MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 141

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On the Ming Dynasty, several magnificent palace buildings lined up in the mountains and green waters.

I saw a young monk wearing a black robe flying down from the sky and falling on the square in front of the Ming Mingfeng Law Enforcement Hall. Along the way, several newcomers who were just getting started excitedly said hello to the monk, who also responded with a smile and a demeanor.

When he walked to the door of the law enforcement hall, the young monk pouted and whispered dissatisfiedly: "How can you see this disciple today, can't you see a golden dragon period or more?" When the voice fell, he lifted his foot again and strode. Across, I entered the law enforcement hall.

At this time, there were only two Jindan disciples in the law enforcement hall. Seeing this young monk, the faces of the two men flashed a reluctance, but they still honestly performed a ceremony and said: "Lee brother, you are back."

Li Xiuchen had a big arm, although he wanted to hide, but the arrogance in his bones could not be covered: "Give me these two tasks."

The two disciples immediately went to clear the tasks led by Li Xiuchen and brought him rewards. At this time, Li Xiurchen asked: "What is going on today? The ban on the Zongmen side has opened one more, I am entering After Yan Mingfeng, I haven’t seen a few disciples above the Golden Age. What happened?”

After a pause, Li Xiuchen’s eyes brightened: "Is it the same as the Broken Soul?"

Upon hearing this, one of the disciples’ faces was stunned, but he explained with a good temper: “The Broken Soul has not come to the pavilion to provoke, and Brother Lee, there is no chance for you to show your talents today.”

Li Xiuchen’s face flashed a disappointing look. At this time, he heard another disciple snoring and said: “Remember that more than a hundred years ago, we entered the Taihua Mountain with Master Li at the same time, but I didn’t want to go through a hundred years, Master Li. It has already reached the realm of the fit period, and it has already surpassed the aunt of the Qing Dynasty."

Li Xiuchen couldn't help but raise his chin and smiled.

At this time, I heard the disciple continue and said: "But the reason why Taihua Mountain is so alert is because of another thing. Brother Lee may be able to hurry back to Taihua Mountain without hearing the wind. In fact, a few days ago, One person returned to Taihua Mountain."

Li Xiuchen’s heart was tight and asked subconsciously: “Who?”

"He is... ah!"


A golden light passed by Li Xiuchen's eyes. He only had time to see the horror of the law enforcement church disciples, and he was dragged backwards by a powerful force. After all, it was already the cultivation of the fit period. After Li Xiuchen’s fear of being nervous for a while, he quickly began to block the spirit.

However, his spiritual power is like dripping into the sea, being swayed by the other's spiritual power, and there is no even a force to resist!

Li Xiuchen’s eyes widened in fear, and there was no more smug look. He shouted: “Who is it? Who dares to use force in Taihua Mountain! I am the chief of the Ming Dynasty and the current head of the Taihua Mountain. Li Xiuchen, the disciple of the Sayādaw! How dare you do this to me, not afraid that my master will kill you!"

Answering Li Xiuchen is a more tightening force. This force pulls Li Xiuchen all the way back and flies backwards. The whole person slid on the ground. As a fit-in monk, he was naturally thick and thick, but the stone and sand rubbed against his scalp. The man dragged his hair and his waist back and dragged him back, causing him to lick his mouth.

After Li Xiuchen was dragged out of the law enforcement hall, all the disciples left on Yan Mingfeng came over and saw this scene.

I saw the brother Li Xichen, who was second only to Jie Ziyu in their minds. At this moment, they were bound by a golden rope, and they went backwards! The golden light flashed on the rope, which seemed ordinary, but it made Li Xiuchen like a smashed shackle, struggling with the four feet.

Everyone followed the rope and looked up again. In an instant, they all stayed.

I saw that in the veil of the gauze, a Tsing Yi monk died independently, with a green lotus jade lamp in his left hand and a golden sword in his right hand. The rope that tied Li Xiuchen and made him helpless was only held by the monk with one finger!

The monk was slightly coveted, and a pair of slender phoenix eyes were cold and ruthless, and there was only a cold chill in the light. It was a picturesque, temperament.

These disciples on Yan Mingfeng have never seen such a good-looking person. They are obsessed one by one. Even younger sisters who used to worship Li Xichen’s brothers have forgotten that this person is dragging their brother Li, but they are not intent. Watching.

