MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 174 Countdown to the wedding of the century

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Before Lu Zhixia left, he left 10,000 yuan for Liu Ye.

Finally, Liu Ye sent her a voice message on the proprietress's mobile phone, calling her an asshole, and said that the next time we meet, he must return the money to her face to face.

Sitting on the plane, her mind was muddled, she took out her earphones, and re-listened to the conversation with Master Liu last night from beginning to end.

The Shen family is far from being as simple and powerful as she thought.

When Shen Wanqing came to this day, Lu Zhixia felt bored thinking about it. If it was her, she didn't know what the result would be.

Shen Wanqing didn't stop today, Shen Yutang couldn't find Yuan Wangshu, and he didn't want to believe what the police said he had passed away.

He called Shen Wanqing, but no one answered, he was very angry.

Shen Wanqing seemed to have come to the end, it didn't matter anymore, she canceled the automatic answering and stopped answering his calls.

Shen Yutang sent her a message, and if he didn't answer the phone, he would come to the door directly.

Shen Wanqing answered the phone and told the truth that Yuan Wangshu had passed away, but respected her last wish and would not tell him where he was buried.

The words were so absurd that it was unbelievable, Shen Yutang held the phone tightly, he couldn't accept that Yuan Wangshu, who had obeyed him all his life, would completely disobey him at the last moment of his life.

Shen Wanqing refused to say where the cemetery was, so he could look it up by himself.

Shen Yutang was really angry, he had a gloomy face, someone had already reported that Lu Zhixia was already on the way back to Haijing City by plane.

Although the interior is dark and turbulent, in the eyes of outsiders, Shen Gu's two big weddings are a good thing that is about to happen, and the hot topics are all related to the two.

Haijing Paradise Street has also been brought into the hot search, becoming the No. 1 commercial street that the people of Haijing look forward to the most.

At the same time, the Southern New City was also used as a comparison of Haijing Tianjie, and it was also on the hot search. Some people found that the Southern New City had quietly started construction, but there was no publicity on the Internet.

The background of the new city in the south is still unclear. The south and the north face each other far away. Many people will see the business opportunities in the two major commercial streets of Haijing City in the future and start to dig deep into the resource network behind them.

Haijing Paradise Street was the cake of Shen and Gu's family, and others began to look at the new city in the south.

Shen Wanqing got married, and Lin Xuan came over, seeing that Yan Menghui hadn't moved, but no one answered her call, and sent a message to ask: You didn't come to Wanqing to get married?

When Yan Menghui didn't return, Shen Wanqing told her not to contact her again, Lin Xuan was so angry that she broke up with her, and she stayed at Lu Zhixia's house at night.

As for Lu Zhixia's friends, no one moved, and planned to see Lu Zhixia's reaction.

Qin Zheng decided to go to the wedding venue. In the afternoon, she asked for leave and went to Yan Fanghua's house first. Grandma was at home. She chatted with her when she saw her, and coaxed her to say, "We will raise you together in the future. Don't worry, grandma." .”

Qin Zheng came over, and Jiang Menglai also came after get off work at night. Her face was still wrapped in gauze, and she was injured when she cooperated with the police to destroy the flower field.

Jiang Menglai didn't think anything was wrong, Qin Zheng was distressed enough, and the relationship between the two went further.

Jiang Menglai came over, Lin Xuan urged Guan Xiuhe, and the young couple also got together.

In the end, Ye Lanxi asked in the group and learned that everyone had gone, how could she do anything, so she called Chen Chuhan and came over together.

When Shen Wanqing and Yan Fanghua came back from outside, the room was full of people.

The alphas were a little uncomfortable. After all, they were friends of Lu Zhixia, and they all knew about Lu Zhixia and Shen Wanqing.

Shen Wanqing nodded slightly, and went to the study with the car keys in her hand.

Ye Lanxi stared at her unhappily, and caught a glimpse of a white puppy doll dangling on the key. She had seen it more than once. It was understandable when she was with Lu Zhixia before. Now that they are all divided, why use a dog keychain? .

Yan Fanghua let them go at their own pace, and she also went to the study.

Grandma is happy this time, she likes a lot of people, a group of young people surround her, it is very lively.

