MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 215 The big dog bet my life

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Lu Zhixia hung up the phone, and everyone gathered around to show concern.

Ye Lanxi and Zhang Luo went together, Lu Zhixia shook her head: "I don't need you."

"Why not?" Ye Lanxi stared, Guan Xiuhe gave her a pestle, "What are you arguing about, listen to what the boss has to say."

Jiang Menglai also blocked Ye Lanxi and asked Lu Zhixia's plan.

"You all have jobs and families, so don't mess around with me." Lu Zhixia's eyes were gloomy, and he said murderously, "I'll call Little Six and the people from Shangdong Eighth District. If I don't call you guys after a day Send a message and call the police.”

Lu Zhixia's ruthlessness seemed to be running with all his might.

"You can go, call Professor Yan first." Qin Zheng grabbed her clothes, "If she doesn't agree, we can't let you go."

Lu Zhixia had just returned from Jiangcheng, they sat together, and the phone call came before they had eaten.

She called Yan Fanghua in front of everyone, and Jiang Menglai reminded in a low voice: "Should we smooth it out first?"

When Yan Fanghua connected, what they didn't expect was that Lu Zhixia had already confirmed part of the news.

The hotel Shen Wanqing stayed at, his current location, and the involvement of the Matsumoto Yan family...

Yan Fanghua asked back: "Can you tell me how to be sure? Is it accurate?"

"I had a video with Shen Wanqing that night. I saw her murals. Only the main store of Rihe Hotel in Tokyo has them. I also called to check. There are indeed Shen Wanqing and Yan Menghui's check-in records. I have already I asked Yan Menghui..." Lu Zhixia had been observing secretly for a long time, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all had a firm thought in their hearts: this guy never let go of Shen Wanqing.

Yan Fanghua could hear Lu Zhixia's resolute intentions, but it was really dangerous to go, and tentatively said: "I can agree with you to go, you take the little six sons and the others, how many people are there in total? How is the combat effectiveness? If you fight in Japan, if you are detained Have you ever thought about it? Matsumoto Yan’s family, have you ever understood their power?”

Lu Zhixia really didn't think about the chances of winning, nor did she think too much, because she didn't have much time to think about it.

"Then I'll find Chen Chuhan again." Lu Zhixia turned to look at Ye Lanxi, "Second brother, tell Chen Chuhan, can you help me?"

Ye Lanxi raised her mobile phone in front of her eyes and shook it: "I've already said, she asked you to make sure to tell her that she's going directly from Jiangcheng City."

"Mom, Chen Chuhan can go over." Lu Zhixia could feel that Shen Wanqing was dying just by thinking about the faint breath.

The current gentleness is completely opposite to the previous gentleness, she is simply a devil, Lu Zhixia is afraid that Shen Wanqing will be a hard bone with her, and she will definitely suffer.

"Shen Qinghe, look for her." Yan Fanghua reminded, Lu Zhixia thought of her, and got a phone call from her mother.

Shen Qinghe was not surprised at all, she said with an oh, "What do you need me for?"

"Help me save Shen Wanqing."


"Specifically, go to the northeast of Japan, find Shen Wanqing, and rescue him." Young and vigorous people can easily lose their minds when faced with difficult situations.

Hearing this, Shen Qinghe laughed, and jokingly said, "You are doing the same thing as shopkeeper Tong saving Bai Zhantang."

Rushed to the prison, opened the door, and rescued the sweetheart.

Lu Zhixia was a little puzzled: "Shopkeeper Tong and Bai Zhantang? Who are those?"

Next to Jiang Menglai reminded: "The role of the TV series "Wulin Biography"."

Lu Zhixia was impatient, and her tone was also anxious: "Shen Qinghe, tell me whether you can help me or not. If you don't help me, I won't force you, but don't waste your time making fun of me."

"You still owe me three conditions."

"You help me save, you can owe as much as you want."

"Is it okay to fight Shen Wanqing?"

"Okay, okay, I'll hit, I'll hit." Lu Zhixia thought clearly, she could control the strength when she hit, and she was not at ease when others hit.

After Shen Qing laughed, she said in a serious tone: "You go to Japan, I have someone over there, I will call you, you can go directly to her, but..."

"My mother, you finish it all at once. As long as you don't break the law and go to jail, I promise you." Lu Zhixia died of anxiety, "Say it quickly, that crazy woman Wen Wan may go crazy at any time."

"Don't worry." Shen Qinghe's tone was calm and slow: "Sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood."


"Why are not you talking?"

"Ancestor, I'm listening, you speak quickly!" Lu Zhixia returned to that fierce look, impatient and irritable, and urged: "Speak in one breath, please speak quickly."

Qin Zheng pushed and shoved her, which meant that if you beg for help, you have an attitude, how can you be so fierce.

What Shen Qinghe wanted to say was that Shen Wanqing's biological mother was Xiyuan Temple Chunshi, no matter how bad she was, she was a descendant of Xiyuan Temple. Since Matsumoto Yan's family came forward, it would be best for the Xiyuan Temple family to fight against it, so that no external forces would be needed , the follow-up troubles do not involve crossing, and are easy to solve.

