MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 235 Extra 11

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The romance in life is caused by God's will, but it is more artificial.

Before meeting Lu Zhixia, Shen Wanqing was actually an upright person who didn't know what romance was, and even thought it was hypocritical.

Love is the best enlightenment. After the heartbeat, the hormones stimulate not only the physical desire, but also the longing for romance, and finally put it into practice.

Shen Wanqing's marriage proposal was arranged in the luxury hall of a high-end movie theater under the Shen family.

When Lu Zhixia arrived, the lights in the auditorium had already been turned off, and there was a beautiful advertising film on the big screen like the opening of all movies.

The seat Shen Wanqing chose was Lu Zhixia's favorite, the two seats at the back, with no one on either side.

Lu Zhixia didn't know how she did it, the front row and the back row were full, only her row, just the two of them.

After much deliberation, probably due to the effect of money, Shen Wanqing probably bought a whole row.

The movie actually played the original Japanese version of Lu Zhixia's favorite "Spirited Away". She has watched it many times, and the lines are memorized backwards, and every picture is clearly printed in her mind.

The name Amber River once again popped up in Lu Zhixia's mind. After bidding farewell to Amber River at 501, not only did they never see her again, Lu Zhixia never even dreamed of her.

It was like a dream, she lived in a muddle during that time, and the Amber River was like an illusion, but now that she woke up from the dream, everything disappeared.

Lu Zhixia was distracted when his hand was lightly touched.

It's like a young couple going to the theater for the first time, a little distracted, thinking about each other, making some small moves, but they don't dare to go too far, they only dare to try it out.

Shen Wanqing touched her tip, and Lu Zhixia also touched her with the tip, as if two little snails were meeting each other.

Both eyes were fixed on the big screen, but their hands were restless.

Shen Wanqing's belly lightly rubbed her tip, and Lu Zhixia was heartbroken, and gently pinched Zhijie.

She walked up the vine, and Shen Wanqing also grabbed her hand, and the two of them held hands.

The corners of both of their mouths are hooked into smiles, the movie has now become a romantic backdrop, and they are today's protagonists.

Shen Wanqing moved closer to her, Lu Zhixia understood, and tilted her head slightly.

Lu Zhixia picked up the popcorn and handed it over, and Shen Wanqing picked up one and pressed it to her side. When she was eating the popcorn, She Jian deliberately smashed Shen Wanqing's popcorn.

Shen Wanqing retracted her hand as if she had been electrocuted, and slapped her arm lightly, more like flirting.

Love in this way of acting is quite interesting, provided that the two know how to cooperate.

Lu Zhixia was snickering at Shen Wanqing's reaction just now, and Shen Wanqing hooked her hands together, meaning she had something to say.

She leaned towards her ear, and was gently slapped, Lu Zhixia's limbs jumped along with it, and she distanced herself with a blushing face.

Shen Wanqing smiled badly and raised her eyebrows, which was also quite cute.

Noisy, laughing silently.

Shen Wanqing tilted her head and leaned on Lu Zhixia's shoulder, happiness flowing quietly from the bottom of her heart.

Things that she never dared to think about in her life, meeting someone, liking someone, and thinking about someone for the rest of her life always lead her to move forward.

In the past, she was often discouraged and even desperate, but after meeting Lu Zhixia, the child seemed to be specially designed to save her, pulling her out of the dark abyss bit by bit.

There were so many dangers, and the children were almost pulled into the abyss by her, but the tenacious guys all climbed up again.

They were so tired that they wanted to give up. She even wanted to let go of Lu Zhixia's hand and let her return to the ground, but the child was wearing a glow, illuminating her dark world and pulling her back to a bright world.

Shen Wanqing's gratitude to Lu Zhixia cannot be described in words.

I love her so gratefully, so I want the best for her.

Lu Zhixia deserves her whole life to be loved and cared for.

The movie slowly came to an end, and Lu Zhixia was immersed in the interaction with Shen Wanqing.

In fact, she didn't notice that the audience at the scene were actually acquaintances, her friends were in the front row, and there was a person holding a camera, secretly taking pictures of everything they were doing now.

