MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 325 End the grudge

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After a while, with the voice of "kill ...", Shi Jiajun, who was guarding at the gate of the palace, fled inwardly. Without the arrogance and arrogance, only the weapons were out of control. Now, just thinking about escaping, maybe there is still a way of life.

This deafening sound belongs to the battlefield. After the killing experience, everyone saw the blood-stained tabards and the soldiers with a murderous spirit ... When they saw the leader, all Everyone is stunned.

"Emperor Qilu, the rebels at the gate of the city should be taken down, and the turmoil in the capital has been resolved." The person who spoke was the King of Rui who had been transferred to the river and could not die anymore. At this moment, he was like a The real man, after countless exercises, has long since given up the impression that he was gentle and elegant, and is more like a soldier who protects the country and the family. He is brave and decisive.

"Master Wang," Ning Linger's originally straight back shouted after seeing the figure that worried her day and night, because her eyes were red immediately because she was too excited. She still covered her mouth with her hands, so Fear of sobbing and crying would break the seriousness at this time.

"Okay." At this moment, the emperor's mouth showed a smile of joy, looking at the son who had changed his face, and his eyes were reassuring and joyful. "If the order continues, the Shijiajun will disarm without fighting, resist the end, and destroy the Nine Clan!" This is the decisiveness and decisiveness that an emperor should have. Shi Hongzhen reached this step, and the difference was too far away.

A king has cultivated the art of emperor since he was a child. Even a few princes are the same. It depends on your ability to be in the prince of the throne. Shi Hongzhen, who has ambition alone, does not have the decisive decisiveness, so he is doomed to fail.

"Disarm without killing, disarm without killing!" Those who followed King Rui came out shouting in unison, compared with Shi Jiajun, they do n’t know a few grades, and they are more determined to be on the battlefield. Really good soldiers and good generals.

Shi Hongzhen is holding Jimo Lexi. Only her status is the highest here. Wan Xuan Ling Xuan has already been hit badly, and she has no ability to save his woman and son. So she looked at it, not a little bit. Move.

"Don't be fooled and rebelled. That is the crime of annihilating the nine races. If you lay down your weapons, you will be killed and your family will be affected." Shi Hongzhen knew at this time that he had no retreat, so he encouraged those who rebelled. Shouted loudly: "You hold hostages, they don't dare to mess around, as long as they escape the capital, there will always be a time when there is a comeback."

There is a future when you live, and when you die, you have nothing.

Seeing that Shi Hongzhen was still stubborn at this time, everyone shook his head endlessly.

"Shi Hongzhen, you have ambitions and talents, but you do n’t know, especially at this time, you want to be fierce and decisive, without any delay ... Your father is right, hesitate, and the last thing to die is yourself—and you This is the kind of mistake I made! "Rui Wang looked at Shi Hongzhen, who had no idea of ​​life or death, and raised his chin proudly.

"What is wrong, I have calculated for so many years, and never missed it, how could there be a mistake?" Shi Hongzhen waved the sword in his hand, scared Jimo with a pale face, and even dared not to cry for help, afraid Annoyed Shi Hongzhen, and even regretted why Xuan Wang was involved in those things. He became a **** for others and ended up as a hostage.

"Yes, you have made so many difficult calculations. You can calculate everything step by step. You can only say that you are not leaking. You are also a stable winner. Unfortunately, you have missed the best opportunity and gave up so good. Opportunity, "Just, the opportunity is only once, if you miss it, you won't come back.

Shi Hongzhen is clever, otherwise he wouldn't calculate that he would not be discovered for so many years, so a moment's thinking, you can understand what Wang Rui said is a chance to give up for nothing.

"You ... you did it on purpose," he set his gaze on the brothers and sisters of the Yun family, and found that he had been led away by the two of them, without a quick decision, so that he missed such a good opportunity.

Yun Xuanxuan looked at Shi Hongzhen, who looked pale, and sneered at the corner of his mouth, completely different from just before.

"How could it be intentional? Shi Hongzhen, my elder brother and I have been deliberately delaying time. Otherwise, how can King Rui bring people into the capital? Do n’t you wonder why the gates blocked by Shi Jiajun will still be opened? Is it? ”As soon as Shi Hongzhen spent the thought, they spent as much thought.

Before, she wanted to calculate Wan Ling Ling Xuan, let Wan Ling Ling Xuan fall from the highest position, and try that kind of pain. Now, seeing his decadent life as death, the hatred in his heart is long gone.

He is also a poor man, so thoroughly exploited.

