MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 148

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On the far north, the ruins of the gods crossed the entire dry mountain range and locked the center with infinite power. From three directions, the fire-colored phoenix and the snow-white unicorn, under the leadership of the golden dragon, madly attacked Li Xiuchen of the French center. The lightning of the road smashed from the dark clouds and blocked the attack from Li Xiuchen. The two sides did not give each other.

And above the sky of 9,999 feet, there is a big battle in the dark clouds.

When Luo gradually cleared Jiulian into a desperate situation, he finally took out the sword.

Luo gradually cleared the sword in the illusion of Cang Ruo Zun, and Jiu Lian Zun also practiced "Jiu Lian Tian Tian Lu", and further cultivated "Jiu Lian Ben Xin Lu". This is his own practice. Because of this practice, his sword has been turned into a sword pattern all the year round, hidden in the eyebrows and in the sea, and his spirit is merged.

This sword seems to be unpretentious, but Luo gradually clears that this is a fairy that is no less than the Taihua sword!

The line of sight slid gently over the sword, and Luo gradually smashed and smashed, throwing the black spirit sword in front of him, and the palm of his hand took a shot. The black spirit sword turned into a golden sword light and rushed to Jiulian. At the same time, Luo gradually cleared the frost floating sword, and the "Jiu Lian Tian Tian Lu" was run up, and nine green lotuses were created. The two merged, and the endless heavenly rules were triggered by the Qinglian Yuanshen. The sky makes a sound of resonance.

This huge force has crushed the dark road and has been going to Jiu Lian.

In order to protect Li Xichen, Jiulian has already given up some strength, and it is impossible to lighten it to the former.

At the beginning, the gods are a fairy tales, and only the immortals cannot be laid down. Even if Luo gradually cleared the form of the sacred spirits, it took a full decade.

Jiu Lian’s obsession has been said before, this method is not very useful for Luo’s gradual clearing at this moment. It can’t move, it’s troublesome, and even with its powerful lethality, it can’t help Luo gradually clear. But now, when this law launches an attack on Li Xiuchen, Jiulian wants to break it open easily, but it becomes impossible.

This attack condensed almost all the killings of Luo.

When the sword came, even Jiu Lian did not relax. He held a long sword in his right hand, and the blue sword spike slipped gently from the back of his hand, as if the lover was gentlely touching. There was no fluctuation in Jiu Lian’s eyes. His left hand was three times on the sword, and he heard the sound of “Boom--” and a blue-colored lotus flower appeared on his sword.

There is only one flower, and there is only one flower from beginning to end.

But when the flower came out, the heavens and the earth trembled, Jiulian was slightly stunned, and the endless heavenly power and the majestic spiritual power poured into it, making this flower shine.

When Xuan Lingjian ran into the Qinglian of Jiu Lian with the sword light of the Frost Float, it seemed that something had collapsed. He only heard a very weak "咔嚓" sound, and the frost floated on the sword. Every one of the green lotuses has a crack.

Luo gradually gritted his teeth, and with a long drink, Qinglian Yuanshen worked faster.

However, Jiu Lian extended his finger and gently tapped on the tip of the sword that Xuan Lingjian stopped.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of nine sounds, nine green lotuses in turn collapsed, destroyed and ruined, unable to resist.

Next, it was a crush without any suspense.

When this person used his full strength, in front of him, Luo gradually became an unarmed ordinary person. The Xuan Ling Sword and the Frost Float swords go hand in hand, and the Qinglian Yuanshen keeps running "Jiu Lian Tian Tian Lu", but in the face of that Qinglian, all efforts are turned into nothing.

In order to lay down the ruins of the early dynasty, Luo gradually pulled out the keel from his back and took out the phoenix flame in Dantian. At this moment, he can only use the pressure of the remnants of the beast to reluctantly block the attack of Jiulian, but it has been forced to desperate times again and again, repeatedly risking danger, and every time he is almost hurt.

Luo gradually cleared the body with countless wounds. The blood sprinkled from these wounds, passed through the dark clouds, and landed on the land of the northernmost land.

The blood of the power of the gods burned the land and made a "squeaky" sound.

Everyone looked at this scene and was amazed that they could feel the gradual clearing of the atmosphere from these blood. Then since this is the blood of Luo gradually clearing, who is he fighting with, who can actually hurt him?

You must know that even the eternal days are in the face of Luo’s gradual clearing.

