MTL - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML-Chapter 125 Immortal Magic 30

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The hair that didn't dry out almost infiltrated the back of the white robe worn by the teenager, and it almost became translucent, and the texture of the white inside could be seen faintly. Now, the evening glow is just outside, and the teenager’s body is covered with a warm tone.

Chu’s innocent observation of the young man who is facing his own, the taste that melts in his mouth is too familiar. He was watching his own sweetheart in front of himself, although he did not want to admit it. However, the monk Yuan Ying’s self-destruction is impossible to recover. Therefore, he would like to find the secret law and bring Gu Qingchen back to life.

The teenager in front of him has any purpose, will he appear in front of him at this time? Chu had no thoughts about it here, the twilight could not help but deepen a few degrees, and the hand holding the chopsticks tightened a few points.

And when Qing Chen made these meals for him at that time, no one would know. How did the boy know and do the taste, and why is it so similar?

Chu Wushun thinks that the more he thinks this is a lot of doubts, it is better to adjust this boy to the nearest place, and then carefully observe it. Anyway, except for the room that was exactly the same as the design that Qing Chen originally lived in, there was still a room that was redundant.

Chu had no thoughts and thought, and ate a few mouthfuls of noodles in the bowl in front of him. Moreover, he did not notice that there was anything wrong with this bowl of noodles in his hand, and this kind of familiar, almost irresistible taste, he hoped to taste more times before discovering the purpose of this boy.

When Li Luo had not cooked the second bowl of noodles, Chu Wuyi had already finished eating the noodle bowl that Li Luo had cooked for him.

When Li Luo once again had a good face and was preparing to go to a corner to eat noodles, a slender and powerful hand took a hot face from his hand.

Li Luo: "..." If you grab a bowl, even the second bowl is coming? = Dish = just, even if he likes the man in front of him, but the act of taking food in his mouth still makes him want to look back with resentful eyes.

Chu Wuyi did not pay attention to the mood of Li Luo at the moment, but continued to taste the noodles that Li Luo had just made. The face was still a cold appearance. After eating a few more mouths, he said: "You will move to me later. Before you talked to the room that you said that you are not allowed to clean, after three meals, you look at the best ingredients in the meal, and call me after you do."

After listening to the innocence of Chu, Li Luo quickly recovered from the grief of losing food. That is to say, his identity has now evolved from Xiaoyan to Chu’s intimate cook. ? ?

But this is also an opportunity to be closer to Chu, Li Luo naturally will not refuse, and his current identity can not refuse Chu's innocent command.

Therefore, the new residence after Li Luo was settled.


Chu has no time to drink a bowl of seemingly ordinary green soup in his hand, and the front of the stone on the front of him, there are three dishes and one soup, have been eaten most of them.

These dishes are made with the best spirits, and the amount of impurities inside has been reduced to a minimum due to the ingredients. However, in fact, after eating, there will still be impurities precipitated, and it is necessary to take time to excrete these impurities.

This is actually a little troublesome. Therefore, after the monks are able to pour the valley, most of them will choose to abandon their appetites and only practise themselves by absorbing the aura between heaven and earth. The thin impurities that are left in the body are carefully discharged to make your body more suitable for cultivation.

Chu Wushen naturally knows this, but he doesn't care about this. Compared to him, when he considers this insignificant time to drain impurities, he is more willing to eat more dishes that familiarize him with his feelings.

The more he got along with the boy named Li Luo, the more he felt that Chu had no feelings, although his character did not look the same as his master Gu Qingchen, but some of his habits and some feelings for him, Both are very similar to Gu Qingchen.

Especially, those eyes.

Thinking of this, Chu Wushao looked at the face of Li Luo who was sitting in front of him and bowed his head, and if there was a peach blossom in the clear spring. Although the owner looks very ordinary, but this pair of eyes can add five or six points to this bland face.

Although Gu Qingchen's eyes and Li Luo's eyes are not the same shape, they are the same clear and non-scaling. And when eating, the obvious flashing enjoyment looks exactly the same as his master's respect, and there are some little tricks to eat, just like the same mold.

And getting along with this time, Chu Wuzhen can also confirm that this boy in front of him has nothing to worry about. On the contrary, it seems to be a little cautious in daily contact, and reveals a desire to approach him. It is very interesting.

Chu Wuxi thought that Li Luo looked at him, like a small animal, careful and eager eyes, could not help but hooked the lips.

