MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 100

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When Luo gradually arrived at the demon domain, it was already the morning of the fourth day.

The morning light is dim, and a red sun rises from the horizon on the east side, and it shoots a golden glow. Luo gradually cleared the 13th sea for the first time. He went all the way to the west. When he crossed the huge demon domain and really arrived at the twelfth sea, it was already thin.

Just stepping on this sea area, a burst of horrible shock waves will come to the surface, and Luo will gradually shake back and fall three steps. The sea is shaking, the sea is constantly undulating, and it hits the white spray foam.

Along the way, Luo gradually saw a lot of monsters and people repaired the body. However, looking forward, these wreckage limbs are much less, only the blood stained the whole sea, the sunset light sprinkled on such a **** sea, sparkling, shocking.

Somehow, Luo gradually cleared his mind and felt a little embarrassed.

It seems that there is a small drum ringing in the drip, the speed is not fast or slow, the sound is not loud, so it is very calmly knocking, but it is very panic. Luo gradually cleared his hand and touched a necklace in his neck. His fingertips smashed through the pieces of three bells, speeding up and going forward.

At the moment, the twelfth sea has already become the battlefield of Shura.

The demon is in danger of standing on the side of the demon, looking at the war here from afar. I don’t know what I am thinking, but I have not intervened. In the people's repairs, the Magic Road Palace and the Yuqingzi Respect are also far away.

Yu Qingzi's sages only have the great strength of the late stage of the robbery, and she naturally can't take it; her strength is far lower than that of Jin, she can't intervene. It’s just that the criminal spectator’s behavior was thought-provoking, and Yu Qingzi’s sage looked quietly.

What they are watching is a peerless war.

The silver-white dragon soared for nine days and rushed down; the blood-red devil creaked and shattered the space!

Even if it is a beast, even if it has a tough body that transcends mortals, it is not completely uninjured. Now, his long, white dragon has a lot of horrible mouths. Everyway turned the bleeding, and the blood flowed out of the ground, obviously it was beaten by a whip mixed with rich magic.

However, compared to it, the state of the magic is even worse.

His left hand plunged down weakly. If someone used a sensible sweep, it would be easy to find that the bones from his elbows smashed and the meridians were all shaken. In addition, his spiritual power is exhausted, his body is full of wounds, and the ribs have already been broken several times.

The red blood wet the **** clothes, making the bright red color deeper. Under the setting sun, the red dress seemed to burn into a raging fire, rushing to the snow-white dragon with enthusiasm, and the two collided and made a loud noise.

Looking at this scene, the criminal crisis was thoughtful and looked up, seemingly inadvertently glanced at the Terran.

I have already pinched my fingers, but whenever the magic is hurt, she just gnats her teeth, but she never goes to help.


Magic Qianqiu whip the white dragon's neck, pull it to the front, and step on it. The white dragon crashed into the sea and stirred up the tsunami. He roared and raised his head, glaring at each other, and the long tail slammed. The tsunami instantly turned into ten long dragons, and they circling toward the body of the magic.


Devils flew back and forth, and they couldn’t help but fly again. He kept coughing, and the blood of the mouth was flowing out of his mouth. The magical hand pulled the arm of the dragon, and he stood up again. He turned around and looked to the side and whispered, "Is it coming?"

This tone seems to be flat, but it is anxious.

He stunned for a moment, and then he removed his gaze and said: "It hasn't been."

Devils licked his lips in silence, and his eyes narrowed, and he finally sighed and opened his hand. The latter looked at him with horror, and saw a thin, thin red figure stepping forward, lifting his whip to the sky, pointing to the white dragon flying in the air, saying: "Jin, you dare to compete with the deity once. !"

戚珞 Immediately widened his eyes and said: "The palace owner, you don't wait..."

"can not wait anymore."

After a very light sentence fell, the magic is a little bit of tiptoe, and once again leapt to heaven.

