MTL - The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!-Chapter 106 End of the world 18

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To the cold material is good, the woman is indeed at the dawn of the base, and because of the use of Lingquan to save Shen Yanyu, success and Shen Shiling to tie up.

Shen Yanyu was the rising star of the military who later cooperated with the Wu family under the line of women. He was actually the son of Shen Shiling. It was not obvious in the early days, and it only emerged a year later.

Commander Shen wants him to pick up his class, but General Zhang is obviously not happy. In order, in the end, it’s the general who will be the one who will be the one who will not be Shen Yanyu. Even if you want to pick people from the younger generation, it should be Wu Yue.

In order to make Shen Yanyu more qualified, Shen Shiling did not let him go out to practice, this incident caused the woman to save.

Originally, after the woman owner saved him, it was time to meet Wu Yue and develop a entanglement with the three male masters. But after the car was coming back to the cold, everything changed. The female host did not open the original car. Wu Yue also found his brother. The two naturally did not intersect.

But the Shuguang base is so big, and the female host is closely related to the Shen family. There is always a time to come across. Therefore, within a few days, Wu Yue calmly put a face back home, and sat on the sofa for a long while, seeing no one cares about him, and finally could not help but say: "Small two, your eyes are not ordinary."

"What's wrong?" Xiang Hanzheng and Xu Yanze peeled the edamame together, and the words were somewhat inexplicable.

Wu Yue moved to the stool and sat down. He said, "I met your ex-girlfriend today. It’s just... Is she guilty of paranoia?"

"Have she really come?" The cold moment was serious, and the color said: "The gas station's account has not been counted with her."

Anyway, if the woman knows that he is still alive, he will definitely start again. He can't sit still. What if Xu Yanze is mentally violent? Keke, this is not his narcissism.

Xu Hanze couldn’t help but look at Xu Yanze. Xu Yanze said directly: "You don't do it, just give it to me."

"Hey, can you both stop and listen to me seriously?" Every day, Wu Yue really can't stand it.

"Well, what happened to her?" Turned back to the cold.

The woman did not do anything bad. Instead, she did a good job and prevented the research institute from continuing the human experiment. This is not related to Wu Yue, but the female owner did not know where to hear, the CDC is also conducting human experiments, and went to stop with Shen Yanyu.

It stands to reason that the research institute is under the command of the commander, and the disease control center is under the control of Zhang Jiangjun. The two sides do not interfere with each other. Although the CDC has not achieved the results of the hand, on several occasions, General Zhang has suffered losses. But after losing money, I didn’t get to the point where I was hit.

After the conflict, Wu Yue immediately took people in the past. After the female owner knew his identity, he became more and more aware that they were not good people. The CDC was tricky.

“Professor Yang really did human experiments?” asked cold.

Wu Yue: "Oh, that's right, but that person was accidentally infected with the virus when he was out of the task, and he agreed. Besides, the antidote came out, always try on people?"

"Oh, then what?" After several contacts, Professor Xiang Yang also changed a lot, knowing that she is not bad.

"How else? Yang Bing's mouth, you don't know, directly put her dog's blood on the head, then I took someone to pick them up. The result was not long, the above ordered, said to cancel the disease control At the center, General Zhang is all in awe."

Xu Yanze said: "Listen to Professor Yang, the antidote is only a clinical trial, and the above suddenly has to be revoked... Do they have a way to deal with the zombie virus?"

"It's not clear, but it's very likely... Hey, how can I get them one step faster?" Wu Yue was upset. After a while, he began to vomit the female master: "80% is her tossing, he is a Shen Yanyu, really When I am the first lady of the future of the base? I want to insert everything."

After talking about it and looking at the cold, he said: "The Shen Yanyu is just like you, and it is also a blind eye. Gu Yu is obviously interesting with the captain, and he is also like a treasure."

You may have a blind eye in your life!

Shaking his head to the cold, but the woman in the name of helping Shen Yanyu to intervene in the base business, the goal is not only to be a lady. What she has to do is the base leader.

To put it bluntly, the woman first wanted to establish a base herself, but she was born too late, and her cultivation time was not long. She also offended the people at the Jiangzhou base until she accidentally saved Shen Yanyu and then put on the idea of ​​the Shuguang base.

Wu Yue did not strip the edamame for a long time, he received a call from Professor Yang, and he rushed back in a hurry.

When I was sleeping at night, Xu Yanze was screaming at the cold and asked softly: "What are you going to do? There are Shen family behind Gu, and there may be antidote, not so good."

The key is that the other party has space. If you are in danger, you can hide in it. It is really troublesome. He didn't think about how to deal with it.

Xu Yanze gathered his eyes in the cold, scorned: "Don't worry, an outsider only, Shen Jia will not make a big move for her. But you must not intervene, in case of any accident..."

He subconsciously frowned, and the things of his life must never be repeated.

Xiang Han wanted to remind him that the woman is not ordinary, but thought again, the female lord just cultivated soon, the strength is far less than Xu Yanze, in addition to escape, life-saving is relatively slippery, there is nothing powerful. Then he let go of his heart and said: "In any case, be careful, you must never face her alone. Of course, I will not."

Wu Yue came back very late, and the incident at the CDC was finally forced down by General Zhang, but he was also offended by Shen.

Thinking of the death of General Zhang, I couldn’t help reminding Wu Yue: “Shen’s family must definitely want to move Zhang Shu away immediately. Brother, you have to be careful.”

