MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 300 Courageous

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In Nanyu Kingdom, they still have to be careful. They are here to solve things, not to fight for morale.

Time flies slowly, but it's hard to pass.

It's time to make an appointment with Duan Muyao. Early in the morning, Xuan Xuan couldn't sit still, mainly because the quietness of these days was a bit crazy. At least Duan Muyao has revealed the news to the King of Leisure, whether it is happy or unhappy, there is always some information, but that King of Leisure is quiet, like knowing nothing, it is really anxious.

"Let's go and see first, it's better that Anu wait for us," Xu Xuan finally couldn't sit still, and suggested to Wan Ye Shengyan.

"Well," knowing that even if she said wait, she couldn't wait, Wan Yan Shengyan had no choice but to agree.

When two people arrived at the Diaolou, the restaurant was still empty, there was no one, and the people passing by didn't even look at it, and they even had something kind of dirty inside. The steps through the door were very Fast, people can't help laughing and crying.

Things like rights really make people want to be close and away from each other. There are many contradictions.

If anyone gets in trouble, they can't wait for the right to be in their own hands forever, and don't allow others to take away. If you ca n’t get rid of it, you ca n’t wait to stay away. You wo n’t get rid of it all your life, lest the bones disappear.

People are often so contradictory.

The two were still sitting at that table, still ordering a few dishes quietly, and then waiting quietly, hoping that Duan Muyao could arrive early.

"Strange, at this time, the princess Xian has long been here. Why is this time, not yet?" Xiao Er wandered at the door, muttering in his mouth, and his face was a little disturbed.

If the princess is tired of it, will the tower still exist?

The rest of their folks here are all from Dong Yanguo. They have something to do with the shopkeeper or the cook. If they leave, they don't know where to go.

Although the business of the Diaolou is light now, anyway, everyone has a place to wait and hope for the future. Hope that the Yanyan Kingdom will win. Then the business of the Yun family will be better. Don't worry. But now, if the tower can't be maintained, what else can you expect?

Xuan Xuan was anxious, and now hearing Xiao Er's puppet, her worried eyes fell on Wan Ye Shengyan's body, and she wanted to know what had happened.

"Wait a minute, it ’s not time to have a meal," Wan Ye Shengyan knew her worries, and her heart was up and down, and she was afraid to expose her trace. In case of danger, Xuan Xuan The child is not good, so when Xuan Er was appeased, he also appeased himself.

Waiting is the most irritating, especially when things are hidden in my heart. When Xiao Xuan's anxiety is about to collapse and I can't help it, the carriage of Xianwang Palace is too late, but it seems so Taken for granted.

"Finally here," Xiao Er said, but it was also what Xuan Xuan wanted to say.

The carriage curtain opened first. It was not Duan Muyao's smiling face, but the unpredictable and indifferent expression on the part of King Wang, who looked at Xiao Eryi and immediately knelt down. Will something else happen.

"Let's get up," after the idle king helped Duan Muya to get out of the carriage, he lightly ordered Xiao Er kneeling on the ground.

"Master Xie, please, please," Xiao Er Congshan said.

As soon as Duan Muyao got out of the carriage, he saw the two people sitting inside. The smile on the corner of his mouth was widening, and he just stopped when he wanted to step forward.

King Xian's sharp eyes fell on the two sitting. The emotions in his eyes were unpredictable. No one knew what he was thinking at the moment, but when he saw it, he was not very happy.

"It is rare that there are other guests in the pavilion, so let them come up to eat together, lest the princess eat too deserted!" Xian Wang commanded lazily, alms in his tone, and Xuan Xuan wanted to lift the table. Scolding mother.

Do you know who we are long ago, do you need to be so proud?

"Yes, let's do this for the younger," Xiao Eryi heard, although he was puzzled, but the king of the idle talked, and he couldn't turn to ask himself. Only after they went up, asked Xuan Xuan and Wan Ye Shengyan. And whispered a reminder: "Xian Wang's temperament is uncertain, the two are more careful."

Wu Xuan glanced at Xiao Er, and felt that he was here to be a Xiao Er.

Wan Yan Shengyan didn't say a word. He took a piece of silver from his arms and threw it to Xiao Er, and then guarded Xuan Xuan and went upstairs to get Xiao Eryi.

These two people ate at the Diaolou for more than ten consecutive days. The dishes they ordered were not the best, nor were they the most, but each time they gave the silver generously. I gave it to myself. Although he got used to it, he felt there was something wrong.

Who are these two?

Obviously, he said the current situation of Diaolou. If they are not careful, they will cause trouble for them, but they still eat here without any change in meaning. He was moved and grateful, just doing it. When cooking, let the chefs put in some and make sure they are satisfied with their food.

