MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 192 My sister has joined the Kuagua group

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When human beings clean or move, they will dig out many old times.

When Lu Zhixia tidied up this time, she caught a glimpse of many items from her childhood. She wanted to open them several times, but she didn't want to open them as if avoiding suspicion, and threw them directly into the box.

She doesn't know what she is hiding. In the past, she was full of curiosity, enthusiastic and proactive about everything, and actively explored. Now when she encounters a choice, she will retreat.

Just as she was holding the heart that was sent to her at this moment, she hesitated for a long time before opening it.

After reading it over and over again, her super memory has been able to memorize the content.

Lu Zhixia seemed like a thief who stole the text. After reading the content, she folded it again, as if she was pretending that she had never read the letter.

In this way, she can continue to do things that are purely for venting her emotions with peace of mind. Even if she knows it's wrong, she knows it's not good for Shen Wanqing, but she just wants to do it.

Lu Zhixia's grievances are like water in a sponge. In the past, too much water was collected from Shen Wanqing, and it was not easy to wring it out, and the sun had to be added to dry it.

In short, it takes a little longer.

Just as Lu Zhixia stuffed Hong Xin back, Shen Wanqing knocked on her door. She was startled, and subconsciously turned her hands away, a little fiercely: "What are you doing?"

"Professor Yan's car has arrived, and someone will move things. Some of them will be moved today, and we will drive the rest by ourselves." Shen Wanqing now also started using words like "we", as if they were one.

Lu Zhixia pulled off the sweater cover, and seeing Shen Wanqing still standing at the door, she waved her hand: "Go back to your room and stay."

Her tone was not polite, but Shen Wanqing saw through her mind and said, "Okay, I won't let them touch me."

Before Lu Zhixia could even reply, Shen Wanqing had already left.

She pouted and kicked the luggage bag angrily.

The new home is in the Swan Lakeside villa area in the city center. The decoration is luxurious and the raw materials are excellent, so a set is said to cost tens of millions.

Lu Zhixia went to the new home with her mother. They were Courtyard No. 1. Standing at the door, she felt unreal.

"Come in." Yan Fanghua stood at the door and called her. She ran all the way in, took the elevator to the balcony on the top floor, and unexpectedly found that Ye Lanxi's house was very close to her.

Lu Zhixia called Ye Lanxi and learned that they were close, Ye Lanxi squealed happily.

After a while, Chen Chuhan stood on the balcony on the top floor of Ye Lanxi's house and waved. Lu Zhixia also waved, as if meeting the leaders of the two countries.

Lu Zhixia and Yan Fanghua were having a rest at their new home, and Chen Chuhan came over with a gift box.

After exchanging pleasantries, Chen Chuhan let them live in and let them know on the day they came in, and everyone started a fire and had dinner together.

Yan Fanghua took photos and videos of the new home and sent them to Shen Wanqing, who watched them with Zhang Ma at home.

Standing beside Lu Zhixia, Chen Chuhan poked and cooed, "Last night was pretty tough."

Lu Zhixia stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with her arms folded, and said lazily, "It's a piece of cake."

"You domineering old Shentou, haha." Chen Chuhan laughed secretly, "He has never been afraid of anyone in his life."

Lu Zhixia stretched her waist, and let out a monster roar from her mouth. Yan Fanghua laughed when she heard it, and Zhang Luo went back to that house.

Chen Chuhan sent them to the door, and when the two returned home, Shen Wanqing had already ordered the food, and called Jiang Menglai and Qin Zheng along the way.

"It's tiring to think about packing things, don't do it." Shen Wanqing sat at the table with a lot of big boxes and small boxes. She missed a good meal on New Year's Day because of the mask, and now Shen Wanqing had a little something Appetite, "You all have a taste of the taste of this store."

Just as Shen Wanqing picked up the chopsticks, Lu Zhixia pushed the porridge box over, with obvious meaning: the patient must eat porridge.

