MTL - The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!-Chapter 128 Inverse Master 3

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After leaving the cold for a long time, Chen Shuze still had a smile on his face, and his mood could not be calmed for a long time.

I think that my predecessors appreciate him very much, and may still want to accept him as a disciple. Chen Shuze’s mouth can’t help but rise slightly.

I sneaked into the window for a while, then commented: "It's still a bit silly."

"Reassured, it is normal in front of others." Big A reluctantly, he did not know what happened to the general, and he began to be stupid when he saw the cold.

After a long time, he turned and left, and after all, Chen Shuze could see him. If he was found, it would damage the image.

At this time, Chen Shuze has developed to the point where everything that has been touched by the cold has been collected. But when he wanted to put the stone bench into the Qiankun bag, Chu Ming came back, and he picked up his clothes and sat down on the stone bench.

Chen Shuze was so dumbfounded, he he... he was not willing to sit on his own, how dare Chu Ming? Too much, this is where the seniors just sat!

After returning to God, his face instantly darkened, and there seemed to be entanglement in his head.

Chu Ming did not notice his change, and unceremoniously lifted the kettle on the table, poured himself a glass of water, and then 咕咚 灌 poured.

"Hey, this tea is quite aura, is it a fine spirit tea?" Chu Ming asked with some surprise.

Chen Shuze’s face is already black and can be drenched. That is the fine tea he personally prepared for his predecessors. There are ten teas in total, and he is usually reluctant to drink. Too much more, Chu Ming directly used the Lingyu Cup that he prepared for his predecessors, which is why he is reluctant to use it!

However, at this time he was a bit lucky, fortunately the senior did not drink tea here. If you really drink, Chu Ming is not using tea from his predecessors? I can't bear it when I think about it!

Chu Ming was shocked by his grievances, and he quickly put down the cup and asked, "What happened to you?" After asking and guilty, did Shuze know that he had just seen Xiao Yue?

Chu Ming thinks that Xiao Yue was Chen Shize's fiancee after all, but now he is better with him. Chen Shuze is generous again, and his heart will certainly be a little uncomfortable. He is a self-sufficient person, and feels that regardless of whether he likes it or not, the fact that his fiancee is good with others is detrimental to male dignity. Although Chen Shuze said that he didn't care, who knows what he thinks?

Chu Ming was somewhat unwilling to go, and he was afraid that Chen Shuze would mention this matter. Before he answered the other party, he would turn the topic and say, "Yes, I just went to inquire about it. I already know who is the one who is embarrassed."

"Who?" Chen Shuze quickly returned to God, and then wondered, today someone is embarrassing them?

Chu Ming immediately angrily said: "Liu Hanzhou, he is the uncle of Liu Menger, and one of the four elders of Qingxuanmen."

"He is an elder?" Chen Shuze's eyes lit up. The predecessors seemed to have said that maybe there is a presbyterian willing to accept him as a disciple. Is this suggestion? The seniors really appreciated him and wanted to accept him as a disciple!

Chen Shuze thinks more and more that he feels that he has not guessed wrong, and his mouth can't help but raise his curvature. But in the next second, the fantasy was broken by Chu Ming.

"What are you so happy about?" Chu Ming was somewhat dissatisfied, and then said: "It is indeed an elder. I heard that he still walked the back door and let Liu Menger become an inner disciple. Only after the end of the big game, he officially accepted the apprentice."

"Receiving Liu Menger as a disciple?" Chen Shuze's mood instantly fell to the bottom of the valley. Each time the contestant was compared, the elders received a disciple at most, sometimes not even. Liu’s predecessors have already planned to accept Liu Meng’er as a disciple, then...he?

Perhaps, the predecessor wants to accept him as a waitress? In fact, the waiter is also good, at least close to the predecessors. Chen Shuze comforted himself, and then he thought a little embarrassed. Who made him a false root, and hopelessly built the foundation.

Chu Ming sneered at this time: "However, she is so high-profile now, and she is not afraid of losing time."

"She is the grandson of Liu's predecessors, even if she loses... can also apprentice." Chen Shuze said with some hesitation.

"This can't be said." Chu Ming shook his head, laughing quite a bit mysterious.

Chen Shuze didn't talk any more. He looked at the stone bench under him and suddenly picked it up. He didn't please: "You are sitting almost, and hurry."

"Oh, don't just sit for a while."

Chen Shuze directly pushed him out, then closed the door and worried about the stone bench.

If Liu’s predecessors were just arbitrarily comforting, what should they do if they didn’t even accept his idea of ​​being a waitress? How can he enter the inner door like his qualifications, and get closer to Liu’s predecessors?

Chen Shuze subconsciously reached out and gently rubbed on the stone bench, but remembered that Chu Ming also sat, his face instantly became... indescribable.

After a night, when I woke up the next day, Chen Shuze looked a little embarrassed, took a qi dan, and took a nap before going out.

He just picked up the task of planting Linggu yesterday and is about to go. Chu Ming went to see Xiao Yue early, so he did not accompany him.

