MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 133

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In the middle of the seven seasons, the demon statue stood in the position of the Big Four, standing around the seven large arrays, waiting for the command of Yin Ji.

Under the yin yin, the demon singer, who is in the shaking star, screams, squirting the turbulent demon power on his hands, and slamming his fist to the southwest. Waiting for the second order of Yin Ji, the demon statue in Kaiyang Star also waved past a paw, squatting in the northwest.

Five consecutive attacks, each at a different point, caused the big sway to sway slightly, but it did not break the enchantment.

The half-element of the mysterious spirit was thrown at the attack on Qinglian Yuanshen, but the other half of the body controlled by the gods blinked their eyes and looked at the movements of the seven demon statues calmly. Except for the gently swaying enchantment, the seven joint squads did not have any abnormalities. The five demon statues seemed to be doing brainless attacks, meaningless.

However, Xuan Lingzi has taken out the mysterious sword from the eyebrows, and the right hand is clenched and ready.

Yin Ji is a man who is deceitful and wise. Since she has let these seven demon statues attack, it naturally has her reason. Moreover, since the fall of Feng Sixian, she is one of the most outstanding masters of the Xuan Tian Confucius. Xuan Lingzi believes that his accomplishments in the formation are far less than Yin Ji, and that the Yin Ji at the moment may be found. The law of breaking the line.

Luo gradually cleared the edge of the upcoming failure, but Yin Ji quickly found out the way to break the line.

There is no fear or fear in the narrow and long phoenix of Xuan Lingzi. He just looks at the **** young man not far from the eyes. Only when he sees this person, his cold scorpion will be softer. A little bit of temperature and color.

Yin Ji shouted loudly: "Zhong Heng, falling stars!"

The demon Zhongheng, who stood in the position of Scorpio, immediately screamed and turned into a black big leopard, roaring and vomiting a hot black inflammation in a certain position.

When the sixth attack fell on the big battle, the seven big arrays suddenly trembled together, and the enchantment flashed. This trembling lasted for a quarter of an hour, and the rest of the onlookers were amazed.

It is clear that the first five attacks have no effect, as if it is itching, why is this sixth attack such a big reaction? Could it be said that this sixth attack really destroyed what happened to the seven joint strategists and really solved this big battle? !

Seeing this scene, Yin Ji smiled low and everything was in her grasp.

She looked up and looked at the demon statue standing in the position of Tianshuxing. The latter immediately nodded at her, and then she said nothing, and turned into a huge monster in the sky. The monster has three huge snake heads, which twist the black body and spray a venom directly above the seven large arrays.

Just at the moment when the venom hits the enchantment, bang!

The violent sounds are carried out in the heavens and the earth, and this blockade of the two great powers for more than ten days burst into pieces in an instant!

The countless beams and symbols at the foot of Xuan Lingzi disappeared, and countless purple mists poured into Luo Qingqing from all directions. If it is said that the previous big array can slightly disperse some purple fog, and let Luo gradually clear better, then this array of law has completely collapsed, and it has been unable to dispel a little purple fog, so that the rich purple fog will cover everything. .

"Tianqing broke the sea array!"

The first one to respond is the seven demon statues closest to Xuan Lingzi. They came under the command of Yin Ji, and they succeeded directly on the first attempt. So they immediately formed a large array from seven directions, using the one that Yin Jiji secretly stuffed into the hands of the demon Zhong Heng. A jasper beads.

Tianqing broke the sea array in an instant, and the seven demon statues were all in the middle of the Mahayana. The power of the sky was broken by their strength, which was enough to commemorate the early monks of God!

They are all turned into the original form, and they have launched their own full blow to the mysterious spirit without hesitation. They have just seen it, Xuan Lingzi tore his half of the god, that is to say, his strength is definitely less than 60% of normal time!

This moment is a good time to kill the mysterious spirit!