No matter how delicious the porridge is, it is porridge after all, Shen Wanqing sipped it and said a little aggrieved: "I just drank the porridge and I can't get enough."

Without saying a word, Lu Zhixia brought over the porridge in front of Jiang Menglai, and brought over the porridge in front of Qin Zheng. Yan Fanghua yanked her: "You want to turn Wan Qing into porridge, the dishes she ordered are You should give her something to eat."

Lu Zhixia got up, removed the meat and vegetables, and moved the vegetables.

She picked up a piece of Dongpo meat and gave it to Zhang Ma first, like this every time, then took another piece for her own mother, and the third piece was her own.

Yan Fanghua picked up a piece of meat and wanted to put it in Shen Wanqing's bowl, but Lu Zhixia snatched her away with her chopsticks and ate it up.

Shen Wanqing couldn't hold back her laughter, picked up the porridge and drank it slowly.

After a meal, Shen Wanqing didn't eat a few pieces of meat.

Lu Zhixia watched closely, as soon as Shen Wanqing ate meat, it was as if she was killing her.

Jiang Menglai sent it to their group to tease: I have seen a dog protect food, but I have never seen such a tight one.

They set up a new group, in which Shen Wanqing and Lu Zhixia were not involved, and other people were in it, assisting and stealing sweets on the one hand.

Chen Chuhan: It's pretty good, let's make noise, let's get mad, but let's take care of it, I can only bully her, I appreciate her strength.

Ye [email protected]陈楚寒: I’m not dead yet, what do I appreciate? Just appreciate me.

Jiang Menglai: You lovers are really annoying, you sprinkle dog food all the time. @Qin Zheng, take a look.

Qin Zheng: ...

Qin Zheng: Don't play with your phone while chatting.

Guan [email protected]林灯: I was at work, and you slept in a coma at home? Hurry up and eat.

It took Lin Xuan a while to reply: I'm so sleepy, I've been sleepy and tired lately.

Ye Lanxi said: Don't you have it?

Lin Xuan's heart skipped a beat. They've been marking frequently recently, and they haven't taken any safety measures.

She took a test secretly, and the result was normal, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They are not married yet, and the life events of good sisters are not stable yet, Lin Xuan is not in the mood to play with children.

Yan Fanghua and the others were most reluctant to leave, but Qin Zheng and Jiang Menglai.

We live opposite each other, and it is very convenient to move around. Now that we have moved far away, although we are in the same city, we will eventually move less when we are busy.

Speaking of the house here, Yan Fanghua wanted to rent it out, but Qin Zheng had an idea at this moment: "I want to buy it, can I?"

Qin Zheng doesn't like the new real estate, nor does she like the smell of the newly renovated. She also wants to own her own house, and she has a deep relationship with this house.

She bought it on the condition that the price should not be low. According to the normal market price, she used the provident fund as a loan. Jiang Menglai supported her unconditionally. Yan Fanghua looked at Lu Zhixia, and Lu Zhixia looked serious: "This is your house. Sell ​​it and sell it."

Qin Zheng asked the agent about the price, and decided to buy the apartment that night. Yan Fanghua and the others stayed for the last night today, Qin Zheng and the others moved in tomorrow, and the rest of the procedures can be done slowly.

In the evening, Ye Lanxi, Chen Chuhan and others also came to join in the fun and bought some barbecue.

Shen Wanqing has never eaten at a roadside stall, but Ye Lanxi loves to eat, regardless of whether it is healthy or not, the main thing is that it is tasty and delicious.

It's a pity for Shen Wanqing, she was sitting next to her, and everyone was having fun, she was sitting there pitifully alone.

"You are so pitiful..." Lin Xuan couldn't bear to watch it any longer, "Why don't you just eat a bunch, is it okay?"

Just as Lin Xuan picked it up, Jiang Menglai poked Guan Xiuhe who was next to him. Everyone watched secretly, and sure enough, Lu Zhixia grabbed the meat skewer, grabbed the innermost piece of meat, and pulled the whole skewer off like drawing a sword.

