MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 162 I reject

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A person's life is actually constantly losing.

Even if we have gained it, we will lose it in the end. We are just a short-term experiencer.

I understand the truth, but I still can't hold back the tears.

Shen Wanqing leaned in Lu Zhixia's arms and cried until she fell asleep.

With all the make-up and no image, the one who finally fell into Lu Zhixia's arms was a ga who couldn't be more ordinary.

She didn't pretend to be strong, and the mask that she couldn't take off on weekdays naturally faded away at this moment, leaving only a fragile side.

Lu Zhixia watched silently, and the deep sadness in his heart gradually enveloped him.

I know, but I can't do it, I know that I can't do it, but I want to do it in my heart.

Regarding Shen Wanqing, Lu Zhixia had already said what she could say, but her rationality told her that she couldn't say a word more, she was so full of emotion that she was about to overflow, and she also clenched her teeth.

It can't be said, it can't be said, when the time comes, everything will be clear, and the haze will eventually clear up, she hoped.

Lu Zhixia didn't fall asleep that night. She put the sleeping person on the sofa and sat beside her, keeping a slight distance.

The distance can be reached by just raising one's hand. When Shen Wanqing was having nightmares, Lu Zhixia would gently stroke her back.

Shen Wanqing seemed to be in a nightmare all the time, sometimes tossing and turning, sometimes her body twitched, sometimes calling her name, grandma, mother.

Rarely, Shen Wanqing called grandma this time, Lu Zhixia moved her body closer, Shen Wanqing curled up, her abdomen pressed against her lower back, so close, Shen Wanqing slept a little more peacefully.

In the night, the cold and fair-skinned Shen Wanqing was pale and eye-catching. She frowned and slept uncomfortably. Now she took a long breath, as if she was very tired.

Lu Zhixia sighed softly, and raised her hand a few times to caress her face, but in the end it was just her hair. She praised her child in a low voice, and said, "Hey, we, Shen Wanqing, have made progress." , can fall asleep anywhere other than the closet.”

Although the reason for falling asleep was excessive sadness and fatigue, it was considered an improvement. Lu Zhixia rubbed the center of her brows, sleep was far away from her.

Lu Zhixia hunched over, her mind was in a mess, her thoughts couldn't stop, she was dizzy.

Hu Pochuan's call came at this time, she turned to her mobile phone, looked back at the sleeping person, and finally answered the call while sitting in her original position.

"Amber River." Lu Zhixia called her in a low voice, and Amber River's voice was gentle, "Aren't you sleepy?"

"I can't sleep, what's the matter with you?" Lu Zhixia looked out of the window, the night was very dark, probably already in the middle of the night.

"My heart is flustered, how are you?" Hu Pochuan asked tentatively, "Is she beside you?"

"Well, I'm asleep." Lu Zhixia sipped his alcohol and chatted in a very soft voice. Hu Pochuan heard her rambling about something, and sighed after he couldn't say a few words.

"What you want to say most in your heart, tell me." Amber Chuan heard it, and she was going around in circles.

Lu Zhixia Xixi nose, rubbed his eyes, responded: "En..."

She paused, took a deep breath, and finally said, "I have a hunch."

"En." Hu Pochuan was always patient, not rushing her, but waiting for her.

It took Lu Zhixia a long time to say, "I think Grandma Wu seems to be my real grandma."

She has her own reasons, they are all surnamed Lu, and her father Lu Yuansheng has similar facial features to Lu Yuanmao, and Wu Qiushui's eyes and reaction after seeing her are a bit unusual.

"Is there any more?" Hu Pochuan asked softly.

"There is also my father. I don't think he is a bad person. If he is really Lu Yuanmao's son, Lu Yuanmao is a martyr and a family of heroes." Lu Zhixia lowered her head, her eyes seemed tired after opening her eyes for too long, she squinted Focusing his eyes, he said: "I heard from people in the community that Grandma Wu's son was also a soldier, but I didn't know it later. Anyway, he lost contact with the family. Then you see, my father and my mother are married, and they are not married to the family. Saying that, I think it’s quite a situation.”

Hu Pochuan responded softly: "Well, I didn't ask Grandma Wu directly at that time, because I realized that she didn't want you to know, so I didn't ask?"

Hu Pochuan always understood her, and Lu Zhixia hummed sullenly: "She wanted to hide it all her life, and if I say it now, she will feel uncomfortable when she leaves."

Hu Pochuan commented on her, looking fierce, but in fact her heart was outrageous.

