MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 10 New way to eat old popsicles

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In the crowd, a beautiful top-level alpha was twisted by an even more beautiful top-level oga, causing many people to watch.

"What are you doing, it hurts, it hurts." Lu Zhixia felt the pain, "Take it easy."

"Professor Yan, let me take care of it." Shen Wanqing twisted his ears and pulled him to him, and said softly, "I didn't realize that you still hate the rich."

Lu Zhixia lowered her head, a little annoyed: "I'm hungry, you say whatever you want, but you don't agree with it!"

"Let me go home to eat, what are you going to steal?" Shen Wanqing twisted her ear and let go.

Lu Zhixia rubbed her ears: "I'm going to eat Malatang."

"Then I will also eat Malatang."

"I don't care if it's bad."

Shen Wanqing threw the car keys to Lu Zhixia, the Mercedes-Benz drove out, and the red Ferrari parked next to the opposite bus station also started.

The Malatang restaurant is full of people, the inside is full, and the tables outside are almost full.

Lu Zhixia observed Shen Wanqing's expression, and asked tentatively, "Why don't we go to a restaurant?"

"There are quite a lot of people here, which means the taste is good." Shen Wanqing opened the door and got out of the car.

The four people who got out of the car faster than Lu Zhixia said, "Boss Shen, don't you want to eat this?"

"You can eat other things." Shen Wanqing walked in, and the bodyguards looked at Lu Zhixia with complicated expressions.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman in expensive clothes came, some peeked at her, and some looked at her back openly.

Lu Zhixia then went in. The boss saw her, glanced at Shen Wanqing next to her, and joked, "Oh, your girlfriend is beautiful."

Shen Wanqing remained silent, Lu Zhixia blushed and explained, "It's not a girlfriend."

There were no seats in the room, Shen Wanqing pointed to the window: "They are almost finished eating."

"Actually, it's hot in the house, so it's better to go outside." Lu Zhixia sought truth from facts, and Shen Wanqing really felt the heat wave was pressing, "Okay, then go outside."

A boy behind him was holding a bowl and tripped over his foot. Lu Zhixia quickly pulled Shen Wanqing into his arms to avoid it.

The boy was taken aback, and quickly apologized. Splashing this famous brand on his body would mean ruining his entire family.

"Miss, be careful." Lu Zhixia felt terrified, "The soup is hot."

While talking, someone pushed past again, Lu Zhixia stretched out his arms, propping up a small world: "You go outside first."

She almost came out from behind hugging Shen Wanqing, and the boss cast a meaningful look, which meant: You still said that you are not a girlfriend.

Malatang is the most old-fashioned malatang flavored with sesame paste.

There were not many dishes, so Lu Zhixia wrote them all down, and signed up as if giving the name of the dish, "Is there anything you don't want to eat?"

Seeing Shen Wanqing thinking seriously, she realized something: "Have you ever eaten Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum?"

Shen Wanqing shook her head.

"What about the tofu puffs?"

Shen Wanqing shook her head.

"Then I'll give you some, you can taste it, and I'll eat if you don't like it."

Shen Wanqing nodded.

"Do you eat chili?"

Chili is usually eaten, but she has a bad stomach, so the doctor does not recommend it.

Shen Wanqing replied, "I want to eat chili."

"Then put less, how about sweet and sour?" Sitting at the table, Lu Zhixia glanced at the sugar and vinegar next to him, "You will put this yourself later, it's here."

Lu Zhixia got up and walked in, Shen Wanqing's eyes followed her.

The shorts Lu Zhixia is wearing today, her legs are straight and slender, and her upper body is a white T-shirt, clean and delicate.

The bodyguards still stood on the periphery with complicated faces, and Shen Wanqing sitting in it was too eye-catching, and the passing guests couldn't help but look at her.

Shen Wanqing only stared at the door, and after a while she came out sideways, tall and eye-catching in the crowd.

"What do you want to drink?" Lu Zhixia seriously introduced to her, peanut milk, Coke has Pepsi and Coke, Dayao has original flavor and orange flavor...

"What are you drinking?" Shen Wanqing interrupted her.

"I drink Dayao orange flavor."

"Then I'll drink this too."

Lu Zhixia went in and out, chopsticks, small bowls, paper towels... Finally, she took out two bottles of orange-flavored drinks, one refrigerated bottle with air bubbles, opened the bottle cap and put it on the side of the table, and the other was at room temperature, she borrowed the one from the next table bottle opener.

"I want the same."

"Don't drink cold ones."


Lu Zhixia lowered her head and wiped the table, her voice was neither high nor low, just enough for her to hear: "Your place hasn't recovered yet."

Shen Wanqing heard the meaning of her words and didn't say anything more.

Lu Zhixia inserted a straw into her bottle and blew on the bottle herself.

Shen Wanqing took a sip and rushed upwards, the taste was not as unacceptable as imagined.

