MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 155 Heartache 1

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Looking at the Xuantian continent, the Golden Dan period can fly in the air, the Yuan Ying period can condense the Yuanshen, and the Yuanshen can be separated from the body during the outing period. When the period of integration is reached, it will reach a bottleneck of mortal cultivation, and since then, space can be formed independently.

If the monk in the fit period wants to tear the space, it will consume the whole body and the spiritual power will not be used. And the space they teared out is also very easy to break through, it doesn't make much difference.

The vast expanse of the twelfth sea, the breeze blowing over the sea, rolling up the white waves.

Except for the flesh and blood corpses in the land, no one can find that there has been a terrible battle here, and no one knows that there has been a torn space here, trapping two peerless powers, fifty years. Do not open.

On the Xuantian continent, the war between the two communities continued. In a dark and dull space, the sound of "砰砰" resounded through the heavens and the earth, and every explosion caused the whole space to tremble fiercely, as if it were to be broken, but it was always on the verge of collapse.

The sound is so bright that it seems that there is a huge object that constantly hits the ground, making every effort to break through the space. However, his efforts were in vain. The white dragons collided in the darkness, and the space was always locked. They could not see the outside world and could not see a trace of light.

In the first year, Jin was turned into a prototype, and the whole body was forced to collide everywhere.

This space is not too big, the collision of the beast can hit every corner of the space, so the magic repair that curled up in the corner will reluctantly lift the whip and knock the other side away when it hits the other side. Change to a location to hide.

In such a place, the Jin can not see the magic, and the magic can not see the Jin.

What is stealing the day?

To steal the day is not to just take away your light, but to deprive all the light sources. Even if you take out the magic weapon that can be illuminated, it will lose its effect in this, and you can only fall into the boundless darkness.


The magic Qianqi coughed out a blood. He reached out and rudely wiped it, his right leg was on the ground, and the whole person was unable to lean against the wall at the edge of the space. He has almost no strength. After entering this place, Jin Jin seems to be crazy, but even if he is away from the random attack, he will always fall to him.

He can hold it once, hold it ten times, and support it hundreds of times...

However, this scarred body has been unable to allow him to stay a few more times.

Magic Chiaki knows that I am afraid that there will be no more years left. He is already a strong end. If he doesn't rely on anything, he may not be able to sit still, and he can only fall to the ground. How many years have he left?

Maybe five years, maybe three years, maybe one year?

Perhaps the next time the enemy attacks, he will die under the claws of the dragon.


Another blood spurted out of the mouth. This time, the magical reaction quickly reached out to cover the lips, but it could not stop the blood that spewed out. Some of the visceral fragments sprang from his mouth, letting his fingers get wet with blood. He began to cough violently, and every time the cough echoed in this empty space, it made a burst of sound.

A broken wind came from afar very quickly. The magical eyes were cold and the left hand patted the ground. The whole person stood up immediately. But when he just stood up, he almost fell down on the ground and held the wall to barely stabilize his figure.

The clear dragon rushes from afar, and the voice is mixed with fear and fear, and there is anger and killing.

A magical autumn finger moves, a **** long whip appears in front of him. He was proud of his body, his blood was like blood, and he slammed his whip, and the space shook three times. Magic Qianqiu raised his hand and wiped the blood that could not stop his lips. He sneered, even if he was obscured by the darkness, he could imagine that in the face of that gorgeous face, there was absolutely a sardonic smile at the moment.

Even if the wolf is at its best, even if it is possible to die in the next moment, the demon will never bow and never fear.

A gust of wind blew from the front of the magic, and his red clothes were sizzling and long hair was flying. At this moment, he could not see, but he knew that a white dragon was rushing toward him.

The strength of this dragon is beyond him. This dragon can't wait to smash him.

But he did not even have the strength to escape.

Is it so resolutely counter-attacking to die, or directly self-deprecating, not giving the other party the opportunity to kill themselves?

The magic of the autumn to pick up the enchanting peach eyes, suddenly toes a little, they rushed to face.

boom! boom! boom!

The magic whip collided with the claws of the white dragon and made a sound.

If it is placed in the outside world, Jinjue will be able to strike such a serious injury in a thousand strokes, but here, in the face of this endless darkness, Jinjin seems to be crazy, only knowing the attack.

The two men fought for hundreds of rounds, and the magic wrestling hit the right eye of Jin, and Bai Long immediately snorted and flew a few meters backwards, but the magic Qianqiu was hit by a burning dragon, flying backwards. Hit the edge of the space and spurt blood.

