MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 212 dream translation department

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Since childhood, Lu Zhixia has only written one love letter, which is a paper airplane for Shen Wanqing.

It was also the first time Shen Wanqing received a love letter. Logically speaking, she should have received countless love letters, but since she was a child, she had a strict family education.

On the other hand, Lu Zhixia received countless love letters, and she was quite surprised by Shen Wanqing's reaction. After she refused, Shen Wanqing, who was crying, would confess his love in Moments.

The key point is that the content of this love letter is unusual, it is equivalent to Shen Wanqing's inner analysis, which contains many impressive things that happened between them, such as: Mark.

Their marks are indeed unforgettable, but writing them in the circle of friends still gives people a sense of shame.

Lu Zhixia scrolled up and found Shen Wanqing's confession yesterday. She was looking at it, and Chen Chuhan sent a screenshot to Shen Wanqing, and tentatively said: "I discovered it by accident. Let's just say, did she forget to block me...

The screenshot is Shen Wanqing's long love letter, and Chen Chuhan said later: "It's so sexy, you guys are so excited."

Lu Zhixia was stunned, and asked Chen Chuhan to take a screenshot of Shen Wanqing's friend, but the one he confessed to last night was not there.

Could it be really... She was guessing that the night owl Ye Lanxi sent her a screenshot: "Wow, is it so explosive?" I didn't see it.

Soon, Lu Zhixia confirmed that Shen Wanqing's previous post was only visible to her.

A few words are only visible to her, and such a long article can be seen by all the staff. There is a high probability that she really forgot to set it.

Lu Zhixia took a screenshot silently. When asking whether to remind Shen Wanqing of this matter, she hesitated for a few seconds, pretending not to know.

Yan Meng, who got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, went back to her Moments, dumbfounded, and knocked on Shen Wanqing's door: "Have you forgotten the permissions in your Moments?"

Shen Wanqing in the room: ...

This thing, she really can't use it. Before writing yesterday, she still remembered to set it up when publishing. When she finished writing passionately, she directly pressed send...

"You guys are so fierce." Yan Menghui leaned against the door, grinning.

Shen Wanqing was speechless, now it was too late to delete, she covered her face in annoyance, a wave of heat rose, this is all right, everyone in Moments knows that they were fighting on the bed, and that she was beaten to death

If it wasn't for the fact that there were still things to be done, Shen Wanqing's heart would have been beating down, it was too shameful.

"I don't think you should delete it. Everyone who should see it has seen it. You will feel guilty if you delete it." Yan Menghui made a move outside, and Shen Wanqing sent a WeChat message: It's all your bad idea.

Yan Menghui muttered at the door: "It's my fault for forgetting to set the permissions."

Shen Wanqing doesn't have to worry about Lu Zhixia losing sight now, her circle of friends will definitely remind her.

At dawn, Shen Wanqing had already made up her mind, let's just watch, her love for Lu Zhixia doesn't need to be hidden, as long as it doesn't cause trouble to her.

Now everyone knows that Lu Zhixia is Shen Wanqing's fierce A, and even Jiang Zhiyi got it, and said with a smile: "I can't see it, she is quite bold."

Lu Zhixia lowered her head and her ears were a little swollen. They talked about the real reaction to the content of the Moments, and Lu Zhixia really felt a surge of emotion.

"If there is no problem with Amber River now, it would be a very happy thing for Shen Wanqing to chase you, right?" Jiang Zhiyi was right, no matter how angry Lu Zhixia was, she couldn't deny that she liked Shen Wan Clear up this matter, "But I still want to solve the problem of Amber River first."

The existence of Amber River made Lu Zhixia feel that she was abnormal and in a sick state.

"According to what you said, Shen Wanqing also needs to see a doctor for treatment." Jiang Zhiyi took the initiative to understand, and Lu Zhixia told the truth about Shen Wanqing's abnormal dependence on the cabinet, and her dependence on the cabinet. The camera is slamming and shooting, and I am not used to it.

