MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 207 you are crazy

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Shen Wanqing was in a daze when she heard the knock on the door. She was really tired.

The thought of responding was like a dou who couldn't help herself. She thought about it and wanted to talk...but everything was done in her head.

Mama Zhang knocked on the door twice, looked down at Mi Xiu, and said softly, "What should I do? Mi Xiu."

Mi Xiu groaned twice, his head froze.

"Fanghua said that Wan Qing hadn't eaten yet, but she seemed to be asleep." Zhang's mother had a hard time falling asleep. Isn't it bad for us to wake her up?

Mi Xiu ignored Zhang's mother and scratched at the door with his paws.

Zhang Ma asked it: "Then why don't we go in and call her?"

Mi Xiu barked twice, Zhang Ma knocked on the door again, and gently pushed it open.

The sound of a dog barking came, and Barton, who was asleep, woke up consciously. His eyes had not yet been opened, and he raised his small mouth, barking together.

Shen Wanqing finally woke up from the chaotic nightmare, Zhang Ma brought a bowl of noodles in clear soup.

"I don't know what you like to eat. It's too late to think about it. Eat something light." Zhang Ma lowered her head, deliberately not looking into Shen Wanqing's eyes.

She received a message from Yan Fanghua, saying that Shen Wanqing was not in good condition, please ask Mama Zhang to make her something to eat, and don't ask her anything.

Shen Wanqing just woke up, the nightmare was still in her mind, Shen Yutang raised a high whip, and slapped her hard.

She didn't stand still like she did when she was a child. She wanted to hide, but she couldn't move.

The whip was whipping hard, and the pain was real. She wanted to call Lu Zhixia to save her, but Lu Zhixia just watched coldly, and there was a person standing beside her.

Shen Wanqing didn't see that person's face clearly, but subconsciously felt that it was Hu Pochuan.

There was a sudden grunt in the stomach, and it was too quiet at night, and there were two more grunts, and the two dogs were lying on the side of the bed looking at her curiously.

"Drink some soup, try it." Zhang Ma took a spoon and insisted on feeding her a mouthful of soup.

Shen Wanqing was still in the embarrassment of her stomach rumbling, she took a sip, and a warm current flowed down her throat, warming her stomach along with it.

Mama Zhang sat by the bed, playing with two puppies, and accompanied Shen Wanqing.

When Shen Wanqing was having dinner, Barton and Mi Xiu lay beside the bed from time to time, staring anxiously. For some reason, it reminded her of Lu Zhixia.

After eating a bowl of noodles, Shen Wanqing had mixed emotions.

Zhang Ma was worried that she wasn't enough, so Shen Wanqing quickly said, "I'm full, I'm full, thank you grandma."

"Thank you, we are all a family," Mama Zhang sighed, "It is also because I met them that I have a family. You don't mind, we are also a family."

"How can you dislike it?" Shen Wanqing can actually see that the elderly have not fully adapted to it, and they need to get used to living together without relatives or reasons. "They are all very good, you can just stay here peacefully." .”

Mama Zhang gently took her hand, patted it, and said: "You are also a very good child. It is my good fortune that I, an old woman, can still meet you. This may be our fate. "

Fate, this word, is really... After Shen Wanqing drank a bowl of hot noodle soup, she became somewhat sober.

She was lying on the bed, her mind was full of Lu Zhixia, a thoughtful and thoughtful person, but she had no heart to think about the next thing at this moment.

Shen Wanqing tossed and tossed for a while, got out of bed and sat at the desk, a pen, a stack of letter paper, and a brand new heart-shaped post-it note.

The post-it notes are not too big. She writes a few lines on each post-it, folds it and puts it in a small bag.

Standing in front of Lu Zhixia's door, Shen Wanqing took a deep breath, slowly pushed the door open, and turned on the light with the door concealed.

At night, without a sound, the light in Lu Zhixia's room was turned off, and Shen Wanqing walked back into the room in the dark.

She sat at the desk and wrote one letter after another. It was bright day, she stretched herself, and after a while, she got up to pack her things.

Mama Zhang thought she was sleeping late, so she didn't come to knock on the door.

When Shen Wanqing came out, Mama Zhang got up immediately and said, "Breakfast is still hot, I'll bring it to you."

Shen Wanqing wasn't hungry yet, but she sat obediently at the table.

Zhang Ma's sharp eyes caught a glimpse of the suitcase in the bedroom, and she asked after she finished eating, "Are you going on a long trip?"

She nodded, Zhang Ma said two times: "Then when will you be back?"

"I don't know yet." Shen Wanqing smiled lightly, her eyes had been swollen recently, and the swelling subsided a little overnight, "Professor Yan is not at home, so Barton and Mi Xiu will trouble you."

"It's not a trouble, it's my pleasure." Zhang Ma said with a smile, "Then you go and come back early, Professor Yan also said, let's celebrate the New Year together."

Ah... New Year, Shen Wanqing has forgotten about the New Year.

She lowered her head and smiled, but said nothing. The result of going this time is unknown. This year, she may not be able to live well.

"Let me wish you a happy new year in advance." Shen Wanqing was half joking, and Zhang Ma was relieved when she saw the smile.

After Shen Wanqing left, Zhang Ma called Yan Fanghua and said in relief, "It should be fine, I have a little smile on my face, but I still feel something is on my mind."

As for where Shen Wanqing was going, Yan Fanghua didn't ask. She replied, "Professor Yan, you can concentrate on taking care of Lu Zhixia and make up for her. I'm fine. I'll call you when I'm done." There may be very little contact during this period, so don't worry.

This was obviously a vaccination, Yan Fanghua called, but Shen Wanqing didn't answer, and replied: I'm getting on the plane, and the phone is about to be turned off, it's fine, don't worry.

