MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 1

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The dark clouds roll, such as thick ink smudges the sky. In the lead-like stratus, thunder and lightning, like a silver snake, seemed to have a heavy rain. The air is solidified into ice, there is no trace of wind, as if the water is still stagnant.

Dozens of young girls in burlap shirts walked on the rugged mountain roads. They buried their heads and kept on their way. It seemed that there were some monsters behind them, and they didn’t even dare to go back.

"Hurry up! It’s time to go!"

"There are only two moments left."

There was such a voice coming from the team. These young children were so anxious that they were sweating all over their faces. They constantly stepped up their feet and wanted to cross this mountain road. However, this mountain road seems to be never going to end, and it never sees the end.

Surrounded by towering mountain walls, there is only one narrow mountain road in the middle of the broken wall for these children to walk. Soon many girls fell down physically, but more people bit their teeth and tried to move forward.

"Booming -"

A thick, water-like lightning flashed straight down, squatting on the mountain road in front of the team, and smashed a deep crater on the ground. Gradually, there was more and more loud thunder in the sky, and the swaying electric light brightened the heavens and the earth, and let the tall teenager who was walking at the forefront tremble with fear.

"I won't go! I won't go! If this mine is going down, I will die!"

"I don't go anymore, I don't want to cultivate immortals. I don't want to join Taihua Mountain. I want to end the trial!"

"I want to end the trial!"

As long as the words "end trials" are said, those people's bodies will shine with silver, and soon disappear on this mountain road. Others are rushing forward and continuing their trials.

The first door to the Taishou Mountain in the realm of cultivation, opened the mountain gate every ten years, and accepted the trials of children under the age of fifteen. With three trials, these ordinary children can get the chance to enter the Taihua Mountain, and even step into the sky, becoming the most admired fairy in the hearts of all people.

In the three trials in Taihua Mountain, the first two games were not dangerous, but in this last "Thunder Road", there were children who lost their lives. These thunder and lightning are all real thunder and lightning. With the mortal body of these children, as long as they are picked up, they will die. There is still time limit for passing through this "Thunder Road". If it exceeds the time, it will not pass the trial.

With the last quarter of an hour left, there are only thirty children left on the Thunder Road.

They are more than a mile away from the finish line, but the Thunder on that day is getting fiercer and fierce. Every squatting down is so shocking that it seems to be able to wear a mountain.

A little girl in the middle of the team was so scared that she timidly said: "Morning brother, let us give up, this thunder will kill people..."

Walking in front of her was a teenager of about fourteen years old. After listening to this, the teenager turned to look at the girl.

This young man is not handsome, but he is very patient. His eyes sparkled with shrewd light, and he looked at the little girl in front of his eyes. He finally laughed: "Amei, you are too timid, rest assured, we can all become immortal, you take me. Just go ahead."

The little girl still wants to say something more, but looking at the young boy's firm eyes, she had to swallow the words into her stomach.

When it was said that it was too late, as they continued to move forward, a thick flash of lightning slammed down and went straight to the teenager. The girl was so scared that she was so trembled, but somehow she actually provoked the courage of her whole body. Suddenly her hands were held in front of the boy and shouted: "Morning brother is careful!"

The lightning was only a distance of ten meters from the girl, but the girl did not see it. The teenager behind her was slightly squinting at the corner of her mouth, revealing a look of expectation. His eyes are full of triumph and expectation, as if to suppress what is going to happen.

However, when the lightning was about to lie on the girl, I saw a blue sword light coming out!

The fierce sword gas hits the fierce lightning and sparks a silver spark. The sword light was cold and ruthless, piercing the thunder, and the blue-colored swordsman swayed wildly, and all the children on the mountain road fell to the ground, and the lightning disappeared in an instant.

Thirty-one people all had wide eyes and looked at the man who suddenly appeared in midair.

Between thousands of feet of cliffs, I saw a white-skinned fairy who was standing in countless electric thunder, staring at them as a group of squatters sitting on the ground.

The phoenix long eyebrows, the nose and the thin lips, the narrow eye tips slightly lifted up, and they smudged like ink dyeing, so that all the children could not breathe. The black hair can't be automatic, hunting in the air, and behind it is the silver snake and thunder, but this person does not mind to resist the millions of thunders in one's own body, and he only has one thing: his eyes are lowered, A calm look at the children.

When it is noble and dusty, Qing Jun Xiu Ya is the ultimate!

Another thunder was fierce and brutal. He turned his hand and raised the sword, and he threw the mighty lightning into pieces. The silver long sword danced a beautiful sword flower in the air. The sword gradually shrank into a silver light, and the sly smashed into the person's eyebrows, leaving a silver pattern trace.