"For ... why?" Until now, he suddenly remembered that he had sent someone to guard the four gates of the capital. Even if someone came to the rescue, it took some time, but it was so easy for them to come in. The Shijia Army could not be defeated-are all these things calculated by them?

"Oh, naturally it's because of us!" Yun Yu, wearing a battle robe, came out with a smug face on Gu Mingzhan's face, so that he could stimulate people to death.

"Aren't you seriously injured?" What is going on here?

"You're stupid. King Rui's accidents were all fake. How could we be seriously injured?" Yunyu teased deliberately, but his heart was defamating: Lao Tzu was injured, but not as bad as it was. Just some skin trauma. If it wasn't for you to see why it was so scary, the scared dancer wouldn't know how many tears shed.

"You are pretending to be seriously injured, hiding in the capital and opening the gate for King Rui?" With a turn of his mind, everything was clear.

"Yes," Gu Ming nodded, and said with a smile on his face, "You have a deep calculation. You can count on King Rui, Yan Shizi, and even Grandpa Yong, whether it's an accident or an accident. Beijing. Most of them are based on your people and horses. Our two soldiers and young men do n’t hide. Do n’t you dare to come to know with you !? ”

People are hiding in the dark, and those people who are used to the light and upright have to come to the shade.

After hearing this, Shi Hongzhen was annoyed to kill, but the situation in front of him couldn't tolerate his impulse, so after looking around, he laughed and said, "I haven't lost, at least, I counted a million Yun Shengyan, Yun Yanxuan, it ’s not good without a man's taste? Is it that you are a distinguished person, in this life, alone, have you not tasted the retribution that I have always wanted to impose on your mother? ”

Xi Xuan pursed her mouth and wanted to say something, but Shi Hongzhen didn't give her any chance at all, and said wildly again: "Also, there are so many hostages in my hand, they are all Dongyan The pillars of the future, without them, I believe that all the ministers present have no intention to be officials! "

"Shi Hongzhen, based on the remnants in your hand, where do you think you can escape? May I tell you one thing, the King of the Northern Han Dynasty colluded with the King of the East Yan Guoxuan because of the rebellion. Beheading and showing the public, you want to escape to the Bei Han country, this life is impossible! "Rui Wang said in a timely manner, blocking his last chance to escape.

"... in my hand, and the princess of Nan Yuguo, don't you care about her life or death?" After seizing Jimo Lexi, Shi Hongzhen wanted to seize the straw of life-saving, very nervously shouting angrily. . "And ... and my people are still holding the princess and the little prince, don't you want to save it? If it irritates me, it's a big deal to see who is finally sad."

"The princess of the Nanyu Kingdom?" Rui Wang's eyes mocked with disdain, and he glanced at Wanxun Lingxuan, who was kneeling on the other side. He felt that this victory did not make him a little bit happy, but felt sad. "Rebellion, I believe Nan Yuguo should give Dong Yanguo an account!"

What kind of princess is Nan Yuguo with so great ambitions? Now, there is no need for Nan Yuguo to send troops, Dong Yan Guo will let them explain.

Jimola heard that, his face was pale, knowing that Dong Yanguo didn't care about his identity at all, and he didn't want to save himself, he cried loudly: "This matter has nothing to do with Princess Princess, Princess Princess doesn't know anything ..." When the calamity is approaching, all ambitions and rights are empty. It is best to feel alive.

After careful calculation step by step, in the end, they were all rejected one by one, making Shi Hongzhen depressing and roaring a few times, indicating that he was unhappy.

why? Why did he count for more than 20 years, and it was he who failed?

Is it because he always used Guanyuan as an excuse and lost to her in the end? Had it not been for Yun Xuanxuan to ask about matters related to Guanyuan, she would not have been delayed. At this time, the overall situation would have been in her own hands. He never understood why the emperor sat so securely. It turned out that they had been delaying time. They had to deploy troops and control the situation in Beijing completely, so they were only proud of it. In their eyes, it was a game. The clown is funny.

Shangguanyuan, even if you die, won't you let me go?

His eyes fell darkly on Yun Xuan's body. If his eyes could kill someone, Yun Xuan would have known how many times he had died.

Facing his own enemies who killed his father and mother, Xuan Xuan didn't have any fear, but instead frankly met his dark eyes, feeling that in this life, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief, live and relax, without any depression and hatred in his heart.

"The Yun family army obeyed the order and killed all the traitors, so let's kill it!" At this time, Wan Ye Shengyan, who disappeared until his life and death were unknown, suddenly rushed into the palace with a bright light in his hand. A pure gold token, shouted out loud.

