MTL - The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!-Chapter 130 Inverse Master 6-7

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Although Chen Shuze’s heart is not good for the cold, he also knows that his own people are light and can’t do anything. At this time, in addition to regrets, the most wanted to do is to smash the Chu Ming down.

This kid is too much. If you are not sincere, you will still be a master.

However, when he just thought about it, he had already spoken to the cold and responded: "Is it? I don't know about this, but..."

He deliberately paused. When he spoke again, his tone was full of coldness: "After seeing the behavior of the Chuxiu, I am glad that my dream will be retired. It seems that you are so narrow-minded, you will report, and you will not be able to make a marriage. By means of murderous people, we can't afford Liujia. In addition, you and Menger have never seen each other, and have already been in love with other fiancee wives, why bother with a victim of a negative attitude?"

Chu Ming was a little embarrassed at the moment. He originally wanted to explain that he did not want to kill Liu Menger. I can hear the back, and the thoughts in my mind will soon become, how did Liu Hanzhou know about him and Xiao Yue?

This embarrassment, directly miss the best time to defend. When he returned to God, the surrounding disciples were already in a state of sorrow:

"It is too much, because it is necessary to kill people when they are remarried. Oh, how much is this low self-esteem?"

"He frank his own fiancée, but he also said that someone else has retired..."

"What do you know? Is it normal for a man to have a wife and a wife?" Then, it is only after the retirement."

"Oh, where is it normal? This is not a secular world."

"The fiancée who is robbing people is indeed excessive. According to his logic, what should the fiancé kill him?"

"The key is that his means is too mean, and he hides his strength in the refining group. If it weren't for him, I might decide to enter the finals."

"If it weren't for him, I might be able to enter the top ten."


Various arguments swept from all directions, and Chu Ming’s mind suddenly became chaotic. He subconsciously looked at the crowd, and when he fell on Chen Shuze, he could not help but hold it.

Chen Shuze's eyes are very complicated. He only knows that Chu Ming hates Liu Menger's retreat, but he does not know that the other party hates to kill. If you don’t get married, you have to enmity? He suddenly couldn't recognize the friend.

The elders also frowned, and the head also felt that Chu Ming was not good, but... he was qualified. Thinking of this, the head is a little hesitant, but the heart is not good, but the qualifications are hard to find.

Gu’s heart is obviously thinking this way, but he wants more. He has long noticed Chu Ming, and has learned about this person's past. Linggen was abolished, and it was actually possible to build a foundation in just five years. It must have met a big chance. What about the poor heart, anyway, he does not need any achievement from the other side.

After a moment of indulgence, he finally opened his mouth, laughing like a smile: "The elders of Liu will pass this. The voters are better than the point. Everyone knows this rule. Chu Xiaoyou is anxious and will not be stupid. Shooting at the occasion."

When Chu Ming heard someone help him talk, he immediately seized the opportunity and resented: "Yes, I didn't want to kill her at all."

To the cold, he sneered: "Maybe I didn't want to take it at the beginning, but when I arrived on the stage, I saw people who have been resentful for many years. I hate to rush to my heart, and I will worry too much. What is the power of the last two moves? You know in your heart, is it true that Jin Guangfu will be motivated by nothing? Under the eyes of the public, you still have to argue?"

When the people below listened, they began to talk about it:

"Yeah, the power of the two moves is really strong, especially the last move, Liu Shijie couldn't stop it."

"I want to say that the second move is also difficult to stop, or how can Jinguangfu spontaneously motivate?"

"It’s too embarrassing, hehe..."

Chu Ming was so angry that his face turned red, and his heart went straight to the cold 'little man'. Although he has an open mouth to explain, he can say that he is still a few words, and there is nothing new. Everyone did not believe it. They all thought that seeing was believing. I saw that he wanted to kill.

Liu Menger is still staying, seeing the cold, breaking some hate iron is not steel, could not help but glance at her. When Liu Menger was awake and heard the opinions of the people around her, she quickly understood the intention of coldness and said in a hurt tone: "I didn't expect you to hate me for so many years, but you have dissatisfaction. Why didn't you say it? What?"

Originally? Chu Ming was almost laughed. When the original Lingen was abandoned, who would be willing to help him out?

But before he even had time to open his mouth, Liu Menger would help him: "Moreover, the Chu family fell into the stone at that time. I heard that you have a bad life. I also sent a remedy for the medicinal herbs and herbs. Qingxuan will take you..."

Listen to her mention of Qingxuanmen, jump to the cold eyelids, busy to stop: "Shut up."

Liu Menger was shocked, but he quickly responded. He stopped busy in time and only succumbed: "The matter of retreating is indeed that I lost my trust. The marriage contract is not my order. I also try to make up for it after the marriage. So why are you only targeting me?"