Lu Zhixia stared at her face: "What's the smell?"

"Well..." Shen Wanqing thought for a while, "Orange flavor."

Lu Zhixia burst out laughing, raised his head and took a sip.

After a while, the boss came out with two bowls of Malatang, and gossiped, "Where did you know such a beautiful girlfriend?"

"I told you I'm not a girlfriend." Lu Zhixia embarrassedly took the slightly spicy Malatang and put it in front of Shen Wanqing.

The boss winked before walking away with a smile, "I'll do it for you for free."

Lu Zhixia explained helplessly: "We've known each other for a long time, the boss likes to joke, don't worry about it."

Shen Wanqing hummed, looked at the food in front of her, a bowl... I don't know how to describe it.

Lu Zhixia looked up at her, got up, picked up the chopsticks next to her, put them in front of her, stirred them evenly and put them back: "Eat and see, don't force yourself if you're not used to it, you can eat something else later."

Seeing how delicious Lu Zhixia's food was, Shen Wanqing had expectations.

Picking up a piece of food that couldn't be seen in its original shape, she tasted it, uh... the taste was too strong, she didn't eat any food in a daze.

Lu Zhi Xia Yuguang glanced at Shen Wanqing, who was sitting gracefully, slightly smoothing the hair around the ear and tucking it behind the ear, lowering her head and eating in small bites.

The expression, faint, can't tell whether she likes it or hates it, Lu Zhixia glanced at it while eating.

Shen Wanqing put down his chopsticks after taking a few mouthfuls, and Lu Zhixia handed over a tissue: "Forget it if you're not used to it, let's eat something else later."

Shen Wanqing shook her head: "I'm not hungry."

"You don't have to say that."

"That's the truth," Shen Wanqing said with a calm face and a gentle tone at the moment, "I basically don't eat dinner."

Lu Zhixia put her head down and stuttered, Shen Wanqing stared at her intently: "You can eat slowly."

In small restaurants in the open air at night, mosquitoes are flying around, and flies sometimes land on the table.

Shen Wanqing waved her away, and the mosquitoes were not polite, and quietly gave her a "red envelope".

Lu Zhixia quickly finished a bowl of Malatang: "I don't think you have moved much."

"Yes, it's a waste to throw it away."


"I drank the water you drank."

Lu Zhixia knew what she meant, and after serving Shen Wanqing's bowl, Shen Wanqing warmly reminded him not to eat when he was full.

Lu Zhixia guessed that Shen Wanqing would have something he didn't eat, so he didn't take much of his portion today.

She ate half a bowl in suspense, took a sip from the big kiln, felt very refreshed, and exhaled: "Let's go, I will take you to eat something else."

"I'm really not hungry." Shen Wanqing stood up, "What do you usually do after eating?"

"Me?" Lu Zhixia pointed to a remote corner not far away, "There is a grandma over there, she opened a small supermarket, I would eat popsicles."

"Then let's go." Shen Wanqing walked forward, and Lu Zhixia followed her, "What do you mean? Do you want to break into me?"

"Didn't you come here a long time ago inside me?" Shen Wanqing had a special meaning, and Lu Zhixia coughed twice, blushing and didn't answer.

The old lady reacted to the boss and asked with a smile, "Is this Xiaoxia's girlfriend?"

"Grandma, it's not my girlfriend's."

Shen Wanqing stood in front of the freezer and asked her, "Which one do you usually eat?"

"The cheapest one." Lu Zhixia trotted to the front, took out two old popsicles, and thought of something, she put back another one.

Shen Wanqing turned her head to look at her: "You want to eat one with me."

"You'd better know that you can't eat it cold." Lu Zhixia tore off the wrapping paper and sat down beside grandma.

A plate of mosquito-repellent incense was placed at the door, Lu Zhixia pulled over a small mat, and Shen Wanqing sat next to her, the red envelope from the mosquito was a little itchy.

The old lady talked about the past as usual, and the two young people were the audience.

Lu Zhixia licked it vigorously, and Shen Wanqing noticed people around the corner of the intersection from the corner of her eyes.

The crowd was crowded, and it could be seen that it was a red car. She looked away and poked Lu Zhixia: "Give me a bite."

Lu Zhixia deliberately refused to give it to her, and greedy her with a popsicle, every time he approached, he avoided it.

As a result of tossing back and forth, half of the popsicle fell off. Shen Wanqing grabbed her wrist and was about to eat it, but Lu Zhixia played tricks and bit the whole thing in her mouth, making her hiss and haha.

Lu Zhixia was smiling badly, but Shen Wanqing leaned over while tugging on her wrist.

In her surprised expression, a cold and beautiful face magnified infinitely, she subconsciously avoided it but was grabbed by the back of the neck.

One cold and one hot, one hard and one Nguyen, breathing and breathing, new ways to eat old popsicles... I can't stand it.

Read The Duke's Passion