MTL - The Trainer’s Surname is Uchiha-Chapter 305 burn out

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   Chapter 305 Burning Out

   The seal is quick, his expression is solemn, his face is full of determination, and he is full of anger!

   The raging fire was still burning, the black chinstrap was blown by the billowing air, and the collar was wet with sweat on the temples.



  As the reflection in the sky disappeared, the villagers of Konoha Village, who couldn't know the specific situation, were full of unease. The last words of Hokage Sandaimu were full of ominous atmosphere, and the whole village was covered with a cloud of gloom.

   "What is this..."

  Uzumaki Naruto was also very puzzled in his heart. His intuition vaguely told him that this should also be Brother Yu's plan, but he was at a loss if he didn't understand the whole picture.

   He looked at Shikamaru, who was on the side. The latter noticed the inquiring gaze, turned his head, shook his head, and his eyes were equally confused.

  The wind blew, and some villagers shivered subconsciously. The night was a little shady, just like the night when the Uchiha family disappeared in Konoha.


  Uchiha Suijing squeezed into the crowd, spit out a breath of turbid air that did not belong to the living, watched the flames flickering on his shoulders, and whispered softly: "We are back again..."

   And in the barrier that no one could see, the despair in Hizen Sarutobi's heart continued to spread.

   "What's the matter, has the effect of the spell disappeared?"

   Sarutobi Hiizhan forced his composure, his brows became more and more frowning, he thought about it, and re-established the seal again.

   "No, or in other words, there was a mistake in the way the seal was recorded, but how is that possible?!"

   You must know that even the dolls of the ninja school will not make mistakes like Yuyin, let alone the honorary "ninjutsu professor" of the ninja world!

   Watching Sarutobi Hizan trying to seal the seal again and again, Orochimaru was inexplicably uncomfortable. After all, he was a master for many years, and now he has no choice but to die, helpless like a child...

   But if it is said that Orochimaru has any sympathy or pity in his heart, it is a joke, and you have to do things to the end!

   Even Jirai is here, and at this stage, he won't say anything like "You surrender, I'll save your life", that will only make him appear indecisive, but it will be the biggest insult to the people in front of him.

   Besides, the person on the opposite side who wants to die together is Orochimaru.

   He doesn't want to die, so it's better to ask Sarutobi-sensei to die.

   In the past, he was able to make Mr. Sarutobi die decently.

   "Teacher, don't bother."

  Orochimaru shook his head, the Kusanagi sword in his hand reflected the cold light: "It's time to hit the road."


   Sarutobi Hizan suddenly woke up, and roared in a low and short voice: "It's you, Orochimaru! The ghoul seal is all yours!"

   "Teacher thinks too much, I'm not that powerful."

  Orochimaru shook his head, he didn't have the confidence to swallow the whole **** of death, maybe he would try to capture similar lifeforms in the future, but not now.

   "So, don't ask any more questions. Teacher, go to the Pure Land and ask the legendary Six Path Immortals!"

  Orochimaru's murderous intent became stronger and stronger, and he approached Sarutobi Hiizan step by step. The flying section behind him shook his head when he saw it: "This guy usually calls me crazy, but it's even scarier to be crazy..."


   Shimura Danzo's eyes were complicated, and he thought of the image of the second Hokage appointing the next Hokage. At that time, he felt unwilling in his heart and felt that he was more suitable for Hokage, but until the end, he fought for a lifetime.

   Even, he and Hizen died under the same plan by the same person. Even if they went to the Pure Land after death, I would be sorry for the previous Hokage...

   Oh, no, his soul can't escape the end of the collapse. If you say this, you don't have to think about how to explain it to the ancestors...

   It’s just that the nothingness of nothingness, the death after death, where will it go…

   "Farewell, Sarutobi-sensei!"

  Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword stabbed out violently, and Sarutobi Hizen, who was exhausted, still wanted to stubbornly resist...

   "Just a moment, please."

  Namifeng Minato suddenly appeared in the middle of the two. He smiled and apologized: "Finally, I want to ask Sandaimu something, so please let him live for a while, and Mr. Yu agreed."


  Orochimaru glanced at Namikaze Minato, shook his head, did not speak, held the Kusanagi sword and walked aside, his arms folded.

The meaning of    is very simple, please start your performance.

   "Thank you, thank you!"

  Namikaze Minato smiled embarrassedly, then turned around to look at Hokage Sandai, both of whom showed indescribably complicated expressions at the same time.

   "Did you come back too... That's right, I should have thought of it."

   After a long silence, Sarutobi Hizan sighed: "Naruto sees you, oh, it's you. If he sees you, he will be very happy."

   "The child, how do you say it, there is some resentment... I am also a little bit."

  Namifeng Minato said softly: "So, why, you promised me back then that you would take good care of him..."

   "You know, Naruto's business is very busy..."

   Sarutobi Hidden cut his head: "Some things are very complicated and cannot be simply described in words."

   "If you can't do it, why do you agree to it?"

  Namikaze Minato looked at Sandaimu and didn't dare to look at him, and his voice couldn't help but raise a bit: "How complicated? Ah? Tell me, I think I can understand it clearly!"


   Sarutobi Hiizhan's voice was low and he turned to the topic: "After I die, you have to lead Konoha to move forward..."

   "I don't understand this now, so I'm not in the mood to say anything Konoha! Konoha!"

  Namifeng Minato suddenly lost his composure and finally showed an angry face: "I don't know, what's the point of protecting this village, leading this village, I even protect my family! Protect! No!"


   Sarutobi Hi's beheading is getting lower and lower: "It's all like this, every Hokage should have the consciousness to give his life for the village..."

   "Am I too afraid to die?"

  Namikaze Minato asked: "Or did I have the idea of ​​running away when the disaster happened, I have the belief of sacrifice, what about after the sacrifice!

  I don't want to say that the village owes me anything, and I never thought of asking the village to repay me, but facing such a child, child!

  You guys... Don't you feel ashamed, don't you think you owe him too much! "



   Lonely and speechless.

   "Bad old man!"

  Kinnai suddenly rushed out, her hair fluttering, her face full of suffocation: "I want to avenge my Naruto, revenge!"


Blood spilled from the corner of Sarutobi Hiizan's mouth, he looked at the fist hammered in the abdomen, and looked at Kushina with a wry smile: "I am indeed, I am sorry for the two of you, but I have never been out of selfishness, this is all It's...for Konoha!"

   "Konoha! Konoha!"

  Kushina's fists trembled with anger and wanted to continue, but Minato Namikaze pressed his shoulders. The latter looked at him, shook his head, and looked aside.

  The long-arrived Jiraiya also walked out of the darkness, his eyes swept across the crowd, and stayed on Orochimaru for a few seconds, and finally walked in front of Sarutobi Hizan step by step, bowing his head: "Teacher, I'm sorry."


   Sarutobi Hizan stared blankly at everyone present, feeling absurd and dreamy. I don't know if it was because of the loss of blood and physical strength, he seemed to see an illusion.

   seems to see a pair of indifferent and gentle eyes watching here, and a pair of big hands, pushing everything irrefutably!

  The flame, I do not know when it has been extinguished.

   (end of this chapter)