Lu Zhixia is indeed such a person, so she often shows her fangs to attack, making others afraid of her is also her way of protecting herself.

"Since you're worried, check it out, don't worry, check it out slowly." Hu Pochuan asked her to sleep, but Lu Zhixia couldn't sleep, so she scratched her ears angrily, "Go to sleep, I'll figure it out myself."

"It's up to you? What about Shen Wanqing?" Hu Pochuan said helplessly, "I hear what you mean, Grandma Yuan entrusted Shen Wanqing to your care and asked you to take care of his wife for someone else, and you agreed."

Lu Zhixia frowned, and said displeasedly: "Don't say that, you are my friend, so naturally you stand on my side, but Shen Wanqing also has her difficulties, and I agreed to help take care of her, which is also within the reasonable range, she is really married , I will keep the distance I should have in the future, I know this."

"I would rather make myself suffer than stab someone else first." Hu Pochuan's strong words made Lu Zhixia's ear-piercing, and she continued: "Stand by Shen Wanqing's side, when you are needed, you show up, no need You stabbed your body with a knife from time to time, are you the Bodhisattva of the World? You all know that Shen Wanqing is going to get married, so what illusions do you have? You have to hurt yourself to the point where you can't even scratch your body."

Lu Zhixia listened to her patiently, her breath was a little anxious, her voice was a little higher, and she said, "Huberchuan." She wanted to say a lot, but in the end it was spinning in her throat, and she swallowed it back, "Forget it, Huber Chuan, rest."

Regarding Shen Wanqing, she was no longer willing to explain, this was their business, and other people's ideas were ultimately theirs.

Lu Zhixia's back was sore from sitting, and she didn't move.

Until Shen Wanqing turned over, she straightened up and walked to the window. There were a few clouds dyed golden in the sky, heralding the arrival of a new day.

It wasn't until the entourage brought breakfast that Shen Wanqing slowly got up.

"Morning, seal the date first, and eat." Lu Zhixia didn't ask her opinion, walked to her side, pulled her up and pushed her to the bathroom, closed the door, and said in a loud voice: "Just wash it down, you will faint after washing for a long time, I will give you 10 minute."

In 10 minutes, Lu Zhixia knocked on the door on time.

The sound of running water didn't stop, she raised her hand and was about to knock again when the door opened. YuShuGU.Cm

With the heat blowing against her face, Shen Wanqing stood in front of her sincerely, with crystal drops of water hanging on her fair skin, like a mermaid princess who had just undergone a transformation.

Lu Zhixia turned around immediately and reminded: "It's time, the bath towel is behind the door, come out after blowing your hair."

Shen Wanqing came out wrapped in a bath towel, but her hair was not blown. Lu Zhixia took out the hair dryer, pulled over the chair, and beckoned, "Come here."

Shen Wanqing's hair was dehydrated, her figure was dehydrated, and her eyes were dehydrated.

With big watery eyes, Lu Zhixia came over and pulled her into a chair, and stood behind to blow dry her hair.

Shen Wanqing had no appetite, so Lu Zhixia fed her and barely ate a few mouthfuls.

Lu Zhixia didn't eat too much either. She took out a tissue and wiped the horns of alcohol, cleared her throat, and said, "I have something to do today. If you are in a hurry, go back to Haijing City first. If you don't worry, I will take care of it later. If you don't worry, I will take care of it." I will ask you when it is processed."

Shen Wanqing looked sleepy, staring at her with dewy eyes, and her beautiful pupils were clean, which made people want to take care of her. Lu Zhixia asked her again: "Why don't you tell me, what do you want to do today?"

"I want to spend the first seven days with grandma before leaving." Shen Wanqing said lightly, as if her body was here and her soul had already flown to an isolated island.

If Lu Zhixia confirmed that she was fine after leaving the Qitian unit and the Shen family, she would also stay with her.

During these seven days, what Shen Wanqing did most was to be in a daze and sleep.

Shen Wanqing was in a daze, and no one would believe her when she said it. She was excellent on the one hand, but she was also very strong, and wanted to be ahead of others in everything.

What she really wants to do, she never needs to be reminded by others, and prepares silently early.

She is like a high-speed spinning machine, with her own habits and rhythm. Her grandmother, who had always been healthy, passed away suddenly. She seemed to be disrupted, and she was a little dazed.

Shen Wanqing even felt that if he insisted on sending her here, did he indirectly kill her? If she hadn't witnessed Wu Qiushui's death, if she hadn't been heartbroken, wouldn't she have left suddenly?

