MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 78

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Gong Wei stepped forward immediately, only to see that Xu Shuangce's soul had entered his body slightly, and the muscles in his arms tensed for a moment before he stopped moving.

"Worthy of being the God of the East Heaven, the power of the soul is very strong, and it will react after only half of the soul is integrated..." Xuan Jinghe couldn't help but sigh: "In the past, I was lucky enough to meet the God of the East Heaven in the Heaven Realm. At that time, I felt that this senior was from the Three Realms. The strongest **** in the world, now it seems that it is indeed the case. As long as the **** returns to his original position, the chaos in Beiyuan will definitely be eliminated."

It takes time for the three souls, seven souls, and seven chakras to fully melt into the corpse. Gong Wei looked at the phantom of the soul flowing in light gold in midair, and his eyes seemed a little sad.

After a while, he let out a sigh of relief, and looked away at Xuan Jinghe: "What did you mean when you said that you will die soon? Whose blood is this?"

"..." Xuan Jinghe was silent for a moment, and then said: "It's Prince Ghost."

Yu Chirui had already walked to the side of the altar, and was about to dip his little finger into the pool of blood. Hearing this, he quickly withdrew his hand and put it behind his back: "Is this some kind of confinement formation?!"

Anyone who sees the blood pool will feel that it is some kind of cruel forbidden formation. Unexpectedly, Xuan Jinghe shook his head: "The blood pool itself is just for hanging, the real imprisonment formation is here."

He slightly raised the sleeves of his robe, and saw blood-red tattoos drawn on his slender arms into flirtatious and gorgeous flowers, meandering and blooming, with fine brushstrokes. One can imagine that the skin covered by the robe is covered with these tattoos. plant something.

Gong Wei said "ah", "Blood Manluo..."

"The ghost prince is eloquent and has insight into people's hearts. There must be no weakness in front of him, otherwise he will be easily manipulated and slaughtered. Therefore, I have been very careful since the first day I went to Guiyuan and trapped him in the deepest part of the underworld. In the chaotic space, preach the Taoism for an hour every day, and ignore it for the rest of the time."

Xuan Jinghe's teeth tightened a little when he said this: "For thousands of years, Prince Ghost has kept his duty and repented sincerely, without any signs of abnormality. Until a hundred years ago, I finally believed that he had repented a little bit. , so he was allowed to escape temporarily and returned to the Twelve Mansions of Onigaki..."

Gong Wei said slowly: "You really shouldn't do this, Qu Xie never said the word "repent."

Xuan Jinghe nodded and said: "Thinking about it now, it's too late to regret. It was at that moment that he planted the deadly blood manro."

In terms of Xuan Jinghe's toughness, it is literally impossible for the culprit who launched the World Annihilation War to win his trust.

But Ghost Prince was able to pretend to be gentle, courteous, and impeccable. For nine thousand years, there was no mistake, no abnormality, or even a slight imperfection; It can be seen from this that the situation is in control of the overall situation, and the cruelty of the methods is terrifying.

He is a collection of the worst aspects of human nature and a master of manipulating people's hearts.

"I'm trapped here, I can't make a sound and I can't leave. The blood manro will absorb my blood continuously until it dries up, and then I will die of blood exhaustion." Xuan Jinghe's lips curled up with a hint of sarcasm, and said: " But the Ghost Prince was actually very afraid that I would really die, so he released this pool of blood, hanging my life day after day."

Yu Chirui still stared at the pool of blood, and couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

"Because I didn't just get caught without a fight."

Xuan Jinghe raised his hand and pointed at the ghost prince on the Moyu high seat in the distance, and saw a small light golden bay leaf suddenly lit up between the eyebrows of Quxi's divine body, which flashed and then disappeared.

"This is…"

"Life and death together." Xuan Jinghe's voice was cold to the bone, "The moment I was hit by the blood man Luo, I immediately used all my strength to cast this talisman, which can confine his divine body within a hundred steps around me. When I At the moment of death, the body of this **** will also be wiped out and completely perish."

Although he already knew that Xuan Jinghe was a stump when he witnessed the World Annihilation War, but now seeing it with his own eyes, it is even more embarrassing and admirable, and Yu Chirui couldn't help but lose his voice.

"The ghost prince can shape his own body to move around in the human world, but if his divine body disappears, the power of his divine soul will be greatly reduced." Xuan Jinghe smiled wryly: "Furthermore, although I have not been able to seek help from the heavenly realm for a hundred years, But if I die, the upper heavens will still sense it, and then he will not be able to hide what he did."

Gong Wei stood in front of the huge altar, his eyes were very sad, and he said: "We will find a way to prevent you from dying."

Xuan Jinghe shook his head slowly: "Actually, I don't really want to live anymore."

