MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 302 Way to kill

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"I just don't want Xuan'er to be in danger," Wan Ye Shengyan shook his fist and determined his decision.

King Rui looked at him, and said nothing.

He never expected that Wan Yisheng's affection for Yun Xuan Xuan would be so deep that he would rather be scolded by others than Yun Xuan Xuan for a little danger.

This kind of feeling is something he can't appreciate.

If he succeeds, there will be a lot of women around him in the future, and they will probably please themselves in every possible way, but no one will treat themselves sincerely, and they will not let themselves be really painful.

If it fails, even the only one can't be protected, what other woman is talked about.

Although the two men support each other, the paths they can take are quite different. King Rui didn't know he was envious of Wan Yan Shengyan, but still thought he was stupid.

It is a matter of justice for a woman to have children. Even the queen, in the case of no children for so many years, has struggled to fight for a son to defend herself. This concept has been deeply ingrained in people's minds. On the contrary, Wan Ye Shengyan's idea is unacceptable.

Although Yun Yanxuan is good, is it better than no next generation?

If there are no children and no inheritance, it means that Prince Yong's House has no future until his generation. If it was known by the Father, maybe everything in Prince Yong's Mansion would be taken back.

Regarding the child, it wasn't for Xuan Xuan to think that Wan Ye Shengyan would not solve it. Now, both of them have their own calculations in their hearts, but they have not said anything. After all, talking about this in Mucheng is a bit inappropriate.

No news about the north side has been heard, so when the Nan Yu Kingdom came forward from the King of Leisure, it was said that after the troop withdrawal, the people between the two countries were extremely happy and lively.

Looking at the joy of the people in the city, Xuan Xuan thought about the Yun family of Nan Yuguo, and they should be all settled.

"Tomorrow, King Rui will start his journey back to Beijing," Wan Yan Shengyan reminded casually when she saw that her eyes had been falling on the happy people on the street.

"Well, Yinger has packed his luggage long ago, and we go back with Rui Wang." For this, Wu Xuan did not refute. After all, she came here to hope that Rui Wang would break the situation here as soon as possible, so early A little back to Beijing.

She's been out too long, and if she doesn't go back, both her elder brother and grandpa will send someone to find him.

"I've arranged it properly. Without delay on the road, I can return to Beijing in about ten days, presumably not as fast as the north side." Wan Yan Shengyan knew that there was a knot in her heart, that knot was about Wan Zhen Ling Xuan.

He always felt that the secret hidden by Xuan Xuan was very deep. Regarding the past in the dream, he always felt like it was real, but it was also funny.

Where can people have such a weird experience, can they still dream of a lifetime?

I have to say that Wan Ye Shengyan guessed a bit, but was frightened by such weird results, and said that he didn't believe it.

Only the King Rui and his accompanying guards set off to return to Beijing, and the rest continued to be stationed in Mucheng. After this battle, the Nanyu Kingdom and the East Swallow Kingdom were prepared for this, so these armies Will not go back to the original place.

"I still hope to be able to ride a horse," because of her, the entire team that was pulled back had an extra carriage, which is not weird, but I felt a bit wrong there.

"The grandfather Shi said, we are not in a hurry to return to Beijing. If King Rui is anxious, we can take people back first, so as not to exhaust the master." For the goodness of the grandfather to the master, it is really impossible to find words to describe. It's just, this question about whether or not to have children, in the future, there will be some disputes.

Knowing that the King of Rui had already been arranged, Xuan Xuan did not tangle any more, but sat and lay down, casually, anyway, it would not slow down the King of King's journey.

However, the news that Nan Yuguo retreated without a fight has spread throughout the four kingdoms. It is impossible for King Rui to return to the capital of East Yanguo quietly. After all, there are still many people who are taking the throne.

Although the princes have nothing on the surface, in fact, everyone will pull out the gang, but where they are, they will have a heart for the throne, so King Rui was out of the city for two days and was already attacked. Several times, it was completely to stop him from returning to Beijing. The King of Rui became more and more impetuous, and his temper became violent.

"I want to stop my king from returning to Beijing to see if they have this ability!" The anger of King Rui was seen by everyone, but there was nothing he could do.

Everyone knows that King Rui and Xuan returned to Beijing. They were betting their lives, betting on the future of the whole situation. If they lost, they would lose their lives, so they could not delay. However, King Rui had encountered killing and blocking even after leaving the twilight city. In this case, no one could accept it.