Li Xiuchen was dragged off the ground. When the rope around his waist suddenly tightened and hung him up in the air, a sense of horror and familiarity suddenly returned to his mind. He turned his head stiffly and finally saw the person carrying himself. When he saw the face, Li Xiuchen saw not the beauty of the eyes of other people, but the face of a demon Shura.

"Luo gradually clear! Luo gradually clear! Luo gradually clear ah ah ah ah!!!"

Twenty years ago, at the bottom of that break, the most wanted thing that Li Xiuchen had forgotten in his life. Although he used his treasure to create a fake body for himself, the damage exerted on that body would not be fed back to the body, but he could truly feel the pain.

This treasure is obtained by Li Xiuchen in a ruin. It is the immortal treasure that the owner of the relics got with good luck. It is also something that belongs to him in the plot. This treasure is so rare, of course, it is impossible to save the lives of two people. Li Xiuchen was the first to let the Suichang Supreme and his own ninth heavy danger, is not to waste the treasure, of course, it is best to die. As for the life of Suichang's sage, Li Xiuchen never put it in his heart.

If the guy is dead, it is his own lack of strength, lose to others, where can he blame him?

As for the later events, Li Xiuchen did not want to recall. He never imagined that Luo gradually cleared his own conspiracy to commit suicide, and he refused to kill himself. Moreover, Luo gradually cleared his strength even more than him. He just wanted to commit suicide and there was no way.

So he was gradually cleared off by the Luo, and all the way from the phoenix tree to the entrance to the ninth heavy danger.

"Luo gradually clear! Why are you! Why are you!!!"

In the face of Li Xiuchen's roar, Luo gradually cleared his eyes and looked at him, then turned and left. At this time, Guanglingzi Zun and others all chased them up. They were shocked to see Luo gradually clearing Li Xichen with a bundle of celestial ropes, ready to leave.

Guanglingzi Zun immediately said: "It is clear, he is my disciple, what are you doing?!"

Luo gradually looked up and saw the Guanglingzi Supreme, and did not say much, but also left.

How can Guanglingzi let Luo gradually clear his own disciples in front of himself? He immediately stepped forward, but was gradually cleared by the Luo Xuan Ling sword, a sword light block.

Looking at this familiar sword, Guanglingzi's sages hold their breath and no longer have the meaning of hands-on.

As everyone knows, the Guanglingzi sage of Taihua Mountain has always been bold and temperamental, but he did not know. At this moment, he looked at the sword in the hands of Luo gradually, and he even had some whimpers. His voice was hoarse and said: "Shi Bo knows that you have always been I don't like Shibo's disciple. But he is a disciple of Taihua Mountain after all. He has never provoked you. If it really makes you leave him so much, what is the face of Taihua Mountain?"

Luo gradually tightened the sword in his right hand and looked at the Guanglingzi Supreme, but he did not say for a long time.

Guanglingzi grew a pair of thick eyebrows and big eyes. At this moment, his eyes were full of tears. For a long time, he took a few pieces from the Nayong. He said: "If this disciple does not do anything that must be done, you are willing to bring him back. There are a few pieces here, I want to come... you want them too."

Luo gradually cleared his eyes and raised his hand to **** the pieces.

The golden pieces were suspended in front of Luo gradually clearing. He looked down at the piece of broken jade, and his teeth gradually tightened, suddenly squatting and collecting the pieces into the ring. The next moment, he looked at Guanglingzi and finally said the first sentence after he came to Taihua Mountain: "He is damn, but he can't die. He has a big role. If you don't believe... Shibo, you kill now. He tried!"

Guanglingzi is in the same place: ""

"You don't dare to kill him, then I will kill him!"

A low voice rang from the back of Luo Qingqing and Li Xiuchen. Everyone turned to see, but saw a black figure flashing like lightning. In the blink of an eye, he flew to the back of Li Xiuchen, and he stabbed a sword resolutely. then……


In the sky, a red lightning flashed quickly on the black figure. Rao was the man who had a robbery period, and this lightning broke a **** mouth on his right arm. Blood was flowing from the wound, and a long sword was shaken by this force and fell directly into the forest below.

Guanglingzi Supreme has wide eyes: "Zi 濯!!!"

Jiezi picked up the left hand without injury and gently wiped the blood on his lips. He didn't pay any attention to his injury. Instead, he looked up and looked at the complex Luo. The pale face was awkwardly revealing a smile, and the explanation was bitterly asked: "Master, why was it 100 years ago... You never let me do this, don't want to tell me all about it?"