Jin Jin did not give him a chance to gasp, Bai Long roared and returned again, the magic Qianqiu resisted the pain of being torn, clinging to the whip and rushed up. But this time, he seemed even more crazy, and the long whip was tightly grasped by his hand and slammed out.

"You are not saying, do you want to marry the deity? If you leave, then you will come!"

The voice is hoarse, the word is sobbing blood, like a trapped beast that is forced to desperate, not reluctant to bow.

But just in the moment when the two were about to collide, Jin Jin suddenly stopped. The magic wand and the whip smashed up and hit it like a copper wall. There was no magic at all, and it could not hurt the other side. When the magic was pulled back, the whip was felt to be caught.

The magical misty autumn is carried out in a strange way. When you look at it with the spirit, you will find that the other party has turned into a human form.

The palm of the hand was clutching the **** long whip tightly, and he walked in the direction of the whip. Magic Qianqiu forced the trick with the majestic magic, and moved away from the attack, but his moves were easily resolved by the other party, and they could only use the fingers of the other party to force their own magic.

An icy hand was attached to the heart of the devil.

The magic is a tight body and his lips are moving.

The sound of the mysterious beast whispered softly: "...who are you?"

This darkness has already pushed the promotion to a certain extent. In just one year, I forgot who was the seal of the original.

Magic Qianqiu laughed and never answered. He wants to break away from the Jin, but he is not the opponent of the other party.

The cold hand was still attached to his chest, just a thin layer of clothing, under the skin, is the heart of a beating heart. Plop, plop, it screamed, slow, apparently not a bit of life.

The magic Qianqiu suddenly felt that Jin’s hand, which was pressed in his heart, seemed to be shaking, and Jin’s reluctance suppressed the trembling, but it was impossible to hide. He asked again "Who are you?" and he won't give him the answer, he will continue to ask.

It seems to be a stupid child, asking his questions over and over again.

In the right hand of Magic Qianqiu, the magical color of the blood gradually accumulates. That is his last strength. He knows that he will die, and he knows that he will soon die under the other’s hands, but he wants to give each other before he dies. Cause some damage. If this is the case, perhaps 50 years later, when the other party leaves this space, the strength will fall, which will make the outsiders ... better to deal with some.

When I was asked to go to the 92nd time, the magic Qianqiu suddenly made a move and hit the other side.

Jin Jin was only raised his hand, and he blocked this blow. Then he subconsciously tried hard and the right hand stabbed in.

Devil's eyes are wide, and there is a very short suffocation in his throat. His chest is bleeding down the blood. This silly beast pierces his heart, holds the heart in one hand, and then easily It took it out.

The **** smell suddenly filled the entire space.

The breath of the magical age plunged, and he was soft, almost fell, and then reluctantly reached out and wanted to pull the hand of Jin. But in the next moment, I heard the sound of "砰-", and the right hand was forced to force, and the heart was squeezed into a broken hand in his hand, and the blood of the hand was full.

"Cough and cough..."

The blood of the big mouth is ejected from the mouth of the magic. At this moment, he already knows that his life will never exceed one more year. One year, at most one year, he will surely fall and die in this place surrounded by darkness.

But the man who crushed his heart still snarled: "Why... you want me to go to your heart? Who are you? Here is where... It’s so dark, it’s so dark... ah ah ah what!!!"


The power of the beast and the beast broke out from the body of Jin, and suddenly the magic flew out.

This terrible shock wave caused a pain in the brain of the serious injury, slowly closing his eyes and fainting. Before he passed out, he seemed to see through a thick layer of darkness that a clear and elegant blue demon statue was holding his body and curled up on the ground, as if afraid, and eagerly read : "It's so dark... it's so dark... I don't want me not..."

When I completely closed my eyes, I was confused and thought of something that was a long time ago.

More than a thousand years ago, he was a peerless man in the human race, fighting for the last beast under the sun for many years. The two men almost met each other as a killer, but he knew that his strength was lower than the other. The beast will rarely die, and only occasionally will participate in the two races.

Then, at the time of Taihua Mountain, the leader of the Yufeng Peak, Wu Zixi, found him and told him that his old opponent had to attack the gods.

What kind of strength is the beast of the gods?

In the heart of the magic, the heart suddenly became tight. He immediately understood that this was a disaster for the Terran.

Then Wu Xiaozi told him: "We both work together and take away his demon, and must not let him turn his spirit!"