After learning that he had received this task, he had already been in Lingguyuan. At this time, he was lying on the branches of the towering old trees to read the novel.

"Hey, it’s really uncomfortable not to go online. You can only find out the old text of the cache."

At the end of the day, he looked down at Chen Shuze, who had already come to the garden and was working hard. Then he slammed the road and directly helped to pour the water.

But Chen Shuze was standing in the middle of Gutian, and was instantly poured a cool heart.

To the cold: "Hey..."

He was busy making up two scorpions, helping the other side to clean up, then stepping on the void and slowly stepping down from the tree.

"Previous, predecessor?" After Chen Shuze returned to God, his face suddenly flew.

"Yeah." He responded to the cold, and then asked if nothing happened: "Is this valley garden to take care of you?"

"Back to the predecessors, yes, but I just took over."

Nod to the cold, boasting: "It's good to take care of."

Chen Shuze was so happy, but he soon realized that Gu Yuan was not his father before, and his predecessors boasted that it should not be him, and he was frustrated.

"Tomorrow is a big deal, why don't you go to practice?" I was worried that he would not participate, and he reminded me of the cold.

"Predecessors, in fact... I haven't decided whether or not to participate." Chen Shuze said hesitantly.

"Because of the root problem?" asked the cold frown.

Chen Shuze bowed his head slightly, although he did not speak, but the meaning was obvious.

I sighed to the cold and wanted to persuade again. I saw the other person suddenly raised her head again. She asked what she expected: "Predecessors, if I can win Liu Shijie, would you accept me to do it... Waitress?"

He wanted to say an apprentice. You can think about it carefully. Which elders will accept disciples who cannot build a foundation? So I changed my mouth temporarily.

Waitress? what is that? Shaking his head directly to the cold and saying, "No."

The expectation in Chen Shuze's eyes disappeared instantly, and some of them looked down. But before he started to feel sad, he said to the cold: "The apprentice is somewhat possible, but the dream is better than you, you ... work harder."

Chen Shuze could not help but stay in the same place until he left the cold, and finally finally returned to the taste. He couldn't help but become ecstatic, and he threw down the valley garden and returned to his residence.

Chu Ming was just in the residence. Seeing that he came back so early, he could not help but ask: "Is the work of Guyuan finished?"

"No." Chen Shuze dropped the sentence and rushed into the house.

Chu Ming was busy looking up at the sky, and then strangely said: "You will still leave the task without doing it? The sun did not come out from the west today."

Chen Shuze was too lazy to care for him. After finding the identity plate, he hurried away and rushed to sign up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Chu Ming shouted at the back, but did not receive any response.

On the first day of Dabi, Chen Shuze wore neatly and tidyly, and even his hair was meticulously combed. He looked nervous and looked forward to it.

Chu Ming reluctantly said: "Add a little oil, as for? I am not nervous about this Lord."

Chen Shuze shook his head and apologized: "Chu brother, I am afraid I can't go to see your game."

"Ah? Why?"

"Because, I also participated in the selection of the contestant." Chen Shuze shook hands with a strong tone, and his tone was firm.

"But you are a pseudo-linguistic root." Chu Ming subconsciously said that he did not despise Chen Shuze, because he knew in his heart that the other person is a person, a demon mixed with blood, and the qualifications are superior, not a waste. But in the inferior world, no one can see Chen Shuze's true qualifications, even if he wins the top prize in the big ratio, no one will be willing to accept him as a disciple.

However, Chu Ming soon realized that he had lost his words, and he explained: "No, Shuze, don't misunderstand, I mean... According to the rules of Qingxuanmen, it may not be useful for you to participate in the big ratio. It is better to wait for me to build a foundation, help you out and find another opportunity. Naturally, my materials will be useful. Believe me, you can cultivate to the five layers of refining with the qualification of Wulingen. There must be something extraordinary..."

Chen Shuze smiled slightly and shook his head and interrupted: "Chu brother, I understand what you mean, but I still want to try."

He and Chu Ming have been together for five years, and they understand that the other party is just an unintentional language. Besides, in the past five years, he has helped Chu Ming and Chu Ming also helped him. In his heart, he is very grateful to the only brother who does not account for this.

Chu Ming saw that he could not move him, but he shook his head and said: "Forget it, anyway, the name has been reported, or come on. With your cultivation, you should be able to sweep the refining group."

The monks who participated in the refining group A were repaired at the fifth and fifth floors of the refining gas. The monks who participated in the group B were repaired at the sixth or higher level of the refining, and the foundation group was also built. According to the regulations, a monk who is a low monk can be challenged by level, but a monk who is a high monk cannot downgrade the dish.

However, the leapfrog means that every opponent you encounter is stronger than yourself, and may be eliminated very early. There is no chance to show yourself in front of the door, let alone be taken as a disciple. It is.

I heard Chen Shuze’s words. Chu Ming was a little surprised, then turned and said: "He is the protagonist? Forget it, I hope he will be able to break out in a small universe."