Luo gradually cleared his fingers, but did not answer.

Yu Qingzi's sages quickly healed the wounds, but the Thunder directly smashed the left arm of the scorpion, and it took at least ten years to recuperate. He himself was the cultivation of the early stage of the robbery. He could smash his bones. It can be seen how horrible the thunder is, how fast it will come, so that the scorpion can't escape.

However, at this time, everyone in Taihua Mountain looked at Luo Xingqing and Li Xiuchen, who was lifted on his finger and looked dull, but could no longer speak.

The Thunder just saw what they saw clearly. The only monk who was trained to be the highest monk in addition to Luo gradually cleared the Guanglingzi. The Thunder did not have any warning at all. It was a killing trick. It was necessary to kill the attacker who had attacked Li Xiuchen. If it was not for the solution, the thunder would be enough to seriously damage the solution!

So why is there such a thunder?

What is special about Li Xiuchen?

Luo gradually cleared... Why do you know?

All the suspicious eyes of the people all aimed at Luo gradually clear, only the latter looked at them with a faint look, and the line of sight stayed on the left cloud and the uncle, and then turned and left, leaving only one sentence - -

"If you want to know the truth, fifty years later, the land of the North, I am waiting for you!"


A cyan ray flashed through the gray and white mist, and Guanglingzi screamed "going clear" and wanted to catch up again, but only after chasing hundreds of miles, he was opened by the other side. After returning to the Taihua Mountain, Guanglingzi looked at his seriously injured, and it was distressed and helpless.

After a long sigh, Guanglingzi asked: "Zi Zi, if you know something before, why do you hide us and refuse to say it?"

The cold and stubborn black monk opened his eyes and refused to answer.

Guanglingzi couldn't help but sigh, but looked at the injury on the left arm of Jiezi, and he had to comfort himself: "I know that you are angry, Master knows that you are wronged, but this thing is not allowed by your wayward. Stinky boy, you and Your master is the best, and everything is listening to him, but now this is not your personal matter. You will tell Li Xichen’s things one by one, not to miss it!"

This question, until one year later, Guanglingzi Zunzi got the answer.

Let the sages of Taihuashan be intimidated and tempted, even if the sages of Guanglingzi say "you don't say it again, and since then you are not a disciple of my Mingfeng", the solution is only a red eye, or refuse to say one. word.

Until Yu Qingzi’s sage said seriously: “If you don’t say it, from today, there will be no jade peak in Taihua Mountain. Xuan Lingzi is no longer the elder of Taihua Mountain, Luo Qingqing is no longer my Taihua Mountain. The first ones, their life and Taihua Mountain have no connection. Although they have been removed from the list of disciples of Taihua Mountain by the Xing Xingzi brothers, if you still refuse to tell the truth, then their traces in the Taihua Mountains, Will be erased one by one."

Since then, Jie Zi has only put all the things he knows out.

However, the words that Jie Zikai said, but the confusion of the people is deeper -

Why did Luo gradually clear from the day when Li Xiuchen just entered Taihua Mountain, and he hated him so much?

This problem will not be answered after all.

In the first seven or eight years, the strength of the major sects and the Yaozu will also put pressure on the Taihua Mountain, asking them to hand over the fall of Luo Qingqing. However, Taihua Mountain is tight-lipped, not only because they are not willing to tell the whereabouts of Luo Qingqing, but also because they do not know where Luo Qingqing took Li Xiuchen.

To put it bluntly, Taihuashan can only say one sentence -

"After fifty years, Luo gradually clears the land in the extreme north."

But this is the sentence, how can we make the world happy? Especially the Yaozu, Broken Soul and White House.

The four demon sects of the Yaozu are left alone. The criminal crisis has been secretly used by the human race for decades. The demon slaying the demon slaying the ghost ancestors died in Luo Qingqing’s hands. The rest of the Mahayana elders only died one.

In addition, the most miserable thing is the white house.

A hundred years ago, Bai Jia was the head of the Eight Great Family. The strength of the Bai family ancestors ranked the top ten among the Terran. But nowadays, the Baijia elite has fallen more than 100 people. The monks in the Mahayana period and the robbery period have all died. There are only a few people in the period of the monk, and even the next heir to the family, Baiji, died in Luo. Gradually clear hands!

The white family has long since fallen, but they also have a lot of wealth and secrets. They hate Luo and gradually clear, can't wait to drink his blood, eat his meat, as long as anyone can let Luo gradually die, they are willing to offer 80% of the family wealth!