In the boundless blue sky, the white dragon shines brightly, and when it is seen, it has become a handsome and elegant man. A super-fast blue robes were pulled out of the mouth, and the black hair was broken. There was a thin blood on the cheek, and he lifted his finger and wiped it on the blood. The scars suddenly lingered.

Jin looked away from the red devil in front of him, only to see that the latter had been seriously injured, but still his back straight, looking at himself with a proud look. He doesn't understand, the other person's self-confidence comes from wherever he is, whether it is better than the war or the spiritual power, he is enough to defeat this person, but why... this person is not afraid at all?

Jin left the lips and said: "You know that you have already lost to me."

Magic Qianqiu red lips, smirked: "Who said, the deity lost to you?"

Jin moved from his right hand and countless sea water rolled up from the twelfth sea under his feet, forming a water dragon in his palm. His fingers were pinched and he only listened to the "Boom--" sound. The water dragon turned into thousands of water arrows and stabbed the people behind the magic mill.

Yan and Yu Qingzi's face changed, and quickly shot to resist, the two could block this attack.

Jin Li said: "Do you want to admit defeat?"

After a long whip, the devil said, "Do you understand the human language? The deity wants to be more spiritual than you, have you heard it?"

As soon as the words came to the fore, the demon in the army of the demon army was in danger, and the suspicious eyes turned around in the body of the devil and the emperor. The lips seemed to want to speak, but in the end, nothing was said.

There is only one demon in this world, and he will be so patiently talking to the human race. Putting it on other demons, even if you don’t know how many years of survival, you will rarely waste a chance when you fight. However, Jin Shi is always so constrained by the so-called rules. He may only have to abandon his own rules in his life, that is, the sneak attack on Luo gradually cleared that time.

Looking at the magical repair that was already dying, Jin was so close to the eyebrows, but in the end he still said: "Good!"

A red light flashed through the eyes of Devil's Eyes. He lifted his right palm and met the palm of the hand in the air.

The moment when the two palms touched each other, rumbling! Earth tremor!

The endless stream of water is like a fountain. It rises behind the Jin Dynasty, and it seems to create a brand new world. The magic of the sky spreads from the body of the magic, and every **** red magic There are countless resentments and hatreds, and the strong **** smell hides the saltyness of the sea. This is not like magic, but it is like countless blood!

Shenlong is born with dignity and can control all the water in the world;

In the life of the devil, he killed 3.61 million people, and he hated the hatred of all things. He repaired the way of repairing Luo!

The magical power of Devil's Thousand Autumns clearly made Jin's departure unprepared, and even his body flashed, almost falling one step later. Under this, Jin Jin never dared to underestimate the enemy. His eyes narrowed. Suddenly, a pair of eyes turned into a crystal clear blue, and the snow-white pupils burst into a series of ice flowers, as if there was heavy snow flying inside.

boom! boom! boom!

This level of spiritual collision is not affordable. She let the Yuqingzi sages lead others to repair and then go backwards, but they stayed where they were. Yu Qingzi said: "If you stay here together, I am afraid I will be hurt!"

The rumored words were slightly stunned, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted up, so that the Yuqingzi sages were stunned.

Yu Qingzi and Yi also met for thousands of years, but they still saw each other for the first time. In the memory of Yu Qingzi, the affairs of this Magic Road Palace have always been calm, not ridiculous, and rarely ruined. However, at this time, she laughed...

The voice was soft and the voice said helplessly: "I have been following the palace since I was 103 years old. Now I have been there for 2,300 years. I saw his roots with a product." From the early stage of the fit to the late stage of the Mahayana, this time... How can I not send him the last trip?"

Yu Qingzi's sage is silent.

In the faint yellow sunset, the army of the Terran and the Yaozu all retreated. Even the demon stern was only hesitating for a moment, and quickly left. The result of this fight has long been known to all people in the world, and it can be better than the one who is away from the Jin Dynasty. The only person who can be killed is the one who can kill the Jin, but there is no one in the world.