Regarding the story about Wu Qiushui and grandma, Shen Wanqing learned a relatively complete version from Lu Zhixia.

Both of them are top ga, young and passionate, but they both come from rich families with arrogance, and their marriage has actually been arranged long ago.

Wu Qiushui was going to be married to a famous warlord at the time, but the reality is that turmoil happened, the warlord was overthrown, and she fled in a hurry. She thought she was doomed, so she lied to Yuan Wangshu, saying that she was already married, and she should not marry her again. connection.

Angrily, Yuan Wangshu obeyed the arrangement of his family and married Shen Yutang, while Wu Qiushui escaped by luck and finally got together with Lu Yuanmao to complete the political marriage.

Speaking of love, the two couples have never had love.

But after a lifetime of being confused, whoever is in pain knows it in his heart.

Self-blame doesn't really make any sense.

People have passed away, but those who remain will continue.

Lu Zhixia hardly bothered Shen Wanqing, she was in a daze, and she sat beside her in a daze.

They also ate lunch in front of the two grave buns, and only at this time, Shen Wanqing seemed to eat more to show grandma.

In the evening when she came back by boat facing the sunset, Shen Wanqing leaned against the side with her little one.

Occasionally, a bird skimmed across the water and flew up to the sky against the wind. Shen Wanqing's eyes followed the bird's ups and downs, so free.

Born as a human being, the moment he was born, he wore invisible shackles on his body.

Some people never get rid of it all their lives, some choose to get off the car halfway, and some people are always fighting... Shen Wanqing's peripheral vision fell on Lu Zhixia's wrist, her palm spread out, and the tip of her hand was slightly flushed.

The person fell asleep, her hair was blown backwards by the wind, and a few unruly hairs danced lightly on her face, which made Lu Zhixia frowned deeply.

Shen Wanqing watched quietly, raised her hand, and smoothed her hair with a distance of a few millimeters.

The delicate eyebrows and eyes stretched out, the person seemed to be too tired, he was in a deep sleep, and his body began to shake.

Shen Wanqing put her arms around her head and gently placed them on his shoulders. The setting sun painted her cheeks a faint crimson color, which was as beautiful and dazzling as when the morning sun was about to rise.

After Shen Wanqing turned over in the morning, she raised her head silently, saw a thin and tall figure, and also saw the large golden background outside the window. Lu Zhixia seemed to be embedded in a painting, a single person, and her back seemed destined to be full of sadness the taste of.

The boat was suddenly bumped by waves, and Lu Zhixia woke up suddenly.

She realized that she had fallen asleep and was leaning on Shen Wanqing's shoulder, she immediately sat up and distanced herself, rubbed her eyes and apologized, "I'm sorry."

It is completely subconscious behavior, and subconscious behavior is mostly the most real and the most "hurtful".

Shen Wanqing turned her head to look at her, she was clearly close at hand, yet far away.

She seemed to be really losing Lu Zhixia. She wasted Lu Zhixia's youth at her best age. She once doubted but contradictoryly determined that Lu Zhixia would eventually belong to her.

At this moment, she began to doubt.

Shen Wanqing once watched her mother leave and grandma left with her own eyes. She didn't know how crazy she would be if she really lost Lu Zhixia.

With Shen Wanqing's floating heart, as the boat swayed and bumped violently, they almost subconsciously grabbed each other again.

It couldn't be said whose hands were colder, the boat was steady, and Shen Wanqing was still holding Lu Zhixia.

Lu Zhixia looked at Shen Wanqing puzzled, she seemed to be saying: Why don't you let me go? what do you mean? It's not right for you to hold me like this, I'm waiting for you to let me go, I already let you go.

On the contrary, Shen Wanqing held her tighter, looked at her with heavy eyes, and asked her when the afterglow of the setting sun was about to fade away: "Lu Zhixia, can I tell you?"

She finally mustered up the courage, as long as Lu Zhixia gave a look of expectation, a gesture of acceptance, and a word of affirmation, she would say it.

But Lu Zhixia broke free, her dark eyes were as painful as the calm lake, bottomless.

Lu Zhixia looked at her deeply, and said calmly: "I have given you chances, many times."

Shen Wanqing stared at her non-stop, Lu Zhixia didn't intend to stop, and even pointedly reminded, "Now I refuse, I won't listen."

The afterglow faded away at this moment, and the faint light in Shen Wanqing's eyes disappeared instantly.

Read The Duke's Passion