Under the pressure of many of the Zongmen forces, Taihua Mountain had to put on a tough stance and reduce the exchanges with the outside world.

As time passes by, Taihua Mountain will recruit disciples every ten years, and gradually more disciples who have never heard of the name "Luo Qingqing". Whenever someone asks about the uninhabited mountain peak in the middle of the Seven Peaks of Taihua Mountain, there are old disciples who tell him in amazement: "This is a taboo for Taihua Mountain. Remember to ask again."

With the disappearance of Luo gradually disappeared, the legend of the entire Xuantian continent was once sensational, and no one talked again. Someone once said that in the four dangerous places, I saw Luo gradually cleared, and the Yaozu immediately sent people to go, but they rushed empty; some people said that in the eight wilderness, the sands of the wilderness saw Luo gradually cleared, and the soul was broken. The monk of the sect rushed over, but he did not see the figure.

Just like the general magic when he appeared, Luo gradually cleared an excellent inner disciple on the Mingshan Peak of Taihua Mountain and disappeared on the Xuantian continent. Although the Yaozu and other Zongmen forces still want to pursue the traces of Luo Qingqing and kill him, they can't do anything about it.

In the past 50 years, there have been several incidents that have alarmed the mainland.

In the third year of the disappearance of Luo gradually disappeared, the Buddha and the dust of Gui Yuanzong officially entered the period of catastrophe, and became the third young man who entered the catastrophe period after Xuanqing and Jiezi.

It is said that on the day he entered the robbery period, there was a blossoming Buddha light golden lotus in the sky, a total of seven seventy-four and ninety-nine, so that the world was baptized with Dharma. It is also said that the Magic Road Palace sent a big gift, but the Buddha and the dust refused to accept it.

In the nineteenth year of the disappearance of Luo gradually disappeared, Taihua Mountain also ushered in the second young monk who entered the robbery period. It is the third division sister Wei Qiongyin of the seven sons of Taihua. After Wei Qiongyin reached the robbery period, the Wei family sent someone to come and hoped that she would return to the defender, but Wei Qiongyin refused.

In the twenty-sixth year of the disappearance of Luo gradually disappeared, the magical palace was over the clouds, and the current palace owner Yunxiang tried to cross the robbery period, but it was defeated and almost killed.

At this time, the monks in the world have already forgotten the existence of Luo gradually clearing up, and they have their eyes fixed on the devilish magical palace. If it is not the broken souls, there are three powers of 戚珞, Qinguihe and Qinsiyi, I am afraid that the magic road The palace has not existed for a long time.

Even so, there is a saying in the private sect of the Broken Soul: "When two or three hundred years have passed, 戚珞, Qin Guihe and Qin Siyi have successively reached the limit. Once they fall, the Magic Road Palace is not in my pocket. What?"

This statement was completely ruined in the forty-third year when Luo gradually disappeared.

This year, the twelfth sea of ​​the demon, suddenly set off a hurricane. The terrible storm smashed the sky over the twelfth sea for nine hundred and ninety-one days. At that time, it was a yin anger, and the clouds covered the sun. The entire twelfth sea became a dangerous place. When you step into it, you can only turn it into powder.

By the end of the eighty-one days, the Yaozu immediately cheered.

Demon Zun Jin is back!

If it is said that only by relying on the power of the old man alone, the Yaozu can not move the human race for the time being, and it is impossible to arrest the Luo and gradually clear the people. Now that there is a return from Jin, the Terran will only become the slave of the Yaozu.

However, in just three days, the Terran also sent a message.

On that day, the winds of the demon domain blew the isolated steep mountain, the reddish-brown land seemed to be stained with blood, and the rich magical spirit enveloped the magical palace, as if it were a dead land.

A figure came slowly from a distance. He wore a blood-red robes, one eye with a horrible blood, and the other with pure blue. Beside the blue pupil, a strange silvery pattern spread from the end of his eye, extending to the hair, creating a beautiful pattern.

The magical eyes that kept under the magic mountain had big eyes and looked at the man unbelievably.

Soon, Yunxiang, Yi, Qinsiyi, Qinguihe all rushed to the foot of the magic mountain, looking far away from this person.

They stared at each other, and the latter hanged their eyes and looked at them without expression. For a long time, Yunxiang finally couldn’t help but rushed forward. He was about to hold the man tightly, but he was held by the other hand with his hand on the forehead.

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