MTL - The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!-Chapter 121 President's Women's Secretary 14-15

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I don’t know how long it has been, and the atmosphere between the two has gradually turned into awkwardness.

Meng Ze finally opened the distance, raised his hand to the side of the cold neck, the warm palm pressed against the skin, and the fingertips rubbed back and forth on the side of the ear.

The chills are uncontrollably, and the earlobe is stained with a thin red. Because it was in the park, there was someone passing by from time to time. He was busy holding the other's wrist and wanted to pull it away.

However, Meng Ze did not loosen it. Instead, he moved his hand to his back. Shi Li pressed him to himself and could not refuse to kiss it.

He first touched gently with his lips, and occasionally scorned with the cold lips, but he was quickly unsatisfied. His hands continued to press toward the cold, and the tip of his tongue sneaked out to test the invasion.

I was very intoxicated when I started to cold, but when I noticed someone passing by, I woke up in an instant and pushed him hard.

The awkward atmosphere was instantly broken, and the atmosphere of both of them was somewhat unstable. After a moment of duplication, Meng Ze whispered: "First go back."

"Oh." Nodded to the cold, his expression was still awkward.

Going back to the car, Meng Ze looked at him and tried to say in a relaxed tone: "Go to lunch first, then go to see Shu Shu together?"

Hesitated to the cold and shook his head and said, "No, let's go back first."

After so long, my uncle should be deflated.

Meng Ze nodded and quickly turned the direction, then did not know where to take out a box of cakes, handed him to say: "First eat some mats."

I chilled and shook my head and said, "Not hungry."

Meng Ze thought he was nervous and could not help but hold his hand to comfort: "Nothing, there is me."

When I was cold, I didn’t understand what he meant. After I understood it, I felt helpless.

For the uncle, he is not particularly worried. When Xiao Han’s mother went early, the uncle took the child with him, and he was called a pet. Don't look at the uncle's anger, but still reluctant to be wronged.

In the original plot, Xiao Hanhan was also exposed, and after being exposed, he was still clamoring to be with Meng Ze. The uncle was angry at the time, but he still gave his old face to ask for Meng Ze. It was only Meng Ze who liked the woman at that time and simply ignored it.

Although it is also exposed today, but Meng Ze likes him, the situation is much better than the original plot, the uncle should be ... easy to accept some? Thinking about the cold.

The car quickly stopped at Si Chuang downstairs. After the two entered the hall, they were told that the uncle was not there.

Xiang Han and Meng Ze glanced at each other and asked: "Do you know where he is going?"

Don't you get into the hospital by him? To the cold heart suddenly nowhere.

"Hey, what are you?" The reception clerk at the front desk was somewhat hesitant, apparently not revealing the boss's whereabouts.

"Cough, I am his son." Cried to the cold.

"..." The receptionist’s expression suddenly froze, and he looked at the beautiful woman in amazement. After a while, he recovered his smile. He said: "Hello, you have already gone home, but he gave me a special explanation before leaving. he."

"Okay, thank you." To the cold sigh of relief, after leaving the hall, hesitantly said: "Or... I will go back by myself, you should not go." So as not to stimulate the uncle.

Meng Ze shook his head and disagreed: "Let's go together and explain things in person, so that you don't have to misunderstand anything." For example, I thought he didn't care or didn't dare to go.

"Okay." Nodded to the cold, see Meng Ze insisted, and can only agree.

When the two arrived at the house, the uncle was lying in the rocking chair of the living room, calmly, seeing them come back with a pile of tonics, and his temper that had just been pressed suddenly came up again.

"Do you still know that you are back? There is still time to buy these messy things. I don't even realize that you are even wrong with yourself." He didn't look at Meng Ze and shouted directly toward the cold.

Putting things down to the cold, I thought, fortunately, I didn't wait for lunch to come again.

"That...not to go to the company for a trip, or to come back soon." He explained a word, then sneaked to the rocking chair, pleading for the uncle to pinch his shoulders.

The uncle took his hand directly and pointed to the sofa next to him, saying, "Go there and sit there."