So after eighty-four years, he saw each other in a war. The man was dressed in a blue robes, his long hair was erected with a ribbon, and a pair of blue eyes were shining like a pair of blue-blue gems in the clear sky.

Magic Qianqiu loves beauty in this life. He arrogantly recognizes himself and he is the best in the world.

This person is not as good as his half, but there is a strange temperament, as if he is high above, born in nine days.

In that great war, Devil Qianqi raised his whip and guided the other side step by step into the game that he and Wu Zizi had already laid. When the formation was opened and the man was trapped in it, he finally showed a strange look of horror.

Wu Yanzi stabilized the formation and said to him: "Devil, go and take away his demon!"

The man screamed: "Wu Wuzi, you have set up a trap with the cultivation of the gods, and the human race is really mean and shameless!"

The magic is a smile, but he is dressed in a **** red dress and walks in front of the person. He did not touch the cold and ruthless eyes of the other party, but the red lips hooked and ironically smiled: "The so-called soldiers are not deceptive, and the demon respect does not understand this truth. It is really dull."

"Magic Autumn!"

Magic Qianqiu ignored him and turned to look at Wu Xiezi, saying: "Can your spell really take away his demon?"

Wu Zizi beheaded: "You are faster, he is not a beast, even if my realm is higher than him, I can't sleep for how long."

Magic Qianqiu directly smashed the handcuffs and began to capture the demon. However, this time it failed. Wu Xiezi can't believe it. The reason for all the possibility is that the demon of the beast is not the demon of the ordinary beast. This kind of spell can win the demon of the demon, but there is nothing to do with the beast.

Seeing that the Yao’s reinforcements are already coming, Jin’s departure is also frantically attacking the formation.

Wu Xiezi hurriedly let the magic Qianqiu hurry to start, the magic Qianqiu slightly picked up the scorpion, the red lips picked up, and reached out to prevent the ground and reached out, piercing the chest of Jin.

This action came too fast, Wu Yanzi opened his mouth in surprise, and Jin Jin was even bigger than the blue-eyed scorpion.

Magic Qianqiu lifted him a look and did not hesitate to peel off the heart. The demon in the heart attacked him fiercely, and the magic was so stubborn that he broke the connection between the heart and its owner.

Seeing that the support of the Yaozu is about to come, Wu Xiezi immediately changed the formation, torn the space, and blocked the Jin.

The magical thousand autumn is cold and gorgeous, and he also swears a spell and whispers softly: "Stolen for the day."

At the moment when the space was suddenly dark, the voice of the demon anger was passed weakly: "The devil is a thousand years old, this deity is going to smash your heart, and you will be going to smash your body..."

The space suddenly closed, and the last scene that Mo Qianqiu saw was that the cold and precious demon statue was **** on the ground. He was seriously injured, but he still struggled to climb outside the space with his hand, but it was far away from the exit. So he glared at the blue-eyed eyes, staring at the devil in the blink of an eye, and even blinking his eyes, as if to print him in his heart, hate through day and night.

Looking at such a scene, the magic is calm and calm, and the face does not change color.

He killed more than three million people in his life. This is just a demon respect.

The torn space will be removed from the seal, and with his strength, even if there is no heart and demon, it will come out in a hundred years. But if he is kept in the dark and changes the spatial flow rate, he will be flustered and trapped for more time.

In the hands of the magic Qianqiu, the heart is pinched, and it is **** and horrible.

Wu Xiezi asked him how to solve this heart. The devil smacked his lips and ridiculedly asked: "Do you want the deity to give you a good aftertune?"

Wu Yizi suddenly got a glimpse.

The heart of the beast can't be destroyed, and the demon is protected by the heart and can't be touched.

After the two hid the heart and the demon, they left and left. When they were separated, Mo Qianqiu seemed to hear Wu Xiezi’s voice sighing: “This is what you have experienced before you can be a slap in the face and live your eyes in the heart of others...”

Magic Qianqiu sneered out indiscriminately, and even more sneered at these hypocritical people. So many years later, when he saw his future friends in the Valley of the Flames, when he heard that the other person was a Taihuashan, he would think of the hypocrisy of the righteous monks, and they would fight.

"It turned out that the pain of heartache, is there such pain? 』

Before closing my eyes, the magic has lived for so many years, and for the first time, there was a little embarrassing emotion, but it was only a moment, and this silkworm disappeared.

The blood is constantly flowing out of the empty chest. In the darkness, the red dress is really wet with blood, and it becomes a blood color. Not far away, noble and elegant beasts trembled and squatted on the ground, hugged

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