Xiao Er's complicated thoughts were beyond their control. Two people went upstairs and were invited into the box. There were only two people, Duan Muyao and Xian Wang. The rest were even Duan Muyao's maid. They are all isolated from the door.

"Leisure King," Wan Ye Shengyan didn't ask, just gestured with a fist.

"Your courage is not too small," King Xian gave them a glance, then said lightly, "Sit!"

Facing the unpredictableness of the King of Leisure, Wan Yansheng was so angry that he pulled Xu Xuan to sit opposite the two of them without any retreat or embarrassment.

"I'm hungry, let Xiao Er serve first," the weird atmosphere, Duan Muyao was so uncomfortable that he couldn't help but talk to the King of Leisurely.

After hearing the expression of Duan Muyao, the original expressionless King Wang flashed a tenderness in his eyes, and then raised his voice and said, "Serve!"

There was a sound of walking around the door. After a while, the sound of Xiao Er Chuan Cai sounded, the closed door opened, and carefully prepared dishes came up. The fragrance came instantly, and Duan Mu Yao couldn't help but swallow. His eyes were full of delusion, and Xuan Xuan could not help laughing.

"Princess, you look like this, it is easy to misunderstand that Lord Wang has been abusing you, and you haven't eaten enough to fill you up," said Xuan Xuan, who was flashing in the eyes of Xian Wang Fang Cai, and did not ignore it. There was Anu in my heart, and I was secretly reassured, so I started to laugh.

Duan Muyao was also unpretentious. He took chopsticks and took a bite, and muttered while eating: "Although the dishes in Wangfu are good, they are not what I want to eat, and they don't have the authentic flavor of Diaolou, so I I'm not happy at all. "Because of this, I will come to Diaolou every few days to have a meal, so I can solve the problem.

She didn't tell Yun Xuan that when she first became pregnant, what did she eat and vomit? Only the dishes made by Diaolou could make her barely eat a few mouthfuls, and Diaolou did it almost every day. Yes, but the taste is different, so this habit is formed.

The King of Leisure also came out to protect him because he was thinking of Diaolou.

"You are all married to the King of Leisure, and you must always get used to the taste of Nan Yuguo, otherwise you should have a child, should you learn his father's king?" Xuan Xuan's persuasion is also for Duanmu Yao. Now, there is a King of Leisure She can do whatever she likes, if not? Can she still have this contentment?

Duanmu Yao probably didn't think about this, and he couldn't help but stare a moment, his doubtful eyes fell on the body of Xian Wang, as if he wanted to get some answers from him.

"Eat what you like, from the leisure king's house!" To the eyes of Mu Yao at the top, the leisure king just answered lightly, which meant that Xuan Xuan was more concerned about leisure.

Wu Xuan's speech was so eager to break the hypocritical expression.

When she received all the Yun family's business in Nanyu Kingdom, where he went to find Duanmu Yao so authentic Dongyan Kingdom dishes.

In the face of other people's disdain, the leisure king was very calm, with a thick-skinned feeling that nothing could be broken, and Duanmu Yao couldn't help pouting and grinning.

"Xiang Wang," Wan Yesheng Yan saw that the atmosphere was good, and looked at him and said, "We are here, presumably the King of Xun is very clear, I don't know what Wang Xing has in mind!"

"My King's plan?" Xian Wang raised his eyebrows, and said evilly: "Even if he doesn't like the Prince of Nanyu Kingdom again, he can't betray him!"

"What is the betrayal of the Nan Yu Kingdom? This battle does not have much meaning at all ... I do n’t know who is using it to say something awkward!" Wan Yan Shengyan did not flinch, even if he discussed with the idle king, There was no trace of pleading.

"How do you say this?" Leisure King finally set his eyes on Wan Ye Shengyan's body and asked Wan Er.

"Who is the King of Xuan in Dongyan State, and the King of Leisure is not clear, but if you change to any ambitious person, you can do something that betrays the country. What else can you do? If you really wait, He's in power. In order to stop this scandal, who knows if he can really put Princess Jimo in power? "People like Wan Xuan Ling Xuan have reached the bottom line for the purpose.

Even, he did not hesitate to destroy Dongyan's power, so he was not afraid that Dongyan would never be destroyed again, and he finally got nothing.

"But even if Jimo Lexi did not become the queen of the East Yan Kingdom, it did not hurt the Nan Yu Kingdom, did it?" He raised an eyebrow, and the mockery in his tone was self-evident.

"It seems that the King of Leisure feels that there is nothing to talk about," said Xuan Xuan, listening carefully, watching the King of King sneer and saying, "then there is no business of the Yun family in Nanyu country, I don't know when the Nanyu congress will hold up , "

"Is this the emperor Shi threatening the king?" A trace of coldness flashed in the eyes of the king, and he asked coldly.

