MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 8

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The two elders of the Yitian School said that they had brought in 30 disciples of the refining period, and the twelve disciples who built the base period seemed to have more people than the Taihua Mountain side. But in fact, once they really want Compared with the test, I am afraid that the twelve base-building disciples will add up, and they will not beat the four base-building disciples in Taihua Mountain.

The four disciples of Taihua Mountain, the oldest, have only been practicing for more than 50 years, and the youngest is even less than 30 years old. On the other side of the Yitian School, the youngest Zhuji disciples have been in their 60s, and most of the disciples have relied on eating medicinal herbs to break through the foundations. The foundation is very virtual.

There are only 12 people in the base of the Yitian School. The rest are all early.

On the Taihua Mountain side, there is only one initial stage and one base period, and the other two are all in the late stage.

The connotation of the big gate is that these ordinary sects can't figure it out, so yesterday, when the elder Liu heard that the leader was actually Luo Qing, he hurriedly told the sect, and finally the celestial sent the early Jindan. Cao Haining personally gave Luo gradually clear.

Since the two sides gathered together, the first thing is to integrate and unify and prepare to enter the relics.

When the disciples on the side of the Yitian School saw Luo gradually clearing the line, they couldn't help but stare at them and watched each of them carefully. Many girls can't help but cast their sights on Luo Qingqing's body. I saw that under the Qingshan Langri, the masters of Tsing Yi were in a good shape, and a small bright red cinnabar was dotted in the eyebrows. Hey, it’s really handsome and handsome.

"That should be the brother of Taihua Mountain? It must be the brother of the foundation period!"

"I think it must be late in the building, but it is Taihua Mountain."

"Yes, it must be the late stage of building the foundation! It is really amazing."

Although most of these words are just voices, Luo Qingqing and others can't hear them, but looking at the eyes of these girls and their appearance on their own brothers, the four foundation-based disciples smiled and snorted each other. .

After the two teams were fully assembled, they were led by Zhao Chang, the celestial party, to introduce everyone.

I saw it in a mountainous area, the mountains were winding, like a stream gathering in the sea, and finally gathered in a towering mountain peak, and suddenly stopped. Luo gradually cleared the flying magic weapon and led all the disciples to fly to the sky. The people gathered on the deck and looked down at the Laoshan group below.

On the treasure ship, Zhao Changchang of Yitian School suddenly flew up and took out a round white jade bead.

Upon seeing it, the disciples of Taihua Mountain looked at them curiously. Only when Luo gradually swept away, he looked away.

Zhao Chang Lao throws the white beads into the air, and the fingers move in succession to form a virtual shadow. The white beads made a dazzling radiance, and a dazzling light penetrated the clouds and directly shot the peak of the mountain. After the shackles, there was a rumbling sound between the heavens and the earth. A white light curtain suddenly appeared in front of everyone. .

Zhao Chang Lao Gong: "Luo Daoyou, the former convenience is the relic of the Yuan Ying Zhenjun we found this time. You can also lead everyone to go forward, please!"

Luo gradually clears the dagger: "Please!"

Soon, the flying treasure ship entered through the light curtain. Everyone felt that the world was changing, and Luo gradually cleared the treasure ship into the ring, and looked up to this strange place.

A black iron gate with a height of thirty-three feet stood in front of the crowd and exuded heavy pressure. It is said to be the door, but this door does not have any door panels, and it is open to others to enter. Everyone stood in front of this door, and it was as small as a drop in the ocean.

Suddenly I saw such a door, and the disciples couldn’t help but look forward to it.

Zhao Changsheng sighed: "The best method of Beidou Zhenjun is the Beidou Seven Stars. This door is the first level of the relic, called the shaking. There are many small characters at the door, which clearly spells out the requirements for entering this door. Those who enter this gate must not be over 100 years old, and must be under the Yuan Ying. The previous sects of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect.

As the voice fell, Luo gradually decapitated and turned to look at a new disciple in Taihua Mountain.

The disciple was the youngest son of the family who had won the first place in each peak. He nodded his head and stepped forward to get started. Without a little hindrance, he quickly entered, and then he turned and said: "Master, there is no problem."

A "master brother" has just fallen, and the disciples on the side of the celestial sect are like thunder, and each stands.

"Big...Master? The master of Taihua Mountain?!"

Everyone looked at the young man who stood at the forefront of the crowd with his unbelievable eyes. Luo gradually cleared but seemed to be unaware of everything. He arranged every disciple of Taihua Mountain to enter it, waiting until only When he was left alone, he said: "Zhao Elder, please."