This is Tiandao’s preferential treatment for the beast.

Losing the heart can also survive for a hundred years, and losing the demon is only a slight loss of strength.

Compared with him, how can Magic Qianqi win?

The collision of spiritual power, at first, the **** magic also prevailed, but as time went by, the endless demon power gradually eroded the magic. The blood flowed down from the palms of the two touched each other. Jin Biao could not help but frown. His palm was a little sticky, and the blood was obviously not his, but the other.

Jin said quietly: "Since you don't want to surrender, the deity has to personally lick your heart."

The magic Qianqiu heard the words but smiled: "Do you really think, can you take my heart?"

It’s a bit stunned to get away from thin lips. According to the situation in front of you, Yu Sheng’s disappointment has become a fixed number. Even if the mysterious spirit is coming, he will never be able to save the magic from his hands. He only needs to raise his hand a little, and the heart of this human race will be taken down by him. Since then, although he may be able to live for a few more years, he has always lost his heart.

Jin sighed softly and prepared to close his hand: "If this is the case, then you will go to your present..."


The voice of the white demon statue stopped abruptly, and Jin Jin looked up and looked at the magic repair in front of him.

I saw the magical red lips and micro-hooks, laughing low and low, a pair of peach eyes in the clear light, Xiayun reflected in it, stirred up the sky. Jin was slightly trembled in the centrifuge, and suddenly wanted to close his hand. Whoever expected the magic to catch his hand suddenly.

In the gaze of Jin’s mistakes, I only listened to the magic and smiled coldly and said: “One thousand years ago, the deity and the Wuzizi joined forces and took away your demon and heart. Do you only remember this thing, is it? ... can't remember the other ones?"

Jin stayed away for a moment, and there was no opening.

The magic is slowly laughing, but the laughter is only a moment, and suddenly stops. Peach blossom eyes with endless coldness, he ridiculously evokes the corners of his lips, and the words that are spoken are even more rhetoric, so that Jin has trembled from his body: "Stolen for the day, you really don't remember... this?"

"Magic Autumn!"

"Stolen day!"


With the magic of Qianqiu as the center, in an instant, all the seawater within a radius of ten miles was blasted, leaving only a round hole. The space was torn apart by the mighty power of the majestic. The magical repairs of the late Mahayana tore out a small world with the power of the gods. He took the white demon statue and the two fell into the world together. .

And when the big squad that started the day was started, it was rumbling, with the twelfth sea as the node, and seven bright spots rose!

These seven places are places that have been seriously injured and fell when they were in the past. In seven places, the **** magic light was illuminated, and the Big Dipper was taken into the shape. After a thousand years, the day was changed again.

This is not a common day to steal the day, this is a fine array of methods, can really steal the day of the big array!

The next moment when the big array started, the small world suddenly fell into darkness.

The boundless darkness is like the monster of Zhang Dazui, who swallows the magic and the Jin. Originally, Jin has turned into a prototype, roaring and wanting to rush out of the world. After the light is suddenly taken away, he even issued a horror-stricken dragon, no longer noble and elegant, and his voice trembled like a A timid child.

The space cracks in the small world are gradually mingling, and when the world is completely paralyzed, a blockade will be formed.

If you want to break through such a big battle, it is no less difficult than killing a monk.

A thousand years ago, Mo Qianqiu and Wu Yuzi joined forces to tear open a small world, and the demon lord who was about to advance to the heavenly stage was blocked from it, for a hundred and eighty years. They changed the time and flow rate, making this one hundred and eighty years into one hundred and eighty thousand years. Together with a day of stealing, the once-dead dragon was locked in the boundless darkness for a hundred and eight thousand years.

Mo Qiu once said to Luo Qingqing: "Jin from fear of the night! 』

Whoever is trapped in the dark for 180 million years, he will fear the night!