Who is this?

The magical look was cold, and he frowned. He only thought for a moment, then he pointed the whip at the beginning of the desolation, and said: "Give the kid the kid!"

His instructions, he and others did not hesitate to rush up, attacking Li Xiuchen in the center of the big battle. Upon seeing it, many monks from Taihua Mountain, Guiyuan Yuan, and Feihuazong were in the same place. It seems that they do not understand what Magic Qianqiu is doing.

The magical red lips are hooked and sneer: "Luo gradually clears the demon? The deity only knows that in this world, there should never be someone who can be so sheltered by the heavens! Luo gradually clears this person, even the heavens are lowered to protect the gods. He. What are these lines on us, no one knows, but why is there so many lines on his body! Who is the demon? The deity does not care, but the deity knows that he is definitely not an ordinary person!"

When the voice falls, the magic wrestling forwards into the front, and when it enters the early stage of destroying the gods, it is necessary to take the life of Li Xiuchen. A red thunder squats straight down from the sky, and then squats on the magic millennium. The red demon statue looks up and smiles: "It’s just right!"

Said, the magic Qianqiu recoiled to heaven, the red Thunder was crushed.

In the Yuanzong Emperor, the Master of Spirits was frowning, but he listened to a white and handsome young monk who smiled slightly and folded his hands together. He said: "Amitabha, the demon predecessors are justified. Xiaoxi does not know whether Luo Daoyou is a demon, but this person It must be a strange generation."

In the flying flower sect, the head of the jade fairy looked hesitantly at the beginning of the gods, and she looked down at her palm. In her palm, there are so many pieces. It is obvious that this was once a jade flower, but I don’t know when it has been broken into sporadic jade pieces.

The flow jade fairy bit his teeth and said: "The magic is said to be reasonable, and Luo gradually does not necessarily be a monster, but this person must be a monster!"

All of a sudden, the Yuan Yuanzong and the Feihuazong all rushed up, and separated from Li Xiuchen by an early annihilation. Many of the scattered repairs saw that the two main gates rushed up. They hesitated for a while and eventually followed.

Seeing the situation, Jie Ziyu looked at his master coldly and said: "Master, why don't we go!"

The current head of the Taihua Mountain, Guanglingzi, is hiding: "He is your younger brother after all."

"Don't you feel it, what the lines are!"

The body of Guanglingzi was shocked and turned to look at his own disciples. I saw that Jiezi was wearing a black suit and looked at himself firmly. Behind him is Yu Qingzi, Wen Longzi, Wei Qiongyin and so on.

What exactly are those lines?

Magic Qianqiu said, we don't know what these lines are.

But in fact, all the powers on the scene are vaguely felt, what exactly are these lines.

These lines are the laws of heaven and the law of causality of the supremacy of the Xuantian continent.

The higher the monks are, the more lines they have, because they are closer to the heavens, and they are closer to that realm. But now, the highest level of independence in the field, the line on his body is less than one tenth of Li Xiuchen... No, it is one percent!

Li Xiuchen is only a repair of the fit period. Why do he have so many lines!

Why does Heaven like it so much?

This gave the illusion that all the powers present were alive: they lived, but lived for Li Xiuchen. This world is Li Xiuchen. They are fallen and the world is still working. But if Li Xiuchen is dead, they will die.

If such a person is not a monster, what else can it be?

Jie Zikai shouted again: "Master!"

Guanglingzi was cold-headed and yelled: "Taihua Mountain, kill!"

For a time, the monks of Taihua Mountain also rushed up.

Among the people, only a few scattered repairs are still at a loss, and the Broken Souls, the Excaliburs, and the major families have not attacked. Among the Yaozu, the demon esteemed away from the scorpion, and the eyes swept the people with a gaze. He saw a blood-red figure, but he did not move, but raised his finger and caused a mountain-like tsunami. .

The blue demon is turned into a streamer, and it directly rushes to the eye of the golden dragon, standing in it.

At the moment when Jin left the station, the golden dragon seemed to be alive, and attacked Li Xiuchen with more fierce power. At the same time, Jin departed from the running power and attacked Li Xichen. The demon statues of the first sea that he led led to hesitate for a moment, and followed his own respect and attacked.

At this moment, in the sky of 9,999 feet, Luo gradually became suppressed by Jiu Lian without counterattack. Just as Jiulian’s sword came down and was about to pierce Luo’s left shoulder, he was shaped and made Luo gradually escape.