Just as the mysterious son was about to be touched by these attacks, everyone only felt a flash in front of them, and when they fixed their eyes, the saints of the white robes disappeared into place. The demon statue Zhong Heng's face changed greatly, and he was careful to watch out for the surrounding, but as soon as he looked up, he saw a golden sword light falling from the top of his head.

Zhong Heng immediately roared forward and rushed forward, blocking the Jianguang with his sharp claws.


The sharp and sharp swords cut off the hoofs of the demon statue Zhong Heng, even all the way down, cut off its arms, and made a small mouth directly on its neck, but when it was about to cut off the throat Suddenly disappeared.

Zhong Heng trembled in fear, but when he found that the sword spirit of Xuan Lingzi could not kill himself, he even shouted exaggeratedly with his disused arms. "He is really hurt! His There is absolutely no strength in the middle of the gods... Maybe there is no magical period!"

As soon as this words fell, those powerful faces that looked at them in the distance changed.

The ghost ancestor of the broken soul sang laughed and said: "Xuan Lingzi, you have indiscriminately killed the innocent for the demon, and helped you to abuse it! Today, the deity will replace the little man who betrayed the human race!" He waved the black soul and rushed to the black spirit.

The third sea lord of the Yaozu also laughed and said: "The enemies that have been formed on the battlefield in the past two hundred years, today in this nightmare, the deity wants you to repay all!"

Among the Terran, the most angry is the white family ancestors.

His old face was flushed, his eyes were so fast that he would jump out of his eyes. He stared at the mysterious spirit and Luo gradually with his hateful eyes. Especially the former, his gaze almost gave the former a corpse!

"Xuan Lingzi! You kill me one hundred and twenty people in Baijia! You even kill even the junior! You sin and die, you sin! How can you be as good as your juniors, you are shameless Those who are ruthless and unrighteous, today the deity will have to take you thousands of miles, and then peel your skin from your demon apprentice, so that you will die without a place of burial!"

For a time, countless powers all rushed to the mysterious spirit and madly attacked him.

Even if the strength is far less than the mid-term monk of the mysterious son, after hesitating for a while, he quickly followed up and hid among the crowds, constantly attacking.

There are five Mahayana monks in Taihua Mountain. Except for the Xing Xingzi, the other four are staying in Taihua Mountain, and they are not willing to come out.

At this moment, only after the star of the star, standing on the rushing power, looked at this scene. His eyes flashed a complex look, his right hand was gripped and placed on the Taihua sword, and he held it again. At the end, he suddenly lifted his gaze, through the shoulders of Xuan Lingzi, looking at the Luo gradually hidden behind him. clear.

Xing Xingzi's eyes are shrinking, and he is trying to kill Luo Qingqing. Whoever expects to listen to Yinji's soft laughter: "I can't bear to kill your younger brother?"

The body of the Xing Xingzi is stiff, saying: "The goal of the deity has always been to eradicate all the enchantments that have been cultivated in the "Jiu Lian Tian Tian Lu"."

Hearing words, Yin Ji covered his red lips and smiled faintly twice. In the blink of an eye, the smile on her face suddenly disappeared, and she said, "Can you really kill him?"

The answer to Yin Ji is the back of the star before it suddenly flies.

The sword on the Taihua sword burst into a cold sword, and the thorns gradually cleared. Even though Xuan Lingzi deliberately kept Luo behind him, he suffered too many attacks at this moment, almost self-concerned, how can he take care of Luo gradually clear. And Luo gradually clears himself in the impact of the Mahayana period, it is impossible to protect himself.

I starred that I thought this sword would end everything and let the source of the chaos clear. But just as his sword was moving forward, he suddenly saw a hand caught on the sword of the Taihua sword!

Taihua Mountain is a fairy, and then how the tough body is cut away from the flesh and blood, and the red blood is shed.

The black spirit sword turned into a golden streamer, constantly blocking the attacks of the monks and demons, but the mysterious son himself did not know when to fly to the front of the star. He did not hesitate to reach out and grasp the fairy, even though the aura of the Taihua sword continually slammed into the palm of the black man, causing his hand to pull out countless small wounds, and he did not let go.

