MTL - The Trainer’s Surname is Uchiha-Chapter 270 how sweet

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   Chapter 270 How sweet

   "Naruto, don't be impulsive!"

  Jilai also hurriedly stopped Naruto, who looked a little excited, and said seriously: "You must know that our return this time is not just a simple return to the village to visit friends."

   "Ah ah ah, of course I know."

Naruto Uzumaki looked around and found that no one was peeping, he smiled and lowered his voice: "I know I know, we came back to overturn the old-fashioned system, and then respond to the call of Big Brother Yu, learn their pattern, and lead the village towards A better future!"

   When he thought that he could play as a hero to save the village and was recognized by everyone, Naruto Uzumaki couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha...Ah!"


Jiraiya's forehead burst with blue veins, and he couldn't help shouting: "It's not as simple as you think. The situation in the village is complicated. If our plan is exposed in advance, I can guarantee that more than 90% of Konoha will be The villagers will stand on the opposite side of us, you know!"


  Naruto tilted his head: "I can understand those big families, but why do ordinary villagers stand against us? If they knew the truth, they would definitely support us, right?

   In other words, didn’t we come back for them to have a better life? "

   "Idiot! Do you think they will do what you want?"

  Jilai also suddenly thought of something, and with an unnatural look on his face, he coughed twice: "Anyway, it is very stupid to think that you are the savior of the world without understanding the position of the people.

   You may think that we are going to lead the villagers to a better life, but in their eyes, we are equivalent to rebellion and betrayal!

The name   Sannin sounds beautiful, but once he became a bereaved dog was just a word from a high-level executive. At the beginning, Hatake-senpai’s reputation was much better than ours, but still…”

   "Ah this..."

   Listening to Jiraiya's words, Naruto's heart gradually sank, and he seemed to realize that this time things were not as simple as he imagined...

   "I always felt that as long as I stood in the majority, I could implement my beliefs with a clear conscience."

Zilai also sighed and shook his head: "But when I met Empress Uchiha, I suddenly understood a very cruel reality. Most of the time, they are ignorant, and they can't even tell right from wrong. …”


  Naruto was stunned and scratched his head: "It's not that exaggerated..."

   "Then let me ask you, what do you think of Uchiha Yu?"

  Jilai also looked at Naruto Uzumaki seriously: "To be honest, you don't need to worry about anything."

   "Uh, brother Yu should be a good person..."

  Naruto thought of what he had seen and heard in Kusanagi Village, as well as the evaluation of Yu by those new acquaintances, and a longing expression appeared on his face.

   "He's strong, cool, and doesn't put on airs. He has a good-looking smile and is very gentle. Even people who have stood on the opposite side of him can get his patience..."

The more Naruto spoke, the more excited he clenched his fists: "Yes, that's what I want to be like, and I will become that person in the future, Sasuke is such a stinky ass, he is still as good as a kitten in front of Big Brother Yu. ,what!"

   "Your evaluation is based on what the children said."

  Jilai also showed half-moon eyes: "Why do you feel a little too praised for him, like it's cool, isn't it the coolest immortal?"


  Naruto squinted at Jiraiya: "The words of Teacher Jiraiya..."


   "It's cool for now."

   "Hey! What do you mean temporarily!"

  Jilai also calmed down: "Since that's the case, let me tell you, he is indeed a strong person, brave and resourceful, doing things hard and soft, always feeling rational.

   Well, my assessment is that he may not be a close friend, but the most leader is indeed very charismatic, giving people a sense of reliability, and is an excellent leader. "

   "Ha, didn't you praise Big Brother Yu admiringly?"

  Naruto's eyes flicked aside: "How dare you talk about me!"

   "Then do you know what his reputation is outside the alliance established by Yu?"

  Jilai also asked back: "You can guess boldly."

   "Ha, even if the influence is not as good as the alliance area..."

  Uzumaki Naruto put his hands behind his head, raised his head and smiled: "Probably the same!"

   "On the contrary."

  Jilai also shook his head and sighed: "It seems that you really didn't care about the things around you along the way!"


  Uzumaki Naruto scratched his head: "I, I've been thinking about things after returning to the village, thinking about the possibility of a battle, where can I worry about other things."

   "Since you don't know, let me tell you."

Jirai also shook his head: "Listen, in the country of fire and some small countries around it, Uchiha Yu, Konoha S-class rebels, ambitious, trying to subvert Konoha and even the country of fire, to the world of Shinobi. Peace and tranquility pose a great threat.

Uchiha Yu is cruel, rude, and bloodthirsty. He is the most evil kid in the natural evil family. Now there are dozens of countries under his high-handed rule. The people there are miserable and hard to live... "

   "Stop, stop!"

  Uzumaki Naruto reached out and interrupted: "Are you sure you didn't pronounce the name wrong, Uchiha Yu?"


  Jiraiya also nodded: "Oh, there is also here, it is said that the Uchiha clan was destroyed at the beginning, that is, Uchiha Yu was the mastermind, Uchiha Itachi was the accomplice, and they said that they created the massacre together.

   Because the Konoha ninja arrived in time, the only survivor Uchiha Sasuke was rescued, but Uchiha Yu was very fierce and unwilling, and later sneaked back to Konoha Village.

   Killed hundreds of innocent people, dozens of ninjas, and brutally killed Sasuke Uchiha…”


  Uzumaki Naruto's eyes widened: "Sasuke was brutally killed? Did I see a ghost before?

  This, these are all fake news, will anyone really believe it? "


   Zilai also hesitated, but still said: "You can think about how you were treated by the villagers before..."


   Naruto Uzumaki was stunned, and those painful memories came back to his mind.

   We always like to recall the past, thinking that the past time was beautiful, that is, the human brain subconsciously shields the painful memories, leaving only those memories that have been automatically decorated by memory.

   This is one of the self-help measures for creatures to keep themselves happy in a painful environment, and Naruto is obviously caught in this misunderstanding.

   At this moment, he looked at Konoha again, and the warm tone was removed, which made people feel a little chilly.

   "We are not saviors, but subversives."

  Jilai also said solemnly: "And subversion, always bleeds to death, which is why I was always hesitant before."

   "Now you decide?"

  Naruto spoke softly, and he realized that the battle he longed for was probably to meet his old acquaintances and friends!


  Jilai also had determination on his face: "I will do my best to make everything the best, even if I leave regrets, I have a clear conscience!"

   "I'm with you!"




  In a laboratory in the forest of death, Orochimaru reached out and took the scroll sent by the psychic snake. Seeing the contents, he couldn't help but stick out his tongue: "That guy, Jiraiya, is he finally enlightened, interesting!"


   Feiduan sat with Erlang's legs crossed, frowning and said, "What are you talking about again!"


  Orochimaru smiled softly: "Rebels attacked, Hokage died in battle, how sweet!"


   Feiduan's mouth twitched: "It's inexplicable!"

   "You don't have to worry about that."

  Orochimaru smiled and said, "You just need to know that your sickle can see blood!"



   "Oh yeah! Wuhu!"

   (end of this chapter)