He didn't even show such a dispirited look when he cut off every inch of his bones and turned himself into a soldier with his own hands, but now he was so exhausted that he couldn't hide it: "This blood manro will erode the skin until it completely rots." , so I have to change my skin every once in a while... I have changed nine times in a hundred years, and I have learned not to guess where the ghost prince got the new skin."

Even Gong Wei's expression changed in astonishment, Yu Chirui said in surprise: "Change skin!"

"The later you change, the faster the skin will be eroded. The upper body has lasted for four years, and this body is almost rotten in less than two years." Xuan Jinghe took a deep breath, and the ending sounded a little An imperceptible trembling: "Day after day suffering is purely increasing pain, I just want to be free. If I bestow godhead to the East God, at least I can see the ghost prince put to death before I die, even if I fall into reincarnation, You can also go on the road with a smile."

Gong Wei said hoarsely: "Xuan Jinghe..."

At this time, the gilded phantom in the midair had almost completely entered his body, and the huge crack on Xu Shuangce's chest healed completely, leaving only a light scar.

Gong Wei tightly closed her eyes and said tremblingly, "I can't do that..."

Xuan Jinghe asked back: "Why can't you do that?"


"If you let the ghost prince go this time, there will only be endless disasters in the future. The original intention of Beiyuan Shangshen was actually kind, but there was still a slight flaw in his heart, which was magnified by infinite instigation, and finally turned into a situation that cannot be turned back today. Will the fairy **** be instigated by the ghost prince after ascending? There is no such thing as an impeccable Taoist heart in this world."

Gong Wei's shoulders trembled slightly, and finally said with difficulty: "...No, Xuan Jinghe. I can't do that because Xu Bai has my own selfishness..."

Xuan Jinghe was a little stunned, stunned, and said softly: "Is that so?"

He looked at the profile of Xu Shuangce who was floating quietly not far away, and then at Gong Wei, with a slight smile in his eyes for a long time: "There will be pain if you have selfishness, but it will also give birth to a lot of joy, expectation and courage. In this way In other words, being selfish is not a bad thing."

Gong Wei raised his head, as if hot and sour liquid flowed back into his throat.

Xuan Jinghe stared at him, with a gleam of water in his clear eyes: "Please don't feel sorry for me. If I am lucky enough to form a fairy relationship in my next life, I will practice hard work and see you again."

The dark wind swept across the main hall from nowhere, and on the high black jade seat, the divine body of the ghost prince suddenly glowed red.

Gong Wei immediately looked back, Xuan Jinghe said: "His incomplete soul is coming back!"

Yu Chirui's first reaction was to draw his sword to chop, but Xuan Jinghe stopped him: "It's useless. The jade seat is his enchantment, and no external force can invade it, even the thunderstorm from the sky can't get in."

The enemy is currently unable to cut down, Yu Chirui is extremely unwilling: "...I really can't try?"

Xuan Jinghe said: "In the ghost wall, your divine power has been suppressed to the limit. Once you get into a fierce battle, it will be difficult to escape. It is really unwise. The top priority is the God of Beiyuan and the soldiers who destroy the world."

He raised his hand to signal Yu Chirui to be calm, and then spread his palm.

A pale golden aura gradually condensed in his palm, condensing into a bright and rotating ball of light, which became more and more bright and dazzling, and his face became paler and more painful. Gradually, the ball of light rose up and left the palm. Xuan Jinghe held on to his sleeve with the other hand to endure it. His face convulsed because of clenched teeth, and cold sweat dripped down his cheeks.

The clear and brilliant godhead passed over the altar, reflecting the deep hall as bright as day, until it suddenly turned into a dazzling light curtain in front of Xu Shuangce!

In that curtain of light, Xu Shuangce gradually recovered the true face of the legendary Middle Eastern **** nine thousand years ago, and his ivory-white robe with black trim fluttered up, extending out complicated and sacred spell patterns; Trembling, Gong Weiyi let go and flew out like a meteor, hovering in Xu Shuangce's hand, making a long and clear cry like a dragon's whistling!

After the godhead merged into Xu Shuangce's body, Xuan Jinghe let out a breath of exhaustion and relaxed instead.

He has been trapped in the pool of blood for a hundred years, but his own divinity is repulsed from his surroundings, so he endures great pain all the time. Now that his divinity has disappeared, he can finally get a short period of peace, and he is even a little relieved: "It may take a few days for the godhead to fully recover, and then you can welcome the God of the East to return to its original position. If you can see the demeanor of the senior with your own eyes, it will be a blessing. !"

Gong Wei's eyes were bloodshot, and he whispered: "You and I will definitely meet again..."

Xuan Jinghe replied with a smile: "Natural life and death and reincarnation, why regret it?"

The ghost prince on the black jade seat in the distance became more and more red, Xuan Jinghe flicked his sleeves, and a huge crack opened on the soles of his feet silently, and the strong wind howled upwards!

