MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 226 Extra 2

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The worthless Lu Zhixia, after reconciling with his sweetheart, the thing he likes most is naturally the thing in bed.

In fact, it's not her fault. During the time when the two were separated, Lu Zhixia kept holding back. Later, Shen Wanqing's limited body appeared to be awakened, and she seemed to be tortured.

It's like a foodie who likes to eat meat and is suddenly forced to become a vegetarian.

Now you can eat whatever you want, Lu Zhixia wished he could eat it every day.

Shen Wanqing couldn't bear it, she had to go to work, and her physical strength was not as strong as that of a big dog.

Lu Zhixia hadn't gone to work yet, so all her energy was used to torment her.

The premise is that Lu Zhixia has the initiative, instead of Shen Wanqing taking the initiative and trying to limit her body.

So Dongfang Wenhua said about Fanghua's investment, she was busy and didn't have time, and she always asked Lu Zhixia to go to a meeting or report.

Yan Fanghua was kind enough to let the two children get in touch with each other more. Every time Lu Zhixia entered the office, she always felt that Shen Wanqing looked at her wildly, especially when she looked at her.

"You boss, don't look at me like that." Lu Zhixia blushed awkwardly, and Shen Wanqing wanted to laugh: "I look at my puppy, what's the problem?"

Lu Zhixia sat across from her and snorted twice: "I still want to say, did you really think of me as Mixiu when you called me a puppy?"

"En?" Shen Wanqing pretended not to understand, but Lu Zhixia pointedly said, "You really treat me like a dog, not a human being."

Shen Wanqing laughed and said helplessly, "You are not only a big dog, but also a stupid dog."

She told the truth that the name Mi Xiu was given by her mother back then, and all the dolls or puppies that accompanied Shen Wanqing were named Mi Xiu.

Rather than saying that Mi Xiu is the name of a puppy, it is better to say that Mi Xiu is by Shen Wanqing's side with the connotation of a mother.

Lu Zhixia suddenly realized that Shen Wanqing called her Mi Xiu, and she completely accepted it.

"You're going to go abroad next week," Shen Wanqing remembered her time, and Lu Zhixia returned to the translation department. The first task was to go to the United Nations for a meeting. "It will take a month to go."

This is also impossible. Lu Zhixia's job is to fly around with the country's leaders. The closest place is in the domestic capital, but most of the time she is abroad.

"We can make videos every day." Lu Zhixia was naturally reluctant to part with Shen Wanqing. They lay on the bed at night, she hugged Shen Wanqing, and asked for a long time: "Do you really want to see your mother?"

Shen Wanqing froze for a moment, and asked, "Why do you ask that?"

"You were dreaming last night, and you called mom again." Lu Zhixia was by Shen Wanqing's side. From now on, Shen Wanqing would call mom when she was saddest. Now she doesn't have nightmares, doesn't sleep in the closet, But she would still call her mother, "Tell me, you really want to see her once, at least once."

Shen Wanqing no longer remembered her dream, so she asked softly, "What else did I say?"

"I took your word and chatted with you for a while." Lu Zhixia stroked Shen Wanqing's arm lightly, and said in a low voice, "Before Auntie's accident, did you just quarrel with your mother?"

Shen Wanqing turned over and slipped into Lu Zhixia's arms.

Indeed, because her father missed the appointment and did not come back, and her mother did not remember her birthday, she had a big fight with her mother. After all, it was the only day in a year when she could have a family reunion.

Facts have proved that my mother has not forgotten. After her mother passed away in a car accident, she knew that the cake had already been ordered, but the father needed to delay his return, so the mother wanted to wait until his father came back.

Shen Wanqing once regretted that she shouldn't have quarreled with her mother, but she had no chance to say sorry.

She huddled in Lu Zhixia's arms, and said in a muffled voice for a long while, "You have to treat Professor Yan well."

When the child wants to support but does not wait for the relative, that is the most powerless time.

Lu Zhixia hummed, hugged Shen Wanqing, and stared at the night thoughtfully.

Before she went abroad, she and Shen Wanqing paid a special visit to Lin Xuan.

The advantage of being a top oga is that the belly will not grow up as quickly as ordinary people, so it will not look bloated.

But after all, you are pregnant, so you still have to be careful when you act.

Guan Xiuhe hired a nanny, and Lin Xuan didn't let Lin Xuan do anything by himself.

The results of the prenatal examination are all good, as long as the nutrition is balanced.

Guan Xiuhe and Lu Zhixia were cooking in the kitchen, while Lin Xuan and Shen Wanqing were sitting together chatting about homework.

After returning from country R, ​​Lin Xuan hardly bothered Shen Wanqing actively. With Lu Zhixia by her side, she had nothing to worry about.

Talking about Shen Wanqing's ear, what happened to Shen Wanqing's left ear, she smiled and said: "Although it has not fully recovered, it has recovered a lot, and now there is still some slight tinnitus."