"The problem is, I don't know anything about the Xiyuansi family." Lu Zhixia had only heard about it, and if she went to seek help from the family now, the cucumber dishes would probably be cold.

"Besides, Shen Wanqing's mother, because of her marriage to her father, has already had a stalemate with the family, and the spiritual seat is still in China." Lu Zhixia sees no hope, and doesn't want to waste time because of it.

"You don't understand gang struggle, you believe me..." Shen Qinghe said over there, and Chen Chuhan's voice suddenly came over, shouting: "Lu Zhixia, listen to Shen Qinghe."

During the video call between Ye Lanxi and Chen Chuhan at some point, Lu Zhixia held her temper, and Shen Qinghe reminded: "I know you have Jie Zhi, that thing is very important in the Japanese underworld organization, you take Jie Zhi to go Visiting Xiyuan Temple’s house, I know the address, I’ll give it to you later, but their house has a rule that only one person can enter at a time, and a body search is required, are you afraid of being alone?”

"Scared ass."

"Don't swear."

"Oh, I'm not afraid." Lu Zhixia obediently agreed, this Shen Qinghe is indeed a bit unusual, she even knows about Jie Zhi, "Jie Zhi was given to me by the sixth master, can you let him pave the way for me?"

"It's really smart, you can speak and move, that's the best." Shen Qinghe followed up with a few words, smoothing things out, "It's a last resort, you can't kill people, it's okay to hurt people, so don't cut people at the vital point."

Lu Zhixia heard her relaxed tone as if she was talking about how to eat steak, and refreshed her understanding of Shen Qinghe again: "I know."

"Remember, saving people is the key, and emotional output is secondary." Shen Qinghe promised that he would help her prepare medical personnel in advance, "To be honest, Shen Yutang left early, and he has a lot of people. If you save Shen Wanqing , is more than enough.”

Lu Zhixia no longer wanted to look forward to a dead person, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, she immediately told Shen Qinghe what she thought, and asked: "I will take my own people first, Wen Wan sent me the address, when the time comes I will probably go in alone."

"Then get ready." Shen Qingxi didn't panic: "I tried your skills, and it's not bad." She paused, and said, "Be a good person, don't be too real."

Lu Zhixia suspected that she was saying that she was stupid, but she had no proof.

Lu Zhixia called Xiaoliuzi, and 50 people appeared in Yunshui Manor in unison.

Shen Qinghe prepared the helicopter, the little six looked dumbfounded, Lu Zhixia just sighed: He really is an unusually rich man.

Lu Zhixia's friend was forced to stay in the country.

She got on the plane and took a group of people to Tokyo. She was full of Shen Wanqing, and when she saw Amber River sitting next to her, she moved her horns and remained silent.

Yan Fanghua was at home, took out the only photo of her and Lu Yuansheng, wiped it gently, and whispered: "Old Lu, please protect your daughter."

Although she was worried, it seemed that there was really no way to stop her this time. She said she would support the child, but she was still worried, and sighed lightly: "If, I mean if, if the child is really in trouble, can I ask your unit for help?" How about help? I haven't looked for it once, if that happens, don't blame me."

Time was running towards dusk, Lu Zhixia got off the plane and joined Shen Qinghe's people, a group of people in plain clothes, all strong and strong.

The other party took the initiative to express that there were so many people that they were afraid of attracting attention, so they asked everyone to disperse.

"Boss Shen is talking about full support. I will call in 100 people first, and they are all ready. You can give me an order for where to go." The person in charge was quite quick, "There are not enough people, and we will have more follow-up."

Lu Zhixia went directly to Xiyuan Temple's house, which was located in the most luxurious area in Tokyo. It was a place bigger than Yunshui Manor. The door plaque of a famous family was retro and solemn.

On the way she came, she had already talked to Liu Ye on the phone, and Liu Ye agreed to help her without saying a word.

When Lu Zhixia was standing at the door, someone opened the door and said in Japanese, "I'm sorry, I need to cooperate with the body search."

The two daggers on her body were all handed over, and the mobile phone was also placed at the door. People walked in, and entered a Zen room with a gurgling stream all the way.

The wooden door opened, and Lu Zhixia bowed. Inside, there was a grizzled elderly man kneeling, dressed in a Japanese-style kimono, with a solemn expression on his face.

The person next to him motioned for Lu Zhixia to go in. Lu Zhixia kicked off his shoes, stood in front of the elder, and bowed again.

The person at the door reminded that Japanese etiquette needs to be followed. Lu Zhixia replied in standard Japanese: "I'm Chinese, I'm sorry, I can't kneel down and greet you. I'm here today to discuss, not to beg for help."

The man in black at the door glanced at the elder, who waved him to close the door.

The elder said in fluent Chinese: "You can sit cross-legged."