"Oh, this is the Nan Yu country. How dare I? The Yun family feels that since the two countries are at war, there is no need to cooperate anymore, so that the people of the Dong Yan country will not suffer. I know that many people in the Yun family are in jail. I do n’t know if Nan Yu Guo took that regulation. He just put people in jail. It really made me look good! ”Xuan Xuan refused to take a step back. In such a situation, a withdrawal is equivalent to taking the initiative Leave it to the King of Leisure.

Duan Muya watched the two sides clenched to each other. She didn't know who to help, but she was anxious, but no one spoke to appease her.

"Prince's supervision of the country, naturally abide by the Prince's regulations!" For this, Xian Wang said very indifferently, but if he pays close attention to his eyes, he will see under his abusive eyes, hiding a trace Don't take it for granted and scorn.

"Oh, what a prince is superintendent of the country," Wu Xuan sneered, and looked at Wan Xisheng after glanced at the idle king: "The prince of the Nanyu Kingdom wanted to use the Yun family's silver to attack the East Yan Kingdom, and he really wanted to Think of the Yun family as a fool. He probably does n’t know, but when the Yun family sends an instruction, the entire Yun family business in the Nan Yu country will disappear, and even a copper plate will not be left to him. How long has Congress fought the war with Dong Yan. "

"How long we can't control it," Wan Yan Shengyan naturally took it over, not even looking at the leisure king, smiled and said lightly: "Perhaps, that is also what the leisure king would like to see, If you ca n’t get it, it ’s good to ruin it! ”

"...," Xian Wang's eyes flashed a little bit of gas, but Wan Xishengyan who grew up in a place that eats people and doesn't spit out bones will never be afraid, and Xuan Xuan is a man of his own life. I had already walked to the highest position, so I wouldn't look at the air conditioner released by the leisure king.

"It's a pity," Wang Xian said, when they saw the two standing on the site of the Nanyu Kingdom, they could still be so calm, and they could not help but praise: "Wan Yan Shengyan, if you are the prince of the East Yan Kingdom, my King is really Worry about the future of Nan Yu Guo, fortunately you are not! "

As for what Xuan Wang, in his eyes, he is a clown jumping beam. And King Rui, if he wants to take the throne, has to work hard, as for the future, it is not so easy to go.

Without power, taking this path is extremely difficult.

"Ben Shizi is not interested in the throne, it is too tired," Wan Ji Shengyan expressed his meaning directly, but he was still very concerned about the future of Dong Yan.

Only when the country is stable can they have a peaceful life.

Xian Wang nodded admiringly and said, "If it is okay, the king does not want to mix in these troublesome things, but ah, there is a prince in the East Yan Kingdom who can support it. The king really does not know which prince of the Nan Yu Kingdom. Can support the entire Nanyu country! "

The queen was the most defensive against him. She repeatedly tried to harm him, but he had been avoided. He forced a leisure king to him, but did not know that he wanted to stay away from the throne battle, as long as he could give him a real peaceful life. However, the prince, ignorant of the consequences, knowing only the use of power to do things, sooner or later will give Nan Yuguo to others.

"Since Wang Ye is also worried about the future of Nan Yuguo, why not support it yourself?" Wan Ye Shengyan asked directly and eloquently.

"Too tired," it's more comfortable talking to smart. "Well, let's not talk about those boring people, let's say, what do you want to do in Nanyu?" Fangcai, he was just trying. If he could convince them, maybe this war would be an opportunity for Nanyu. .

Every man has an ambition hidden in his heart, including him.

He does not like the throne, but it does not mean that he does not want Nan Yuguo to be strong.

"Our intention is very clear. Either let the war end, or let the Yun family withdraw from the Nanyu country, and never enter the Nanyu again!" In order to let the leisure king help, otherwise both lose.

However, this injury did not cause much damage to Dong Yanguo, but it was a bit big for Yun family, but it was able to sustain it.

"The appetite is really big," Xianwang reached out and knocked on the table, looking at Yun Xuanxuan and asking curiously: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill your loyal shopkeepers when I get angry?"

"They know that when they die, their family will be taken good care of by the Yun family. That ’s from the time they entered the Nanyu Kingdom, the Yun family ’s house rules were set, and they wo n’t change in a lifetime!” Xu Xuan looked at leisure Wang, reluctantly answered.

"... Yun's house is really strange!" Xian Wang knew that in this negotiation, he lost.

Seeing that Xianwang finally let go, the two men were slightly relieved, but did not show much joy.

If all the business of the Yun family is really ended, it is tantamount to abandoning the entire country of the Nanyu country. It is impossible to estimate how much the loss in a year is, nor is it that Xuan Xuan and Wan Yisheng Yan are willing to see. Silver is the most important thing for the East Yan country, especially after the war.