The movie has progressed to the point where Xiao Bailong remembered his own name, his name is Amber River.

The two flew down from the sky, and the little white dragon's scales fell off one by one. Lu Zhixia was also watching this passage. Until the end, there were no subtitles, but all the fragments were shrunk back into the book like a picture album.

Lu Zhixia was surprised, could this be an easter egg in the Japanese version? She hadn't seen this episode before.

Shen Wanqing noticed from the corner of her eye that the puppy looked at it seriously with surprise on his face.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Shen Wanqing got up slowly, and Lu Zhixia asked in a low voice, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No need." Shen Wan cleared her head and went out early.

A hand appeared in the movie, picked up the book, pinched the lower corner of the book, and slowly opened it.

It seems that the book is playing slowly from the last page, and there are drawn comic images on the turning of each page of the book.

Lu Zhixia's eyes widened. Could this really be an Easter egg? Damn, she didn't know.

Zhijian slowly twirled the pages of the book and let them go, and the pages turned over with a clatter. The two children met for the first time, one was in the arms of their mother, and the other was standing at the back of the crowd.

The one in the mother's arms is holding a pacifier, and the little girl in the back of the crowd is wearing a kimono. They seem to be having a wedding banquet together, and their seats are back to back.

The little girl played with the milk doll, and the milk doll also liked to play with her, and even got down from her mother's arms.

She ran towards the little girl, and the little girl pulled her to run together, and the two of them grew up gradually.

The two of them also let go of their hands, and the little girl gradually became a big girl, and also someone Lu Zhixia knew well.

Lu Zhixia stood up in surprise, isn't that Shen Wanqing?

The child gradually grew up and turned into the young Lu Zhixia.

They ran along their respective worlds, circling in circles, passing each other again and again.

Until the familiar Deon bar appeared, 20-year-old Lu Zhixia ran over with a gift in her arms, and Shen Wanqing passed by her, and she bumped into Shen Wanqing.

Her greeting card fell on the floor, and Lu Zhixia saw herself turning around to apologize, and her face was covered with a layer of warm light under the setting sun.

She ran away, Shen Wanqing bent down to pick up her card, and followed her along the track she walked.

In the last picture in the book, Shen Wanqing stepped into a door, and the screen suddenly went out.

When Lu Zhixia was stunned, the warm yellow light slowly came back on in the middle of the screen, and a figure gradually approached from a distance.

All of this is like a plot that only happens in a movie. The figure gradually becomes clear. It is a person wearing a Czech wolf dog doll costume.

Lu Zhixia was sure that that person must be Shen Wanqing.

Shen Wanqing unexpectedly came out of the movie slowly. She stood in front of the stage, and the decorated lights in the center of the stage and on both sides were lit up.

She is like the goddess of light, with every step she takes, there is light shining.

The doll of the Czech wolfhound, stepping on the steps, walked towards her step by step.

Lu Zhixia walked to the side slowly, stood in the aisle, her heart was beating so hard, and her brain started to roar.

The doll walked up to her, and the colored lights illuminated together with Lu Zhixia.

She looked down at the cute wolfhound, which was very similar to the one she sewed for Shen Wanqing herself. The doll slowly knelt down on one knee, holding a delicate little box on its cute paw.

It was only at this moment that Lu Zhixia foolishly realized that Shen Wanqing was doing the same thing on the same day as her.

In the projection hall, Shen Wanqing's voice appeared, and the audience was silent, only to hear her deep sarcasm, and a gentle trembling voice saying: "Lu Zhixia, from the moment I met you, my body and mind have been taken care of by you." Capture, in the past days, I have experienced many difficulties, but I am very grateful that with you by my side, I can persist until now, so I selfishly thought, I would trade my whole life for your company."

The wolf dog's clumsy paw opened the small box, revealing the beautiful and eye-catching Jie Zhi. The wolf dog raised his head to look at her. Even through the mask, Lu Zhixia could still feel the fire in her eyes.

It was the first time in her life that she was proposed by someone, by the person she loved the most. The shock of happiness almost made Lu Zhixia dizzy.

Lu Zhixia always felt that proposing marriage was something an alpha should do, but Shen Wanqing surprised her again.

