seems that he returned a few years ago, and he saw the young monk in the courtyard. When they met each other, they talked late and talked with each other. He thought that the other party was a gentle and high-spirited sorghum. Later, he knew that this monk was still very interesting. At the auction meeting, this person did not eat the fireworks of the world; the Magic Road Palace and his party were even more gentle and interesting.


The hoarse and rough voice spit out from Luo’s throat.

He jerked back and looked at the Wenlongzi sage. The latter was shocked by Luo’s burning eyes. He only listened to Luo and gradually said: “Shi Bo, what is the secret treasure!”

Wen Longzi was a glimpse first, did not answer immediately, Luo gradually asked again.

Wen Longzi immediately turned over and took out a blue-and-white orb. This bead has the size of the palm of Luo gradually clearing, and the whole body is white and white with a layer of faint blue light. Wen Longzi said: "This is the secret treasure that was passed down from generation to generation in Taihua Mountain. It is called Mingguang Qingyuzhu. It has been placed in Yufeng Peak and has rarely been taken out. It has gathered the power of the peaks of the peaks of the Yufeng Peak, although it is not a prosperous Power, but it is one of the most precious secrets of my Taihua Mountain."

Luo gradually cleared his teeth and wiped the tears from his face. He asked directly: "How to use?"

"With your spiritual power, you can't open this bright blue jade bead for the time being, but by me, you call Xianxian Shibo, and several elders who belong to Yuanzong and Feihuazong to help you. As long as you use Jiulian Benxin Recorded to promote this bead, I will send the power to you. Your chance is only once, you must break the sky and break the sea. Gradually, I think you should prepare for a while, restore your physical strength, Then again..."

"Shi Bo!" Luo gradually dumb and stunned, his eyes burned: "I may have time to save him!"

Wen Longzi's singer snorted.

Can you save again? Almost impossible.

Wen Longzi's sages looked at Luo gradually, and for a long time said: "You know, if you fail, Mingguang Jade Beads must be sealed for at least another month before they can be used again. We can't stand your failure."

"I will never fail!"

The firm words of the youth made Wen Longzi unable to move. He sighed and handed the jade beads in his hand to Luo Qingqing. The crowd gathered around. Luo gradually turned and looked at the monsters in the sky, and his eyes swept over the monsters that became the sea, sweeping the irony of the sorcerer, and finally fell on the stupid Yunxiang and that one. Spread blood on the water.

Luo gradually bit his teeth and urged the "Jiu Lian Tian Tian Lu" in the body.

He has long since cultivated the "Jiu Lian Ben Xin Lu". If "Jiu Lian Tian Tian Lu" does not work, then they will only face failure. Fortunately, however, Luo gradually felt that his spiritual power had successfully penetrated into the bead and touched something hidden in the center of the bead.

Wenlongzi Zun and others smashed the handcuffs, and the fingers were a little bit, and the spirits of the dragons rushed into the body of Luo gradually clear.

In the enchantment, the 斩铁金狮兽 诧 “ 诧 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ It only saw the one who was accidentally let go, and was holding a small bead at the moment. The beads slowly floated into the air, and Wen Longzi and others poured their strength into the body of this man. Suddenly, the beads were brightly colored!

"not good!"

The 斩铁金狮兽 felt subconsciously, and quickly turned and walked over here.

It was loose, and the fragrance seemed to suddenly come alive. She climbed into the pool of blood and climbed into the arms. This once-white face is full of blood at this moment. He can't smile gently, and can't use this lip to say the Buddha language that makes her bored, but Yunxiang holds him tightly into his arms and trembles. The body is reading his name.

"With dust, dust, dust..."

The 斩 金 gold lion roared and flew directly out of the enchantment. It stepped on the foot of Luo, but was stopped by the Yuan Yuanzong who was preparing for it.

The demon statue of Shi Rong screamed: "Well, etc. dare to block the deity!"

The Buddhist monk who stopped the golden lion beast was in the middle of the Mahayana, which was lower than his realm, and the other was the late Mahayana. The golden lion beast can barely be considered a great success in the late Mahayana, so even if the other party has two people, he is not afraid.

However, at this moment, the two monks are red-eyed and look at the monster in hatred. The younger monk had already clenched his teeth and dropped his tears. The older monks were only red-eyed and looked at the demon statue calmly. It is precisely this seemingly calm monk, but the golden lion's heart is tight, and the feet are cold.

I saw the other side fiddling with the beads and asked: "The donor, when you step on the body of the poor, you have thought about it, and the barren wants to stop you."

The golden lion beast is shrinking: "You..."

"The poor are living in Zhangzhou for many years. They don't care about those who are in front of them. They only have this one. When he left, the poor had told him that he should not care. He said that he was obedient, he did not care. However, the poor can only stand here, watching him be trampled under your feet."

The demon statue of Shi Rong is trembled: "Who are you?"

The gray-haired monk looked up at it, and a pair of clear eyes seemed to be able to see its mind at the moment. Shi Rong naturally did not notice that the moment he stepped on the Buddha's foot, the monk seemed to be an old man, and vomited a blood directly.

