MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 151 Cause and effect (on)

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Breeze, Dongpu is driving.

The sneak sneak into the Taihua Mountain is a major event that will shake the entire Taihua Mountain.

Although today's Xuantian continent is too peaceful, there is no big battle between the Terran and the Yaozu. The Magic Road Palace and the Zhengdao Complementary Realm also get along with peace, but Taihua Mountain is the head of the right way. It is so ridiculous that it has been smashed in.

The magic Qianqiu kept yelling under the jade peak. Even if Luo Qingqing and Xuan Lingzi didn't want to pay attention to it, they had to leave the small bamboo house and sorted out their clothes. They reached the peak of Yuxi and met with the magic.

At this moment, it is the time when the sword is arrogant. The magic is a red dress, even if surrounded by many peaks and elders in the Taihua Mountains, it is also imposing, arrogant, and not afraid. It should be known that in the Taihua Mountains at the moment, in addition to the mysterious spirits, there are three monks who have turned into gods, but the magic Qianqiu relies on the strength of the magician to be superior, and in the middle of the district, they are not afraid of them.

And next to the body of the magic, there is a blue man. The black hair is like a waterfall, beautiful and deserted, and the temperament is noble and elegant. Just standing there, it makes people feel as if they are facing a giant python and have some strange suppression.

The head of Taihua Mountain is now named as a duster. It is a sister of Xuan Lingzi and the peak of Cang Shuangfeng. She entered the Taihua Mountain Gate more than 900 years ago. In just seven hundred years, she entered the realm of the gods. It is a gift of talent, although it is worse than Xuan Lingzi, Guanglingzi, etc. The strength is superb.

Faced with the magic of the thousand autumn, the falling dust is calm and self-sufficient, and the elders of the life are formed into a large array to prevent the sudden attack of the magic.

However, when Luo gradually cleared and Xuan Lingzi came down from Yufeng Peak, everything suddenly changed.

The falling dust felt that Luo gradually changed, but he felt that he did not seem to change. She saw the teacher who had been cleaned by her own Qing Jun and walked to the front of the magical age. This scene can be painted, a Tsing Yi like a fairy, a red dress like a demon, the two gaze for a moment, suddenly hit a shot!

The dust fell suddenly.

Luo gradually cleared, but the cultivation of the robbery period, although in the seven sons of Taihua, the strength is super, only less than two hundred years old has such a realm, but the magic is a thousand years but there is a middle age! The falling dust subconsciously turned to look at his own younger brother, but he saw that the black spirit did not stop, but instead looked at it calmly.

Is there such a master?

Everyone else is bullying to the front, do you have no reaction at all?

Falling face is black: You don't care for your apprentice, I have to protect my teacher!

In this way, the dust is going to be shot to save Luo and gradually clear. Who is expecting this time, she actually saw Luo gradually clear his hand and took a sword from the eyebrow, then lifted it up slightly, and a scabbard hit The magical face of the fascinating face!

Falling dust: "..."

All the Taihuashan monks present: "..."

The magic is raging and screaming, raising the magic whip and saying: "Luo gradually clears, how do you hit my face again!" The tone is an angry and angry tone, but at this moment, the eyes of the magic is flashing with excitement, left The eyes are brightly colored, but the right eye is clear blue, which makes his face more enchanting.

The next thing is easy to fall into the dust.

Xuan Lingzi opened the enchantment of Yuxifeng, brought up the magic Qianqiu and Jinli, and solemnly said to the falling dust: "Sister, today, I am in harmony with the demon, and the demon statues are separated from each other. You don't have to worry, they are not wicked."

Falling dust: "..."

You dare to say it again, which two people are in contact with each other!

After all, since the fall of Wu Xiezi three hundred years ago, the elders of Taihua Mountain are mysterious. Xuan Lingzi is only five hundred years old, and he has the cultivation of the late stage of the gods. Since the Xuan Lingzi said so, the dust is not easy to refuse. He has to let the disciples watch carefully near the Yufeng Peak, beware of accidents.

