MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 223 Amber River's life

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There is a beam of light ahead, and Lu Zhixia listens to Wen Rong's voice, and walks forward with the light, becoming more and more familiar with it.

She crossed the street and walked into a familiar neighborhood, her footsteps seemed to have her own consciousness, and she turned into the building, surrounded by familiar neighbors, but they seemed to be unable to see themselves.

The current Xing'an community is still very prosperous, the densely populated old city, many old people and children live in this area.

Lu Zhixia rubbed against them, watching the once old people return to their youthful appearance, it was like rejuvenating.

Lu Zhixia maintained a strange mood. At the age of 21, she seemed to have traveled to the past and returned to her childhood as a third party.

She counted the familiar house numbers, Building 1, Unit 3, Unit 4, Door 501. At this moment, Lu Zhixia clearly knew that this was her home.

The home at the mouth of Amber River has always been her home. Like a fool, she regards her home as Amber River's home.

Everything that is familiar comes flooding in. Today is XX, 20XX, and she will go home alone. The nanny cooks, and there are Sichuan dishes with chili peppers. She can't eat spicy food.

When the nanny left, Lu Zhixia accidentally burned her hand while cooking the noodles.

Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, she rinsed off the burning sensation on her hands with cold water. She saw herself in the mirror, her immature face was the same as when she was young.

There are two Lu Zhixia in my mind, one is the person who was bound by memory when she grew up, and the other is her now, she returned to that afternoon.

It has been a month since my father came home last time.

Lu Zhixia was standing in the kitchen, cooking noodles, looking at the corner, a piece of the wall had fallen off, it was caused by something dropped when his parents were fighting.

Every time she sees the cement on the wall, she seems to see her mother's wound. When she came back from the outside, when she rushed in, things had been broken to the ground. Her mother was crying and sitting in the corner, with bruises on her cheeks and arms. Her father His hands were bleeding and ticking on the floor.

Lu Zhixia couldn't remember how many times she wiped the blood on the white floor, but the blood in her heart remained forever.

She had seen her parents quarrel too many times. Her father was very fierce. Every time she was afraid that her mother would be beaten, but her mother would be even more fierce.

She would scold her father for taking her out to play in the water, and his father was not always angry, sometimes winking at her, as if he didn't care about his mother.

Lu Zhixia actually persuaded her mother to divorce, but they never divorced until one night.

Lu Zhixia was cooking the noodles, waiting for that moment to come, she had a premonition that something was going to happen.

Before 21:13 Beijing time, Lu Zhixia only ate half of the cooked noodles, and she turned off the lights after finishing her homework.

She is afraid of the dark, but used to the dark, she can hide herself.

On the day of the accident, she also turned off the lights, as if no one was at home.

Lu Zhixia looked at the time, it was almost 13 minutes, if memory is correct, the door lock will be turned at 13 minutes.

She stood in the dark living room, walked slowly to the door, looked out through the peephole, it was pitch black.

Time slipped by, the lights in the corridor suddenly turned on, and after the sound of the elevator closing, came the sound of footsteps, walking towards her home step by step.

The father in memory appeared in the cat's eyes, and he didn't notice the danger.

When Lu Zhixia was about to open the door subconsciously, the man hidden in the corridor suddenly turned around and came out. The words Fujii Hiroshi jumped out of her mind, she knew this man.

Hiroshi Fujii raised his gun, but Lu Zhixia didn't have time to make any moves. His father had already fallen down, and the same familiar smiling face slowly descended from the cat's eyes.

Lu Zhixia twisted the door hard, but her father was probably **** the door tightly, she couldn't turn it no matter what, until Fujii Hiroshi's back disappeared, and his father fell down completely.

In her heart, she longed for someone to accompany her, and she longed for this moment that she was not alone, but the heavens and the earth did not work, and her father fell into a pool of blood.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, Lu Zhixia finally unscrewed the door and rushed out to hug her father.

Her father covered her mouth with his hand to keep her from speaking, and Lu Zhixia's tears fell on his face.

She had already called 120, and people were rushing over. Lu Zhixia didn't know why they were delayed.

Her father fell on her body, blood soaked her clothes, the tall man was still smiling at this moment, as if he was afraid of scaring her.

He gently stroked Lu Zhixia's head with blood-stained hands, and murmured, "I'm sorry."

Her father asked her to apologize to her mother. He said that he was sorry in this life, and that he would pay it back when we meet again in the next life.

Lu Zhixia couldn't cry, but tears rolled down desperately.

At this moment, she unscrewed the door and called the emergency call early, but her father still died in her arms.

Father said, I'm sorry.

Dad also said, Dad loves you.

He said: Don't blame yourself, you are great.

Something changed, but the result didn't change.

But what she could do, she did, and Lu Zhixia felt as if a mountain had been removed from her heart.

Everything around her speeded up, she seemed to be a bystander, watching the ambulance arrive, seeing her mother busying herself, watching everything familiar in rapid rotation and switching...

She still saw herself, locked herself up, and left home after her mother finished her work.

