MTL - The Villain Has Blackened Again-Chapter 1082 Touching the head, killing girl

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Guihai Ming and his family's wolf together gave Nanxun Baozi a contemptuous look of the king.

Nanxun: ...

Guihai Ming smashed the person and frowned at the disappointment. "Stupid death."

White wolf: "嗷~"

Xiao Ba did his due diligence translation: "Stupid is dead."

Nancy put a small arm and a calf in midair, knowing that it was useless and gave up the struggle.

She didn't understand, she didn't just run slower, is this related to stupidity? Have it?

But Daxie and White Wolf looked at her eyes full of disgust, as if she was really stupid.

"Big brother, I really can't move..." Nan Yan's eyes are red, and the incarnation is pitiful.

Returning to the sea, her eyes were indifferently touching her little face, and the next second suddenly turned into another topic.

Daxie said: "Small, today's teaching is over, you should pay for it."


Then, the hanging Nanxun buns fell into the real place and were carried into the arms.

After Nanxun just finished exercising, her body was wet, and her neck was also. She returned to her sweaty neck and frowned slightly. She took out a silk handkerchief from her pocket and carefully carefully on the neck of Nanxun. Wipe it up.

Nan Bao’s buns face has no expression.

Oh, it’s really good enough.

What's special, don't drink my blood!

Wait until the white, pink neck is wiped clean, and the sea scorpion will stab the fangs and **** it up.

The man was half-squatting with a scorpion, and the thick lashes were slightly curled up, and the expression was very pleasant.

That is an expression of what to enjoy.

Nanxun felt that the blood in his neck was accelerating under his sucking, and he heard the sound of sucking several times in the night, but she was not afraid.

The blood makes the vampires out of control. Once the vampire has pierced the fangs into the human skin and tasted the fresh blood, it is very difficult to stop.

Many vampires go out to prey, perhaps just thinking about taking a couple of mouths at first, but eventually they can't control themselves or **** them out.

But the big man in front of him is different. He is a very restrained vampire. Even if the blood under his teeth is delicious like an addictive poppy, he can stop and stop.

Sure enough, Guihai Ming was the same as last time, only stopped after taking three breaths.

After eating, he still cleaned the blood beads from the teeth, and did not waste a drop. This made Nanxun feel like he was very precious.

Ok, this is an illusion, it’s just her blood.

Nanxun secretly turned a big eye.

I just had a good meal and I was in a good mood. I took the initiative to mention Nanxun. "Run again. Don't run with your short legs this time. Run with your mind."

Nanxun: ...

Oh, why did you say that when I ran so many times and turned into a mud?

Are you satisfied?

Nan Qilian’s angry strength is gone, she has already become a Buddhist buns.

"Big brother, what is the idea to run?" Nan Hao humbly ask for advice.

"Just run with your brain."

Looking at him in the south, he seems to be digesting the meaning of this sentence.

Guihai Ming also glared at her, and her thin lips twitched and tightened. "How are you so stupid?"

Nanxun: Labor and capital really want to blow your head, really.

Da Lai lazily explained, "You meditate for a hundred times, I want to go to heaven. Then, your speed will be able to go to heaven."

Nan Hao dead buns face: Big Brother, are you serious?

With a cold face and a joke, she really can't laugh.

For the big joke, Nanxun didn't take it seriously at first, but when she tried to meditate on "I want to go to heaven", after meditation for dozens of times, she actually had the feeling of flying fast, and the speed improved significantly. !

No, is this really useful?

Nanxun felt incredible.

Xiao Ba stared at the vampire and sneaked up the finger that was facing Nanxun, and the big cockroach that slightly lifted up with a sinister mouth and silently installed the scorpion.

Xiao Ba said that it really did not see anything.

Nancy, please continue to be innocent and cute.

This time, Nanxun, who has learned the essence of speed-up, is quite similar to the big white drum, which gives her an unspeakable excitement.

In the middle of the night, Nanxun, who had been exercising for most of the night, was sent back to Wan Jun’s home.

Before leaving, Daxie touched her head. "I will come back to you soon, happy?"

Nanxun was very angry at the beginning, but after discovering that she had trained for one night, she had forgotten the bad behavior of the previous shackles and was in a good mood.

"Happy, big brother, I am happy." Nan Xiao laughed into a sweetheart.

Going back to the sea to see the little guy's eyes with a hint of deep understanding of Nanxun.

After a pause, he touched her head again and squatted back and forth.

"Hey girl." He whispered.


How do you feel a little weird?

Is it her illusion? Dad seems to be laughing?

In addition to pretending to be a sneer, the big scorpion only sneered, but she just saw the stars from her eyes, and the little stars that only appeared when they laughed were especially good-looking.

After Daxu boasted the Nanxiao little buns, his eyes swept over her neck with some sorrow.

Nantunton felt a cold neck.

"Oh, funny little guy." Daxie kept his lips slightly curved and flew away as soon as he turned.

Nancy: I hate what people say is interesting. When are you playing cool and crazy?

After the vampire screamed, Nancy studied the philosophy of life in situ.

"Small eight, the big bangs were a bit strange, did you find out?"

Xiao Ba replies: "I didn't find it, I was stupid."

Nanxun: ...

"He seems to be closer to me than before. Is it because I am more cute?" Nan Yan said to himself.

Xiao Ba silently pretended to die.

Although the harvest was great tonight, the speed of running was improved. However, Nanxun recalled that it was so good tonight. He couldn’t help but slam on the wall and cried.

She hired herself a big devil, and the big devil and her pets bullied her, she was wronged.

Xiao Ba comforted: "Oh, don't cry. The sky is bright, and if you want to grow longer, go to bed."

When Nanxun heard this, he immediately resumed his calm face, silently went to the bathroom and rubbed it, then climbed onto the bed and screamed at her house.

Return to the sea, you wait, wait for the labor to grow up, labor and labor want you to look good.

Nanxun slept like a pig in the night. If Wan Junyue was licking and pinching her little face, she could sleep for another five hundred years.

"Hey, **** circles, didn't you sleep well last night?" Wan Junyue Ling stared at Nanxun's pair of dark circles, very puzzled.

Yan Mingming sleeps longer than her, she is still fragrant, how can this be?

Nan Yan looked at the mirror and was shocked.

Lying in the trough! Sure enough, **** circles.

"Little eight." Nanxun's voice is very gentle.

Xiao Ba turned his eyes, "Ye's remedy is a lot of mistakes, but it is impossible for you to have a dark circle, the Lord will send you medicinal herbs to eat?"

"First send me a meal."

In the next second, there was an medicinal herb in the mouth of Nanzhao. The entrance of the medicinal herb was instant, and it was quite sweet.

A medicinal medicine is under the belly, and Nanxun instantly becomes refreshed.

"Small eight, today you seem to be particularly understanding." Xiao Ba: Not because of Laozi’s guilty conscience.