Shen Wanqing also asked about their plans: "You haven't gotten married yet, and you haven't had a wedding, so you're just going to have a baby."

Lin Xuan shrugged, indifferently said: "I don't care about that, Xiaoguanguan is very good to me, this is the most important."

Shen Wanqing reminded her that if you love someone, you should treat them well.

"You still know?" Lin Xuan asked deliberately, Shen Wanqing nodded: "So don't fall in love with brains like me."

Lin Xuan laughed out loud when he heard this, if not to mention that they are girlfriends, they are actually very easy to satisfy.

It's just that Shen Wanqing used to be too insecure, so she would ask Lu Zhixia to fully understand herself, that self that may not be good enough, or even incomplete, and love after she understands everything.

As for Shen Wanqing's love, Lu Zhixia didn't have the confidence to open it up, which just proved that Lu Zhixia really didn't understand her.

On the other hand, Shen Wanqing was very determined and opened the paper airplane the moment she got it.

"What about you, what requirements do you have for your dog?" Lin Xuan asked, bumping her arm deliberately.

Shen Wanqing actually didn't ask for it, and said secretly: "I'll tell you, but you keep it a secret for me."

She is preparing for a marriage proposal, and she is already preparing for it. When Lu Zhixia goes abroad, Shen Wanqing will have a lot of time to prepare.

Lin Xuan clicked his tongue twice, he really is a guy with a love brain.

A top oga wants to propose to an alpha who is ten years younger than him. Lin Xuan can't do it: "Let's save Xiao Guanguan to do this, I'm lazy."

People are like this, each has its own personality, each has its own fun, before this matter is put aside, Shen Wanqing can't do it if killed, let her a gold-level diamond big sister propose to the little alpha, it's a dream out of the picture.

Now, Shen Wanqing is enjoying it, sharing the details with Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan giggled after listening, "Damn, why are you two playing house like two children."

Shen Wanqing smiled and was not afraid of being ridiculed by Lin Xuan. Now she is very generous in love, she doesn't care what anyone says, she only cares about Lu Zhixia.

The two in the kitchen were actually chatting.

Guan Xiuhe has her own plan. She plans to let the child attend their wedding when the child is older.

"That's too long, right?" Lu Zhixia frightened her: "You're not afraid of Lin Xuan running away."

Guan Xiuhe shook her head and said with a smile: "I love her, I will make her feel that she knows that I love her, this is the most important thing."

As for Lu Zhixia, she actually thought about proposing to Shen Wanqing, but she didn't know how to do it, and she didn't know Shen Wanqing's attitude.

"What attitude can Late Qing have?" Guan Xiuhe gave her a pestle: "What's wrong with you, you still doubt her? She loves you to death."

Lu Zhixia bumped her shoulder and said anxiously, "What, you misunderstood."

She felt that Shen Wanqing was already 31, and she had never expressed the idea of ​​getting married. Did she not want to get married, but only wanted to fall in love.

"Fart." Guan Xiuhe glared at her: "She herself said that she is not interested in taking pictures, she just wants to take wedding photos."

"Maybe just talk."

"Why are you still not confident?" Guan Xiuhe was like the older generation, "Your idea is wrong, I have to talk about you, the two of you have something to talk about, and you can't hold back."

Guan Xiuhe asked Lu Zhixia what she thought, she naturally hoped to marry Shen Wanqing, and it would be best to have a bunch of dolls.

"A bunch?" Guan Xiuhe couldn't help laughing, "Your family is not a pig in late Qing Dynasty, thank you."

"What a wonderful child. I like children. Look at my house. I'm the only one. I'm hallucinating." Lu Zhixia nuzzled. Speaking of this, Guan Xiuhe stopped joking with her and said, "When it comes to life Baby, for Late Qing, the sooner the better, although he is a top oga, but when he was young, he must recover very quickly."

Lu Zhixia scratched her head and said, "Then I am going to propose?"


"You may need your help at that time."

"Anytime." Guan Xiuhe asked her to prepare well, to make Shen Wanqing feel cared for, "A girl, you marry once in this life, you must be serious."

Lu Zhixia hummed twice: "Then I'll buy a ring first, but I don't know how thick her hands are."

They were chatting, and as girlfriends, they were all advising each other.

Regarding the thickness of Shen Wanqing's hands, when she returned home at night, Lu Zhixia took advantage of Shen Wanqing's sleep and secretly tied it around with a rope, made a bun, and put it in her pocket.

The nightgown was loose, and the rope in the pocket was no longer in the pocket after dawn.

Lu Zhixia searched for a long time, but couldn't find it. She tossed the quilt in the room and threw it around, just to find the little rope.

Shen Wanqing asked her to eat, and as soon as she entered the door, she saw her head stuck in the quilt, her little buttocks twitching, which made her laugh.

She walked up to her quietly, and heard Lu Zhixia complaining: "What kind of broken pajamas, what else can I expect you to order? You are going around, and you can't even hold anything. What do I need you for?"

