MTL - The Ultimate Evolution-~ postscript

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Recalling now, I still remembered when I wrote the postscript of the trump evolution. I did not expect this day to come again.

However, the mentality between the two is quite different.

When I played the two words after the evolution of the trump card, I had a feeling similar to "drawing my sword and looking at my heart", but now I am full of motivation.

Because the new book is calling me hard, asking me to inject all my passion, inspiration, and motivation!

I will be back soon and see you again. With my new book, with my new sincerity. The time is two to three months. Today is July 17th. It will definitely not be October 17th. It will only advance the book and it will not be too late.

Everyone has seen the story of the final evolution. Actually, it is not over. The battle between Fang Senyan and Fang Lin will obviously continue.

I said that I would write an evolution trilogy, and I would definitely write it, but I have to take it easy, because I have written two evolutions in succession, close to ten million words, and the inspiration has really dried up. On the subject.

If there is no accident, the name of the third evolution should be the original evolution.

For my latest developments, you can continue to pay attention to this book, the new book will definitely come back, or add my Sina Weibo id: the beach of the earth, where the latest news should be learned, I will probably release some people in advance Set pictures related to the new book.

For friends who still have questions in this book, I will answer them there.

As for the subject matter of the new book, it should be an alien continent, a story about skin color, a legend that adventures in an overhead world, and the character of the protagonist is still a plan with certain intelligence.

That's it. This is not parting or goodbye, but I need to take a nap and take a break. I will come back to tell the story soon if you are willing to listen, haha.

I look forward to meeting you again.

I love you

Rolling soil. To be continued.

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