MTL - The Ultimate Evolution-v16 Chapter 29 Post-break team

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To deal with cavalry, the first thing is to dig trenches. It doesn't need to be deep. One foot is enough, and there must be more trenches in depth. This is the most horrible thing for cavalry. If it doesn't work, you can make more holes.

The way of making holes is even simpler. The fertile Palano plains are wet and dense, and you can easily find an iron goblet, and then roll up the wings on both sides to penetrate the ground at an angle of 70 to 80 degrees. , And then pull it out forcefully, it will bring out about one foot of mud. What remains is a pit with a depth of thirty centimeters. If the war horse steps on in the middle of the Mercedes-Benz, the foot bone will be broken due to the horrible inertia from the sprint.

Of course, these things were handed over to the half-orc laborers, and how famous the battle of the Palano Cavalry was, so Jax was well prepared, and everyone in the cavalry's charge knew that it should be very powerful. However, they also knew that once the charge speed was forcibly reduced, the cavalry would not be much more powerful than the infantry.

More importantly, Sauron was not a surprise soldier for this wave, but also targeted the follow-up. That is the Mammoth War Elephant Army tamed by the Haradlings from the south, which only needs a little time to support These terrifying beasts can easily destroy the cavalry's charge array!

At this point, Fang Senyan and others merged together and took a look at the contribution value.

Although Fang Senyan didn't do anything but fell asleep last night, but with his prestige, everyone still took out the contribution value he got. No one hid it. The only funny thing was that Aldari Sleng snorted, and traded his contribution value to Zi, and then handed it over with Zi, showing that he was a supporter of Zi instead of obeying Fang Senyan's leadership.

Fang Senyan already had close to 1,300 points of contribution, but after Jax convened an emergency meeting, he knew that everything was big and there was no egg under the nest. So there is no hindrance, and a thousand contributions are directly taken out.

Of course, this one-thousand-point contribution value is definitely not given in vain. This one-thousand-point contribution value plus the other team ’s more than eight hundred-point contribution value bought a giant slinger, and this giant slinger attacked it. Merit points. Then they will be distributed to Fang Senyan and another team according to the ratio of 6: 4.

It's just that the main force of things like giant catapults is the offensive against the city walls. And the damage rate is very high, it is almost difficult to recover the cost. This kind of thing is like the building of a country ’s army, which is at a loss most of the time. But it doesn't work. It's almost like winning a lottery by throwing a stone in the past and smashing a small job.

Therefore, Fang Senyan invested a thousand points. In fact, the dividend returned was only more than 400 points. This is also a loss that the backbone team can do nothing but don't want to break the strong city without eating this loss. Fortunately, the violent bombing of the trump team after a night of hard work also brought back more than 1,100 points of contribution, which totaled more than 1,500 points.

Do n’t underestimate their contribution of more than 1,100 points, which is already quite impressive. You must know that if you convert it according to the combat power ratio, this is equivalent to killing more than 1,100 Minasti. Lee's Basic Guard! And the other party is in a good position. Once they can't kill in seconds, they often hit the other party seriously. Both can be saved by colleagues, and the defenders hired by the contractor on the opposite side have killed their future contribution and reduced by half.

With a contribution of 1,500 points, Fang Senyan proposed to "redeem" the three familiar guys "black ears", "big noses" and "crimped legs". Although in the ordinary exchange, the ogre only needs 380 points to contribute. However, a designated exchange such as Fang Senyan will definitely be much more expensive.

More importantly, all the ogres of ordinary qualities were exchanged, to be straightforward. Experience is zero, but who is Sanzi? Professional summoner. The attributes of the three guys, "black ears", "big noses" and "crimped legs", have been clearly understood for a long time:

One is that they have their own names. It is like the generals named in the Three Kingdoms are definitely better than partial generals. Specifically, they are 10-15% stronger than the basic attributes of ordinary ogres.

Secondly, these three guys are all well-tested fighters. Black ears have the richest war experience. The big nose has the highest strength, but the crouching mental strength is the most powerful. Black ears are on the edge of being able to advance at any time, which is equivalent to 95% + experience value. Big noses and lame legs will also exceed at least 80%.

So in the end they were hired for "black ears", "big noses" and "crimped legs", and the ace team all paid more than 1,200 points of contribution! You know, this is Fang Senyan's legendary degree +3, you can shamelessly trade the price after 30% off! However, for a penny and a lot of goods, these three monsters, after wearing the horror armor specially made for the ogre, are almost like a cube-shaped steel monster, and the mace in their hands is dark and savage.