Lu Zhixia still doesn't speak much, but her actions are more obvious than before.

Shen Wanqing comforted everyone: "I don't want to eat, you guys can eat, I'll just sit here and join in the fun."

Ye Lanxi teased: "Mi Xiu is also very pitiful. He lay on the ground for a long time, and his saliva was about to flow out, and the big dog didn't even give him a bite."

Lu Zhixia snorted and continued to eat skewers. Her appetite was better than before. Everyone was very happy to see that she ate a lot.

It's just that they didn't know that after everyone left, Shen Wanqing secretly took medicine in the kitchen, and ran into Lu Zhixia digging out a box of Jianweixiaoshi tablets.

"Speak out and silence you." Lu Zhixia threatened her, and leaned over to have a look: "What did you steal?"

Shen Wanqing threw it directly into her mouth, and Lu Zhixia came over to break her mouth, squeezed her teeth, and leaned closer and said, "Lift your head up."

She didn't move, and Lu Zhixia started to grab it, as if catching a slippery fish, and the pill was hidden in the tip of the she.

It's just that it's not cool to laugh now, she sullenly, still quite fierce: "What are you anti-inflammatory?"

After all, she couldn't hold it back. From seeing the small box that day to noticing that Shen Wanqing went to the kitchen to drink water on time, she probably realized that it was medicine.

Medicine for rhinitis? Swelling medicine? Painkillers? Lu Zhixia didn't know which one.

Yan Fanghua happened to pass by the door of the kitchen, wondering, "What are you doing? You still don't go to bed at what time, and you're moving tomorrow morning."

She beckoned Shen Wanqing to go back to rest, Shen Wanqing drank her saliva, swallowed the bitter medicine, Qinqin touched her lower abdomen, and smiled: "Don't overeat next time, it's not good for the stomach."

Lu Zhixia's clothes were very thin, and after a long time of contact, her body suddenly became hot.

The night was dark, Lu Zhixia was lying on the bed, a little annoyed, she shouldn't have opened Shen Wanqing's mouth, what's all this about?

Her body is hot, and the reason is naturally not simply because of being suffocated, but because her fever period should have come, and it has been delayed this month.

Shen Wanqing's fever period was also delayed. Lu Zhixia didn't know the reason, but couldn't help worrying. They were under the same roof and had fever periods together. How should they deal with it?

"When there was no Shen Wanqing, you would have passed the fever period." Hu Pochuan said calmly from the side, clearly seeing through her.

Lu Zhixia glared at her: "Why don't you leave?"

Lu Zhixia had tried to ignore her as much as possible, but Hu Pochuan followed her like a lingering ghost.

"I've seen someone so stupid, but I've never seen someone so stupid as you. I've started to fall in love with you for a few days." Hu Pochuan laughed mockingly: "Have you forgotten how she treated you? It's nothing more than she treats you now. It is her career that is developing according to her plan, and in the future you and your career will appear together, she must choose, and she will definitely choose her career."

Lu Zhixia wanted to kick her, but she avoided it.

Lu Zhixia lay on the bed upset, covered her head with a pillow, not listening to what Hu Pochuan said.

At dawn, a group of Lu Zhixia's friends came to help and moved the leftovers at home to the car.

Shen Wanqing gave up the bodyguard's car and insisted on taking the same car with Lu Zhixia.

Lu Zhixia left the company and returned the car, now driving her mother's car.

Shen Wanqing's back recovered a bit, but she still didn't dare to lean on the back of the chair, so Lu Zhixia drove her to sit in the back row.

"You don't need to wear a seat belt in the future, you are really thoughtful." Shen Wanqing may have joined some kind of boasting group and learned some skills. She would praise Lu Zhixia for anything she did, even in front of everyone. , boasting sincerely: "Lu Zhixia puts things neatly."