Although the phrase "Qingxuanmen" was not finished, many people in the room knew that Chu Ming was a disciple from a quasi-inner disciple. Moreover, listening to Liu Menger said that the Chu family had also fallen into the stone of Chu Ming? But Chu Ming only targets Liu Menger. Isn't this just bullying and hard?

Hey, bully a weak woman who is not as good as her own? Have the ability, you go to Chu Chujia, Yan Qing Xuanmen?

Liu Menger usually wears a man's clothing, which seems to be chic, but beauty is a beauty, and occasionally weak, immediately caused a lot of people to sympathize.

Chu Ming almost went to the internal bleeding, he certainly will not let Chu and Qing Xuanmen, but that has to wait for him to have the ability to say, now is not still in the career rise period! But this kind of words can't be said, especially since so many people are talking about it. Even Zhao Jiuyang is in the ear of Chen Shuze. After finishing these people, he is still not mixing in Qingxuanmen.

Xiang Han’s reaction to Liu Menger’s reaction is still very satisfactory. It’s the phrase “Qingxuanmen”, which should not be said. It is estimated that the head has been offended, and Chu Ming is afraid that he will escape.

Thinking of this, he simply lowered his voice to remind the head: "This person is narrow-minded, and he is afraid of this door and hate it. The head must be carefully decided."

As for Liu Menger's mention of Qingxuanmen, the head does not like it, but the words of the cold also said his heart. He is not like an elder, he just wants to use Chu Ming. He really values ​​Chu Ming's qualifications and hopes that he can win glory for Qing Xuan Men. If Chu Ming is hateful to Qingxuanmen, isn’t it a tiger?

However, Elder Gu sneered at this time and retorted: "Liu Chang, as a Liu family, is afraid of being unfair in this matter. I want to say that this child is extremely talented, only because of feelings and private enmity. It’s a pity to drive it out. Moreover, if he really feels dissatisfied with this door, it should be taken over and influenced, and it will only make the situation worse. Especially if he has a lot to do in the future, then It is a big enemy for this door."

After he finished, he asked the colder if he was not yin and yang: "Is it still said that the elders of Liu should think that they should scribble and remove the roots, and that a disciple who is superior in talent and has not made any big mistakes will be killed on the spot?"

Xiang Han is very speechless to the elder Gu, really greedy and bold, knowing what the virtue of the man is also provoked. He remembers that in this article, this person was shot dead by the male master.

Seeing that he was bent on his death, he did not want to swear again. He said directly: "Mr. Gu is crazy, but don't pull the whole Qingxuan door into the water, reminding you that the white-eyed wolf is unfamiliar."

This kind of creature, the male owner of the stallion, is really unlucky to go, and in most cases, it is unfortunate for others to profit. If Qingxuanmen insists on staying, it is not intended to stop the cold. He is not Liu Hanzhou. He has no sense of belonging to Qingxuanmen. He does not care that these two parties will bite each other in the future. The reason why I say more, in addition to expressing my position, is to slap the elders.

When Gu Chang’s listened, he was really unhappy. He said coldly: “The words of Liu Chang’s elders have passed. I think Chu Ming is good. You can’t see Liu Jia’s, I can see it.”

After turning around, I asked Chu Ming: "Chu Ming, can you worship me as a teacher?"

Some of the heads were indecisive. When he saw the two of them quarreling, there was a headache, but I didn’t expect that Gu’s elders were arguing and arguing.

Of course, Chu Ming is happy, and he does not want to worship the teacher. He respectfully said: "The disciples are willing, and the disciples will see the Master."

Cold to the cold also snorted, pointing directly to Chen Shuze said: "You, apprentice, would you like?"

He seems to be angry, but not in his heart. When Gu Chang received the male master, if the two were counted, he actually saved his heart. At that time, he set a rule, not allowed the male owner to go to the site of Liu Hanzhou, save the goods in the face of Chen Shuze every day.

Chen Shuze was paralyzed at this time. He did not expect that Xiang Han was still confronting another elder, and he would accept him as a disciple. However, he hasn’t won Liu’s sister yet, and isn’t the seniors really venting?

The head and other elders also feel that they are angering. After all, everyone can see that the person he refers to is a fake Lingen firewood. They all used to be on the wall, but when they saw that things had developed to this point, they could not help but persuade.

But Gu’s elders are happy to see it, and they make fun of it: “How? Isn’t the elder Liu intended to accept your granddaughter?”

Directly to the cold: "Dream is my apprentice, why should I accept it again? It is Gu elder, you insist on accepting him as a disciple, I will not stop, but Qing Jingfeng does not welcome this person in the future, I hope you will restrain your disciples, do not come again. To provoke my apprentice. Also, you are so afraid that it will harm the door. If Chu Ming makes any harm to the door, you are responsible."

“Hey, don’t bother.” Gu’s face is not pleasant, sneer: “However, I have to remind you that people haven’t been a teacher yet, don’t put up a teacher’s shelf early.”