Zhao Yufeng originally felt very embarrassed. This is the relic of the genius found by them, but they must let the disciples of Taihua Mountain enter first. When Luo gradually cleared his place and did not take the lead, Zhao was gratefully watching Luo gradually clear, bowed his hand and then let his disciples enter.

After the last ceremonial disciple entered, there were only a few elders and Luo gradually cleared outside the door.

Luo gradually glanced at the elders of the Yitian School, then went to the toes, and the figure turned into a blue light, and slammed into the door.

Since then, the affairs within the door have nothing to do with the outsiders, and the mission of the celestial faction has ended.

After entering the remains of the Beidou Zhenjun, the oldest Zhuji disciples on the side of Yitian sent them timidly and approached Luo Qingqing. Luo gradually cleared the voice and said softly: "You will walk with the Taihuashan disciple, don't worry."

The man immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Inside the black iron gate is a quiet road to no light. The disciples of Taihua Mountain take out a moonstone, and the light and dark light radiates faintly. Although it is not as bright as sunlight, it is also enough to illuminate.

Everyone walked for half an hour like this, the more spacious the road, the more they heard the sound of the sound of water, and when the road really came out, even Luo gradually cleared it.

"A big river!"

"Jiang! It's Jiangshui! This is not the river!"

I saw a raging turbid river flowing from a distance, and the momentum swayed between the walls. The color of the river is dark yellow, but the waves are very fierce. With the eyesight of Luo gradually clearing, it is impossible to see where the river is spreading. It can only be seen that this river is definitely more than a hundred miles!

The length of a hundred miles has already opened up a small space!

Opening up space is something that can be done by the great power of the fit period. Obviously it is not the handwriting of Beidou Zhenjun. He definitely got what treasures before he can create such a rebellious Yuan Ying relic for himself!

Luo gradually glanced at him and soon saw a blue stone monument standing in the middle of the river.

The stone monument is at least one mile long from the shore, and the above words can only be seen above the base period.

A disciple from Taihua Mountain said loudly: "What is the boat?"

Soon after the refining period, the disciple shouted: "There are boats here! There are a lot of boats here!"

The disciples of the foundation period continued to read: "Seven products can carry one person, crossing one mile; six products can carry two people, crossing two miles; five products can carry four people, crossing four miles; four products can carry eight people, crossing eight miles; Three products can carry sixteen people, crossing sixteen miles; two products can carry thirty-two people, crossing thirty-two miles; one product can carry sixty-four people, crossing sixty-four miles. Tiandao super product, can carry one hundred two Eighteen people, crossing one hundred and twenty-eight miles!"

The voice just fell, all the disciples snorted, only Luo gradually brows slightly, Li Xiuchen wry smile.

The words on this stone tablet are too simple. All the monks in the world are divided into nine types of root bones. One is that there is no root bone like Li Xiuchen; the other is the lower root bone of four products to seven products; the third is two products and three products. The medium root bone; the fourth is the excellent one root. In the end, there is no one in the millions of people!

The rareness of the superb roots is already against the sky.

Only one of the hundreds of millions of people is suitable for cultivation, and among the millions of monks, there will be a super-root.

Even in Taihua Mountain, there are only two super-rooted bones, one is the mysterious spirit, and the other is Luo gradually clear.

Li Xiuchen was wearing a black shoe print, and his eyes were shining brightly, looking at the Tsing Yi masters standing on the riverside.

Although not verified, Li Xiuchen believes that this Luo gradually clears that he is the same as himself. Otherwise, according to the original, at this time, it is impossible for all of them to cross the river. It should be that the younger sister--that is, his first harem--has a full sixty-four people, and then let the two of them have a bone. The disciples carried five disciples. Everyone worked hard and hardened many magic weapons to cross the river.

But now it is different.

Xiao Shimei is a root of bones. Although it is the best in a product, it is not a super product.

Kelu gradually clears but the super bones!

It was so easy to pass the first pass, let Luo gradually take the boat and take them all away, it was a piece of cake.

Thinking of this, looking at the troubles of the disciples of Yi Tianpai, Li Xiuchen laughed and said: "Don't be afraid, the world knows that our Taihuashan masters are super-roots, and it is more than enough for us to carry these seventy people. !"

The voice of Li Xiuchen was directly introduced into the ears of everyone present. The disciples of the Yitian School were all in one, and the disciples of Taihuashan looked at him strangely.