After the Yufeng Peak, the magic millet licked the red sword on his face. First, he cursed Luo and gradually cleared it for a long time. Then the two men fought again, and then they snarled things.

Eight hundred years ago, Mo Qianqiu woke up from a retreat, but when he blinked, he had a strange memory.

He dreamed of things after 800 years, it is like a dream of Huang Qi, illusory and not real, it is the magic of Qian Qiu, his first reaction is not to believe, but that it is really a dream.

The star of the Taihua Mountain has long fallen, how can it become the head of Taihua Mountain in the future? The Broken Soul is nothing but a second-rate sect, not to mention the four major sects. It was destroyed hundreds of years ago. What are the two ethnic wars, what is the northernmost land, and what Luo gradually clarified... These simply did not exist!

Really, does it not exist?

At this time, the northernmost land does not exist anymore. There is no wind and sea, no dry mountain. It is just a plain at the northern end of the mainland. It is not one of the four dangerous places. As for the four major sects, the eight great families, everything is different from the dream of the magic, which makes him unable to believe that it is a fact.

Magic Qianqiu said in an understatement, because eight years ago, Xuan Lingzi, Luo Qingqing and other people were not born, he had to go to Jin to see the situation, and later confirmed with Jin, it really should not be a dream. Perhaps it is Luo’s gradualism that will make the world develop.

Then, Magic Qianqiu waited for the birth of Xuan Lingzi. He was not interested in Xuan Lingzi, and even thought about whether or not to kill the other person when the mysterious spirit was still at the end. However, he was worried that it would really destroy the mysterious spirit, and that Luo gradually disappeared.

When I heard this, Luo gradually lifted the frost floating sword, and a scabbard pumped again.

This time, the magic Qianqiu pulled the frosty scabbard of the frosty floating sword, anger and despise: "Don't dare to come again?"

Luo gradually cleared his tone and said: "Whoever wants you to kill my master."

Devil Qianqiu sneered: "With your master, don't you have friends? It's really a matter of forgetting."

Luo gradually faded: "Then I will be killed and killed, how do you say."

Magic Qianqiu: " kill and kill, what to do with me!"

Luo gradually learned the appearance of the devil, and laughed aloud. The magic Qianqi immediately raised the whip and attacked it.

I don't know why, it is clear to the world that the devil is cold-blooded and ruthless, killing people like numbness, that is the horror of the wind and the sorrow. However, in the face of Luo gradually clear, the magic Qianqiu is always irritated by him, the two will mix two sentences without moving, and then draw the sword to fight.

This battle, after a full day of battle, finally came to an end.

Mo Qianqiu gasped slightly and took a long whip. He said casually: "In short, because of the mysterious spirit, I and Jin Li have finally confirmed it. It is really not a dream, but a real occurrence. You Taihuashan has nothing to do with "Jiu Lian Tian Tian Lu", only one copy of "Jiu Lian Ben Xin Lu". About a few days ago, I suddenly felt your breath, so I think you may come too."

Magic Qianqiu said casually, but Xuan Lingzi has sunk his face, and Jin has never spoken.

There is one thing that they have never said before.

Two hundred years ago, Xuan Lingzi took the expectation to go to the Luoshui River, where he waited for ten years and did not wait for a abandoned baby.

In this world, there is no Luo gradually clear.

From the beginning to the end, there is no Luo gradually clear.

There are Taihua Mountain, there is Moh, there is a magical palace, there is a mysterious spirit, there is a magic, and there is a separation.

But no Luo gradually cleared.

To this end, Xuan Lingzi retired for a hundred years, no longer go out half a step; for this reason, the magic Qianqiu along the entire Luoshui, looking for a full fifty years. However, there is no Luo gradually clear, there is Gujiacun, there are Gu old couple, there are Gu 16, but no Luo gradually clear.