"Hey." Sit back to the cold and then greet Meng Ze: "You also sit."

My uncle directly looked at Meng Ze, Meng Ze did not dare to sit, stood and said things again.

After the uncle listened, he hated the iron and did not become a steel. "Do you like him so much?"

"Yes, yes." Admitted to the cold face.

Because I secretly love someone, I am willing to dress up as a woman and chase the other company... This reason is really too shameful.

Meng Ze also apologized at this time: "Uncle Shu, this does not blame Xiaohan, mainly my fault. The act of remarriage was too sloppy, I did not expect to cause such a big harm to Xiaohan, but did not expect..."

"did not expect?"

Hearing that he had filed a retreat, his uncle was angry and didn't fight. Cooperating with this marriage is that he Mengze wants to retire and retreat. If he wants to quit, he will not retreat. They don't want to face their faces?

"Okay, I know this thing, you don't have to say it." The uncle directly interrupted his words, and then said: "But the marriage contract is not a child's play. If you retreat for two months, you will repent. What do you like? Is it? Can you repent after two months?"

"No, I really like Xiao Xiao." Meng Ze immediately promised, but my heart was still a little panic. Sure enough, the previous retreat was so that he had zero credit in front of the prospective father-in-law.

When I was cold, I also helped: "Yeah, Dad, I believe him." Then he said, "And I have something wrong with this. I lied to him, and I’m even..."

"You shut up." The uncle took a look at him and continued to say to Meng Ze: "I believe in your words and believe that you are sincere, but to be honest, whoever loves has not sent a few long-lasting vows? But passion After retreating? Go back and think about it, don't regret it every few days."

After that, he did not give Meng Ze an opportunity to speak out and directly told the nanny: "Zhang Jie, drop off."

When I was cold, I was a little anxious. I got up and said, "Dad, I..."

"You sit down!" The uncle once again yelled at him, but did not listen to the cold, but went straight to the front and said, "Dad, are you not angry at the moment? Let's calm down and talk slowly? I am not with Meng Ze. I am not small when I am impulsive, Meng Ze is also an adult..."

Meng Ze suddenly raised his hand and held his shoulder, and turned back to the cold, his voice stopped.

Meng Zewei smiled and said to his uncle: "Uncle Shu, I can understand your fears, but I hope you can give me another chance. I will prove your feelings for Xiaohan."

My uncle did not object to this time. After all, he wanted to test Meng Ze, not to dismantle the two. Who makes his son like this kid, and even plays a woman to chase it. Hey, he is a son, but he cares like a prostitute.

After Meng Ze left, he sat back in the cold and sighed deeply.

My uncle saw the painful liver pain, and picked up the crutches and pokeed: "What kind of sigh? Like the little old man, hurry to wash the things on your face. What do you think of you now?"

I don't know whether it is a psychological effect or something else. My uncle thinks that my son has become more and more like a woman since she has dressed up as a woman.

In order to help her son get rid of her anger, her uncle is simply working at home, and she is not allowed to go to Mengze to find the cold. If nothing happens, he will urge him to run and basking in the sun.

After knowing this incident, Meng Ze can only comfort the cold on the phone, and then go to the home to report every day without rain or thunder.

The uncle was very polite to him, but he did not let him see the cold.

Meng Ze’s mood has been very low since she has not seen her daughter for nearly a week. This evening, he couldn't sleep, and simply gave WeChat to Han.

When he was watching the drama in the bed, he had a chat without a ride. Meng Ze noticed that he was absent-minded and could not help but ask: Do you miss me?

Yes I do. Two words were sent to the cold, and then continue to watch the drama.

After reading the reply, Meng Ze suddenly sat up and called and said, "I miss you too. I am going to see you."

"Ah? So late?" Something surprised at the cold, but after obsessing the expectation in Meng Ze's tone, he nodded and said, "Oh, but... you drive carefully."

After hanging up the phone, I was not in the mood to watch the drama when I was cold. From time to time, I went out through the window.