Lu Zhixia thanked her and sat down. She explained the situation succinctly, and also talked about the situation of the Shen family in the past six months, as well as the matter of Wen Wan and Matsumoto Yan's collusion.

"Shen Wanqing is the only descendant of Xiyuan Temple Spring, I hope you can lend a helping hand; I have a basic understanding of the terms of the peaceful coexistence of several major families in Japan, one of which involves family matters, and the patriarch should be the first Communication cannot take direct action, so Matsumoto Yan's family has already considered an overstepping move..." Lu Zhixia was not idle along the way, and had already prepared a set of arguments.

The elder looked at her with a solemn face: "Come here, what are your chances of winning?"


"Then the remaining 50%, how do you hope to impress me?"

Lu Zhixia took out the ring gift from Master Liu from his pocket, and respectfully put it on the table: "Is this enough?"

The elder shook his head, and Lu Zhixia took out his card: "All my savings, including Shen Wanqing's, total 60 million, is it enough?"

The elder still shook his head, Lu Zhixia finally took out his ID card, pressed it on the table, stared at him with dark eyes: "Count it into my life."

The elder smiled slightly, pushed back her identity, and said in a deep voice, "I can come forward, but you need to do me a favor."

The elder motioned her to approach and whispered a few words, which made Lu Zhixia frowned.

"Can it be done?"

"Can I just do it?"


"I don't have to bear the consequences?"


"How to guarantee?"

"Besides trusting me now, do you have any other choice?"

The four eyes met, and Lu Zhixia saw her own reflection in those eyes that implied deep meaning. She had already reached this point, and she could not turn back.

"Okay," Lu Zhixia held down his ID card and said loudly, "I believe in Shen Wanqing's grandfather, in the spirit of Xiyuan Temple in the spring, and in Shen Tingyun's protection."

The elder was also straightforward, calling Matsumoto Yan in front of her.

In the words, what Matsumoto Yan meant was that he didn't know what Matsumoto Crane was doing.

"You don't need to know before, but I'll tell you now." The elder's tone was low, with a hint of sternness, "I don't want to escalate into a conflict between two families because of a woman. It's not good for anyone."

The shock in the tone over there seemed to be really unaware: "I will take care of it, sorry."

This side has been handled well, Lu Zhixia thanked her, got up and left.

Chen Chuhan was outside, holding a lollipop in his mouth, and asked, "How is it?"

"Okay." Chen Chuhan brought the screen closer to her, "The system shows that Shen Wanqing may be in one of the two places. My proposal, we each lead a team and act separately, how about it?"

Lu Zhixia nodded: "Then let's go." She remembered something, turned around and said, "Can you confirm where Matsumoto Crane is?"

"Here." Chen Chuhanzhi showed her, and Lu Zhixia hummed, "Then I'll go here."

"Hey!" Chen Chuhan pulled out a pair of rubber gloves, a watermelon knife, and a gun from his backpack, and Lu Zhixia said, "You..."

"This is a real gun, do you think it's a joke?" Chen Chuhan pressed her shoulder: "The Japanese underworld is legal, you know that?"

Lu Zhixia nodded, and Chen Chuhan stuffed a small bottle into her hand, and said in a close voice, "If others try to kill you, you should be more ruthless. Living is the most important thing, this bottle..."

The two split up, and the little six followed Lu Zhixia, bringing along some of Shen Qingxi's people.

Carrying a backpack, she put all the equipment in a convenient place, and sent a message to the group: Wait for my message.

Everyone's hearts were hanging, Lu Zhixia and Xiaoliuzi went to a Japanese barbecue restaurant.

The store was closed, but it sounded very lively inside. Lu Zhixia stood at the door, and finally confirmed with Chen Chuhan that Matsumoto Crane was still here.

The others scattered and sent people to guard all the exits, even the chimney on the roof. Little Six guarded the back door, and Lu Zhixia stood at the front door.

The situation inside was completely unknown, and it would be a lie to say that she wasn't nervous at all, Lu Zhixia took a deep breath, and subconsciously lost her mind.

She had bought a pack of cigarettes before, but she hadn't smoked, and Hu Pochuan's voice came from her ear: "Smok after you're done."

Lu Zhixia really thought so, she turned her head to look at Hu Pochuan, and in the end, in the end, this guy was still by her side.

"Are you afraid?" Lu Zhixia asked, Hu Pochuan just smiled, raised his chin and nodded, motioning for her to open the door.

Lu Zhixia pushed open the door suddenly, and with a click, the lively room was instantly quiet. Lu Zhixia's expression changed suddenly, and she closed the door, saying in a low voice, "Fuck, there are too many people, all of them are fruit knives and iron sticks."

There were too many people, all of them were heads, she didn't see the number clearly.

"Are you scared?" After Hu Pochuan finished speaking, Lu Zhixia snapped her teeth and kicked open the door. With her sharp eyes, she caught sight of Matsumoto Crane who was smoking inside.

Hu Pochuan rushed forward brandishing a knife, and Lu Zhixia rushed into the crowd with a knife in each hand.

A **** struggle kicked off.

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