Shen Wanqing leaned over to pick up the clothes, Lu Zhixia pulled her head out of the quilt, and was startled when she turned around.

"What's missing?" Shen Wanqing asked, "I'll help you find it."

Her hair had grown a little, and it was like a little hedgehog before, and it was messed up like a bird's nest.

Lu Zhixia shook her head, grabbed her hand to eat, and saw her mother bring out a can of juice, her eyes lit up: "Professor Yan, I'll prescribe it for you."

The pull ring of the can, Lu Zhixia played around and put it on Shen Wanqing's hand, she was secretly happy, how could it be so just right.

Shen Wanqing was planning to be a Jiezhi belt, but Lu Zhixia pulled her off again, put it on her hand, raised her hand and said aggressively: "IatheKg!"

Mama Zhang didn't understand, but seeing her look cute and funny, Yan Fanghua said helplessly, "Kg has to eat too."

Lu Zhixia put her hand on the table, and Shen Wanqing reached for a tissue. She thought that Shen Wanqing was going to grab it, but she dodged it again, and turned into a Gulu in "The King of Zhihuan", imitating his voice with a lower voice: "yprecio .”

Shen Wanqing smiled and turned her head: "Okay, okay, eat obediently, little monster."

After Lu Zhixia finished eating, he sneaked out to order Jiezhi.

The diamond she wants needs to be cut and polished by a foreign brand owner, and Lu Zhixia is not in a hurry: "Can I come and pick it up in a month?"

She left the phone number, put her hands in her pockets and left the store, in a good mood, humming and singing all the way, passing the gate of Haijing Senhua.

She went to order two cups of milk tea. The clerk remembered her, and she half-joked: "Can I order now?"

The clerk also remembered that she was added to the blacklist by Mr. Shen himself, and smiled all over her face: "Of course, actually, I heard from them later that Mr. Shen added you to the blacklist in advance so as not to affect your resignation, because these applications must If you apply in advance, if you don’t stop, you can’t leave.”

Lu Zhixia understood, it turned out that Shen Wan had confirmed that she would resign early in the morning.

Back home, she and Shen Wanqing were wrapped in milk tea together, and she also talked about her foresight: "Actually, when Shen Yutang called me, I spent a lot of time acting."

It's just that it's true to love someone, even if you're acting, you'll still be sad.

Shen Wanqing also felt sorry for herself at that time: "I was too self-righteous, and I didn't have confidence in you."

Lu Zhixia didn't blame her: "I'm impulsive, and you were right to worry that way. I was like a lunatic at that time, and with Amber River around, I was an uncertain factor."

Shen Wanqing leaned into her arms and murmured, "Thank you for still being willing to love me."

Lu Zhixia's heart trembled when she heard that, she hugged her shoulders, lowered her head and kissed her cheek, and murmured: "Silly girl, what are you talking about? I just want to thank you. After I hurt you like that, you can still be brave." love me."

Unintentional hurt is also hurt. They hurt each other and hurt each other, but it was Lu Zhixia who took that step in the end.

Only then did Shen Wanqing tell her that she had actually gone back more than once, the time in the cherry blossom forest was the third time she had gone back.

The first two times, it was because Shen Wanqing missed her too much and couldn't help but came back, but her ears didn't recover, and she didn't want to appear in front of Lu Zhixia as a deaf person.

"It's all my fault." Lu Zhixia gently rubbed her ears, "You don't know, I even want to learn sign language in the past, I want to take you to learn together, as long as we can be together, everything is fine. "

I used to resent and get angry because of deep love, so I deliberately left the other party cold.

Lu Zhixia also admits that she is narrow-minded, but love can overcome everything, and her love finally made her choose to go to Shen Wanqing.

It was the last night of the two of you and me, and Lu Zhixia went abroad the next day.

When Shen Wanqing saw her again, it was in the "News Network". She sat behind the leader, dressed appropriately, and had a serious attitude. She liked it in her heart.

As for how much I like it, Shen Wanqing wrote in Moments: Tonight's "News Network" is so good, I only watched it a hundred and eighty times.

When Lu Zhixia sent her a video at night, she was wearing a daytime suit and overalls. She had a serious, abstinent and cold look on her face, which made Shen Wan clear her mind: "Baby."

"What are you calling me?" Lu Zhixia approached, and when she saw Shen Wanqing's slightly swollen cheeks, her look down became meaningful. Shen Wanqing called her Ruan Ruan, "Baby, you are so aggressive."

Lu Zhixia tugged on his tie, and smiled slightly, his eyes were ambiguous and seductive.

Shen Wanqing's body was looking awkward, Lu Zhixia deliberately approached, showing clear joints, slightly raised his chin to outline the throat line, then lowered his head, lowered his eyes, with a hint of provocation, asked: "Do you want to? kindness?"

Needless to say, Shen Wanqing's body and mind throbbed, and Hu Xi said hurriedly, "Think."

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