Xing Xingzi said dumbly: "Teacher, you..."

"You watched him grow up." The hoarse voice rang slowly, and the mysterious son raised his throat, looking calmly at the white-haired monk in front of him. "You know, he won't do anything to hurt others. He used to fight against the Yaozu, and he was almost insured and almost killed."

One word and one sentence hit the heart of the star, causing his heart to tremble, but he did not answer.

There was no expression on the face of Xuan Lingzi. He looked at the white-haired old man who was hesitant in his eyes, and suddenly gripped the Taihua sword hard, causing the blood in his palm to flow more quickly.

Xing Xingzi could not help but shouted: "Teacher!"

Xuan Lingzi’s wrist forceed the Taihua sword into the scabbard at the waist of the star. When he looked up again, the last temperature hidden in the fundus disappeared completely. This gaze seemed to look at a stranger, causing the star to slammed, only to see the lips of the mysterious son, a calm, ruthless voice. Coming from the horizon -

"From now on, there is no sound to rebel out of Taihua Mountain, and there is no black spirit in the world!"

At the moment when the voice fell, the black spirit sword "嗖-" uttered back to the hands of the white sage. He did not hesitate to raise his long sword, his fingers quickly smashed the handcuffs on the sword, and pointed out a dazzling golden light, which made the mysterious sword illusion of a huge sword shadow, and rushed to the all to attack himself. The two sages.

This blow is like a raging wave, and all the satisfied people who have been full of confidence have been hit. The 12 members of the Mahayana mid-term all flew out and spit out blood; the rest of the Mahayana's late powers also looked white, and then retired dozens of steps to stabilize the figure.

The closest star of Xuan Lingzi was shocked by this sudden blow. He was spit out of the blood of his heart, and he was smashed back and forth, hitting six hills in succession, and was on the ground to stabilize his footsteps.

Xuan Lingzi looked calmly and raised his hand, rubbing the blood spilling over his lips. His face was pale and dull, but only one person and one sword, so that more than 20 peerless powers have stopped, no one dares to go one step further.

Yin Ji slightly smashed the scorpion, cold channel: "But it is the end of the strong, why support."

The tip of the sword of Xuan Lingjian suddenly pointed to Yin Ji, and the honorable person of Qing Jun Xiuya slightly raised his head, faintly said: "That will go forward."

The cold wind whizzed past the sky, and no one dared to challenge!

Obviously, he has been severely seriously injured. He has been torn apart by half of the strength of the gods. However, in the face of this elegant and elegant white sage, all the powers in the room are afraid to move. Because the sword just let them recognize a fact -

Even if this person is seriously injured, he is also a mysterious son!

The only great power in the middle of Xuantian continent!

The atmosphere was stagnant for a while, and the mysterious spirit stood by the sword. The two people’s sages were separated from him by more than 20 meters, and there was no movement. Even Yinyin bites silver teeth, staring dangerously at Xuan Lingzi, dare not act rashly.

But at this time, I heard a crisp sound, which sounded from behind the black spirit.

This voice is very wonderful. The people present at the scene can add up. The years of living have already exceeded 50,000 years old, but no one has ever heard such a voice. It is as if the first sound of the earth was introduced from the sky when the heavens and the earth were first opened, and peace and peace could be shocked.

Xuan Lingzi immediately turned to look at it, only to see the blood of Luo gradually clear the body slowly peeled open!

The golden sun shines on the young man who is covered in blood. He shines on the white face that slowly peels off his blood. It seems that this elegant and dusty face is coated with a faint golden light, which is really a white jade, handsome. Extremely.

Xuan Lingzi muttered: "Getting clear..."

Yin Ji has big eyes: "No, he wants to break through! Hurry and stop!"

However, no matter whether it is the two big powers of the two, or the mysterious spirit who flies forward, but they have nothing to do, they see the young man open his eyes.

How to describe this look, it seems to be quiet for 10,000 years, 100,000 years, millions of years!