The monk said indifferently: "The poor law is good, it is the Yuanzong ... the head."

boom! boom! boom!

The two monks chanted the Buddhist scriptures and trapped the rough monsters. The young monk saw that the demon was trapped and angrily wanted to kill the other side. Whoever expected the master of wisdom to stop him, calmly said: "The task I am waiting for is to drag the demon statue, so it is good, not to be careless. ""

The young monk said with disbelief: "Brother, it just killed and dusted the sergeant, don't you see it!"

Master Zhishan closed his eyes and said with a hoarse voice: "I have seen, why are you...and mention it?" During the speech, a tear finally stopped from the corner of the eye and wet the cheek.

The young monk snorted and stopped talking.

On the other side, the people repair the army and the demon army. These monsters have been hiding in the enchantment in the past, and they refused to come out in life and death. At this moment, they all want to stop Luo from gradually clearing the people to cast spells, and they are met by the people in anger.

No one can get closer to Luo, and he is urging the bright blue jade beads to make them shine.

When the light flashed to a certain node, only a weak snoring sounded, and a blue lotus emerged from the beads and slowly floated into the air. This lotus flower is small and exquisite, fluttering to the enchantment of the sky and breaking the sea array, gently touched it up.


A terrible wave of volatility came from the place where the two touched.

Luo gradually cleared his face and white, and the whole person fell half a step, and was held down by Wen Longzi.

Wenlongzi hurriedly said: "Get clear, can you stick to it?!"

Luo gradually wiped the blood on his lips: "Yes! Shibo, give me more spiritual power!"

"it is good!"

The monks of the Mahayana period once again instilled the spiritual power into the past, making the light on the bright blue jade beads more prosperous. At the same time, the small Qinglian was also more concise, and it slammed into the sky-breaking sea array. When the two collided, they made a loud noise and made the earth tremble.

One side is a brilliant light blue jade bead, which consumes the most powerful power of the top; one side is the battle of the sky and the sea, and consumes the life of thousands of monsters.

The two sides started a tug-of-war here.

Beside Luo’s gradual clearing, the man repaired and the monsters carried out a brutal war. From time to time, blood spattered, and the desperate roar and painful shouts filled the ears of Luo gradually clear. Everyone is trying to maintain them, not being close to them, destroying the action.

After half an hour, the Beast of the Fifth Sea came.

After another hour, the army of the Sixth Sea also came here.

Life has become the most worthless thing at the moment. Blood gathers into the river. Every moment, people are repaired and fallen, and every moment there is also a demon. The sea of ​​the fifth sea and the sixth sea Qi Qiqi launched an attack on Luo gradually clearing the side. The elders of a flying flower in the later period of the Mahayana saw the situation and immediately left the team that transmitted the spiritual power to the Luo gradually clearing to the two demon statues. Rushing away.

Wenlongzi said: "How long does it take to get clear?"

Luo gradually gritted his teeth and looked at the place surrounded by the monsters. There, Yunxiang is trying to kill the monsters and protect the buddies who are already in the blood.

"Shi Bo, at least one hour! This day, the sea is too big, even if there is the power of the ancestors in Mingguang Qingyuzhu, it will take an hour."

Wen Longzi said: "Okay, you continue!"

At this time, the elder of the Feihuazong was shot by a fifth sea lord.

The team that transported the spirit finally, the other elder of Feihuazong became red and immediately left the team: "Sister!"

It is also the departure of a force, Luo gradually clears his face even more pale, and the speed of Qinglian's impact on the big array is also slower. However, this was only the beginning. A master of Yuanzong was also helpless to leave. Together with the elders of the two flying flower sects, the three finally blocked the pace of the two devils.

This time, there is only one master who returned to Yuanzong, a splendid period of the Mahayana, a ancestor of the Cang family, the Sage of the Sage, and the sage of the Wenlongzi. Five people together gave Luo Qingqing the power.

Luo gradually clear eyes staring at the big bang, not far away, is struggling to kill the cloud of the beast and the unconscious Buddha lying on the ground. He clearly knew that the Buddha should have fallen, but he still refused to accept this reality, just staring at them. until……

"The Buddha is not dead!"

Luo gradually looked at the fingers of the Buddha's lightly moving, shouting excitedly.

Behind him, Master Zhishan was in a stiff state and turned to ask: "What are you talking about!"

Luo gradually replied loudly: "Master, the Buddha is not dead! He is still not dead!"

Master Zhishan said directly: "Teacher, you can help them, there is me here."

The young master was shocked: "Sister, how can you sleep in this demon statue?"


"……it is good!"

The departure of the young master made the formation of the demon stalwart Shi Rong slightly loose, but soon, the master of wisdom and good will stabilize it. Shi Rong roared angrily, but Master Zhishan calmly vomited a bit of blood, and changed his hands in a lot, and sealed it again in the formation.

After the blood of this heart vomited, the master of Zhishan was like gold paper, and his body was slightly trembled.