Ever since he lost Gu Qingchen, he has never felt like a happy emotion from the bottom of his heart.

For him, Gu Qingchen is the sunshine in his life. Losing Gu Qingchen means losing his light. He is always in the darkness. How can he feel happy and joyful? ?

The arrival of Li Luo seems to be in the darkness of a dead, burning a little candlelight, gradually illuminating the dark space.

Chu Wuyi does not believe that two people who are different will be so similar, but if it is exactly what he thinks, it all seems very ridiculous.

But no matter what, in front of this person, he will not let him go.


Li Luo clearly felt that during this time, the time when Chu had no time to get along with himself became more and more.

And he casts on himself, and the gaze with his gaze is reduced a lot.

Li Luo did not understand what was causing Chu’s innocence, but it seems that Chu’s innocence did not find that his face was actually fake.

Li Luo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Chu Wuzhen really found out that his body is Yun Tianheng. I don’t know what he would do. Anyway, before looking at the injury on the body, it is estimated that there will be no good development. .

Because he was closer to Chu's innocent distance, he was extremely careful every time he took the medicinal herbs, for fear that he would be discovered by Chu. However, his luck is still relatively good. When he took the medicinal herbs twice in the past, Chu Wuzheng just seemed to have something, not in this yard.

Therefore, the two of them have been in peace for more than four months.

Li Luo counted the time, and the time when the cave was opened was only about three months left.

Li Luo did not know whether Chu had no tokens to enter the cave house. He only hoped that the plot that always went wrong should not be too outrageous. At least this is a more important story.

Although he and Wu have no time to get along with each other, Chu Wuzhen basically does not say much to him. Li Luo does not know how he can go further with Chu’s innocent relationship.

In the past few days, when Li Luo is going to take Yirong Dan medicine, every time he takes the medicine, there will be a tea time, the body will maintain the original appearance, and in order to digest the medicine, Li Luo must Use a bit of mana. Therefore, at this time, Li Luo must hide from Chu and cannot be discovered by him.

Li Luo certainly won't wait until the last day when he has to take the remedy. The opportunity he took was that Chu had no time to pay attention to him. Anyway, during this time, Chu Wuxi was obviously busy, although he did not know what he was going to do, but at least it gave Li Luo a chance.

On this day, Li Luoote waited until Chu Wushao went out for half an hour before he hid himself in the hut next to the yard. After all, after using mana, there will still be traces of the next point. If it is in the courtyard that is not close to Chu, it may be discovered by Chu Wuzhen.

Before entering the house, Li Luo looked very carefully around the room and found that no one had drilled into the bedroom inside the cabin. First, he leaned over the bed and made his own hidden secret. The Qiankun bag, after taking out the bottle of medicinal herbs from inside, sat on the bed and then swallowed the medicinal herbs into the mouth. The force began to digest the remedy in his mouth, and the familiar heat flow from his throat. Under the tube, he quickly spread out in his limbs.

Gradually, I saw the gradual change of the plain face of the boy sitting on the bed, revealing that the singularity of the sky is as beautiful as the beautiful moon. The red dragonfly between the foreheads adds to this face. A few glamorous and fascinating; the thick eyelash fan usually hangs down, and makes a small shadow on the white porcelain's cheek; the rosy, like the petals of the lips, are close to each other, but the fullness is filled with a layer of water, but The singularity shows a hint of confusion.

Li Luo is digesting the medicinal herbs intently and feeling the trajectory of the medicinal herbs in his own body. He did not find that he had already stood alone in front of the bedroom where he is now.

Chu Wuzhen has already discovered that there are some unnatural manifestations of Li Luo in the past few days. When the teenager is close to the courtyard door, his eyes will be somewhat light, and he seems very much looking forward to his departure. And the last time he went out to the yard, it was obvious that Li Luo was not in the yard.

So he deliberately left the yard in front of Lero today. It didn't take long for Li Luo to leave the yard. Chu Wuzhen originally thought that Li Luo was connected with someone, but he did not expect that Li Luo actually Turned around and walked into his original room.

However, when I felt the slight fluctuations in the spiritual power coming from the room, the dawn of Chu’s innocent eyes gradually sank uncontrollably.

He calmed his face and pushed open the wooden door in front of him.

Then he saw that even in his sleep, he wanted to smash the face.

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