Mi Xiu didn't admit that he was born, and walked around everyone, very happy.

In the study, Shen Wanqing insisted that he would not contact Shen Tingyun, but Yan Fanghua still called, but in the end the phone was turned off.

Shen Wanqing's last contact was a long time ago, even less than with Yan Fanghua, Yan Fanghua sighed softly: "Do you hate him?"

Shen Wanqing shook her head, she no longer had any hope for family affection.

"Do you want to sleep? You have to put on makeup at night." Yan Fanghua gently took Shen Wanqing's hand and said, "Xiao Xia will come back later, if she has any emotions, please bear with me, I will tell her."

Shen Wanqing smiled, and said with some melancholy: "Needless to mention her, she did nothing wrong."

"Well, the psychiatrist you mentioned before," Yan Fanghua paused, and said, "I mean, I'd better give her another one, I'm already looking for one."

Yan Fanghua saw Lu Zhixia talking with Hu Pochuan with her own eyes that night. She couldn't explain the shock and pain in her heart. She didn't know how to let Lu Zhixia know that Hu Pochuan was fake.

"Wait for this period of time to pass, okay?" Shen Wanqing pleaded: "It's hard for her even now, and Amber River is her only hope."

Both of them sighed, the darkness before the light came was the most bitter and unbearable.

In the evening, Lu Zhixia arrived at the airport, and she took a taxi home.

He obviously wanted to go home, but for some reason, he was rather timid.

Lu Zhixia didn't know what she was afraid of. Shen Wanqing's marriage had already been well established in her heart.

She stood downstairs, panicking in her heart. She climbed up to the wall to see her secret base.

After the blizzard, thick snow covered the ground, and her secret base no longer existed.

Lu Zhixia was not at ease, she wandered downstairs for a while, and stopped a taxi: "Go to Xing'an Community."

The master didn't seem to hear clearly, so he turned around and asked, "Where?"

"It's the Xing'an community over there in the old city."

"Is there no one living there?" The master wondered, "It's getting dark and there are no street lights over there. Are you sure you want to go?"

"En." Lu Zhixia used to live in Xing'an Community, and the abandoned children's playground was not far from there. Passing by there, she thought of the night she and Shen Wanqing spent on the mountain, and she felt uncomfortable.

The body restraint of the back of the neck is stuck

No matter how many layers of depressants are applied, the fever period of both of them is actually coming soon, but this time they may go through the fever period independently, and she doesn't know what kind of reaction they will have.

After getting out of the car, as the master said, the Xing'an community was pitch-black, with occasional lights that lit up, like will-o'-the-wisps.

Maybe it's because it's cold, and everyone doesn't like to walk around. No one walks in the snow in the neighborhood, and there are no footprints. Lu Zhixia stepped on the snow, creaking and creaking, and it was a little ear-piercing at night.

She thought she remembered it clearly, but when she stood under Xing'an Community, she found that she didn't remember which building it was.

She took out her mobile phone, pressed a series of numbers, and put it to her ear. Her voice was trembling from the cold for a long time, and she asked, "Huberchuan, where are you?"

"You wait for me." Amber River's voice came from far away, she walked back to the gate of the community and stomped her feet, Amber River's voice came from behind, "here."

Hu Pochuan pulled her clothes closer together, touched her face, and said, "Why are you here?" "Where do you live?" Lu Zhixia looked around, "Isn't it Xing'an Community?"

"There are one and two buildings in Xing'an District. You are in the second building, and I am in the first building." Hu Pochuan hugged her lightly, and whispered: "You are stupid, aren't you?"

Lu Zhixia was trembling, his mind was a little unclear, and he said for a while, "Do you live in Unit 3, Unit 4, Gate 501, Building 1, Xing'an Community?"


Lu Zhixia shook her head, this address had been in her mind all the time, and now she matched it, she said again: "I feel a little uncomfortable, so I came to see you, can I go to your house for a meeting?"

Hu Pochuan patted her on the back lightly, sighed and said, "They were arguing at home, and I didn't go back."

They went to a nearby 24-hour ATM. The two stood by the heater. Lu Zhixia rubbed her hands, frowned, and said, "She's getting married tomorrow."

