MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 115

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Many years ago, in the rumor records of the Terran, there were three tribes in the world.

One is a dragon, can be plunged into the sea, soaring for nine days; the second is the phoenix, can be the fire to the spirit, Nirvana rebirth; the third is the unicorn, the first is the river clear sea, the world is peaceful.

At that time, it was not the Terran, not the Yaozu, but the Three Beasts. However, somehow, gradually, the three tribes have died. By 30,000 years ago, the whole family of the Qilin had disappeared, and even the Feng nationality with its undead body disappeared. The only dragon left was the Cang Ruo Zun, and now there is only one left.

Luo gradually cleared that the death of the Feng nationality was actually punished by the heavens.

He couldn't understand why it was obvious that others had captured the cultivation of the phoenix female, and they sneaked into a fairy. The heavens did not punish the person. Instead, they punish Akasaka and even sit on the phoenix.

These secrets seem to be heavily foggy, and Luo will be trapped in it, unable to see the front, and can not see the retreat.

Although Akasaka once had the qualification of becoming a fairy, she almost got on the fairyland, but now she is just a touch of obsession, even the soul is not counted. When she passed the phoenix of the phoenix to the Luo gradually cleared, she set off a flaming fire and fluttered with wings, so that the fire would gradually surround Luo.

When Luo gradually wanted to resist, he listened to Akasaka and said, "Don't resist, let this fire burn your flesh and leave the seeds of phoenix in your dantian."

Just hesitating for a moment, Luo gradually cleared up the resistance.

The phoenix fire is the fire from the world to the pure and just fire. It is burned by such a fire. Luo gradually clears the sound of his own skin being burnt out. The strange thing is that his skin is not burnt and festered at all, and even the hair is not burnt, but the pain that transcends the flesh and body is actually along the skin and passed to Luo gradually clearing the body.

The flames flow through the veins, swaying through each of the thick and spacious veins and exploring.

Entering from the Tianling point, all the way down, until the flame broke into the vast expanse of Dantian, suddenly stopped.

Luo gradually got hurt and sweated all the time, and he was stunned. He just insisted on holding on with his will, and he did not pass out. He naturally did not see it. When Akasaka manipulated the phoenix fire into his dantian, he saw his lotus-like god, and he was shocked and stunned.

"It turns out... is this the essence of avenue cultivation?"

Akasaka’s eyes were clear and clear in the blink of an eye. She seemed to see through something, and involuntarily raised her lips, revealing a self-deprecating smile. She raised her right hand and painted many strange symbols in the air. Every time she went down, she had golden runes in the air. In the end, she shot the runes to Luo.

"Death, silence, inaction, not born!"

"My phoenix is ​​willing to be battered by fire, and taste the world's hardships. It is endlessly difficult, only to be born again."

"The pain of life and death, the whole quiet music, the fruit of the poor!"

"Nirvana, new life!"

The big fire in the Dantian of Luo gradually cleared up and wrapped his entire dantian into it.

Luo gradually cleared his mouth and made a sigh from his throat. He hugged his arms tightly, as if he had returned to his mother's arms, wrapped himself tightly, and the whole person curled up. However, his behavior did not stop the infinite fire burning in the body.

This fire seemed to be a real thing, sweeping through every corner of Luo Danqing, and burning his dantian into a dark. Only in the face of the small Yuanshen, this phoenix fire was hesitant for a moment, from a bypass, who expected that the gods actually took the initiative to entangle.

Akasaka’s face changed, and he quickly manipulated the phoenix fire and fled to the side.

This Yuanshen chased after unrelentingly, and with the advantage in Dantian, he quickly entangled the phoenix fire and integrated himself into the phoenix fire.


The Yuanshen entered the phoenix fire, which waited for the roasting to make Luo gradually clear the pain to make a painful shout. The Yuanshen is the most sensitive place for a monk. Now the gods are burned by the fire, and it has naturally hurt to the point of being intolerable.

If it is said that the pain of being buried in the bones is the pain of despair, it can still be tolerated; now that the **** of the gods is battered by the phoenix fire, there will be a hundred times of pain, and it will be painful to get rid of it, and it will be like it. It is good to endure torture here.

The change of Luo gradually clearing the gods is not completely thought of by Akasaka. She naturally knows that the gods repaired by the people cannot be grilled by the phoenix fire, but the green lotus **** is like the dog skin plaster, and it is dead in this group. In the fire, refused to leave.

Even if its owner has been bleeding, and it hurts to roll on the ground, this **** does not know anything, and concentrates on spinning in the phoenix fire.

Akasaka looks at each other: "No, if you go on like this, this **** will definitely break, and he will die!"

The next moment, Akasaka’s eyes flashed a bit of hesitation, but in the end it was still pinched and ready to take back the phoenix fire.


A huge and powerful force suddenly interrupted the behavior of Akasaka. She was shocked by this force and walked back for a walk, and looked at Luo to stunned. When I discovered that the phoenix fire had lost contact with myself, and lived alone in the Dantian of Luo Qingqing, and ignored his own time, Akasaka was shocked and completely unable to believe that such a thing would happen.