"I beg you, let me marry you, marry me for a living, are you willing?" Shen Wanqing kept her head up, as if she was looking at her own god.

Lu Zhixia opened her mouth, but the phrase "I would like to" hadn't come out yet, her nose and eye sockets were so sore, she could only nod heavily, took Jie Zhi, pulled him up, took off the heavy mask on her head, Shen Wanqing's flushed cheeks were exposed.

All the lights were lit up instantly, and the cheers sounded.

There was also a crackling sound, and the colorful spray from the fireworks tube fell from the sky and landed on top of their heads, as if blessing them.

Lu Zhixia saw her familiar friends running out, and Guan Xiuhe held up the camera to capture the scene of Shen Wanqing clumsily putting on the ring for her.

Lu Zhixia held her face, kissed her hard, and said with tears in her eyes, "Sister, you will come out in 5 minutes."

Before Shen Wanqing could react, the person had already run away.

Guan Xiuhe saw Shen Wanqing's anxious and flustered eyes, she couldn't bear it, she touched her arm quietly, and winked at her.

Five minutes later, Shen Wanqing came down from the theater.

It was completely dark, and many pedestrians gathered, and some cars stopped to watch the excitement.

A beating heart was revealed in the sky, and there was a thumping sound.

It was a pink love heart with the words Shen Wanqing written in the middle of the heart. Anyone who is not stupid knows that they will witness a wonderful confession or marriage proposal ceremony with their own eyes tonight.

Only now did Shen Wanqing realize that Lu Zhixia was also planning to propose to her today.

It was like the impact of the soul, shaking her heart heavily, and the tears that had just been suppressed were swirling in her eyes at this moment.

A beautiful drone light show kicked off, and a galaxy stretched across the sky. On one side of the galaxy was a person who looked like Lu Zhixia, and on the other side of the galaxy was Shen Wanqing, with their backs facing each other.

A moon elder slowly landed above the Milky Way. She first flew to Lu Zhixia's side, put a rope in her hand, and then put the other end of the rope in Shen Wanqing's hand.

Shen Wanqing pulled the rope and walked towards the other side of the Milky Way. The rope stretched straight. Lu Zhixia sensed something, and turned around and walked towards Shen Wanqing.

Shen Wanqing eagerly tugged on the rope, and Lu Zhixia went from walking, to jogging, to running with all her strength, along the Milky Way, and finally ran to the star-studded Mercury Bridge.

Shen Wanqing was also standing at this end of the bridge, and the two of them stepped up the steps almost at the same time.

They met on the bridge and passed by each other. The rope between the two stretched and pulled them together.

The two turned their heads at the same time, Lu Zhixia took that step first, she walked towards Shen Wanqing, smiled, and slowly knelt down on one knee.

She took Jie Zhi out of her pocket and held it up with both hands. The moment Shen Wanqing took Jie Zhi, the rope was tightly wrapped around their wrists and ankles, and finally a delicate love was tied.

The moment they kissed each other standing under the loving heart, the Milky Way, the Mercury Bridge, the Red Rope... all shattered into stars, falling from the night, like a grand meteor shower.

The meteor shower fell on the ground, lighting up a heart.

Lu Zhixia stood inside the heart, and the onlookers made way for her. With flowers in her arms, she walked slowly towards Shen Wanqing.

Shen Wanqing's cheeks were already covered with tears, and Lu Zhixia's eyes were also swollen. She was like a little prince, and the glory of winning victory over all obstacles came to her.

Lu Zhixia knelt down on one knee, lifted Jie Zhi and the flowers together, raised her head and said: "Shen Wanqing, the moment I met you, I was amazed when I was 20 years old. I selfishly hope that you can amaze my whole life." , I ask you to marry me and write every day of the rest of my life, will you?"

Shen Wanqing was so crying that she couldn't speak, she just stepped forward to take the flowers and Jiezhi, and threw them into Lu Zhixia's arms.

The friends put up the firework tube again. They stood among the shooting stars and fireworks, and thunderous applause sounded around them.

At this moment, they openly accepted everyone's blessings.

Their love gathers into a beam of light, illuminating the rest of their common life.

Read The Duke's Passion