Jiu Lian’s figure has a hint of illusion. When he raises his sword, his strength has already fallen by one.

Luo gradually cleared the machine and counterattacked. Although he could not pose a threat to Jiulian, he finally breathed a sigh of relief at a critical juncture.

However, even so, Luo gradually cleared his efforts and still could not cause any harm to Jiulian. The icy long sword runs through the left abdomen of Luo gradually clearing. He spurts a blood, and the whole person flies backwards, reluctantly propping up with the mysterious sword to stabilize the figure.

Taking advantage of his waist and waist, Luo gradually wiped the blood on his lips, but the blood continued to flow down and could not stop. His whole body is supported by the mysterious sword, as if there is no strength, as long as the sword is removed, he will fall down.

On the face of Qing Jun’s peerless world, there was no trace of blood, his lips were pale, and his eyes were dull.

Jiu Lian did not give Luo a chance to breathe, he lifted his sword, and it was expected that when the sword was about to stab the heart of Luo gradually clearing, Luo gradually cleared and suddenly flashed to the side, where there was just weak enough to resist Look like it.

Jiu Lian slightly smashed his eyes, and for the first time he had a look of horror.

Luo gradually took the opportunity to raise the Xuanling sword, and the majestic spirits operated it. A golden sword light straightened to Jiulian. The distance was too close, and the power of the spiritual explosion was even more fierce. Jiu Lian lifted the long sword and blocked it on his chest, but he was still hit hard and went back three steps.

But he still hasn't been hurt.

Luo gradually licked the wound in his abdomen and looked at the scene with deep gaze.

I saw a long sword in the hands of Jiu Lian, a blue-colored sword spike was shattered from the hilt and landed on this black road. Upon seeing it, Luo gradually cleared the slightest mistake. Whoever expected the next moment, Jiu Lian lifted his footsteps and stepped on the Jiansui, and stepped toward Luo.

The huge spiritual power was crushed on the sword ear, just for a moment, the sword was stepped into a powder.

Jiu Lian’s eyes were clear, as if nothing was felt, but Luo gradually cleared his pupils and shook his lips.

When Jiu Lian raised his sword again, on this dark road, a strange rune emerged. These runes are distorted and transformed into a line of roots, shimmering and swaying, and swirling toward Jiu Lian's body. On his skin, a variety of grotesque lines emerged, which ran into his sword along his fingers.

In an instant, Jianguang made great efforts to carry out the heavens and the earth.

This Jianguang, just formed, penetrates the clouds and illuminates the entire Xuantian continent.

On the land of the far north, all the nobles of the sages looked up at the sword light, and with an incredible gaze, they were stunned.

The magic Qianqiu shouted: "Luo gradually clear!" The voice just fell, he rushed to the sky, but he heard a cold and low voice ringing behind him: "Thousands... Devil, come to me."

The magic figure is a stagnation, and I look around. I saw that in the early days of the annihilation of the gods, the indifferent and noble demon statue raised his right hand and extended to him. The gaze of Jin’s gaze contained calmness and calmness. He stretched his hand so seriously, calmly and calmly, as if to tell a very important matter, and let the other party trust himself.

The Red Devil is in the dark clouds and the dying of the gods. He hesitated for a moment. He finally tiptoed his head and went to the front to destroy the gods. He took the hand of Jin. In the moment when the two palms touched each other, no one found that the body of Jin Jin suddenly relaxed. In the eyes of others, they only felt the power of a strange and powerful force from the body of the devil to the Jin.

In just one instant, the realm of Jin’s departure has skyrocketed, breaking through the boundaries of the gods!

A beautiful white dragon rushed out of the body of Jin, and together with the golden dragon, rushed to Li Xiuchen in the middle of the big array.

When the white dragon appeared, the thunder in the sky seemed to have not been thought of, and even did not have time to block it, so that Li Xiuxian was hit hard by this.

Li Xiuchen spit a blood, and the whole person was like a kite that had broken the line and flew backwards.

After the appearance of the White Dragon, the power of Jinlong is even stronger. This array of eyes that are too early to destroy the gods seems to be really alive, and the spirits are soaring and surging.

At this time, Luo gradually clears the black spirit sword and the frost floating sword to meet the sword of the broken space. Somehow, just as the sword was about to fall, Jiu Lian’s body suddenly collapsed, and the atmosphere of the whole person weakened weakly. A force once again broke through the clouds and went to the far north.