Anyway, they have torn their faces, and this is the end of the matter. No one cares.

There was some headache at the head, and I was trying to say something, but turned my face straight to the cold and my eyes turned to Chen Shuze.

Zhang Jiuyang saw Chen Shuze still not moving, suddenly hate iron is not steel, anxiously kicked a kick directly in his leg, airway: "Well, ah, that is the elder of Liu, a rare event, then stupid opportunity to run."

Chen Shuze was kicked by him, but he quickly stabilized and said calmly: "The younger generation is willing, but... the younger generation has not yet won the Liu Shijie."

Liu Menger: "..." Who is this person? Why do you want to beat her?

Smile to the cold, directly said: "No problem, she is your sister in the future, there are many opportunities for discussion."

When Chu Ming heard this, he was a little anxious. Chen Shuze was a good friend and a golden finger of the man. Even if he was flying to the fairyland, he was still a big help for the man. How could it be turned by the little man in Liuhanzhou?

Can Chen Shuze listen to the words of the cold, do not want to think, just kneel down to the teacher.

Everyone was envious and jealous, and Wu Lingen’s firewood was able to worship the elders as well. They were all about to separate their souls. To put it bluntly, you still have to blame Chu Ming. If it weren't for him, can the elders of Liu be tempted to accept a waste wood as a disciple?

Very satisfied with the cold, after receiving the apprentice, pull a knife directly from the equipment interface, pull Chen Shuze and Liu Menger up, and then warn the elder Gu: "Since you decide to accept him as a disciple, then I will say more In a word, Chu Ming’s desire to kill a dream will not be revealed. It’s just that the head and other elders are here today. I don’t care about it. I hope you can do it yourself.”

This is also a statement, he just can't understand the elders, and has nothing to do with the head and the other two elders. After all, Liu Hanzhou’s cultivation was the lowest among several elders, and he could not offend anyone.

After saying this, he left with a knife. The knife is very wide, more than one meter long, and it is on the back of the body. If the tip of the knife touches the heel, the handle can reach the back of the head. Moreover, the blade is very gorgeous, with the unknown stone addition attribute. When the knife is flying, there are streamers around it.

When other people saw him showing the knife, they immediately stopped, and the disciples couldn’t help but sigh: "The elders of Liu looked very elegant and plain, and they were cold and lonely. I thought it was a sword master. I didn't expect to use this... ...a rough knife."

"Don't tell me, the knife is really gorgeous. It is not a common weapon at first glance."

"Yes, I feel a certain length of face."

Chu Ming’s heart was vomiting blood. Although he was a teacher, he was not happy at all. Liu Hanzhou actually used a knife, but also used such a rough, windy knife, which is not the same as written in the book. The most important thing is that his base friend ran with people. This special feature hasn't been painted yet. The golden finger hasn't played a role yet. How did it run?

Chu Ming had earlier planned to make a good deal when Chen Shuze was down, and then took the other side to brush the upper bound. After Chen Shuze recognizes his parents in the upper bounds, he will be grateful to himself, and there will be any benefits at that time. Unexpectedly, things will become like this. The most important thing is that Liu Hanzhou is not allowed to go to Qing Jingfeng. How can he contact Chen Shuze to contact his brother?

After leaving the scene, the other two elders did not mind to stay. After they finished the cold, they thought about it carefully. They felt that this was not the elder's fault, and the attitude was too aggressive.

Originally, the granddaughter of Liu’s elder granddaughter was almost killed, and it’s normal to be angry. You can look at the elders but you have to face them. Everyone is in a high position. If you have something to discuss, why bother to make the relationship so rigid?

Good candidates are more like this, and both are somewhat unhappy. Fortunately, they are not lacking apprentices. After two sets of sentences, they directly patted their sleeves and left.

When the head saw it, he quickly left with a slap in the face. He had enough apprentices. He had no plans to accept it this year. Especially today, this one has ignored him, too wrong!

Gu Chang's face is very bad, I feel that these three people are standing on the cold side, targeting themselves. Thinking of the last sentence of the cold, his face became more and more gloomy, and he felt that the other side warned him in front of so many people, and he did not leave any face.

He was somewhat angry, and he had some cold faces on Chu Ming. He was not happy: "We will also go."

Anyway, he just wants to know what chance Chu Ming got, not really want to cultivate.

On the other hand, after returning to the home with the cold, the knife was quickly taken back.

Liu Menger couldn't help but sigh: "Master, your knife... so domineering!"

"Yeah." Chen Shuze also followed the sigh, he always felt that the other party is as cold as a fairy, the weapon used must be a sword called "the gentleman of the instrument", did not expect that it would be a knife, and still so ... domineering knife.

To the cold is very calm, I thought: What is this, the weapon in "Xian Dao" is so domineering.