Meng Ze arrived very quickly. After hearing the movement to the cold, he took out the prepared rope and ran to the bedside and whispered, "You wait."

"You want to pull him up?" Big A asked with surprise.

"I just slid down." said to the cold side of the rope.

Big A is speechless and then says, "So what is the trouble? On the second floor, it is not enough to let 009 jump."

To the cold: "... forgot."


However, the department is fastened, and it is still cold to choose to slide down the rope.

It’s hard to see each other. The first thing the two did was to hold them together and then kiss them.

After separation, I panted to the cold and laughed. "How come you suddenly think about it?"

"I miss you." Meng Ze's eyes became darker in the darkness, and his eyes stared at him for a moment.

It was a little hot to the cold face, and he simply took him to sit down against the wall and talked about something that was not nutritious.

After chatting for a while, I suddenly remembered something to the cold, and I couldn’t help but ask: "Yes, I was in the beginning... How did it show up?"

He didn't mention it, he said, Meng Ze suddenly couldn't help but shook his head and said, "You were drunk, went straight into the bathroom, in front of me... cough."

Later, he couldn’t say anything, he could only hold back his smirk.

When I was cold, I was speechless. After a long while, I finally couldn’t help but squint and said, "If you don’t say anything, just watch my joke silently..."

"Cough, I was also stunned at the time." Meng Ze said nothing.

"What then?"

For this problem, Meng Ze is more cautious and busy explaining: "I later guessed your identity, understand that you like me to do it, worry that it will hurt you, and then... I will find that I already like it. is you."

"Okay." Going back to the cold and pretending to be calm, he was immune to his confession.

But when Meng Ze remembered those things, he couldn't help but say a few more words.

"Xiaohan, I heard that you are exercising now?"


Nodded to the cold, I was trying to vomit. I listened to Meng Ze and said, "This is good, you have to insist, and there is..."

"What's wrong?" Seeing that he was hesitant, he asked the cold.

"Xiaohan, female... Sex hormones are not good for the body, you should never touch." Meng Ze said something difficult.

"Ah?" Something was awkward to the cold, and I don't understand how the topic got involved.

Meng Ze saw his reaction, but he was not sure if he used it. He could only continue to say, "If it has already been used, it is best to go to the hospital to check it. I have checked the information on the Internet. It is said that... ”

"Wait, do you think that I...injected hormones?" After he understood his meaning to the cold, he suddenly laughed and laughed.

When Meng Ze saw him say this, he suddenly took a sigh of relief and assured: "Nothing."

"What hormone? You both brought me in and made it clear!" The uncle didn't know when he entered the cold room. At this time, he was watching them by the window, and the tone was gloomy.

Xiang Han and Meng Ze were shocked and looked at each other and could not help but smile.

This was originally a misunderstanding. When I arrived at the living room, the two quickly explained it and then looked at my uncle.

Uncle directly drove Meng Ze away, and the next day he went to the hospital to check the pass, which was completely relieved.

Meng Ze knows that this time he has offended the quasi-father and father, and had to go home and ask his parents to help.

When Meng Mu learned that everything had passed, she was surprised and could not speak. I learned that Meng Ze came to ask her and Meng’s father to help me. She suddenly laughed and screamed, but she said: "I will say that you are doing it, retiring and regretting it..."

Although Mengmu’s mouth was on hold, she still distressed her son, and soon she took the father and the son together to be a lobbyist.

In the face of two old friends, my uncle is still very polite, and after Meng Ze's performance is very good, did not dare to make another time, he finally let go, let the young couple get together.

After seeing Meng Ze again, I couldn’t help but scream: "It’s like Romeo and Juliet."

Meng Ze saw that he suddenly appeared in the office, and for a moment he was somewhat stunned.

Cold can not help but wave in front of him, smiled: "Stupid?"

Meng Ze pulled him directly to himself through the table, then blocked his mouth and kissed him.

"Meng Jiahe's family can be without hatred, and we will not be tragic." After the kiss, he said a little gasping.