Lu Zhixia and Jiang Zhiyi gradually built up a kind of trust, went there three times a week, and started taking psychotropic drugs.

"You can't stop the medicine without authorization. If there is an adverse reaction that you find unacceptable, we can adjust it again, but you can't stop the medicine by yourself." Jiang Zhiyi sent Lu Zhixia out, Lu Zhixia was a little distressed: "I can accept the general reaction , I just took your medicine recently, and I find that I am always sleepy."

"You also need to rest more." Jiang Zhiyi comforted her. Sleep is one of the most important ways for human beings to recover themselves. "Do you have anything more important than health now?"

Lu Zhixia scratched her head and said, "I'm reading, I want to take an exam."

After chatting carefully, Jiang Zhiyi found out that Lu Zhixia still wanted to go back to the translation department.

"I've asked the seniors in the translation department about this year's recruitment." When it comes to translation, Lu Zhixia's eyes are bright, and Jiang Zhiyi can see that she is really passionate about translation, "Then tell me Say, why did the translation department leave at that time?"

Lu Zhixia never mentioned this to anyone.

She has served as an interpreter in many countries, and the public meetings are actually fine, but closed meetings, some inappropriate remarks by some foreign leaders made her brain ache.

Lu Zhixia never expected that in less than half a year, her personality would change drastically.

At that time, Lu Zhixia heard the speech and was so angry that she wanted to hit someone, and she did put it into practice later.

A member of the entourage of a certain foreign leader was talking nonsense in private, which happened to be overheard by her.

Lu Zhixia stepped forward to stop him and demanded a public apology from the other party, and the two sides had a verbal disagreement and scuffled together.

Lu Zhixia is young and vigorous, and his subordinates are merciless.

The other party was beaten badly, and the other party demanded compensation and publicly apologized.

Lu Zhixia released the recording of insulting the country, but the other party still shamelessly said that it was Lu Zhixia's fault and asked the translation department for an explanation.

She also didn't want the translation department to be in trouble. Lu Zhixia resigned directly. The leader did not criticize her harshly, but she also taught her that the relationship between the two countries is complicated and cannot be changed by words and deeds. For a public figure, her emotions must be under control.

Lu Zhixia had endured it for a long time at that time, the prestige she imagined was totally fake, and she had to greet some shameless foreign leaders with a smile.

Young people, patriotism is greater than the sky. I used to see it on TV, and wished I could get into the TV screen and beat people. Now that the villain is barking around her, how can she sit still?

The seniors in the translation department have also seen Lu Zhixia's many topics on the Internet, and kindly reminded: You should apply for a try first, but this position requires a political review, and those negative topics on the Internet may affect you.

Lu Zhixia wandered around and found that her favorite was still translation.

When she met Shen Wanqing, she was glad that she was not an interpreter and didn't have to travel around.

Now, she realizes that life is not only about love, she also needs a career and the realization of self-worth.

"If the remarks on the Internet are not true, they need to be clarified as soon as possible." Lu Zhixia also understands the requirements of state agencies for recruiting public officials, not to mention checking the three generations of ancestors, it is similar.

After Lu Zhixia thanked her, she went out and called her mother to chat about the current situation.

Yan Fanghua shared some good news with her. First of all, the plagiarism incident has ended, and the person who should apologize apologizes. The Royal Exhibition Hall intends to invite her to participate in this year's summer themed exhibition.

The second is that the gallery was redecorated before and could be opened a year ago, and the tickets for the exhibition hall during the New Year have been sold out.

Finally, Oriental Mandarin, which she invested in, has successfully signed the first order of this year.

The topic changed to Lu Zhixia. She simply explained that her condition was stable and that Amber River was always there.

With the effect of the medicine, her sleep gradually improved, and her mood gradually became lighter.

Speaking of returning to the translation department, Lu Zhixia talked about her worries, worried that the reports about her father would affect her: "I don't believe the news about my father, but I don't know how to refute it. If it is true, my background I won’t pass the audit, but I did pass the foreign ministry exam for the first time, that’s my dream, so I’ll give it a try.”