"Let's eat," Dian Muyao ate a few tables before serving, and the rest were in good condition, so Xianwang said, saying that this time the conversation was over.

Nian Xuan and Wan Yan Shengyan did not press hard. They took the chopsticks calmly and ate easily, with a smile on the corners of their lips.

When Duan Muyao saw this situation, she breathed a sigh of relief, but she was so tight that she didn't even dare to breathe, fearing that they would lift the table in anger.

The four people ate this meal in silence, but watching the dishes on the table was eaten a little bit, everyone's appetite was good.

"My king will let Nan Yuguo retreat within half a month. The only requirement is that the Yun family's business in Nanyu Guo must take out a copy of the treasury of Nan Yuguo every year." When Xuan Xuan put down his chopsticks, the idle king Put forward your own conditions.

Under such conditions, Xuan Xuan was a little surprised. When she looked at Wan Ye Shengyan and saw him slightly shake her head, she bit her lip and thought about how to answer, she heard Wan Ye Sheng Yan said, "If it is I objected to the treasury of the Nanyu Kingdom, but I don't mind that layer is for the king of leisure, "

These two meanings are completely different.

No matter what, the first floor won't cause much things. It's awkward to say that it is a little overhead for their aristocracy to play. But it was given to the state treasury of the Nanyu Kingdom. If it was passed back to the Dongyan Kingdom, how would the people of the Dongyan Kingdom see the Yun family?

At that time, those uneasy ones will not only wipe out all the credit of the Yun family, but even give the Yun family a count of colluding with the Nan Yu country, which is not a joke.

"Okay," Xiao Wang didn't refuse, which is the same for everyone.

"I want to make a contract on behalf of the Yun family. If someone knows the content of the agreement, this layer of silver will be cancelled," said Xuan Xuan, who also understood the key points and looked at Xian Wang's proposal.

"Okay!" There is no trouble, as if I knew in the heart that this would happen, Xian Wang didn't even frown.

In the end, Xuan Xuan and Wan Xun Shengyan reached Nanyu Kingdom without spending much effort to negotiate the request to retreat with the King of Leisure, but also knew that this time it would be so smooth, because the King of King also had the intention to let Nanyu Kingdom retreat. .

However, it is better to be able to withdraw troops within half a month than to have been deadlocked.

When the matter was resolved, Duan Muyao dragged Xuan Xuan to keep her in Nan Yuguo for a few more days. However, due to her special status, Xuan Xuan could only refuse helplessly, for fear of staying again, she would attract Nan Yuguo. The prince's attention, at that time, not only was he in danger with Wan Ye Shengyan, but he also revealed the purpose of the leisure king, which was not good for everyone.

Duanmu Yao gritted her teeth, knowing that these are not sloppy jokes, she could not help but let Yun Xuanxuan leave Wan Wan Shengyan-when she left, she had a few gifts prepared for them to take back Good for those relatives and friends in Beijing.

Naturally, Xuan Xuan would not refuse such a request. However, the two of them left under the wrath of Xian Wang, after all, Duan Muyao was reluctant, and the crying Xiao Wang was distressed.

"Anu, you must be good and happy in the end!" Xuan Xuan silently blessed in her heart, and went out of the gate of the capital city of Nanyu with Wan Xishengyan ...

"Princess Baili told the elder brother that the Northern Han country supported for a period of time at most, and the Nan Yu country took half a month to withdraw its troops. I don't know that King Rui and Xuan were the first to rush back to Beijing!" The carriage murmured in a low voice, thinking that at this stage, everyone has done their best. If God is not on their side, it is really not long-sighted.

"If we did so much, King Rui eventually lost to King Xuan, it means that from the beginning, he didn't have the ability to get that position," Wan Yan Shengyan felt that they had done enough, if King Wang In the end, they were disappointed. It can only be doomed, not they can change it.

When he heard such indifferent words, Xuan Xuan wanted to nod, but knew that if it did, it was the last thing they wanted to see. Otherwise, he will not follow him to Nanyu.

"If that's the case, after returning to Beijing, it's time to transfer everything from the Yun family to Sifang City!" Wu Xuan said quietly, looking at the scenery outside the carriage.

In the previous life, the Yun family did not even have a chance to turn it over. Then in this life, even if she bears all the infamy, she must protect everything in the Yun family.

She must not allow the Yun family to leave a trace of benefits to Wan Ling Ling Xuan.

Just like Nan Yuguo, when the Yun family withdrew everything, the leisure king didn't even dare to gamble, which shows how serious the situation is.

"The Four Kingdoms are chaotic, and Sifang City cannot be alone, so the best result is to pull Wan Xuan Ling Xuan so that he can only be Wang Ye," Wan Yan Shengyan analyzed with his eyes narrowed.


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