It contains traces of silence and ancientity, as if you have seen all the prosperity of the world, no trace of fluctuations, no joy or no sorrow, and calmly look at everything in front of you. This is not like a human eye, but rather like...

"Heavenly." Xuan Lingzi silently lost his voice.

But in the next moment, Luo gradually cleared the color and suddenly recovered the color. He immediately looked at the Xuan Lingzi, and then saw those who chased him.

Luo gradually cleared up and stood by the side of Xuan Lingzi. The opening was: "Master, you are hurt again!" When the voice fell, a powerful attack suddenly hit.

Xuan Lingzi waved a sword light and smashed the other's attack, but he saw it in amazement. Luo gradually cleared his eyes and shone with a sparkling light. At the same time, the monk in the middle of the great sneak attack suddenly screamed and the whole person fell down.

He clearly did not suffer any injuries, but he was lying on the ground, making everyone confused.

Xuan Lingzi is different: "Get clear, this..."

Junyi’s youth turned to look at the power that fell to the ground. When he saw the tip of his toes, he flew up into the sky again. He didn't have any major injuries in his body. Except for the swordsmanship of Xuan Lingzi, he had a **** mouth on his chest. There was no other problem. But in the eyes of Luo gradually clear, he can see that at the foot of this person, a bright red line suddenly fainted a lot.

This line has not disappeared, but it is less bright.

Xuan Lingzi slightly frowned and asked: "Your breath has not risen to the Mahayana period, gradually clear, is it a failure?"

Luo gradually cleared the question, but looked at the white sage in front of him in a complicated way. For a long time, he suddenly took the hand of Xuan Lingzi and flew away from the night of the nightmare.

Yin Ji and others did not expect that Luo gradually cleared away after a long period of staleness. Even Yin Ji was stunned for a moment, and then everyone chased it in anger, but the monk who had no choice but to sneak into the earth took a little longer, and then quickly caught up.

Luo gradually pulled all the way to the outside of the nightmare land, Xuan Lingzi brows tightly, asked: "Get rid of, why should I escape."

Xuan Lingzi has long discovered that the breath of Luo gradually cleared up to the Mahayana period, but did not fall to the middle of the robbery. That is to say, the strength of Luo gradually cleared at least, and with the strength of the two of them, there is no need to escape!

The Yuanshen who has been torn by Xuan Lingzi has already returned to the body, and his strength at this moment has at least returned to the beginning of the god.

In the case of not needing to take care of Luo gradually clear, Xuan Lingzi wants to kill more than 20 monks in the late Mahayana, may need some trouble, but if you only want to kill Yin Ji, it is easy.

Yin Ji will be removed, and her will be lost. The power of the two families who chase them will lose 30%!

Listening to the words of Xuan Lingzi, Luo gradually cleared his head and went on his way to the West. There was no opening. Such ignorance made Xuan Lingzi's face slightly cold, and he asked again softly, Luo gradually cleared still did not answer.

Xuan Lingzi finally got a little angry, and he whispered: "Get rid of, if you progress because of strength, you will defy the teacher's life. That is why the teacher will not hesitate to teach you again today. How to respect the teacher... ”


The hoarse crying sounded low, and the voice of Xuan Lingzi stopped.

The two were still slowly moving forward by Luo gradually, and the mysterious son looked at the back of his own children, but saw the shoulders of the latter trembled slightly. Before the Ming Dynasty, there were no more tears in the past, but at this moment, a tear of tears floated from the front of the black spirit, and squatted on his dry lips.

Xuan Lingzi stunned.

Luo gradually whispered and dumb, and every word seemed to be squeezed out of the scorpion. He shook his voice and said one word at a time: "If there is no line, it is not dead, it is not The soul will fly and scatter. The Xuantian continent will eventually perish, the new world will eventually be born, the Bohai Sea will be transformed into a new Bohai Sea, and the Sangtian will become a new mulberry field, but they are still them. But you have no such line, since then, no Entering everything, not in reincarnation... heaven and earth are everywhere, both

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