"Do you still use your reminder?" Wu Yue yawned and ate the breakfast in a hurry, then said: "I went to sleep, right, Xu captain, Zhang Shu wants to see you, you have time to go."

"He wants to see Xiao Xu?" Wu mother is a bit strange.

"What's going on at work, don't worry about it, come and eat." Wu Mingqi guessed that it was related to the antidote, and he was busy with it.

After dinner, go out with Xu Yanze to the cold. Wu Ming began to call him and said, "What are you doing with you? The planting base is busy?"

"Cough, go... see insight." To the cold casually took a reason, busy Xu Yanze left.

Wu Ming wrinkled his frown and turned and said to Wu Mu: "How do I feel that... they are good like a conjoined baby."

"Is there? It’s probably a long time." Wu said so, but she couldn’t help but raise a little doubt. This is not to say okay, one said... she really feels that something seems wrong.

The purpose of General Zhang’s search for Xu Yanze was very simple. He was smothered by Shen’s father and son. He planned to set up a special action group to recruit only the abilities and formally confront them.

Originally, the leader of this position, he is Zhongyi Wu Yue. However, Wu Yue’s center of gravity is in the army. Obviously he can’t take care of it. He thought about going... He thought of Xu Yanze, who is also his own person.

But I did not expect that Xu Yanze refused after listening to it.

General Zhang did not explain: "Why? Xiao Yang reported to me yesterday that the antidote has been developed, and the end of the last days is just around the corner. You have nothing to do now, join the special operations team, and the status of the base will not be low in the future."

Xu Yanze shook his head and said, "I don't have the ambition, I just want to live the life of ordinary people. Of course, if you need it, I am willing to serve, but it is not necessary to join the special action group."

General Zhang had some regrets, but he did not force it. He only said, "Well, if you regret it any day, come to me at any time."

After leaving the office, I asked the cold consciousness: "Why don't you agree?"

Xu Yanze smiled and said: "If you promised you will be busy, you will have time to accompany you. Besides, there are people who have food and drink, and now they have a good life. Why bother to earn those fame?"

"Ah?" It was a bit dumbfounded to the cold. "I always thought that you were an ambitious and ambitious person..."

"How, disappointed?" Xu Yanze asked.

Tang Han’s face tangled: “Not, yes... I was afraid of delaying you, I didn’t expect...”

Xu Yanze couldn't help but sneer at him: "It turns out that it's no wonder that you didn't let me do the generals before."

"Which is wrong? At that time, it was forced by the situation."

Xu Yanze couldn't help but clench his hand and whispered: "In fact, what I thought about is always a calm life, especially after those things. Now think about it, how about holding a thousand troops? It is better to accompany you. It is comfortable to eat snacks and sun in the small courtyard."

I thought about it for a cold, then I nodded and nodded, and agreed: "It is true, it doesn't matter, you will eat with me and die, anyway, I can afford it."

The woman and Shen Yanyu just passed by, and they looked at the hands they had handed and gave a sneer from the nose.

In the eyes of Xu Yanze, the smile instantly turned into cold, and stared at each other.

To the cold also snorted, simply pulled his hand in front of the woman and asked: "Gu Yu, the gas station is your design."

"How is it?" Gu Yu smiled coldly, but after the completion of the whole person, he stopped and did not understand why he would tell the truth.

Seeing the effect, to strengthen the spirit of hints to the cold, Shen Sheng said: "Not how, have revenge, I will not stay in the future. But before that, should you give me the ring? After all, It’s not a good idea to break up and keep the ring of ex-boyfriend.”

After that, he also looked at Shen Yanyu with a hint. Shen Yanyu’s eyes flashed doubts, and some doubts looked at the woman.

To the cold, I wanted to borrow the spiritual hint to let the female host exchange the ring. After all, the female lord has already confessed to the Lord and can't take it.

But the woman apparently realized what she was, and she was quickly warned. After practicing, she improved her mental strength. After several struggles, she still said that "the ring is my pick, you just paid for it..."

"But I remember, you only picked the female model, but the male hand in your hand. Take it down, break up, wear it and don't feel awkward?"

The woman’s eyes flashed in the eyes, but I didn’t know what she did, and soon she recovered calmly. She said coldly: “You will hypnotize.”

Shen Yanyu heard the words, his face suddenly changed, and he took her away.

I regretted that I was cold, and thought that I had planted so much food, my mental strength would be greatly improved, I did not expect...

"You were just hypnotizing?" Xu Yanze also noticed that the cold eyes were not right. After listening to the words of the woman, they asked the sentence casually.

When I looked at him to the cold, my mind suddenly flashed a thought, and my eyes suddenly brightened.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yanze was a little surprised.

"Nothing." Xiang Han quickly shook his head, and then thoughtful, his mental strength is not enough, suggesting that the female master, can be extended Yanze level enough!

The author has something to say: Professor Yang: "The antidote has been developed, I hope you will keep it confidential."

Xu Yanze: "Of course."

Turning his face and telling the cold, turning to the cold and telling Wu Yue, Wu Yue turned his face...

Wu Yue: "Professor, immediately double eleven, antidote a 50% off, promotion sell me!"

Professor Yang: "What about good confidentiality?"

Xu Yanze: "Mys is a little silly, telling him that he is talking to himself."

Read The Duke's Passion