Xuan Lingzi has never received any more people in his life, that is, Yu Yufeng has only one person left, and he will not accept the disciples.

Dust, Yu Qingzi, Guanglingzi and others persuaded countless times, but he always locked himself in the Yufeng Peak, and he did not come out all day long.

Later, among the newly recruited apprentices in Taihuashan, some were named Jiezi, some were named Zuo Yunmo, some were named Huo Yuchong, and some were named Mu Tianxin... They were all there, and there was no Luo gradually clearing.

The mysterious spirit is almost desperate, and the magic can not find the trace of Luo gradually clear. They broke contact and never contacted for more than a hundred years, as if they could pretend that those memories are all a dream, and Luo gradually clears... is their dream.

But how can this be a dream?

Love is so deep, painful to pierce the heart, how can this be a dream?

A few days ago, Xuan Lingzi and Devil Qianqiu noticed the atmosphere of Luo gradually clearing. The former was at a loss, and they dared not go out in the Yufeng Mountain. The latter left the Magic Road Palace to find Jin Jin and wanted to go with him. Look for it.

Then there is the scene of today.

Luo gradually clears these ignorance, and the magic does not tell him. In his narrative, he was too lazy to contact Xuan Lingzi in these years because he did not like Xuan Lingzi, and he felt that his words were not speculative. They didn't want to tell Luo to gradually clear. In fact, at the moment he appeared, their memories were all rewritten.

There is a sudden apprentice in the memory of Xuan Lingzi. In the memory of the devil, there is also the name of the first of the seven sons of Taihua.

For example, in the memory of the people of Zuo Yunmo, Wei Qiongyin, Jie Ziyu and others who have just confronted the bottom of the jade peak and the magic Qianqiu, there is a figure of a master.

These things, they do not say, just say: "You will draw the face of the deity next time, this dedication will not forgive you!"

Luo gradually laughed and laughed.

After a few days, Magic Qianqiu did not mean to stay in Taihua Mountain. He and Jin were ready to leave. When he left, he turned to look at Luo and gradually raised his eyebrows: "Are you afraid?"

Luo gradually cleared the glimpse and asked: "What are you afraid of?"

There is a calming light in the scorpion of the devil, and he is rarely so serious, but once he is serious, his face is cold and his red lips are slightly stunned: "Heavenly wants you to appear, you can appear at will. Then we remember Is everything in the real thing real?"

Luo gradually sighed, but he smiled: "It turned out that these days, you have been thinking about me, is this?"

The magic is stunned.

Luo gradually raised his head and looked at the day, as if he saw something through this blue sky. He said indifferently: "The heavens must be ruthless, so that the life of the people can be waited. Heaven will not do anything for anyone. This is the heaven of my mysterious continent. But I have removed a layer of dust for it, so that it truly restores itself. It owes me a reason, therefore, everything is what it gives me. The causal cycle, since then, between this great reincarnation, Heaven has become a true heaven, and no one owes any cause and effect. Born because of this continent."

In a moment, the magic is screaming. For a long time, he raised his red lips and smiled: "When you are so proud, how can I be so uncomfortable? The talent of the deity is no less than you." There is no more ambiguity in the tone.

Luo gradually cleared his hand: "The truth is, I am more talented than you."

Magic Qianqiu laughed and said: "Since you have talent, then you want to be born with children, but also very talented?"

Luo gradually cleared up and did not respond: "?"

Magic Qianqiu waved his sleeves, and a red light was drilled from his sleeve and flew to the front of Luo Qingqing. He took the Jin and turned and walked away, leaving only one sentence, on the Yufeng Peak for a long time: "A few hundred years ago, the deity boring to break the bottom of the cliff, saw a tree that is about to wither. I flipped it casually. Dead leaves, found an egg inside. Luo gradually clear, phoenix nirvana has a very small chance to give birth to a new phoenix. That tree with your breath, should

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