Lin Xuan sent a WeChat message to Shen Wanqing: You are like a great teacher in kindergarten, your baby is so embarrassed by your praise.

Shen Wanqing didn't answer her, and continued to boast: "Lu Zhixia has the best physical strength and the most stable breath."

Unconvinced, Ye Lanxi showed off her biceps: "I'm the best."

"What a fart." Lu Zhixia gave her a pestle, and Ye Lanxi jumped onto her from behind and strangled her neck, "What did you say?"

Lu Zhixia dumped and fell forward. Chen Chuhan's eyes were fast. He drove through Ye Lanxi and took the trend on Lu Zhixia's wrist. He said, "Dare to beat my dog ​​cubs."

When the two fought, Lu Zhi Xia Rao was formidable, but he couldn't stand it. Chen Chuhan and Shen Qinghe were of the same type, and both were people with outstanding skills.

The king of the forest couldn't beat a mosquito. Lu Zhixia was caught and was about to lose.

Shen Wanqing stretched out her foot suddenly, and Chen Chuhan tripped. Lu Zhixia took advantage of the situation to shovel her leg, and directly knocked Chen Chuhan down, while Qin Zheng was counting down.

After 10 numbers, Lu Zhixia let go of Chen Chuhan. Chen Chuhan groaned and glared at Shen Wanqing: "Why are you sneaking up on me secretly!"

"Didn't I trip you openly?" Shen Wanqing looked innocent, "Have you all seen it?"

Indeed, anyone who is not blind has seen.

"You are a bit shameless." Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing.

Shen Wanqing was not annoyed, she stood beside Lu Zhixia, raised her head and praised: "You are awesome, and Chen Chuhan is not your opponent."

Everyone: ...

Noisy, dinner together at night, shabu-shabu.

Lu Zhixia was rarely happy. She stood up to eat the meat, probably because she felt that Shen Wanqing was a little better. Apart from controlling the spicy, Shen Wanqing could put in other seasonings, and she could eat even clear soup pots.

It was the first time for Shen Wanqing to feel that hot pot was really delicious, it was lively, the taste of meat and sesame sauce was so good.

After dinner, Ye Lanxi wanted to smoke, but Lu Zhixia took the cigarette case away.

In the end, everyone got together to play games, and as usual, Lu Zhixia hugged the dog while playing.

When they were grouped, maybe it was God's will, the young lovers separated and became a hostile group, and Alpha and Oga were in each group.

Shen Wanqing, Lin Xuan and Chen Chuhan were in a group, and the three little alphas were no match.

Ye Lanxi lost her temper in the end, pulled Lu Zhixia away, pushed him on the seat, and shouted: "Ace Da Meng A applied for the battle, you wait and cry!"

Lu Zhixia didn't blow it out so well, it was so powerful, the first wave of oga group lost.

Shen Wanqing lost the worst. Lu Zhixia came over with a mouthpiece. She sat on the carpet, raised her head and praised: "You are really good."

Her eyes were shining brightly, and Lu Zhixia's face became hot when she saw her. She pressed her palm on her forehead and ordered: "Close your eyes."

Lu Zhixia stared at her trembling eyelashes, and drew a little turtle on Shen Wanqing's face.

The last touch is the finishing touch, the palm is pressed on the forehead, and Shen Wanqing maintains the posture of leaning back, the body is useless.

This poke directly knocked him down, Shen Wanqing's back was still not healed, and he was struggling in a panic to keep his balance.

Lu Zhixia moved faster, wrapping one arm around her neck and pulling her back.

The two fell down together, and Shen Wanqing was on Lu Zhixia's body. Due to inertia, the distance between the two was only a few centimeters.

Everyone covered their mouths, and the room was so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.

Shen Wanqing's eyes were like water, like a ship full of stars, twinkling and twinkling.

She stared obsessively at Lu Zhixia's eyes, her eyes lowered, falling on her plump lips, and said softly, "I want to kiss you."

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