"This is just the beginning," Wan Yan Shengyan gave up riding and nestled in the carriage with Xuan Xuan, whispered when he saw such a situation.

"Can King Rui stop it?" Xuan Xuan was a little worried.

Now, just at the beginning, the closer you get to the capital, the more powerful it is, you do n’t know if King Rui ’s hole cards can have this ability-otherwise, the road back to Beijing will be far away.

"He can," he had no other way to go than he could.

Everyone was right, the closer they got to the capital, the more severe the killing. Originally, I thought about rushing back to the capital in more than ten days, but now it has been ten days, but the trip is only half. This situation has made everyone start to be upset, and to hunt down this situation from time to time. It's time to grit your teeth.

"The lord told everyone to be awake, don't lose your life by paralysis," the guards around King Rui spoke out to those guards, after all, this endless hunting has already broken some people, and then If this continues, everyone has to explain their lives here.

"Yes!" The unanimous answer was very loud, but less imposing.

"These people have been tortured and are about to lose their faith," said King Rui, who was sitting beside the fire with Wan Xishengyan and Xuan Xuan. Because they were murdered from time to time, they did not enter the town to avoid innocent people. People.

"The road below will only be harder!" Rui Wang's eyes were complicated, and he had an unspeakable taste in his heart.

If he died on the battlefield, perhaps he would bring a glory to the palace of King Rui. If I die on my way back to Beijing, I don't know what kind of consequences it will bring to King Rui's Mansion.

Wu Xuan just listened silently, without interruption. As the prince, King Rui has no other way to go. If he can return to Beijing, he will still have a choice. But if he died halfway, he would have been taken out first.

"Some people," just then Wan Wan Shengyan was alert and vigilant, followed by the scream of the guard "Ah!" Then all the people moved closer to King Rui, guarding outside, Atmosphere, at the most tense moment.

In the face of hundreds of people's guards, this time, unexpectedly, only one person, a sword, and a black suit, came out, making Xuan Xuan's eyes tighten, Can't help but tugging Wan Ye Shengyan's cuffs fiercely, telling something silently.

"Who are you? Why can't you live with the King?" King Rui didn't know the identity of the person who came, but knew that the others would kill his guard when he shot it.

There was no answer, but he raised his long sword silently, his gaze was cold, and he always looked at the King of Rui. The look of people was as if the King of Rui was already dead, which made King of King extremely uncomfortable.

"Yan, this time, no matter how you catch him, I'm going to see who he is," Xuan Xuan remembered the deep hatred of her parents, and thought of her repeated killings. If not for luck, I've been seeing my parents for a long time. Why is there such a good life as Yan now.

If we say that hatred for Wan Ling Ling Xuan is the hatred of the previous life, then for the masked person in front of you, it is the hatred accumulated by the two lives. It was he who killed his father and mother that made her have to bear these things, so he was the culprit.

"Well," Wan Ye Shengyan knew that the man in black might be the one who killed Xuan Er's father and mother, and every time he inquired himself, he could not find any clues, so this time he came out, naturally he would not let it go. .

"King Rui, this person is very powerful, let your people back up and give it to me!" Knowing the person's means, so Wan Yan Shengyan said directly.

Upon hearing this, King Rui immediately ordered the guard to step back, revealing the figure of Wan Yan Shengyan, including Yun Yanxuan standing behind him.

When the man in black saw Wan Ye Shengyan and Yun Xuan Xuan, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he didn't say anything, presumably he came this time, just to kill King Rui, they were a bit surprised about their existence. That's it.

"This time, we divided the heights so that this child knows what you are!" Wan Yan Shengyan took it seriously, and also took out his own weapon-a Lingguang flashing sword , Comparable to those in black, I don't know who will lose last.

The man in black thought something, his eyes flashed a stunned look, but instead of taking a half step backwards, he instead expressed his zeal for agreeing with Wan Ye Shengyan's decision.

The battle between the two masters will involve a lot of people, so King Rui ordered people to protect Yun Xuan Xuan from their fighting range and pay attention nervously.

King Rui knows that his martial arts is not as good as Wan Ji Shengyan, so when he saw Wan Ji Shengyan confronting that man in black, he felt a bit cold—if there is no Wan Ji Shengyan in today, His life is fully explained here.

This person's martial arts is so high, except Wan Ye Shengyan, I'm afraid I can't find a few real opponents.

"Master, can Master Shizi win?" Yinger asked nervously while watching.

"Surely!" Xuan Xuan gritted his teeth, and he didn't know who would win when the two really showed their strength.


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