MTL - The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!-Chapter 160 Real world 9

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After smashing the call, Xavier slowly turned and looked at the cold in the team. Even against the light, he can see the other person's posture, straight and straight, like a vibrant little poplar.

Not long ago, he looked at the back and was full of joy, but at this time, he was left with nothing.

It's no wonder that getting along for so many days, the attitude toward the cold is not only not getting better, but getting worse. It turned out that he did not withdraw his feelings and memories at all. He knew everything, but he did not want to admit it. He just didn't want to... he was with him.

Thinking of this possibility, Xavier felt a suffocating discomfort. But he quickly comforted himself: No, it must be that when I just woke up, I was hurt by Osamu. He was just angry and awkward, and he definitely liked me. We loved eight worlds. He remembers everything. How could he suddenly not love me?

After thinking about this, Xavier seemed to feel better in his heart. At the end of the military training, he suddenly stopped and said to the cold, "This classmate, wait a minute."

Xiang Han is going to eat with his classmates, and he can't stop talking. The next classmate saw me and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go first."

Xiang Han thought that he had to make a moth, and he didn't want to stay. But this is a military school after all, students are very concerned about military news, although Xavier does not often appear in public, everyone has seen it more or less, so after a few days of his arrival, his identity was privately spread.

In the face of so many students, Xiang Han did not want to attract attention, but had to stay honest.

Xavier walked over and saw that he had been bowing his head, and he could not help but sigh slightly.

He reached out and wanted to hold the cold, but after blinking the students, he changed his head to the top of his head. By the way, he licked the soft hair and whispered: "Let's walk together, okay?" ”

"Don't be afraid of being discovered by Theodore's people?" He looked up at the cold and looked at him with his eyes squinting. He looked a little like a smile.

Xavier is somewhat embarrassed, but he still seriously explained: "His people have something in the Walker Star field, and they have no energy to toss us for a while. Besides, I teach at school and it is normal to talk to students."

I whispered to the cold and walked to the dormitory and said, "Mr. Admiral, I still hope that you can distinguish between reality and virtuality. Last time I was in the restaurant, I think I have already said it clearly, but your recent behavior is really I am very troubled. No, exactly, I have already disturbed my normal life..."

Xavier walked with him, and he was coveted all the way. Until he entered the dormitory, he was one step behind, slowly closing the door, and then quietly watching the cold.

When I heard the sound of closing the door, I was uneasy and unconsciously turned around and asked: "What do you want to do?"

Xavier shook his head and walked over and said, "Sorry, I am not good these days. I should not bother you. In fact, I just want to get along with you and try to be with you again, but I didn't expect..." I didn't think about you and I lost my feelings and memories.

Xiang Han heard only ‘oh’ and sighed with relief: “If so, when are you going to move out?”

Xavier looked dimly, subconsciously pressed his shoulder and whispered, "Small cold, actually... you remember everything, didn't forget, didn't you?"

Suddenly caught in the cold, I did not expect that I had already stuffed it.

"Sorry, you must have been too disappointed with me. I deliberately refused to recognize me. It was too much for me to hurt you..." Xavier’s voice is getting lower and lower, and the tone is full of pity and pain.

Thinking of what he said when he woke up, and the back of the cold, he was distressed and sad. He mistakenly thought that when he was pulled away from his feelings and memories, he had not been rejected in person, and his heart was so uncomfortable. How painful it was to cry to the cold?

"I'm sorry..." He repeated an apology and whispered, "I hurt you because of what I used to do. You are angry, you don't recognize me, I should..."

"Wait." Suddenly interrupted the cold, and took his hand off his shoulder, frowning: "You said it is good, I really did not pull away feelings and memories, but..."

Xavier just emerged with joy, and immediately was pressed back by the twist in his tone, and suddenly there was some anxiety in his heart.

Xiang Han continued: "However, I am not angry, I don't admit it just to avoid trouble."

Avoid trouble? After listening to this, Xavier became more and more uneasy and asked subconsciously: "What trouble?"

Wrinkled to the cold, seriously said: "Your day reminded me that virtual and reality are different, you are not the one who likes me in the virtual world."

"No, I am him." Xavier slowly shook his head, but although his tone was firm, his eyes became more and more uneasy, as if he had already guessed what to say to the cold.

Sure enough, Xiang Han quickly said: "But for me, you are very different. He will not do what I hate in the virtual world, and you... forget it, it doesn't make sense. Leave the star tour. At that time, I already thought very clearly. I like only the person in the virtual world, not the general who has never seen it in reality. Say it, thank you for your reminder."