Although she is only a touch of obsession, she also has a phoenix fire.

This phoenix fire is her last group of phoenix fires, and it is also the last group of phoenix fires on the Xuantian continent.

Akasaka originally wanted to leave a star-fired seedling in the body of Luo Qingqing by this group of phoenix fires. If Luo gradually gradually encountered any fatal dangers, he could take the opportunity to get a chance to regenerate. You must know that the flames are useless, and the chance of Luo gradually clearing is only one time, but the phoenix fire is a constant source, endless!

"How could he take my phoenix fire? This phoenix fire is the fire of my life. I have been with me for 30,000 years. He is not a phoenix. Why can he take the phoenix fire? Does he have the blood of my phoenix? !"

Akasaka immediately shook his head and denied his conclusion: "The three tribes are not allowed. If he really has the blood of my phoenix, he will not be able to successfully bury the keel, and he will be countered by the keel. He does not have the blood of the phoenix, but he Still able to take away my life and phoenix fire, is it because of his finished dollar god?!"

All mysteries could not be known, and Akasaka stood on the sycamore branch, looking at Luo and gradually clearing his face.

Under the lush and lush shade of the trees, the young and handsome young people have already suffered from the extent of life and death. His mouth constantly utters a variety of whimpers, sometimes saying "pain", sometimes "master", but in most cases is calling a name -

No sound.

These painful shouts came into the ears of Akasaka, and her eyes softened. She raised her hand and pulled the stunned mysterious spirit to the sycamore tree. The huge giant tree was deeply placed in the hands of Xuan Lingzi and he was healed.

No sound, no sound.

Want to come to this person is silent?

This young monk has a strong mind and a strong mind, which can make him feel unconscious, showing how deep the torture of this phoenix fire is. At this time, the one who can make him shout out with a weak voice is necessarily the one he trusts the most.

Akasaka’s line of sight was turned around in Luo Qingqing and Xuan Lingzi. Her physique was gradually illusory, and she did not know how long it had been. It was almost transparent, as if it would disappear in the next moment. But she still stayed by Luo gradually, waiting for him to wake up from the burning of the boundless phoenix fire.

Blood oozes out of the pores of the body, making Luo gradually become a blood man.

Now, he no longer makes painful shouts, because he has already hurt the bone marrow, and he can’t shout when he wants to shout.

Akasaka looked at him silently: "I can't manipulate the phoenix fire today. If you end up, you will see your creation. If you can survive this robbery, you are the only one in the world that can gather keel and phoenix fire for a lifetime. People repair, I can't figure out your future, just... no limit! So, can you spend this robbery?"

After another hundred days, when Luo gradually opened his eyes, he felt clear and clear, and he was filled with the powerful spiritual power.

Luo gradually cleared his body with his own knowledge, and soon found that his veins were much more solid, and after being honed, he was more spacious and strong. And Dantian is even more amazing. In the center of the lotus, a small flame is burning. The flame looked hot and hot, and I could feel a heat wave.

Was it necessary to practice Nirvana, but to leave a phoenix fire in the body?

Luo gradually got up and stepped up and walked toward the phoenix tree. He repeatedly shouted two "predecessors" and answered him with an empty echo. Luo gradually cleared his brow and shouted again. This time, he finally saw the figure of Akasaka, but when he saw the other party, he was shocked and wide-eyed: "Predecessors, what happened to you?"

I saw that on the branches of the phoenix tree, the red phoenix girl has been illusory to the extent that it is hard to detect. Her body is almost completely transparent, and only a weak flame flashes on that long hair, which can attract the attention of others.

Akasaka hangs his throat and looks forward to Luo gradually clearing, saying: "You have learned Nirvana and got a phoenix fire."

Luo gradually clears that he does not know the true source of this phoenix fire. He performed a ceremony and respectfully said: "Thank you for your predecessors to teach the secret law."

Akasaka did not want to tell him the source of this phoenix fire, just faintly said: "With this group of phoenix fire, as long as you are not hurt by the soul, you will have the chance to regenerate Nirvana. Remember, when Nirvana, return Here, use the phoenix fire to ignite the leaves of the phoenix tree, let the flame burn your body. The phoenix tree is the last phoenix phoenix tree on the Xuantian continent. If you don't have it, you can't be nirvana in this life. Everyone of my phoenix is ​​born. You will get a phoenix tree, and the one in front of you is the sycamore that belongs to me."

Luo gradually clears the dagger: "Must go back here?"

Akasaka said: "Yes, be sure to come back here and use the phoenix leaves to ignite the phoenix fire. Secondly, you need to know that Nirvana does not allow you to be born again. The first time Nirvana, you encounter the least resistance, backward, Every time Nirvana, you will become more and more dangerous. In the history of my phoenix, only three phoenixes successfully passed the third nirvana, and only the phoenix ancestor spent the fourth nirvana. So, you are not a phoenix, you are the most Only Nirvana twice, remember not to try the third time."

Luo gradually clear one by one.