“Technology has gone backwards.” Looking at the cold, it’s like laughing and laughing.

Meng Ze did not hold back, held his face and kissed him, then said to his forehead: "Is it good to move to me?"

Xiang Han smiled and said: "My dad let me leave, and then live at home."

"Your contract has not expired yet." Meng Ze is a serious man.

"I have turned positive? When did you sign the contract?" asked the cold.

"Now." Meng Ze directly handed over the contract and asked with his eyes.

I took it to the cold, but when I dropped the pen, I deliberately stopped. Shen Shen said: "I have to think about it again."

The expectation in Meng Ze’s eyes turned into a loss, but he pretended not to say: “Be free, but I must move to live with me.”

I saw that he was loaded, but did not break it. He deliberately wanted him to worry, so he calmly said: "Well, I take it back and take a closer look, by the way... discuss with my dad about living outside. ""

Meng Ze was relieved, and the nervous expression disappeared instantly.

Pleasant to the cold, can not help but scorn in the heart: let you install!

He wouldn't have thought of it at this time, and it wouldn't take long before he would regret not signing the contract immediately.

When I left the office, I met the assistant in the cold and said hello to the subconscious.

The assistant saw him and his expression was subtle.

Meng Ze also got up at this time, walked over and said to the cold: "I will send you."

The assistant's expression is more subtle. Before Meng, I also liked to ask the secretary to come. How did you suddenly like men? And... this male and a secretary is like!

"Nina, who was in the office of Meng's office?" After the two left, the assistant couldn't help but ask a colleague.

"It's a small owner of Sitron, Mr. Xiao Xiao." Nina replied.

"Oh, it turned out to be the son of Zhai, it’s no wonder that the secretary is like..." The assistant suddenly felt a little chaotic and couldn’t help but think in his heart. Meng Zong is this... Do you like brothers and sisters or brothers and sisters?

After returning to the cold, it took a long time to finally let the uncle agree that he would move out again.

When I moved to the residence of Mengze, I didn’t have a good room to mention a room. Meng Ze feels that the two people have not been in contact for a long time, and it takes time to adapt to the cold. Besides, it is not easy to persuade him to move in. He should not be reluctant, so he did not mention it.

Therefore, although they live together, they sleep in separate rooms.

To the cold did not return to Mengze's company to work, because when moved out to live, my uncle asked for permission to go to work at his company. The original subject is the interior design, and the profession is also the counterpart.

Living together and working together, the two choose one, and finally chose the former. As for Meng Ze’s contract, it was naturally not signed.

However, Xiang Han is not a person who likes to go to work. Although he also went to work before, it was to chase Meng Ze. It’s hard to catch up now, of course, how tired it is. Therefore, he had an excuse to work in Zeyuan and did not hand over, and he had to drag on for a month before going to think about it.

I haven't been to work for half a month, what other work is going to be handed over? My uncle's thoughts on him were very clear, but they were not broken.

Meng Ze is going to the company during the day, going to the cold and having nothing to do, and often going to see him.

I went to the number of times, and everyone gradually realized the truth and sighed: The secretary is really infatuated!

Xin Luyao knows the latest, saying that he is not enough friends, he must apologize.

Did not refuse to the cold, but with Meng Ze together.

So, a good meal is very incomparable.

No, to be precise, only Xin Lu Yao is the only one, because the whole dog is stuffed with dog food. At this point she finally understood why Meng always looked at her eyes every time.

When she left the restaurant, she couldn't help but whispered to the cold: "If you eat later, don't bring Meng together."

Then, without any surprise, I was baptized by Meng’s eyes again.

It was a bit embarrassing to the cold, but when he was about to say something, his shoulder was suddenly shot and he couldn’t help but turn his head.

“耿小涵? Really you?” The author was dyed with exaggerated yellow hair, his hands in his trouser pockets, and some were swaying.

"Pool...U?" Think carefully about the original memory of the cold, only to remember what the other party called.

"It's me." Huang Mao took the sunglasses and looked at him up and down. He asked, "Where have you been recently? Why didn't you come out to play?"

