MTL - The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!-Chapter 112 President's Women's Secretary 3

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Didn't take the opportunity to make a meal, which made the cold a little depressed, is it that he is not pure and charming?

After returning to the office, he sat in his seat and thought seriously. Should he add a class tonight?

Looking at the state of Meng Ze just now, it should be very busy. It is estimated that I will not be able to walk for a while. Xiaobaihua worked overtime until late at night, which is also a standard plot. If you are lucky, you might be sent home...

To the cold, I want to see the corner of the mouth. The more I see Nina, I haven't got off work yet. I am busy and warmly said: "Nina sister, you haven't left yet, is there a lot of work? I will help you."

"This..." Nina was shocked by this warm, beautiful ‘Little Girl’.

After successfully taking over from his predecessors, he returned to his seat with a chilly look and began to think about what should happen in the night of overtime work. However, before he finished his work, he saw Meng Ze’s arm and a jacket passed by the glass wall. He never returned, never returned...

Instantly open into the O-type to the cold mouth, only to find the sound after a while: "How about a routine? How much more can you do?"

At ten o'clock in the evening, I left the cold and bitterly, and complained on the road with the system: "Exhausted, I really miss the world that has become a love route without care."

System: "..." Why are you tired? It is clear that most of the work is done by it.

After returning to the place of residence, he squatted directly on the bed in the cold, and he couldn't be in love: "Xiaojiu, then search for information, wait for the next study."

The system was busy with the search for "吭哧吭哧", but after the search, it was found that someone was already asleep.

The next day, after waking up to the cold, I took a shower with Lingquan water, and suddenly I was a hundred times more confident and confident.

"Xiaojiu, this time the makeup should be more charming, it is best to be enchanting, but not glamorous..."

Before he told me, the nanny suddenly called and said that his uncle had fallen in the morning and is now in the hospital.

To the cold, I had to give up the women's clothing and go to the hospital to take time off from the company. After arriving at the hospital, I found that my uncle fell quite seriously and took a week off from the company.

Because Meng Ze also confessed to let someone take a vacation yesterday, the assistant did not ask why.

However, when answering the phone, Meng Ze just passed, and suddenly stopped and asked: "Why is the secretary asking for leave?"

"Oh, yes." Fang Fang nodded quickly.

Meng Ze nodded a little, then pretended to leave without incident.

Some of the assistants in the party are puzzled. Meng always seems to be particularly concerned about the new secretary. Is it because of the opening of Meng?

Well, if this is the case, then after ten days of dinner, he probably knows who to arrange for Meng’s female companion.

At the time of the cold, I was taking care of my uncle in the hospital. I had to study the Raiders in my spare time. I didn’t expect to ask for an assist.

My uncle was stepping on the air when I went downstairs in the morning. I broke my legs and ribs. It looked very serious, but after fixing it, there was no big problem.

After staying in the cold for three days, he was too stupid.

"You still have to go to work, don't grab the soup with me here." I heard that '耿小涵' really found a job, and my uncle was very pleased. I felt that my son was finally willing to go in, but he was afraid that he would quit halfway and had to urge him. go away.

To the cold, helplessly said: "Then I will come to see you at night."

Seeing that he returned to the company so early, the assistant was a little surprised, and asked subconsciously: "I didn't ask for a week, how come back in advance?"

Gently smiled at the cold and said slowly: "If things are done, they will come back in advance."

His makeup today is a bit flattering, his eyes are slightly picky, and he is somewhat charming when he laughs. But look carefully, your eyes are very clear, as if the previous spirit is just an illusion.

The assistant was a little embarrassed. After returning to God, he coughed and cried. "You just came, this document was taken to sign the word for Meng."

It’s a bit strange to the cold. Does this kind of thing get him a little secretary who just came to do it? However, he can close contact with Meng, and he will naturally refuse.

The door of the office was hidden, knocking twice into the cold, and I heard a low voice coming: "Enter."

Looking down at the clothes in the cold, hesitated again and again, eventually biting his teeth, unbuttoning a button, and then ventured into it.

Don't look at the ash that most of the white flower women are wearing, but which one is not undressing? Ba always loves this tone, and the straight male president like Meng Ze is certainly no exception.

Very confident in the cold, he wears a carefully selected super simulation chest. To be honest, after receiving the goods, he was embarrassed to touch himself.

"Meng Zong, this document requires you to sign the word." His voice is very soft. After a few days of practice, the sound line has obviously improved a lot, and the tail sounds and trembles. When he handed the documents, he deliberately bent down, and the pseudo-business line was looming and very eye-catching.

When Meng Ze looked up, his eyes were right, and he could not help but stay asleep.

Seeing that there is effect, I will continue to work harder and move forward, and whispered, "Mr. Meng?"

Meng Ze brows his head and wrinkles, his eyes quickly move up, and after seeing his face, he is inexplicably relieved.

"Is it you?" Meng Ze was slightly surprised in his heart. He thought, how can he be so fast?

"Yeah, General Meng is very good." Xiang Han smiled.

Is it better? I was impressed. After all, it was the first time in my life that I had broken my chest.

Meng Ze's face was a little black, and the action of picking up the file was a bit stiff. When he touched him with a cold finger, he quickly grabbed the file and pulled it back.