Akasaka took some attention points. In the end, Luo gradually couldn’t help but ask: "Predecessors, your body..."

Akasaka’s eyes calmly said: "I have already said that I was degraded 50,000 years ago, and now it is only going back to the end."

Luo gradually snorted and no longer asked.

Akasaka turned to look at the phoenix tree beside her, and she gently placed her hand on the sturdy and rough sycamore trunk and gently rubbed it. As if responding to her, the huge phoenix tree began to shake slightly, the leaves rubbed, and the voice of the mother-in-law was like a soft and soft lullaby.

Expanding his arms, Akasaka embraced the sycamore.

This Fengyi tree enjoys the tranquility of this moment. The phoenix tree also divides some branches, and holds the red scorpion gently in his arms, like a mother, stroking her hair.

After a long time, Akasaka’s voice was low and said: "Indus, I am leaving, you are here... I am alive."

The leaves swayed as if they were answering.

Akasaka smiled and said: "You have to look at me. Can there be a phoenix in the world? If it can appear, you will become his phoenix tree, with the glory of my phoenix, and reproduce the mysterious continent."

Indus gently strokes the hair of Akasaka.

After completing the farewell, Akasaka turned to look at Luo gradually, and confessed: "In fact, as long as you run Nirvana, there is a chance of one thousandth. You can give birth to a phoenix in the burning fire. I didn't tell you this in advance, and because you have used Nirvana twice, the chances of being born Phoenix are too low. I only have one wish. If you haven't used Nirvana in your life, or you don't have a Phoenix in Nirvana. Birth, then whether you are degraded or ascended into a fairy, I beg you, pass the phoenix fire of my phoenix to the next person, and teach him Nirvana."

Luo gradually felt a little surprised, but he nodded and agreed: "Well, the predecessors, the younger generation know." After a pause, Luo gradually cleared again: "If the younger generation gave birth to the phoenix at the time of Nirvana, the younger generation must raise this one. Phoenix grew up and brought him here."

Akasaka swayed his hand, not too much in his heart, because Luo gradually cleared the chances of the birth of the phoenix too small, perhaps waiting for a thousand years, no phoenix will be born.

At the end of life, Akasaka is sitting on the branches of the phoenix tree and looking into the distance. Her figure was getting weaker and lighter, and Wutong used a leaf to weave a soft cradle behind her. She gently lay back and leaned on the cradle and sang a song.

The language of this song has never been heard before, but it feels like turning people, like a bird singing, crisp and soft.

Looking at the figure that Akasaka is about to dissipate, Luo gradually couldn’t help but ask: "Predecessors, you once said that someone used your secret recipe to teach him to reincarnate and take away 50% of your strength and fly into a fairy. Can you tell his younger generation his name, if one day meets in the fairy world, the younger generation will revenge for the predecessors!"

Hearing the words, Akasaka’s body was a meal, and she looked down at Luo.

At this moment, there is only confusion and innocence on the beautiful and noble face of Akasaka. There is no cold and ruthless gesture. It is like a pure little girl, staring blankly at Luo.

Luo gradually cleared and shuffled again, and then he saw Akasaka laughed out and said: "His name is Feng Feng. If you meet him, I will tell him for me. I really admire him. For him, this situation does not regret, it will not fall forever."

Luo gradually became surprised: "Predecess?"

However, the next moment, I saw the smile on the face of Akasaka disappeared, and the eyes seemed to lick the poisonous knife. "You tell him again, the deity of the devil is flying in front of him, leaving a gift for him. In the name of my phoenix, I hope that he will be born in the world, a thousand knives, a ghost, and never live!"

After the fierce and decisive sound fell, the sound of the red-hot figure turned into a thousand light spots and disappeared into the plane tree. Luo gradually cleared his eyes and looked at the scene where Akasaka completely dissipated. Finally, he sighed and turned to walk toward the unconscious black spirit.

How is this feeling, can I admire to such a point?

How can this hate again, in order to curse the other side will never surpass the name of the soul?

Luo gradually cleared the hand of Xuan Lingzi and transmitted his spiritual power. At this moment, he has already achieved the great accomplishment of the middle of the robbery. A further step forward is the late stage of the robbery. With the help of Wutong, he can better heal the mysterious spirit.

A breeze blew, and the phoenix creaked.

Luo gradually lifted his head and looked at the huge tree like this. He murmured: "The younger brother of Akasaka has already hated the ultimate. She has never met a good person, and you don't have to be too sad for her. I will definitely finish her. Last will. I will try my best to make the Feng family reappear, and I will work hard. After Cheng Xian, a sword will smash the dead man."

Sycamore gently swayed, as if agreeing with Luo gradually clearing the words. Countless leaves fell from its body, as if crying for the disappearance of Akasaka, but as a tree, it can only express its emotions.

Luo gradually cleared his body for the healing of Xuan Lingzi, while slowly lying in his arms. Feeling the warm temperature, Luo gradually whispered to himself: "The red ancestors were lonely in their lives, Master, we can meet here, it is

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