After talking about Xin Lu Yao, I couldn't help but whistle and whispered, "Oh, let's get to the right girl? No wonder there is no room for buddies."

Xin Luyao frowned slightly, and he did not believe in asking for cold: "Han Han, do you know him?"

Meng Ze also frowned, apparently not very happy with the yellow hair.

Huang Mao listened to the words of the woman, directly reached over the neck of the cold, exaggerated: "Why don't you know, we are..."

"It’s a classmate." He hurriedly interrupted him. He finally remembered who this person was, and he started one of the fox friends who had been chasing Mengze again.

"Classmate?" Meng Ze's face is a bit bad. He straightens his hand and squats down the yellow hair. The tone is full of doubt.

"Is a classmate, right? Chi Yu?" Xiang Han immediately stressed, by the way, Huang Mao.

"Well, we are classmates, who are you?" Huang Mao asked arrogantly.

He rushed to the cold and said: "He is a friend of me..."

The word 'friend' has not been said yet, and Meng Ze suddenly interrupted: "Meng Ze, Xiao Xiaohan's boyfriend."

"Meng Meng, Meng Ze... No, Meng Zong?" Huang Mao was stuttering, and then looked at the cold with surprise.

When he was eager to win his eyes, his eyes were cramping, Huang Mao finally realized, long 'oh', and then holding Meng Ze’s hand, sympathetically said: "It turned out to be Meng Zong, disrespectful and disrespectful ""

"Oh, yeah, that... Chi Yu, we still have things, we will go first, and we will have time to chat in the future." Xiang Han burst into laughter, and then he took the face of Meng Ze to leave.

Xin Lu saw that the atmosphere between them was not right, but it was hard to say anything. After a cold look, he hurriedly left.

On the way back, Meng Ze frowned and asked: "Is that person really your classmate?"

"Really, I knew it when I was in high school." Nodded to the cold, this was not adulterated.

But Meng Ze still frowned, and asked: "What have you been nervous about?"

"Oh..." Hesitated for a moment, and casually wrote: "Because... my previous social circle was chaotic, you don't like it either, so I..."

Needless to say, Meng Ze will understand. He soon sighed and would embrace the cold and whispered: "In fact, you don't have to do this for me. There is still something to be done, just..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment before he continued: "Friends can't make friends."

"Well, I understand." Nodded to the cold, no refutation.

After he succeeded in fooling this matter, he was relieved, but he was not completely relieved. If he had met Chi Yu, he almost forgot the group of friends and friends. It was a hidden danger and must be solved.

After two days, see Meng Ze seems to have forgotten this matter, to the cold can not help but relax, busy looking for opportunities to put the three people together, I intend to use spiritual hints to let them forget the matter.

But unfortunately, Meng Ze was also in the store to the cold, but even more unfortunately, he was sitting next door to the cold.

When he heard the sound of cold, Meng Ze was a little surprised. He was about to get up and say hello, but then he suddenly heard the voice of a slinger saying, "I said Xiao Han, you are really amazing, but really brought Meng Ze to the hand. ""

Is it yellow hair? Why did Xiaohan come to see him again?

Meng Ze’s heart was suspicious and forgot to get up.

"That is, when I heard about Chi Yu, I was shocked with Zhao Liang's chin. Hey, let's talk about how you chased him? Is it really a woman?" The fat man next to Huang Mao ask.

"Yes, yeah, Meng Ze is a straight man! Xiao Hanhan is not bad, wearing a women's dress is definitely good, how can I not get it?" Zhao Liang followed the opening, then curiously asked: "But you are really powerful, change men's clothing. It can still make him die, it seems that Meng Zezhen has been bent, and this time you can be considered a bad breath!"

Bad gas? Meng Ze's eyelids flicked and couldn't help but frown.

"Oh, actually, I am more curious about, when are you going to marry him? It must be very good at the time, haha..."

The author has something to say: Xiang Han: You listen to me explain...

Meng Ze: I don't listen, I don't listen...

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