MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 260 Cause of calamity

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"Really?" Jinniang said mockingly, "The little girl didn't know when my father ’s good name was so big? So many years have passed, and some people still remember, so why was there no one when the dealer was in great trouble? People come out to help talk? Now, my uncle is very enthusiastic !? "

The old man looked aside and said with a sneer: "It was the royal family who offended the family. Who would dare to call it wrong?"

"Oh, now, uncle is very enthusiastic. He used his father's reputation to overpower others. I don't know if he saved you or murdered you?" Jin Niang asked aggressively.

"Okay, Jin Niang, don't embarrass the old man, he just helped me to make a few sentences, why do you have to ignore people?" Lin Aniu was sober at this time, angry at Jin Niang Said: "It's an indisputable fact that my Lin family saved you. You can go back with me. It's noisy on the street!"

"Lin Aiu, it's true that the Lin family saved me, but when the snow disaster came, who was hungry for a few days and threw me into the snow regardless of asking? If I hadn't met Miss Yun, this A moment, do you dare to say here that I am your daughter-in-law of the Lin family? "Jin Niang argued based on reason, and always felt that Lin Aniu appeared here, something was wrong.

Lin Aniu's temperament, she understands, listens to his aging mother very much, is a person who is so weak that he has no idea. And his aging mother is also the kind of people who are afraid of death but can be frustrated. They can't get into this situation unless they are instructed-and the meaning is obvious, just to hold themselves back.

Today, she is mainly going to see Princess Rui in the Rui Palace to diagnose her pulse.

"I don't care, anyway, you are my daughter-in-law of the Lin family, you don't have to go anywhere today, go back with me," Lin Aniu came up to grab Jin Niang's hand, but was blocked by Jin Niang and pushed him along Folding him, he threw him two steps and fell.

"Killed, killed," after seeing Lin Aniu fell, an old man with a shawl rushed over, snarled and annoyed, slumped on the ground and patted his legs, yelling, but he did not help Lin Aniu up.

Seeing that old lady, Jin Niang's eyes twitched a bit, that is Lin Aniu's mother who loves to pinch him, an unreasonable old woman.

"Ma'am, what did your son do? It was just a matter of being pushed by a woman. It was a piece of paper !?" People saw that the Lin family had no identity, and the style was shameless. The lady was courteous and educated, so she couldn't help but speak out.

"She was trying to murder my son. My son saved her at first. The Lin family had a life-saving favor for her. She not only did not report it, she wanted to hurt my son. What did this man's heart do? Here! "The old woman of the Lin family patted her back, tears and snot ran, which made people take a step backward, and the picture was too beautiful to dare to watch. "I knew she was so cruel and hot, and she shouldn't have rescued her, let her die, so as not to harm my son ... oh, if my son has three strengths and two weaknesses, I will not live!"

This kind of picture is just making trouble out of no reason. Jinniang really has no intention of watching the scene of their trouble. She wants to squeeze out the crowd, but finds that her access is deliberately blocked. Not only cannot she get out, but also Lin A. Niu Niu grabbed her and said she was going to take her back. The scene was chaotic.

Jinniang knew that this was a premeditated one. If she was taken home, she would really say nothing, so she shouted loudly, "Whoever goes to the Yun family to send me a message will say Jinniang was Sleepy, Jin Niang is willing to repay with thousands of dollars after getting out of trouble! "

Thousands of gold, which ordinary people can't make a lifetime, but when someone turns around and wants to go, they find that there are a few bad eyes staring, and they dare not move at will.

Before pulling, Jin Niang saw this scene, secretly anxious, she was afraid that she would not go to the Lin family, but where she would be taken.

If this is the case, Princess Rui is not good, and it is purposely targeted.

She has been in Yun's house for so long, and naturally knows what the child in Princess Rui's stomach represents. If something goes wrong, it is not only Princess Rui that is sad, but I am afraid that she will be involved in Yun's house. The young lady couldn't say a hundred words.

"Who the **** are you? Why do you want to block my way?" Jin Niang asked aloud, only to find that the crowd was motionless, and only those who helped her were unintentionally squeezed out.

"Little lady, don't be arrogant, go back to your man and live a good life!" The old man who was only questioned by Jin Niang still persuaded him, and did not look at his anger at all.