Everyone is still confused. Wherever the Yunjia Army came from, they saw the people who originally belonged to the Shijia Army. Many people got to know the Shijia Army who was still struggling. As for the people holding the long princess and the little prince, It turned out to be the so-called Yunjia Army. They took off their coats and revealed a cloud word that had never been displayed by the world, which surprised everyone.

"How ... how is that possible?" At this moment, don't say Shi Hongzhen, even the old generals of Shijia are stunned. I can't believe that such a thing would happen.

Shi Jiajun has been in his hands for decades, and even the emperor is not qualified to return to his military power, so he always felt that if the historian can continue to be glorious, he must master the historian. Struggling again, they gritted their teeth and trained Shi Jiajun.

But now, even told him that his loyal Shi Jiajun had hidden so many others, what was this?

Everyone was stunned by this scene. Only the queen was surprised and hugged the little prince handed by the princess. How could her tears be suppressed? She didn't know that the emperor had already arranged it. She always thought this time The rebellion will always pay a price. And that price can't bear it.

Now, seeing that her children can fully appear beside her, why is she reluctant to put on the demeanor of a supreme queen? She wants to be an ordinary mother and cry a lot, telling her terror disturbed.

"Why," when the people around him were doing it themselves, Shi Hongzhen subconsciously resisted with the weapon in his hand, and then had no time to hate, and found that there were a lot of people surrounding him, and he held Jimo in front of him.窈 Be a shield. Unfortunately, it was a hostage abandoned by the emperor and King Rui, so no one was polite, that is, Mo Lexi just screamed twice, and then he could not die anymore.

She probably didn't think about it. She tried hard to help King Xuan, and finally she got nothing, but she was so miserable.

"Xuan'er, Tao'er, your father and mother's death, I don't want you to forgive me and say it, just to let you understand, as for Shi Hongzhen ... Leave it to me, and have been entangled with him for more than ten years. When it's clear! "Shi Minglei didn't go to King Rui, because he knew that there was enough to talk to the brothers and sisters of the Yun family.

Yunjia Army, that's the deepest Yunjia possession.

Shang Guanyuan, Yun Yan, you are happy to be jealous.

Yun Xuan Xuan and Yun Tao glanced at each other, and found that they could not really hate the enemy who killed their parents, because Shi Minglei was really miserable, was destroyed by his mother for a lifetime, and was controlled by Shi Hongzhen for more than ten years. A tragedy.

Yun Tao glanced at Wan Ji Shengyan, Wan Ji Shengyan naturally understood what he meant, and ordered the Yun family army to withdraw, handing the venue to Shi Hongzhen and Shi Minglei, so that they had a conclusion.

Seeing several men so entangled in the death of Shang Guanyuan, Wan Ye Shengyan was really glad that Xuan Er had been ordered by himself since that early time. If he was one step behind, he did n’t know how many people would be attracted. Alas.

She's okay, few people found it.

"Shi Hongzhen, is it good to be counted to the last taste?" Shi Minglei looked at the blood-stained sword and asked with a cold eye.

"Oh, what about uncomfortable? Do you think you are okay now? After you die, look at your face to see Shang Guanyuan and Yun Yan, they must hate what you hate to die," Shi Hongzhen knows that Shi Minglei's weakness lies in Where, so unbridled hurt, want to hold him again.

"We are people who died early, and we should go down and thank them for it!" Shi Minglei was not stimulated anymore, but he calmly seemed to be talking about the weather today, which made people really a bit intolerable.

Such a good person, in the end, has such an end.

The two men who had no hatred and no intersection, because a woman who did not belong to any of them, became a doomed enemy. It was so ridiculous and sad to say it, but such a thing really happened.

The two shot, without any trace of evasion, and they did it completely. They wished to win each other.

Martial arts belonged to Shi Minglei, but last time Yun Mingxuan's deceased injured Shi Minglei, so at this moment, it was comparable to Shi Hongzhen, and suddenly he froze.

Everyone looked at the situation and didn't know who would win or lose, but they knew that both people were looking for a way to die and have a decent and fair path, instead of being cut off by the emperor's order.

Shi Hongzhen's blood was injured by Shi Minglei, but he didn't feel it at all, but he was desperately fighting. When the corner of his eye turned to Yun Yanxuan, who was standing with Yun Tao, the corner of his mouth was vicious with death, while Shi Minglei When the killing machine was in front of him, all his weaknesses were exposed, and he flew forward regardless of life and death. When everyone was wrong, he let out Yun Yuxuan's murderous energies.