Disappointing to the cold, see Meng Ze quickly turned his attention to the document, and tried to ask: "Meng Meng, are you hungry?"

Meng Ze looked at him strangely and looked at the cold. He immediately said with enthusiasm: "If you are hungry, I am below... No, I will order a lunch for you."

It is the unshirkable duty of Xiao Baihua’s secretary to order food.

Meng Ze looked down at the watch, very good, only at 9:30 in the morning.

“The company has a restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, I go out at noon and don’t eat at the company. I have to read it again. You should go out first.”

"Ah?" Lost to the cold, how is it so unpleasant every time?

"Right, in fact, you can take a few more days to rest." Meng Ze frowned and reminded that he came to work in three days, and if he had another problem, would he not be responsible? Although money is not a problem, recruit a secretary to rehabilitate every day. Who will do it?

"No, Meng, I love working."

Meng Ze: "..."

After returning to the office, I summed it up to the cold. I felt that the first battle was still effective. At least Meng Ze’s statement with him became longer and the number increased. The most important thing is that he still cares about him!

I decided to make persistent efforts to the cold, and I will rush to work for any documents.

More times, Nina could not see that it was wrong. When she went to the pantry, she couldn’t help but whispered: "Xiaohan, are you... like Meng Zong?"

Rao is her voice is low, a few female colleagues next to it still faintly heard, can not help but raise their ears.

Amazed at the cold, tea room, female colleague, talking about the president... how familiar this scene is.

Come here, the routine is coming! Xiaobaihua has a close relationship with the president, but he is being shackled by female colleagues. The president’s road is inconsistent with the help of the knife... No, Meng Ze’s office has a pantry, a lounge, etc., and generally does not come here.

It’s really strange, why do you always have one that doesn’t go online when you want to be jealous? Since the president does not come, it still deny it.

Slightly frowning at the cold, said: "Nina sister, you don't want to say, nothing."

"Ah?" The crowd was disappointed, did not hear gossip, not happy.

To the cold: "..." What are you disappointed with?

Nina also ‘ah’ and then regretted: “We all expect you to take him down.”

To the cold: "Ah?" Say good crowding, why not follow the routine?

"Meng Zong is a workaholic, and we often follow overtime." Nnia spoke.

To the cold: "..." Why didn't you work overtime that day? fall!

"We all think that if there is an object to control him, everyone may be a lot easier."

"Hmm." I heard that everyone nodded.

"But he has more than 30 people, but he has never given a girlfriend, and his boyfriend has not. We all guessed privately..."


"What are you doing?" The assistant did not know when it appeared, and knocked on the door.

Everyone looked awkward and soon left with a cup.

"Hey secretary, come over." Seeing the cold also slipped away, the assistant hurriedly stopped.

To the cold: "..." Why is he always unlucky?

After entering the office, the assistant closed the door and sighed for a long while: "Hey secretary, there is a banquet the night after tomorrow, you will go with Meng."

"The dinner party? Where?" Amazed at the cold, wouldn't that be Meng Ze's initiative for women?

"The specific time and address, I will send it to you on WeChat. The occasion is more formal, let Nnia take you to do a styling, cost the company to reimburse." Then asked, "Is there a problem? No problem, then it is deal."

"No problem." Shi Han immediately shook his head, even if the assistant did not say, he would find a way to mix in. In the unlikely event that Meng Zezhen took the initiative to the woman, what else did he toss?

The assistant of the party heard the smile of the fan, and inexplicably said: "Let's cheer, secretary, in fact, I am very optimistic about you."

It’s a cold face...

On the day of the dinner, I came out to the cold. To be honest, the styling is a bit like the female owner, but there is no way to do this. Whoever makes Meng always love this tone.

At the 8 o'clock dinner, Meng Ze worked overtime until 7:40, and looked at the white beauty inside the car, the expression suddenly felt a bit stiff.

"Meng Zong, I am late." Seeing that he was not getting on the bus, he couldn't help but rush to the cold, and he was still a little embarrassed.

Meng Ze does not seem to be very good, will not rush him down? Hey, it’s not good to start together. He should be playing in the faint light, and he will definitely win the president.

Meng Ze got into the car with some stiffness. After a while, he suddenly turned and asked: "How do you say Tongfanghao?"

"Ah?" Something puzzled.

The light in the car was dim, and Meng Ze slightly tilted his head and saw that his expression was innocent and innocent, and his heart moved slightly.

Hell, he obviously doesn't like women... Well, everyone will appreciate the beautiful things, he must just appreciate the beauty.

"Forget it, drive." He pressed his hand on the temple, and when he saw the arc rising toward the corner of the cold mouth, he suddenly felt his head hurt.

He did not expect this woman to make a meal, but changed her strategy and started from the assistant. Obviously, the ability to work is not bad. You can rely on strength to eat, but you have to find ways to hook up on him. Is it so difficult to use your mind in your work?

The author has something to say: the daily life of Xiaobaihua to Xiaohan:

To Xiaohan: Ah, it’s a new day, the sun is so bright, the air is so fresh~ Come on! To Osamu, you can!

Meng Ze: My wife is probably stupid...

Read The Duke's Passion