However, isn’t it a handsome knife? Every time he heard the phrase 'Looking at the 40-meter knife,' he felt handsome. Unfortunately, 40 meters is too long, he can't move.

However, in order to maintain the high cold, he directly ignored this sentence, whispered: "The only thing, you don't have to think about it, you can put your mind on cultivation." Then he said to Liu Menger, "Dream, Chen Shuze After that, it’s your younger brother, you have to get along well. Yes, you first... help him arrange a place to stay.”

"Yes." Liu Menger should have a voice, but after hesitating for a while, he also seriously thanked: "I only thank you for your respect. If you are not a teacher, dreams may, maybe..."

"Okay, I don't have to say this thing anymore, I will ask you for justice." He waved directly to the cold, and then said to Chen Shuze: "You are only at the scene of the test. If you say something, you will hear it. You have already worshipped me as a teacher. Be less in touch with Chu Ming in the future."

He did not expect him to turn against Chu Ming immediately, but at least it must be separated first. Speaking of it, I don’t know why, he suddenly has the illusion of a good fight.

Chen Shuze is naturally willing to listen to the cold, but for Chu Ming, after all, he has been in contact for five years, and he is still suffering. He feels that some things still want to ask and make it clear.

So he hesitated and said: "Master, don't hesitate to say, I have known him for five years. Some things, I want to ask him to understand."

Liu Menger immediately looked at him with surprise. This new teacher is a friend of Chu Ming? No wonder I have to challenge her all the time. Wouldn't I want to be in the middle of Chu Ming? It’s really mad at her, and I’m going to pick a small room for this kid later.

Xiang Han had a quarrel with the elder Gu, and at this time it was a little tired. He only left a soft voice: "With you."

After that, he went straight into the courtyard of Liu Hanzhou.

Chen Shuze stunned, and his expression was full of regrets. He just refuted the master, and the master must be angry with him. Hey, honestly, ‘Yes’ is so good, why not do more. Anyway, Chu Ming does not take him as a friend, because this kind of thing provokes the teacher to be angry, it is not worth the candle.

The more he wants to be annoyed, the next to Liu Meng’s mouth is floating with a smile. After seeing the disappearance of the cold figure, she immediately squinted and coughed and shouted: "Sister?"

Chen Shuze quickly returned to God, and his look returned to normal. He was kind enough: "Sister."

"Yeah." Liu Menger nodded and said: "The Master only has two disciples, you and me. Later on this quiet peak, the Master is the most, I am second, you are the smallest, understand?"

"What about them?" Chen Shuze twitched his mouth and pointed to a disciple who was not far away.

"Cough, except for them." Liu Menger replied directly, and then continued to say the rules: "As a younger brother, you must respect the sister, listen to the teacher's sister, can't..."

"Dream, why are you still here?" Some of the cold can't listen, and come out and interrupt.

Liu Menger stayed for two seconds, then went to the branch: "I am going to arrange a place for the younger brother."

"Yeah." Nodded to the cold, and smiled and said: "Do not bully Shuze."

"Yes." Liu Menger was busy leaving, and halfway through it, Chen Shuze was still standing still, and he turned back and pulled it.

Did not hold back to the cold, and quickly went back to the yard to laugh enough.

Liu Menger led Chen Shuze to wander around Qingjing Peak for a long time, and finally went back to the original place. He found a small stone house in the place closest to the cold courtyard, and then a serious story: "Teacher, the most important thing in cultivation is to endure, endure the endless years." Lonely, endure the test of heaven, and endure..."

"Sister, I know all of this." Chen Shuze was helpless.

Affected by Chu Ming, his impression of Liu Menger was not very good, but he felt that the girl should be pretty good, not as bad as Chu Ming said.

"When the teacher speaks, you must listen carefully and you can't interrupt." Liu Menger's face training, continued to talk about the theory, and said for a long time: "So, in order to hone your heart, I will help you find it." This room. You have to cultivate well, you must not disappoint the hard work of your sister."

Chen Shuze was helpless. If he remembered correctly, they had walked three times before this stone house. Although he is often stupid in the face of the cold, but it is not stupid. Liu Menger’s mind, he has already seen it.

However, he felt that he had wanted to worship the teacher before. Some people really couldn't help the girl, and the relationship with Chu Ming... In short, it was tossed with her.

Moreover, for this stone house, he is still quite satisfied, because it is close to the cold courtyard.

Liu Menger saw that he accepted it so easily, not only did not have any dissatisfaction, but seemed to thank her very much, and suddenly felt guilty.

"That... my younger brother, in fact, I was just joking, or would we look at other places?" She was a little underpowered.

"No, I think it is very good here." Chen Shuze smiled and refused.

"Ah?" Liu Menger is even more guilty. If this is known by the Master, will she say that she is bullying the younger brother?

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