This is why Lu Zhixia is still holding on to hope. If her father really has a problem, he probably won't pass the first time.

Yan Fanghua's eyes turned sore when she heard it. From her daughter's mouth, she heard the word "dream" again, like a person who has lost his way after walking at night for a long time. .

"Leave this matter to me, I have been communicating." Yan Fanghua agreed, and would give Lu Zhixia a satisfactory result, "Girl, mom supports you in doing anything, but the premise is that you take care of it first, and then. "

"Secondly what?"

"Secondly, the Chinese New Year will be the day after tomorrow. When will you come back?" Yan Fanghua said that Zhang's mother missed her, and Patton and Mi Xiu both missed her. Over there, Zhang's mother kept calling her, and Patton and Mi Xiu seemed to know it was her, so they rushed Wow, woof, woof into the microphone.

One person and two dogs, chatting is quite the same thing.

Lu Zhixia said, "Will I be prosperous next year?"

Barton Michaux: Bow, woof, woof!

Are you emotionally active? Is your business thriving? Is money booming? The result is woof woof.

Zhang Ma and Yan Fanghua couldn't help laughing. After laughing, Yan Fanghua took the phone and cleared his throat: "Girl, do you usually check Moments?"

Yan Fanghua endured and endured, and never asked specifically, and now she is pretending to be casual.

Lu Zhixia smiled: "I saw it."

"Ah..." Yan Fanghua sneered, "You know what I'm talking about?"

"You mean Shen Wanqing's circle of friends, right?" Lu Zhixia checked Shen Wanqing's circle of friends every day after watching it that night.

Shen Wanqing is probably "broken", since she forgot to set the permissions, she simply set them all, so that everyone can see Shen Wanqing's love for her.

Open and aboveboard love was once Lu Zhixia's dream.

Although he has no contact in private, checking Moments every day has become a must-do in Lu Zhixia's life.

Shen Wanqing's friends naturally had some comments, but Shen Wanqing never replied.

Yan Fanghua seemed quite happy hearing her tone, so he asked tentatively, "Girl, what do you think about Wan Qing?"

"I'll talk about it when I stabilize." Lu Zhixia hoped to meet a better version of herself. She wanted to stand at the top shining brightly, so that no one could ignore her.

"Are you still angry with her?" Yan Fanghua asked cautiously. Lu Zhixia is not so much angry now as he has turned grief and anger into strength, "Mom, let's talk about this later."

Hanging up the phone, Yan Fanghua asked for her opinion, she wanted Shen Wanqing to come back for the New Year.

Lu Zhixia replied: I have no objection.

Yan Fanghua: Since you have no objection, let her come back. I invite her, but she ignores me, maybe because she is afraid that you will be unhappy.

Lu Zhixia: You are waiting for me here...

Yan Fanghua: If we really let go, we will be generous. Late Qing is pitiful alone, even if we make trouble, we are still a family.

Yan Fanghua reminded her: It's time to go home tomorrow, and I will pick you up.

Lu Zhixia repeatedly said that she would go back, but Yan Fanghua gave up.

Lu Zhixia clicked into Shen Wanqing's WeChat, and today's friends haven't been updated yet.

She clicked into Shen Wanqing's WeChat, wrote and deleted, deleted and wrote, and finally wrote: I have no place to celebrate the New Year, so I can go home.

After posting it, Lu Zhixia actually regretted it a bit, but it was too late to withdraw it.

She seemed to be too petty, and she couldn't say anything properly. Lu Zhixia wanted to reissue it, but felt it was unnecessary, so she finally put away her phone and went to read a book.

As soon as she entered the sea of ​​books, she was tireless. When she looked up, it was already 2 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Lu Zhixia stretched her waist and went to the sofa to get her mobile phone. She was taken aback by Shen Wanqing's reply.

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