In a distant place, the demon looks at this scene with horror and horror. He just wants to stop it, but the action in his hand is suddenly a meal. When he goes forward, there is absolutely no possibility of saving people. Over there, Yu Qingzi looked at this scene from afar, his heart trembled and sighed long.

Less than three miles from the small world, the big house of the Magic Road Palace squatted on one knee and performed the last ritual. A beautiful face was already wet with tears. She is a great master of the magical palace, she is the only peerless power in the world, but at this moment, she is just an ordinary person.

With more than two thousand years of companionship, on this day, I finally finished the end.

It was like the snowy night of 2,300 years ago. In the heavy snow, she fell coldly on the snow and saw the red boy coming from a distant place. The man was very light, and a gorgeous face was enough to reflect the white snow to the ground. The man stopped in front of her, only looked at her and looked up.

She did not know where she came from, and she shouted: "Save me! I am willing to be your servant for a hundred years!"

The boy ignored her and still walked forward.

She hated again: "Two hundred years!"

The teenager still has no reaction.

So she finally said her bottom line: "As long as I am still alive, I will be willing to serve you forever!"

The footsteps stopped, and the white-blooded figure slowly turned around, and the lips turned up. He smiled and said: "How long can you live? But in three hundred years, you will die under the limits of heaven."

She tried hard: "I will definitely live, I want revenge! I want revenge!"

"You want to take revenge?" The teenager's boots stepped on the fluffy snow and made a creaking sound. When he lowered his head, he discovered that this person looked so beautiful, so that she couldn't help but screen. Live breathing. The next moment, she only heard the other party laughing lowly and said: "You are not afraid of being so afraid of the day, then you will go to revenge, I am in a good mood today, I saved you."

Just as you are ecstatic, you listen to a long sound that sounds slowly in the snow.

"You can live for three hundred years... How long can I live?"

More past events, now only become clouds.

I dare not look up before this gradual crack in the space. She was afraid that she would see the other person again, and she would stop rushing to save people. She was also afraid that she would not be afraid of the fear that she would be disappointed by the tears in her face.

In the dark space, the white dragon rushed wildly and lost his senses. At the gate of the space crack, a **** figure was there, even if he was seriously injured, he waved a long whip and did not let the white dragon escape.

The crack in the space behind him is gradually smashing, and the bright and beautiful magic repair slowly picks up the whip, and his eyes calmly look at the almost mad white dragon in front of him.

The moment the darkness fell, the dragon seemed to be crazy.

It should be coming to an end? It is impossible to trap for one hundred and eighty years, then it will be trapped for fifty years.

For fifty years, for the rest of the world, it may be just a blink of an eye, but for that person, it is sure to take at least from the fit period to the late stage. With the robbery period, then there will be the ability to protect themselves, plus the bright blue jade beads, the Terran may not be defeated.

The devil took a long whip and stood on the edge of the crack in the space. He turned his head and looked back. He still didn't see any familiar figure. He stared at the outside for a long time, and suddenly he heard a broken sound behind him. He lifted the whip and stopped the crazy dragon.

The last ray of light is finally about to disappear. At this time, Mo Chiuqiu suddenly heard a voice.

"Luo gradually clear!"

He immediately turned his head, his eyes were bright and his body trembled and looked back, but he only saw the moment when the space cracks were completely smashed.

Did not see anyone.

When Luo gradually cleared to the twelfth sea, what he saw was a gap that almost became a line. When he first arrived, he heard his heart shouting out his name, but he turned to look at each other, but he looked at himself with tears in his face, and her stunned expression made Luo gradually stupid. The ground is in the same place, I don’t know what happened.

On the vast sea, the Qingyi monks who rushed all the way stood in the same place. Not far from him, the sorcerer couldn't help but cry out. In front of him, the demon is in danger of being in danger, and his face is inexplicably stopped. His face is not sad.

And in the ten-mile sea that seems to be vacuum, only the breeze blew, rolling up waves.

On the seventh day of the human race to tear up the peace agreement, the demon statue will tear the space with the power of the gods, and the demon statue

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