Originally, some disciples of the celestial school did not know exactly what happened to the person with the shoe print on his face. But after listening to him, many disciples couldn’t help but whispered: "We all know Taihua Shanda. The brothers are super-rooted, but why do people take us away..."

"That is, he is not a superb bone, what he is so proud of."

"What is the root of this disciple of Taihua Mountain? Is it a product?"

The voices of these people are very small, and Li Xiuchen is also a second layer of refining, which is simply inaudible. However, the disciples of the four-layer refining in the Taihua Mountains listened to these words and bowed their heads with shame. The four founding disciples were even more at the corner. One of the disciples of Yan Mingfeng, a slap in the face of Li Xiuchen’s head, beat him a slap and almost fell.

"Let you say! Let you say! You know this? You know? My face of Mingfeng has been lost by you!"

Li Xiuchen squinted his head and looked at the brother of Yan Mingfeng with an angry look. He did not understand what he said wrong.

Now that someone has pointed out the situation, it is not easy to hide. He waved the biggest ship and faintly said: "Everyone is on board. This river is beyond 100 miles. I don't know where to lead everyone. Let's take a step."

The disciples of the Yitian School were grateful to see Luo gradually clear.

When everyone got on the boat, Li Xiuchen came up with a resentful look. He just stepped onto the deck and only listened to Luo gradually calmly and said: "Nineteen younger brothers, blocked this person's mouth."

The 19th division of Yan Mingfeng was happy to say: "Yes! Master!"

Li Xiuchen stunned his eyes wide and had not returned to God. He was stuffed with a whole piece of linen in his mouth. This linen did not know where it was pulled from. There was still a bit of smell. Li Xiuchen just wanted to reach out and take the linen. But he saw Luo gradually squatting and glanced at him. He wanted to raise his hand and he was stiff. Where? Can't move anymore.

Li Xiuchen: "Hey... Hey!"

Luo gradually turned and said: "The small things in the sects of the sects have been dealt with, so that you can laugh."

Yi Tianpai disciples quickly shook their heads, pretending not to see Li Xiuchen, saying: "It may be no problem, Luo Daoyou please!"

Although they are very grateful to Li Xiuchen for opening this mouth, so that they can take the boat, but if they are disciples of Taihua Mountain, they must be mad at this stupidity.

After everyone boarded the ship, Luo gradually went to the bow and looked at the huge orb. He doubled his eyes and raised his hand over it, transmitting the spiritual power. I saw the moment, the white light appeared, the whole ship suddenly paused. The next moment, the big ship slammed forward, breaking the wind, taking the wind and breaking waves at an irresistible speed!

For a length of one hundred and twenty-eight miles, Luo gradually cleared his face, and even his brow did not wrinkle.

After arriving on the shore, he tipped lightly. The first one got off the boat. The blue robes made a beautiful arc in the air. Don't talk about the disciples of Taihua Mountain. Even the disciples of Yitiantian were admired and full of eyes. It is reverence.

When the people walked a few hundred meters, someone suddenly remembered: "Hey, the Taihuashan disciple seems to have been fixed in shape, he didn't come over!"

I saw Luo gradually smile and smack the lips, whispered: "I forgot."

Everyone: "..." You really forgot!

Luo gradually cleared a sleeve, and a stream of light flew back to the river. After a few quarters of an hour, everyone saw Li Xiuchen, who had a shoe print, rushed over. He stood at the end of the team without lifting his head. He didn't say a word, as if he really learned it.

Luo gradually cleared his eyes and looked back. He led the crowd to move on.

Li Xiuchun did not say, he really did not understand?

When the ship stopped, Luo gradually cleared the first to fly out, which did not match his character. Everything was just because at the moment the boat was stopped, a white jade suddenly flew, and Luo gradually cleared and flew out to take it, and took the reward of his own.

This reward is a treasure even for Luo Qingqing.

This is a white jade order. On the "Seeking Immortal", it is said that after the small white jade that the younger sister got, the user can transfer the distance of sixty-four miles, which is a magic weapon for escape. And now this one that Luo gradually clears is a super white jade, which can be teleported for one hundred and twenty-eight!

In the last life, the one-item white jade order was finally obtained by Li Xiuchen. There is no reason for him. The younger sister did not receive any benefit in this ruin. Instead, he gave everything he had received to Li Xiuchen. He only hoped that he could guarantee that he would not tell the night.

But now... Luo gradually smiled and bent his throat and went on.

Today, Li Xiuchen wants to get anything!

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