More importantly, their basic attribute values ​​are higher than ordinary ogres, which makes them able to withstand the Earth Shield blessed by Kurutuo when they are in full armor, especially outside the steel armor. There are three basin-sized rocks slowly spinning, and if the moon surrounds the earth, it protects the bodies of three arrogant guys. You can even fly out and hit the enemy according to the ogre's mind!

After all these things are ready, you should choose the battlefield where the team will participate in the battle. This is actually very important.

Although the Palano Plain is plain, it has a **** of more than ten miles to the west. There is no doubt that the Rohan cavalry who came to aid them trek long distances. They were originally tired, so as long as the commander's head If there is no water, then it must come from the west, and with the advantage of the slope, it comes like a tide.

Undoubtedly, because the orcs and orcs have extremely powerful belief issues, morale collapse will occur only in the most extreme cases, so the first thing to be blocked must be cannon fodder.

Although a large number of traps have been laid out, King Heydon's iron ride on Middle-earth is definitely not so easy to handle, so the cannon fodder is the flesh and blood body to slow down the cavalry, and then wait until the cavalry's spirit is frustrated, The next thing they have to face is the fierce regular army of strong orcs and half-orcs!

If a large number of trapped horse pits are the first line of defense, then the orc labor and slaves are the second line of defense, and the art of warfare says: one goes on, and then exhausts. After passing through these two lines of defense, and then facing the deadly battle of the orcs, even the most powerful army should be contained.

Therefore, almost 90% of the contractors chose the team's battlefield to be a little behind the regular orc army, especially the end of the regular orc army, and the golden position, almost to break the head, in their vision Inside, the regular orc legion is like a large sponge, a huge filter that absorbs the impact of the cavalry, and then it is their turn to harvest.

However, after thinking about it, Fang Senyan actually set the team's battlefield position to the almost eastern position, and this position was even close to the Dark Source Hall. The most important thing is that the decision made by Fang Senyan at this time, but the reef is to be a shame for him. The ace team is even called a post-break team in many populations. The look at the reef is a bit weird. Nothing, looked over with very helpless gloom.

However, Zeus and Skull saw such a strange behavior here, but they knew Fang Senyan's metamorphosis, and could not help but move the team position that was very forward to the back, but they stayed. Someone filled the position immediately.


The air was dull and there was no trace of wind.

At this time, the attack was suspended in Minas Tirith, because the dark side also stopped attacking and withdrew from their range. However, at this time, Minas Tirith was also at the end of the crossbow, even the contractor. Tired and exhausted, I can only rely on the guardianship of the ground. I don't think I have the ability to pinch on both sides at once.

In the western horizon, a black line appears,

The tide is black.

Then there was a desolate horn that sounded whine, although this horn sounded insignificant because it was more than ten miles away, it was weak but not weak, and it could even motivate a golden iron horse to kill the atmosphere of the battlefield. !!

The person who blew the horn was undoubtedly the king's chief officer. This large horn was made of the horns of the bison of Lun. After this powerful creature was hunted by Verondil ~ ~, he made this magic horn from his skin, the large horn was set with silver at the mouth and carved with ancient symbols. This horn is equipped with a strap, which is a long strap that can be slanted across the shoulder. The sound of the horn is crisp and long, and anyone who hears the horn sounds will gain the three major magical powers of "brute force", "blessing" and "elegance of the wind".

The knight stretched for several kilometers stood at the top of the gentle **** in the distance, and then saw a man with a gold helmet and armor jump out of the horse, pulled out his sword, and galloped out from the front, using his A dazzling sabre hits the spear raised by his knight in turn, and that is King Hyodon of Rohan! !! On the entire team, an indescribable horrific murderous spirit was immediately produced. The murderous spirit was completely integrated. Although it was far away, it almost made people even choke heartbeat and breath!

Immediately after, hundreds of horns began to respond to the sound of Luen's large horn, and the sky seemed to be shrouded in the breath of killing! !! !! !!

Immediately afterwards, King Hyodon shouted, "Death to the end!"

He shouted at first, then hundreds, thousands, and spread to the entire army!

Immediately afterwards, the cavalry of Luo Khan State formed a terrible formation, and if the tide hit it, it came over! !! !!

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