"Prince Ghost is coming back. It is inevitable that he will be bumped into by going back the same way. It is best to take a detour by the Santu River. Fortunately, you have broken his spirit. Now is his weakest time, and he cannot leave this bedroom. "Xuan Jinghe bowed deeply to Gong Wei for the last time, and when he got up again, his complexion was already pale a lot, it was because his whole body was quickly attacked by blood Man Luo after losing his godhead, but his expression was comfortable and calm: "This time To get rid of the culprit will definitely be punished, I hope you and senior will cherish it!"

Gong Wei took Xu Shuangce's cold and drooping hand, and said hoarsely, "Treasure!"

A strong wind suddenly blew up, and at the same time, their feet were empty, and they suddenly fell into the huge space rift!

After the three of them disappeared, the crack closed immediately, and the deep hall returned to silence, with nothing unusual to be seen.

Xuan Jinghe stared at the direction they left for a long time, hope and nostalgia flashed in his eyes, after a long while he finally closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

With a movement of the barrier on the Moyu Seat, the Ghost Prince opened his eyes, and the severely damaged spirit finally returned.

"Cough cough cough—"

Silver blood froth kept coughing out of Ghost Prince's mouth, and it took a long while to calm down. Going back to the dormitory where he had the strongest divine power and the strongest control allowed him to recover a little bit. He took a breather for a moment, got up and broke through the boundary, walked down the nine black jade steps step by step, passed through the main hall and climbed to the altar, stepping on blood. The surface of the pool came to the motionless Xuan Jinghe, knelt down on one knee and said softly, "Master, I'm back."

Xuan Jinghe closed his eyes slightly, like a deep but indifferent statue.

Ghost Prince reached out his hand to pick up some of his long hair, stroked it with his fingertips for a moment, then raised his eyes and said: "Why do I feel that outsiders have visited this palace?"

Xuan Jinghe didn't answer.

"It doesn't matter." Ghost Prince frowned and smiled, leaning forward and sticking to Xuan Jinghe's ear, just listening to his voice, he seems to be a sweet and enthusiastic young lover, but every word is so poisonous that it makes one's heart chill: "—Even if Gong Wei comes, he can't take you away from this pool of blood. Do you still remember the words I often said to you when I was trapped in the depths of the underworld?"


"For the past nine thousand years, you have been the driving force behind my life every day."

The young man's slender and strong fingers slipped from Xuan Jinghe's hair, cherishing and careful, until he kissed the tip of the hair on his lips: "It's all because I can see your current appearance with my own eyes one day."

As soon as he stood up, the corner of Xuan Jinghe's lips twitched suddenly.

The ghost prince found out immediately, and squinted his eyes, as if he had noticed something, he said softly, "Master, is there anything happy about it? It doesn't look like it at all."

Xuan Jinghe asked back: "Why don't you guess?"

"..." Ghost Prince stood there with flickering eyes, ignoring his severe trauma, immediately distributed his perception throughout the entire deep hall, inspecting it inch by inch, but found nothing wrong.

The more normal his heart sank, until all his perceptions were withdrawn from all directions, and finally concentrated on Xuan Jinghe in front of him, his expression changed drastically in an instant, and he stretched out his hand to press the center of Xuan Jinghe's eyebrows in disbelief.

"Master," Ghost Prince's always lazy and smiling expression has completely changed, even being hit by the catastrophe can't describe his eyes at this moment: "Where's your godhead?"

Xuan Jinghe smiled and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to appreciate my current appearance for a long time."

The ghost prince grabbed his skirt with one hand, and said sharply, "Where did they go?"

Xuan Jinghe raised his eyebrows: "Guess?"

Ghost Prince didn't waste any more time, turned around and rushed to the twelve palace gates in the sky like lightning, but just after flying a hundred steps away, a golden laurel leaf suddenly appeared on his forehead-the binding spell of life and death was activated instantly.


The ghost prince fell to the ground in an instant, crushing the black jade floor tiles with one kick!

His soul had just been broken up by Gong Wei, so he couldn't leave his divine body at all, and his divine body couldn't leave this huge bedroom, he was trapped here alive!

Ghost Prince's ten fingers stabbed fiercely into his palm, and suddenly disappeared on the spot. The next moment he appeared in the pool of blood, his bloodshot palm clasped the back of Xuan Jinghe's head, forcing him to lean towards him, almost touching his forehead: "You think I'm just so helpless, don't you?"

Xuan Jinghe met his eyes without any emotion.

"No one can take you away from here, not even death—" Ghost Prince said in a soft voice with a icy cold expression, "Because I am the **** of death."

He raised his hand to pinch Xuan Jinghe's chin, lowered his head and kissed her.

Read The Duke's Passion