Luo gradually cleared his mind: he was going to save Li Xiuchen again!

At this time, Jiu Lian’s sword had already fallen, and Luo gradually grasped the sword in his hands and rushed forward without hesitation.

Frost and floating swords open, Xuan Ling Jian protects the side of the body, Qinglian Yuanshen rotates above the frost floating sword, only a green lotus that is concise and magnificent. Luo gradually clears the spirit of the whole body on this sword, and then when his sword encounters the sword of Jiulian, he only listens to a crisp sound -

Qinglian Yuanshen broke a mouth.

Luo gradually cleared his face pale.

Jiu Lian’s sword is still coming down!


Under the sword, Qinglian Yuanshen completely collapsed without counterattack. Then there is the frost-fighting sword. The huge spiritual power protects the whole body of the frost-fighting sword, and it blocks the sword of Jiulian. However, this sword is still falling.

The spiritual enchantment was broken, and the frost-floating sword greeted the sword straight. then……


The frost floating sword cracked a small mouth, Luo gradually clear the big eyes, then see Jiu Lian's sword momentum as a bamboo attack on the frost floating sword, this small mouth is getting bigger and bigger, deeper... bang! The frost floating sword completely collapsed, and Luo gradually cleared the whole person and then fell out. The breath of his body suddenly plummeted, and blood rushed from his mouth.

When Jiu Lian’s sword triumphed and pursued, and soon about the face that Luo gradually cleared, a long sword was blocked in front of Luo’s gradually clearing.

Xuanling sword flashed with golden sword light, Luo gradually fell to the ground, his face pale, blood rushing out from the mouth. After the collapse of the Yuanshen, it was the fragmentation of the sword of the life. At this moment, Luo gradually cleared the realm and plummeted. He had already fallen below the Mahayana period. He was even weaker and did not have the strength to get up.

Looking at the mysterious sword that blocked the sword, Luo gradually reached out and struggled, his eyes reddened, and he squeezed a few words from the teeth: "Master... No..."


The mysterious sword collapsed, and thousands of pieces were turned into starlight in front of Luo Qingqing, disappearing into the path of endless darkness.

Luo gradually looked at this scene with his eyes wide open. He looked at the mysterious sword that slowly disappeared. His eyes were filled with tears and his lips were slightly open. But before I had time to shed a tear, Jiu Lian’s Jianguang broke through everything and passed through Luo’s eyebrows and shattered his knowledge.

The clear and clear pupil became stunned at this moment, but there was no focal length. Luo gradually raised his head, and in the center of his eyebrow, a black lacquered blood hole appeared.

On the northernmost land, Jiezi was trying his best to attack Li Xiuchen, but suddenly he stopped his movement and bowed his head stiffly. In the palm of the solution, there was a blue light. There was no more light on the lamp. A crack formed from the bottom of the lamp holder and slowly climbed up.


This lamp was split in two in the palm of the solution.

Jie Jie blinked red and cried: "Master!"

All the eyes of the people looked to him. After the magical millennium saw the broken sacred lamp in the hands of Jiezi, he smashed his eyes and suddenly broke away from the hand of Jin, and stepped forward and rushed forward: What exactly is this!"

At the moment when Mo Qianqiu left, the face of Jin’s departure was pale and pale, and his realm fell again and fell back to the late Mahayana. The magic millennium has already flown to the side of the child, and with great strength, he has seized the light in the hands of the child: "What the **** are you..."

The sound stopped abruptly, feeling the faint scent that was about to be annihilated on this lamp, and the magic millennium could no longer say a word.

For a long time, the red devil swayed his lips, his voice was hoarse, and he whispered the name: "Luo gradually clear..."

"Luo gradually clear!!!"

On nine days, a white-faced Jiu Lian Zun raised his hand and took back his sword, step by step to Luo gradually. The attack that swept everything like that just like the nine lotuses that were integrated into the heavens, was inevitably overdrawn, and the figure was slightly sham.

He walked to the front of Luo gradually clear, gently bowed his head, looking at the latter indifferently.

I saw that on this dark road, the young monk who was dusty and dusty looked up slightly, and a stream of blood flowed down his eyebrows. His eyes are no longer focal length, just looking at Jiu Lian subconsciously, as if looking at him, as if he is not looking at him.