She pretended to be fine, but the sky in her heart had long since collapsed, her whole body was so depressed that she was going crazy, and she desperately wanted someone to accompany her.

Lu Zhixia saw herself lying on the bed with a movie playing on the computer day and night, she didn't dare to quiet the room.

She was afraid of hearing the sound of quarreling, the sound of blood flowing, and the heavy hooting of her father before he died.

Lu Zhixia walked into the room slowly and saw the movie on the computer, which was "Spirited Away". Her lowered hand touched the space bar.

The picture is full of freeze-frame scenes of saving Chihiro in Amber River. Chihiro, who has just arrived in the world of gods, is panicked. Amber River brought her food, and she ate while crying.

At that moment, the young Lu Zhixia strongly longed for someone similar to Hu Pochuan, who could be by her side, understand her unconditionally, and stand by her side.

Lu Zhixia turned her head slowly, under the sunlight of the living room, a person gradually walked out.

That person became clearer and clearer. She smiled and Wen Yan walked to the bedside with light. The 21-year-old Lu Zhixia saw with her own eyes the process of Amber River growing from nothing.

She used to be grateful for the appearance of Amber River, and she held on to Amber River as a life-saving straw.

Lu Zhixia told Hu Pochuan everything, and the ice cube hidden in her heart began to melt, and Hu Pochuan accepted everything tolerantly.

She told Lu Zhixia: You have done what you can, and my father will not resent you. You have spent the last few minutes of your life with him, and you have no regrets.

These words seemed to awaken Lu Zhixia. All she had thought about was opening the door, calling an ambulance, and hugging her father who was lying on the ground at the moment her father was shot...

Lu Zhixia was still crying uncontrollably, and she also woke up from the hypnosis. She saw Shen Wanqing with tears in her eyes, the sentence that came to her mouth, Amber River, and she called it "sister" over and over again.

Shen Wanqing hugged her gently, like Amber River deep in her memory, and comforted her with a soft voice: "You did what you can, don't blame yourself."

Her father was still dead, and she seemed to have just experienced trauma. This time, the person by her side was not Hu Pochuan, but Shen Wanqing.

She hugged Lu Zhixia all the time, bowed her head and kissed her forehead, and told her: I am here.

Lu Zhixia cried for an unknown amount of time, and fell asleep from crying, and in a daze, she called her sister a few times.

Shen Wanqing would respond to her as quickly as possible every time, and Lu Zhixia felt the gentle caress, and her panicked heart would gradually calm down.

She woke up from sleep, and woke up in Shen Wanqing's arms the next day. There was no nightmare, no blood, only warm embrace.

Lu Zhixia opened her eyes in bewilderment, and looked at Shen Wanqing absent-mindedly, not knowing where she was or what the situation was like now.

Her memory was still stuck in the picture of her father being killed. She called the ambulance, but the rescue failed. Lu Zhixia said in a hoarse voice, "Dad, tell me I'm sorry."

Shen Wanqing's face responded, "You did what you can, you're amazing."

Lu Zhixia suddenly remembered Amber River, she looked around, sat up and said, "I want to go home."

Lu Zhixia insisted on being alone, she said she wanted to go to a certain place, and stopped a car for Shen Wanqing at the station, and she went to the opposite side.

Lu Zhixia stopped the car again and directly reported the name of Xing'an Community.

Building 1, unit 3, door 501, she had a premonition that Hu Pochuan was there.

Halfway through the traffic jam, Lu Zhixia sat in the car, rubbing her hands, not knowing what she was anxious about.

Something was disappearing, her heart was becoming light, Lu Zhixia wanted to seize the last moment.

An hour later, Lu Zhixia arrived at Xing'an Community, which was almost abandoned and deserted.

The weather in May was slightly cool, and the floating grass on the ground grew wildly, almost blocking half of the door.

Lu Zhixia went upstairs all the way, the closer to the fifth floor, the faster her heart beat.

The door of the dilapidated 501 was ajar, and she pushed it open and shouted, "Amber River!"

As she expected, the sun was standing obliquely in the center of the living room, and Amber Chuan was standing under the light, as if glowing all over, looking at her with a smile.

Just like the scene I witnessed last night, the person who came out of the light raised his hand and waved to her, as if saying goodbye.

Before Lu Zhixia could say goodbye, Hu Pochuan turned and walked into the shadow area, walking towards the bright window mirror.

Her clear shadow was gradually thinning, and the Amber River was disappearing. Lu Zhixia's horns moved, but her throat was so dry that she couldn't make a sound.

Hu Pochuan's figure gradually blurred, and at the moment when he was about to disappear in front of the window, the dilapidated curtains were lifted.

Shen Wanqing's whole body was covered with sunlight, and she walked towards Lu Zhixia, shining brightly. She happened to stand where Amber River had once stood, and said softly, "Is she still there? Amber River, thank you."

Like a sacred and secret handover, Amber River disappeared, and Shen Wanqing walked out of the light and shadow. She walked towards Lu Zhixia step by step, hugged her gently, and whispered: "Farewell to Amber River, and I will be with you in the future." I'm always there."

Read The Duke's Passion