On the other side, with the addition of others, Luo gradually cleared the Mingguang jade beads faster. However, at this moment, he saw that Yunxiang was pierced by a monster! Yunxiang instantly flew out and fell to the side of the Buddha. Without hesitation, she immediately climbed up and met again, killing the monsters that surrounded the two.

Another monster, cut off the left arm of Yunxiang.

The blood splattered from the broken arm, and the cloud swelled and trembled, but it still greeted.

Next, the calf is broken down and the palm is crushed!

Luo gradually cleared his eyes and was filled with blood. He watched as the circle surrounding Yunxiang and Bud became smaller and smaller. The hesitation in my heart is only a moment, Luo gradually clears his feet, suddenly! A blue lotus flower floated out of his dantian and ran into the sky!

Wenlongzi Supreme said in amazement: "Get clear, this is your god!"

Luo gradually cleared no time to answer him, and Qinglian Yuanshen touched the moment of Qinglian Qingyu Qingzhu's illusion of Qinglian, and the two became one. This kind of thing did not even think of Luo gradually, he originally wanted to try it with the power of the gods to see if he could speed up, and it would happen that such a thing would happen.

Luo gradually looked at his own **** instead of the illusory Qinglian, and the majestic power in the bright green jade beads constantly supported his god, and together they collided with this horrible Tianqing.


The big array was crashed and collapsed.

For the first time, Luo Qingqing felt such a powerful force. The power in Mingguang Qingyuzhu included the spiritual power of the five powerful powers behind him, including the spiritual power of the generations of the peaks of the peaks of the beads. They all poured into the Yuanshen of Luo gradually clearing, making him seem to surpass the expiration period in an instant, surpassing the period of integration, surpassing the period of the robbery, surpassing the Mahayana period...

Even powerful enough to go beyond the period of the gods, came to a terrible realm!

What a terrible feeling? Luo gradually clear that his cultivation seems to be rising, but it is not enough! He is still far from that realm, he needs more power, he needs more powerful power!

boom! boom! boom!

Luo gradually cleared the palm of his hand, Qinglian Yuanshen once again slammed into the sky and destroyed the sea array.

This time, the whole day of the ruins of the sea is madly trembled, but Qinglian does not give it the opportunity to prepare. Once again, the attack came, as if there was a broken glass sound, and the time was broken. The Luo gradually cleared the blood of the lips. When it was too late to recall the god, it flew to the Buddha and the cloud not far away. Fragrant.

He flies fast, and some people fly faster than him.

Master Zhishan took a thorn to the scent of the scent of the beast, and he quickly lifted the Buddha who fell in the pool of blood. After careful investigation, he found that the buddha was completely broken and the bones became slag. The blood is almost running out, and the whole Dantian is crushed into pieces by the spiritual power of the iron and gold lion beast!

But... there is still breathing!

Master Zhishan was pressed to the heart of the Buddha, and the majestic spiritual power was instilled. However, the breath of the Buddha is still steadily weakening. Soon after, the master who returned to Yuanzong flew over, and his finger was at the brow's eyebrows, sending spiritual power again.

The shattering of the sky and the breaking of the sea array has caused countless monsters to be shocked.

The sea lords of the fifth sea and the sixth sea glanced at each other, and both of them narrowed their eyes and flew straight back.

It turned out to be no war!

On the other hand, the demon stalwart Shi Rong who was trapped also escaped at this moment. It did not dare to look at the already broken Tianqing broken sea array, the huge body kept shaking, but it did not escape. Because it knows that it will escape, Yin Ji will definitely have its life, it must be defeated!

Shi Rong’s eyes were red, and immediately turned to look at Luo in the crowd. But it did not have the opportunity to shoot, a sword light flashed through, the Wenlongzi sage and the sage of the sages were in front of him, the cold eyes of the two fell on the body of the lion and gold lion, like the ice Cool iron, you have to crush it!

Wen Longzi's face is cold: "If you don't kill you today, how to face the tragic death of your friends!"

A big battle is inevitable.

On the Xuantian continent, the Terran has finally broken this sky-breaking sea array. On the land of Zhangzhou, Mingzhou and Chaozhou, the Terran immediately launched a counterattack and launched a counter-attack. Especially in Zhangzhou, the top talents who had already sighed with a sigh of relief slaughtered the monsters madly, and they crushed the monsters back and forth, and the seventh sea lord even fell on the same day!

At the same time, no one had ever thought that in the demon domain, the demon army had already broken through the array of heavenly devils in the capital city. They are like a broken bamboo. They broke through three capitals along the way. When they came to the nearest desire of the Magic Road Palace, the new city owners here did not have any resistance. They had already abandoned the city and left.

In just three days, the Yaozu army attacked the foot of the magic mountain.

The head of the four seafarers was no longer the same. A rough and mighty man stepped on the scarlet soil of the magic field. Standing under the magic mountain, he laughed and screamed: "The magic is a thousand autumn! The deity is coming to see you again, you dare

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