No one dared to scream on the entire Thunder Road.

At this time, the trial time has passed, but no one thinks about this problem.

However, for a long time, three monks in white robes flew in a hurry. When they saw the man, they gave a ceremony and shouted: "Luo brother."

Luo gradually cleared his head and gestured to the three. Then he turned to look at the children in the Thunder Road, after a scan of the circle, quickly found the pair of brothers and sisters like the trials.

Next to the monk, immediately whispered: "This boy is named Li Xiuchen, this year is fourteen, the root bone is general. This girl is named Liu Wei, this year is nine years old, the root bone is three products." The voice fell, and said: " Luo brother, today, this Thunder Road does not know what is wrong, even the difficulty is steep, if it is not you come early, I am afraid this little girl should be innocently killed here."

Taihua Mountain opened a mountain gate in ten years, but not every time it can recruit apprentices. Although the roots of the three products are not comparable to the first and second products, they are also more potential for cultivation than the average person. It is reasonable to say that they can enter the Taihua Mountain Xiuxian.

Luo gradually sighed, his eyes glanced at the pair of brothers and sisters, then turned to the first, and opened the lips: "I happen to return to the sect, just by the way. Thunder Road needs you to review carefully, no more can appear any error."

This sound is like a fairy music, the string jade collides, and the low joy is moving.

The three immediately nodded.

After a while, Luo gradually cleared the sword, but a blink of an eye disappeared into the Thunder Road.

This walk, it seems that the whole world has returned to its original appearance, without the shocking and oppressive gas field.

Liu Yan swallowed his mouth and took Li Xiuchen's sleeves and said carefully: "Morning brother, the big sister looks so beautiful, immortal... Is the immortal so beautiful?"

Li Xiuchen’s face was gloomy and there was no answer.

The girl did not find the abnormality of Li Xiuchen and continued: "Is that beautiful sister who is from Taihua Mountain? Morning brother, we must join Taihua Mountain. She saved us. We want to thank her."

"Let's go." Li Xiuchen said coldly.

Liu Yan took a breath: "Morning brother, you are too hard, scratching me."

Li Xiuchen slowly pulled the girl's hand loose. He first turned to look at the little girl next to him, then stepped forward and went on. The girl didn't know what was going on. She said, "Don't the morning brother haven't slowed down?" and then quickly followed.

--wrong! Everything is wrong!

The little girl never knew that her life should have stopped here, blocking the thunder for her favorite morning brother.

The Thunder Road was different, and the difficulty increased sharply. Li Xiuchen, who was the root of the bones, was almost killed by the Thunder, but was saved by his own sister, Liu Wei. Liu Yuxiang Xiaoyu, Li Xiuchen painfully screamed and cried, this scene was seen in the eyes of the monks of Taihua Mountain, decided to break the collection of this rooted teenager into the mountain gate.

- The above is the plot at the beginning of "Seeking Immortality".

Three years ago, Li Xiuchen was not called Li Xiuchen. An accident led him to go through "Seeking Immortality." When he found himself crossing into Li Xichen, he was too excited to be himself.

Li Xiuchen! "Seeking Immortal" protagonist! Have a super invincible gold finger! It is simply the son of the plane!

For three years, he lived honestly according to the plot in his memory, and then took the neighbor's sister Liu Yan to participate in the trial of Taihua Mountain. He has already prepared to sacrifice this little girl and let himself enter the mountain gate.

But why, now that's all right? Where is the problem?

Why is Luo gradually clearing up now!

At this moment, the white fairy who was mistaken for "big sister" has already left the Thunder Road and really stepped into the mountain gate of Taihua Mountain. The teachers and brothers around him greeted him enthusiastically, and he gently responded one by one. A handsome face with a kind of smile on his face, like a woman, is like a spring flower, bright and soft.

However, after Luo gradually stepped up his own house, he slammed his sleeves and severely closed the door.

The smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and Luo gradually turned cold and turned to look at the desk not far away. He squinted and a thick book quickly flew into his hands. On the cover of the book, I wrote two large characters in the sky.

"Seeking Immortality"

Luo gradually cleared, the first singer of the Taihua Mountain Yuxi Peak, the close disciple of the first person in the real world. Because he hated the younger brother Li Xichen, he betrayed the teacher and became a generation of devils. After many years, Luo gradually cleared and was chased by Li Xiuchen. After a full ten days and ten nights of battle, he died under Li Xiuchen’s sword. It was a deadly place, and it was a great heart!

but now……

Luo gradually smiled and smirked his lips, looking at the golden flash of "seeking immortality" on the book with a light gaze.

"I am slowly coming back."

Read The Duke's Passion