Jiu Lian coveted, looking at Luo gradually clear his eyes, he raised his sword, ready to drop the last sword, and solved the problem that should have fallen, but still has not fallen.

The sword resolutely fell, pointing to Luo's eyebrows, but as he gradually touched the blood hole of the eyebrows, Luo gradually cleared his hand and clenched the sword.

The sharp blade pierced the palm of Luo gradually clearing the blood, letting the blood flow down, on the beautiful face of this white.

Jiulian’s eyes are very strange. However, the next moment, I saw that Luo gradually pulled the sword and slowly went down. He even took the sword and penetrated his own knowledge. The spiritual soul that was extinguished was completely crushed.

Jiu Lian eyes narrowed, and quickly went backwards, but Luo gradually cleared his sword.


A fire glowed from Luo Qingqing's body, and in the blink of an eye, he wrapped his whole person inside.

The human body was slightly ashes in this fire, and Jiu Lian looked at the scene with disbelief. For a long time, he finally said the first sentence: "Your **** is broken, the body is broken, why... are still alive!"

The raging fire burned in the whole body of Luo gradually clearing, and the phoenix flame still flashed in the early stage of the annihilation, but the same phoenix fire ignited in Luo gradually clearing the body and swallowed him. He stood up slowly, and the eyebrows of the eyebrows quickly smashed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and each wound on his body healed at an unimaginable speed.

Jiu Lian Zun has a big eyes, as if he can't believe what he saw. The man in front of him is repairing, there is no god, no flesh, and there is nothing in it. At that moment, who is surrounded by this fire, who is it!

Even though he was already conscious of the heavens, Jiulian also subconsciously gave up his sword and flew back. This is his instinct. Even if he is not integrated into the heavens, he is still the most powerful sage in the 30,000-year-old land. He is invincible.

Luo gradually held the sword of Jiu Lian, and he slowly placed the sword in front of him, looking at the empty hilt.

The Jiansui, who used to be here for 30,000 years, has been ruthlessly crushed by his master. Luo gradually remembers that in the illusion of Cang Ruo's demon, when the elegant and sturdy sages tied the sword, the master of the sword was calmed and held back to the joy and joy in the heart.

At that time, Jiu Lian said: "After all success, I will also send you a hair band, ink blue, you said good?"

Luo gradually closed his eyes and forgot everything.

When he blinked again, he looked at Jiulian in front of him and no longer regarded him as a person in memory.

Jiulian is still alive, but Jiulian has fallen.

He is Jiulian, but he is no longer Jiulian.


The raging fire swallowed Luo’s gradual shape. He slowly stepped forward and walked forward. While walking, he quietly spoke, his voice indifferent like the most ruthless stone, and he couldn’t help the breeze for thousands of years. Touch his frozen heart.

This sound, like stagnant water, never moves.

"You can't take the sky, because you still care about your strength, you still care about your reputation, you still care about the blue. Heaven is ruthless, overlooking the eternal life, even the eighth victory you can not comprehend, what is it?"

"If at that time, you are willing to give up the ink, let him fly away, then you may be able to take the sky."

"But everything, no."

"Three thousand years ago, with your strength, you will not be killed by a sword like me. Now you can't do it, but you have realized it for a hundred years, and you can't comprehend the last two wins."

"Because you still have concerns."

"I am gradually clearing, rebelling the teacher's door, notorious, losing love. People who hate me, I am killed one by one; people who believe in me, live happily. I have no concern, I am going to die. You broke my The **** of the gods ruined my body, and now, I am empty and have nothing, only one heart that wants to take the sky."

"On this vast land, I have taken away the spring and autumn of the grass, taking away the legal principles of the soul, taking the right and wrong, taking the cause and effect of the law, taking away the dead, taking away the years and reclaiming the reincarnation of all things. After that, Everything in heaven and earth, everything is in my grasp, then I still need to take away."

"If there is no reincarnation, no time, no land, no life in this world. In the end, I will be left alone."

Jiu Lian’s face still had no expression, but his pupil trembled fiercely, as if something was struggling in pain, staring at Luo gradually.

Luo gradually cleared the phoenix fire with a hot, hot, and went to the front of Jiu Lian, and finally stopped.

"What else do I want to take away?" He gently slammed, but his voice reached the sky: "It should be, the rest of everything, the end of the soul."

"Today, I will completely take away the last remaining thing!"

"I want, take me away!"

"Jiu Lian Tian Tian Lu" eighth won, won me!

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