Yan Fanghua called again, but the phone was already turned off.

Lu Zhixia caught a glimpse of her mother fiddling with her phone by the window. After a while, she was still sighing.

She turned her head to look at the bottles and jars on the table, one was popping candy and the other was chocolate.

Yan Fanghua bowed his head and typed for a long time before he breathed a sigh of relief. When he turned around, he saw Lu Zhixia looking at her.

She immediately raised a smile and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I should ask you, what's the matter." Lu Zhixia said calmly, "Your complexion is not very good."

Yan Fanghua smiled and said, "I stayed up all night."

Lu Zhixia is still recovering. Yan Fanghua knows that Shen Wanqing needs Lu Zhixia very much, but he can't come in a hurry...Yan Fanghua just feels that this year's life is very difficult.

Come the new year, you will change your luck if you change your mind, Yan Fanghua sat by the bed, smiling all the time: "Don't think about it, you, the moment is to take care of your body."

Lu Zhixia bowed his head, hummed, and said, "Don't worry, I won't ask more questions if you don't want to talk about it."

She is too "sensible" now, and Yan Fanghua can't say it. She is worried about Lu Zhixia's health, and she also cares about Shen Wanqing. She doesn't know where she will go and what she will do.

Yan Fanghua asked around in the group. Obviously, everyone didn't know that Shen Wanqing was going to travel far away.

Lin Xuan was sensitive to Shen Wanqing, realized something, and called Shen Wanqing, but the phone was turned off.

She panicked for a moment, so she hurriedly called Yan Fanghua.

Both of them knew Shen Wanqing well, but neither of them could guess where she was going or what she was going to do.

Lin Xuan scratched her heart with all her claws, and searched all the people around her, but they didn't know. In the end, she suddenly remembered a person who was eating ashes in the communication.

Yan Menghui!

Yan Meng returned to the phone to get through, but no one answered.

Lin Xuan was bombarded with information, if Yan Menghui hadn't tapped into the phone, he would have thought the phone was poisoned.

What Shen Wanqing didn’t say, Yan Menghui had no choice but to continue pretending to be dead, but Lin Xuan got angry and sent the same message repeatedly: If you don’t reply to me within 5 minutes, I’ll find someone to lock your location and book a ticket to hunt you down immediately Whether it's Chen Chuhan or Shen Qinghe, anyone can find you.

Yan Menghui sighed speechlessly, what's the matter with her?

She sent a series of ellipses, Lin Xuan immediately called, Yan Menghui answered, there were almost no repetitions of the Chinese curse and the Three Character Classic.

Yan Menghui was patient, and when he finished venting his anger, he changed his words: "I know you can't be blamed for this, but Shen Wanqing is your friend and my life-and-death acquaintance, Lin Xuan, you don't answer my phone, Mysterious, if something goes wrong with Shen Wanqing and you can't end it, what will you do? Ah? Do you still miss her? Her whole family is dead now, and Lu Zhixia doesn't want her, she You want to die, but you are good, you create opportunities for her!"

Yan Menghui held his forehead and listened to the yelling: "Are you capable of protecting her? Ah? Speak up! In case something goes wrong in your plot, like a big wedding, if Shen Wanqing is in danger, can you Protect her? Can you?"

Lin Xuan was really mad with anger, Yan Menghui waited for her to catch her breath, and said in a gentle tone: "My good sister, calm down first, let me say a few words, okay?"

"Let go if you fart!"

Yan Menghui explained in a good-tempered manner that Shen Wanqing did have something to do, but she promised that Shen Wanqing would go ahead and not speak out.

"No shit, she won't do it if she says no?" Lin Xuan patted the table, "You have to say it!"

Yan Meng turned her head wide, covered her head and said, "Sister, don't embarrass me. Wan Qing finally forgave me. If I tell her, she will really care about it. Can you call her later? I'll give you a call." Foreshadowing, you ask yourself."

Shen Wanqing got off the plane, low-key went to the hotel to meet Yan Menghui.

As soon as he entered, Yan Menghui hurriedly told about Lin Xuan's phone call as if he saw a savior.

"Wan Qing, I specially recorded it for you to listen to. Her eloquence is amazing, as if she wants to eat me up." Yan Meng played back a section, and Shen Wanqing was helpless when she heard it, and said: "OK Well, I'll call her."

Yan Menghui saw her reluctance, and persuaded: "I have been preparing for so long, I dare not say that it is safe, but it is almost."

"Look at it first." Shen Wanqing went to the bedroom and called from the landline.

She was no exception, she was scolded by Lin Xuan, unlike Yan Menghui, Lin Xuan became more and more aggrieved, crying and scolding at the same time.

Shen Wanqing really couldn't even utter a word of retaliation, and when she was sobbing so hard that she couldn't speak, Shen Wanqing sighed: "You scolded me, but I didn't cry, you cried so hard, I didn't cry Way to talk back."

Lin Xuan sent out another pass, but unfortunately he cried so hard that Shen Wanqing couldn't tell the number.

She naturally didn't want to expose it, after all, it was the last moment, and Lin Xuan didn't need her to say details on the phone, sobbing and shouting: "You **** at least let me know, if something happens, go somewhere to save you, you I don't want to live, I don't want my girlfriend to be in danger!"

Shen Wanqing had no choice but to ask Yan Menghui to use a new mobile phone number to send Lin Xuan key information.

Lin Xuan sent a message, and said in a very aggressive tone: The time and place have been sent, where are the characters? What about events? Wait for me to ask one by one!

Yan Menghui handed the phone to Shen Wanqing, after Shen Wanqing replied, Lin Xuan was dumbfounded, and replied five words.

You are crazy.

Read The Duke's Passion