"En." Hu Pochuan put his hands in his pockets, leaned beside her, lowered his head and said, "What do you think?"

"I don't know." Lu Zhixia murmured, "I've done everything I can. I have no choice but to wait."

Hu Pochuan smiled a little depressed, bumped her shoulders, and said in a cold tone, "Why are you doing this? Can't you live without her? Why can't you be more selfish?"

"Selfish?" Lu Zhixia didn't understand how selfish she could be, "I've been very mean to her recently."

"Then I didn't see you happy." Hu Pochuan was right, she said it very seriously, "You lost yourself because of her, you were not like this before, you have become cowardly now."

Lu Zhixia didn't know either, maybe she was thinking more than before, and her style of doing things had changed.

"I believe her." Lu Zhixia lowered her head, her voice was very low, Hu Pochuan looked down at her face and said, "You don't have that confidence at all, but you have no choice but to enlighten yourself. If you were in the past, you It will be many times more than it is now. Is it worth it for you to wrong yourself for Shen Wanqing? Does she accept your favor?"

Lu Zhixia was a little annoyed, so she changed the subject and asked her, "Why did your parents quarrel? Why didn't you mention it?"

"I'm too lazy to mention it. My dad doesn't come back a few times. Every time he comes back, he makes noises, and I'm annoyed." Hu Pochuan raised his head, knocking his head against the wall, and said, "I've already thought about it. Be a selfish person, whoever makes me feel uncomfortable, I will make him feel uncomfortable."

Lu Zhixia thought this way before, but at some point, she was willing to wrong herself for the sake of the one she loved.

"I want to go to her wedding tomorrow, do you want to go?" Lu Zhixia kicked the upper of Amber Chuan's shoe, and Amber Chuan looked up at the dazzling lights and said, "If I go, I will ruin the wedding for you. Let me go?"

Lu Zhixia laughed, raised her arms around her neck, and asked in wonder, "When did you become so fierce?"

"I've always been fierce, just being nice to you." Hu Pochuan said seriously, "I'm serious, I want to kill anyone who bullies you."

Her expression was a bit penetrating under the cold white light, and her black eyes were like a knife. Lu Zhixia looked a little dazed, she elbowed her twice, and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

Hu Pochuan just laughed, when Lu Zhixia looked up, a security guard looked at her: "Are you okay?"

Lu Zhixia froze for a moment, shook her head and said, "I'm fine."

"Long stays are not allowed here, do you need me to take you home?" The security guard stared at her, but Lu Zhixia still shook his head, "I'm leaving here."

She gave Hu Pochuan a wink, and the two of them were almost warm, and left one after the other.

Hu Pochuan hugged her and promised her that he would accompany her to the wedding tomorrow, coaxing: "No matter when, I will never leave you alone. Remember, even if there are mountains of swords and fire, I will accompany you."

Lu Zhixia Xixi sniffed his nose, tears rolled in his eyes.

"By the way, I haven't told you yet." Lu Zhixia said goodbye to Grandma Wu and Grandma Yuan before talking about her father, "I went to see him, and I don't think I'm afraid anymore. I don’t want to look at the cat’s eyes, and I don’t feel that there are scary things outside the door.”

Hu Pochuan smiled and asked back, "Really?"

She raised her hand and pressed Lu Zhixia's heart, and said, "Is it really over here?"

Lu Zhixia didn't make a sound, in fact, it wasn't completely over, after all, she wasn't sure if her guess was correct.

"But it's considered progress." Hu Pochuan comforted her, "It's pretty good, don't think about it, call me in advance when you come back later, and I'll find you."

Lu Zhixia took a taxi home, and the moment he opened the door, the noise in the room stopped abruptly.

A group of people then flocked to her, and their friends hugged her, and they rubbed her short hair one by one.

The door of the study room was ajar, Lu Zhixia walked to the door, and heard Shen Wanqing dissatisfied: "I don't need a bridesmaid! I said it! No need!"

Lu Zhixia suddenly pushed the door open and walked in, bringing a chill.

Both Shen Wanqing and Yan Fanghua were taken aback, she said softly, "I can be your bridesmaid."

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