"Lin Aniu, let go, do you know what you are doing?" Jin Niang was dragged to a quiet place by Lin Aniu and shouted sternly: "Do you really think that this will make you rich and glorious? Beware that people will use your life after they have used you, ma'am, do you really want Aniu to have an accident? "

Lin Aniu hesitated for a moment, and set his eyes on his mother, but saw that she was pushing Jin Niang fiercely behind her back: "You shameless thing, dare to curse my son. You died a hundred times , My son will never die, you vicious **** ... "

Jin Niang flashed despair when she heard such abuse. It doesn't matter that she has an accident. After all, the dealer is alone, but she is worried that she will be counted by the people who go to the King Rui Mansion several times. Even Yun's family will be affected, so she can't apologize for her death.

Between abuse and shoving, the people who watched the show thought it was a family matter and did not continue to follow up. The person who surrounded Jinniang disappeared into the crowd and separated.

"Adult, the young brought the person," Lin Aniu shouted humblely in a quiet alley.

In the midst of doubt, Jin Niang saw several masked people coming out, and her eyes flashed with fear, because she saw the murderousness in the eyes of the people, so intense, that there was no meaning to leave alive.

"Master, what about the good silver?" Lin Aniu's mother's eyes flashed light, and she licked her face and asked naively.

"Rest assured, the silver will give you what you want," the indifferent words were full of murderousness, but they couldn't understand it at all, but they were secretly pleased and looked anxious.

Although they hate their being used stupidly, anyway, they have saved themselves before, and because they were only used by them, they snarled loudly, "They are not going to run anymore, they want to kill people!"

Lin Aniu's reaction with his mother was not so fast. Nana looked at her with unbelieving eyes flashing, but heard the leader sneer: "I can't protect myself, I want to save myself. Your girl, Zhuang really has his father's heart! "

"Who the **** are you?" Jin Niang snapped angrily. "Why grab me?"

"The bookmaker's sewing technique fell on one of your girls, it was really a waste!" One person explained the intention in one sentence, and then waved to cool off: "Remove the useless!"

Lin Aniu and his mother didn't know until now that things were wrong. Not to mention the silver, even the small life was lost. When they dared to be arrogant, when they wanted to turn and escape, they found that someone was behind them. When the word "help" was too late to be spoken, he was killed with a single sword, leaving no room for help.

Jinniang knew this result, she could not bear to see her eyes closed, and her heart was uncomfortable.

In order to have a bright and honest name, he had to kill two lives-he was taken away by Lin Aniu and his mother. Even if the Yun family was looking for someone, they couldn't find it. Who knows that Lin Anniu died dead with his mother, and he fell into the tiger's mouth and lost his freedom.

"How do you know that I can sew?" Jin Niang didn't deny. At this time, life-saving is the most important thing, and everything must be forbearable.

"Girl Zhuang still don't ask too much, lest you get into trouble," the man motioned to the men to drag the two bodies away, and then warned with narrowed eyes.

"Isn't it a bad thing now?" Jinniang laughed at herself, watching Lin Aniu die and was dragged away without a jerk, except for booing in her heart, I really didn't know what to say.

Greedy, he lost his life, and who can he blame.

"If the girl Zhuang wants to suffer less, don't play tricks on handing over sewing. At that time, she may let you go!" The ambiguous tone is coaxing, there is nothing to let go meaning.

Are they trying to sew? After being scared at the beginning, Jin Niang gradually calmed down and knew that she was still useful. Then she would not be killed immediately, which means that she might still be alive.

The one who knows the sewing technique is the young lady and Yan Shizi ... they have not concealed it at all. If they need it, they can directly raise it with her, and she will certainly not conceal it. Now, these people are blocking themselves on Jingcheng Street, and knowing that they have the sewing technique of the dealer, then ... there was a gleam of cold light in her eyes, and she could not help but think of the cause of her father's trouble.

"Take it away!" This is Beijing, after all, the Yun family is very powerful, and further delay will cause more trouble, so after clearing the two bodies, the leader waved and ordered.

Jin Niang didn't struggle. She wanted to know who his father had sewn on, but the dealer who provoked it ended like this.

The dealer could be wronged. Although she was happy, she wanted to find the murderer who murdered the dealer.

The former imperial doctor was just for the dead, he hated his father, and there was no need to gamble with his entire family, especially the queen mother.

"So many people take a girl away, isn't it a bit confusing !?" In the quiet alley, a playful voice suddenly sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Read The Duke's Passion