Xavier never thought that he would one day become his own rival, and this result was caused by his own hands. He still stood there, but his heart sank and sank, almost sinking to the bottom.

At this point, the cold is still saying: "As for pretending not to remember, it is because you suddenly restored your feelings, and I recognize who I like, I don't want to be involved with you. In fact, this is good for you and me, after all, I like him in the virtual world, I can't take you as a substitute."

Xavier had a blank in his mind. He seemed to have seen the cold figure shake, but after he returned to God, he realized that he was not standing still and was dizzy.

After holding his body, he couldn't help but shook his head. He didn't want to believe it. "But when I just woke up, you obviously... Xiaohan, you are just angry, right?"

Frowning to the cold: "Maybe just empathy, I think you will be him, but it turns out that you are not the same as him. Especially in these days, your behavior really makes me very upset."

"Yes, is it?" Xavier trembled, and said: "You don't like... chicken soup?"

"It's so hard to drink, and it's still unpleasant. Do you like it?" It was probably too long to endure the cold, and finally couldn't help it. He suddenly began to vomit: "You don't think that you are punctuating the monitoring of others. Abnormal? Also, I can see you when I am in class, training, eating, or sleeping. I can see you when I go to the toilet. If someone follows you like this, don’t you collapse?”

Fortunately, only a few days, the time is not too long, if it is two more days, the cold will not be responsible for who he is, first violently said.

Xavier heard this, his heart was gray and his face was very ugly. He did not expect that he really did not like him to the cold, and even hated to get along with him. The most incompetent thing is that the enemy is actually himself. If he can, he really wants to go back to the day he was just awake, beat himself up and say something bad, and he has to say something like 'virtuality is different from reality'.

There are still these days, he thought it was caring, but I didn’t expect...

"Sorry, I didn't mean to trouble you, I just... too urgent..." I want to be with you too.

Xavier’s tone was tough, and when it stopped for a while, he continued: “I will move out and try not to bother you...”

Seeing the cold, hesitated and looked a little soft. But when I think about the state of life in these days, I have indeed treated Xavier and my lover differently, so I squatted and bit my teeth and said, "Let's get it as soon as possible."

Xavier saw him look as usual, and there seemed to be no sense of love. It was even more uncomfortable. He finally realized the feeling of the cold, the kind of lover clearly remembers himself, but does not like his feelings.

His distressed fingertips were trembling, and after he tightened, he left blood in his palm. I don't know how long it took to turn around and pack things up for him.

When he left, he had already walked to the door. He couldn’t help but turn back and whispered: "You... take care of yourself. If you leave the school, you must bring 009. If there is any danger, remember to let it be timely." notice me."

Seeing to hesitate to the cold, he added: "After all, because of me, you will be noticed by them. I am responsible for it."

"Good." Nodded to the cold, no hesitation.

Xavier was relieved that after leaving the dormitory, he took the special ship back to Pulan.

Old Plane saw his tired look and couldn't help but care: "What happened? Is there a war?"

"No." Xavier leaned back on the sofa and pressed the painful forehead. His heart was full of bitterness.

"That is Xiaohan and refused you." Old Plane affirmed, and then hated the iron and said: "Don't you do it according to the method I taught? Care about him, how much warmth, he lives alone in the capital Star, sure..."

"Grandpa, don't say it."

Xavier listened more and more headaches, but the big A was still coming to the news. He tried to ask: "Admiral, I heard that... Mr. Xiang did not withdraw his feelings and memories?"

Xavier ‘h’, then asked, “So?”

"So... can I go back?"

Xavier opened his eyes and frowned. "You stay where you are, and keep an eye on the movements of Theodore."

After interrupting the communication, he contacted Xiao B again, hesitatingly said: "The reward of Xiao Han, you can find a way to transfer it to him, it should be nothing."

After Xavier left, the dormitory suddenly became empty. It seemed to be a little uncomfortable to the cold, and it was inexplicably standing in place for a long time.

The 009 that has been hiding has finally come out, and carefully asked: "To Mr., do you hate General?"

After chilling, I quickly shook my head and said, "No, just..."

It’s not a good thing to say to the cold. Some things that Xavier did make him very troubled, but it seems that it is not the most important reason.

Since leaving the Star Tour, he has been suggesting himself that Xavier is not the person he likes. But in fact, the person in the virtual world is Xavier who is constantly losing his memory.

Knowing this relationship to Han Ming, I believe that I only like the person in the virtual world. Probably the psychological suggestion is much more, and he is in conflict with overthrowing this conclusion, and he does not want to see the two as one person. In this way, he did not want to contact Xavier subconsciously.

Read The Duke's Passion