"Xuan Er," Wan Ji Shengyan was the first to discover it, but because he was holding a gold medal, he was sitting on the horse right now, closest to the palace gate, but farthest from Yun Jiexuan.

"Hey," things happened in the blink of an eye. Xuan Xuan didn't even move a moment, only felt that someone had flashed in front of her eyes. Then, Shi Hongzhen's sword came over. There was no time to react. The individual died in front of himself, not even knowing who he was.

"No ..." With the sound of despair in a miserable voice, it broke all the silence.

Shi Hongzhen had no time to be surprised. He had a sword in his back and penetrated his chest from his back. He knelt on his legs and was unable to support him. However, when he died, he still had a deep sense of incomprehension and hatred, hate God for playing tricks on him, and even his last glimmer of hope was shattered.

"For ... why?" Watching Wan Xuan Ling Xuan die in front of himself, Xuan Xuan didn't even dare to look at him. If it weren't for Shangguan Yanlan's screaming was too miserable, she wouldn't even dare to squat down to support him.

They are clearly enemies, and you are in a situation where you die, but why is he trying to save himself now? Did he forget it? He has his elder brother Yun Tao around, and even if he is injured, he will not die.

There was a mouthful of blood pouring from the corner of Wan Xuan Ling Xuan's mouth, which was in the middle of it. If Yun Xuan Xuan didn't help him, he would not even have the strength to struggle.

"No ... I don't know ... why, always ... always think you ... it's mine, but ... why, you hate me?" There were a lot of doubts and doubts in Wan Xuan's tone, he You can understand Yun Huanxuan's disgust for herself, but she does not understand the intense hatred that flashes in her eyes when she looks at her occasionally.

Even if he had listened to Wuyi's words, he counted the Yun family, but at least it didn't hurt, did he?

This hate is probably the reason why she eventually lost her.

When Xuan Xuan heard Wan Xuan's immortal questioning, his heart was choppy. How could he tell him that his hatred for him came from the past life, because he had no forgiveness of sin in the previous life. But what about this life? Because of his step by step vigilance, he didn't get anything from himself, so he hated it somehow.

"Why?" Xuan Xuan didn't answer. He asked stubbornly again, trying to make himself die.

"Probably ... you owe me in my last life," Xu Xuan approached him, whispering, not knowing if he understood, and eventually a flash of light flashed in his eyes, then his hands slipped, and there was no sound Already.

"No, no, lord, you can't leave our mother and son alone," Shangguan Yanlan was like crazy at this moment, holding his child, watching Wan Xuan Ling Xuan's tragic death, nothing could be done, Even because of the existence of Shi Jiajun, she could only growl so helplessly, even if her man died, she could not stay with him.

From the beginning of the Shi family's rebellion, Shi Yanting couldn't say a word at all from the beginning's joy to shock, to the final numbness.

She only knew that she was supposed to be damned. After the death of Wang Ye, she couldn't die any more.

She glanced at the Shi family and found that her father was good, and her grandfather was old.

A chaos finally subsided.

After Shi Hongzhen's death, those Shi Jiajun who had been intimidated immediately put down the sword, kneeled on the ground and surrendered without any struggle.

The emperor could slay all the masterminds, but he could not let the entire Historian army be wiped out, so the Historian army was scattered and disrupted and incorporated into each army. Yun Jiajun, who had been hiding the people of Dongyan State, appeared in front of everyone.

At that moment, all the people knew that the Yun family army mastered by Shang Guanyuan and Yun Yun, not even the emperor, existed, because they only knew that there were such people, but they did not know how they were compiled and how to use the twenty Over the years, these people have gradually infiltrated the rest of the army.

Later, after everything was resolved, it became clear that Yun Jiajun was even hiding in General Meng Yi's team.

Wan Xuan Ling Xuan died, and the mother-in-law who he had always cared for couldn't even enter the Huangling Tomb. For historians, the emperor will never let go easily, so the results can be imagined. And the Cao family, who was so glorious in front of the Yun family, ended up in the end, which made people sigh too much.

If Cao is still alive, I don't know what she feels after knowing the end of the Cao family.

Wan Xuan Ling Xuan is dead, Shangguan Yan Lan is a little bit crazy, she doesn't have anyone in her eyes, only Yun Xuan Xuan. It can be said that in the previous life, she was Yun Mi Xuan's magic barrier. In this life, Yun Mi Xuan has become her magic barrier. She has been entangled all her life and death.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·

Pregnant, writing such violent stuff, it seems that the prenatal education is not good, tangled!

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