MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 75

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"..." Gong Wei gasped for every word: "Xu Bai, are you crazy?"

With such a powerful spiritual body protection, it is almost invulnerable at this moment. Xu Shuang's strategy was slightly over the head, from this angle Gong Wei could only see the sharp and slender end of his eyes: "Did you see it? If you saw it, don't try to kill me here, don't waste your time."

Gong Wei lowered his voice and shouted: "Do you know that this place is about to collapse completely! Do you want to die together in..."

Before the words were finished, there was a loud rumble above the head, and the huge sky with a radius of thousands of miles above collapsed, revealing a black bottomless abyss, and the strong wind made everyone stagger half a step!

Xu Shuangce pulled Gong Wei's wrist and shouted, "Go!"

A ray of snow-white sword light strikes head-on, the sword aura is as invincible as a huge wave on the flat ground, and it is Ying Kai who stands up from the half-collapsed mountainside in the distance. Xu Shuangce swung his sword to block the blow, and Ying Kai appeared in front of them, flicking his sleeves: "The gods are called back!"

Countless primordial spirits flashed with spiritual light, rose from every corner of the earth, pierced the sky like meteors, and gathered in Ying Kai. Immediately, his whole body was shrouded in invisible billowing flames, and after more than ten sword strikes with Xu Shuangce, all the surrounding mountains, rocks and trees exploded into pieces, and rushed in all directions.

"Want to leave here?" Ying Kai glanced past Xu Shuangce to look at Gong Wei, and shouted in a deep voice, "Leave the eyes!"

Gong Wei's answer was to slash Ying Kai's throat from bottom to top with a sword, and the latter raised his head to avoid it instantly, but the sword energy still drew a long bloodshot line on the mandible.

Immediately afterwards, "Boom!" The prefect Bai collided with Ding Shanhai, Gong Wei firmly resisted Ying Kai, and said coldly, "Why do you want to hide?"

Ying Kai said, "Of course I am..."

"If you are killed by me, you will immediately escape from the dream and return to the present world. You can immediately go down to the underground palace to rebuild the Tongtian Dao. If you want to ascend and destroy the world, no one can stop you—so why hide?!"


Gong Wei drew his sword again and swiped again, and was about to cut off Ying Kai's head in an instant, but he was blocked by his horizontal sword through gritted teeth, and delivered a loud blow!

"Because you also know that once you return to the present world alone and time resumes to flow on the Ascension to Immortal Terrace, I will immediately be pierced by helplessness, and the dream will completely collapse, and everyone who stays in the dream will be shattered." With the sound of rubbing against each other, Gong Wei leaned over to Ying Kai's ear, and said word by word: "—You can't bear it."


"Yu Chirui, Mu Duozhu, Liu want to bring them all back to the present world, even if you know that they will continue to prevent you from ascending after you return to the present world." Prefect Bai forced Ding Shanhai back, Ying Kai staggered back After a few steps, Gong Wei's eyes were cold with a hint of pity: "You are both extreme and indecisive, both extremely painful and unable to let go, both full of overwhelming hatred and little compassion... You hate such a distorted self, and even more hate letting go of you. You have become such a world, so you can only make them disappear."

The earth-shattering cry from back then rang out from Ying Kai's ears again, and each sound could be clearly heard: "If you don't save yourself from death, it's worse than a pig or a dog!"

"Don't you want to become a fairy and become a god? Why don't you save us!"

"Tens of thousands of people knelt down and begged him for seven days. They shouldn't have begged him in the first place, but just for their own ascension..."

"...Shut up," the veins protruded from Ying Kai's forehead, and two hoarse words burst out from between the jaws: "Shut up!"

"It's my fault. You really shouldn't have been allowed to ascend back then." Gong Wei clenched the hilt of his sword and said in a low voice, "You can't reconcile with this world, not even with yourself."

Ying Kai roared, "Stop talking!"


Ding Shanhai slashed at his head in a shocking manner, and Prefect Bai blatantly fought back. Xu Shuangce galloped towards Ying Kai and slashed at Ying Kai, bursting out with violent energy every time he collided, rushing towards all directions layer by layer in a ring shape!

Ying Kai couldn't stop Xu Shuangce at this time, let alone Gong Wei, who retreated repeatedly under the attack of the two. Seeing this, the ghost prince on the ground frowned, and was about to get up, but his footsteps stopped, and he tilted his head like lightning, two sharp lancet blades spun past his face, and a few strands of temple hair fell silently.

The blade whirled back, and was firmly held by Mu Duozhu's fingertips, and he shouted: "Stop the ghost prince!"

Not everyone present may be able to immediately respond to Kai, but there is no hesitation towards the ghost prince. Immediately, more than ten monks drew their swords and rushed over. Qu Xi gave a soft "tsk" sound, and sighed: "Mortal." Then he plunged the blood sword into the ground, made a spell with both hands, raised his eyes with a cold light, and uttered a word coldly: "Shuo!"

Yu Chirui: "You guys—"

Before the word "heart" came out, countless chain-like blood-red curse seals had already centered on the ghost prince, rapidly extending east, west, north, south, along the ground to all the monks present, like thousands of hissing poisonous snakes.

"What, what's going on?" "Let go of me!" "This thing keeps chopping!"...

Everyone was locked tightly by circles of blood-red spells, exclaiming one after another, and the fairy swords fell to the ground one after another. At this time, Gong Wei swung his sword to push Ying Kai back a few feet, caught sight of this scene out of the corner of his eye, and immediately shouted: "Changsheng catches it!"

At the same time as the words came out, a talisman flew out of his sleeve, condensed into a rope with flashing spiritual light in mid-air, and shot towards Yuchi Rui!

As long as you hold on to this rope, you can walk with them, but at this critical moment, Yu Chirui panted and shook his head, and suddenly cut off the blood-red chains that were crawling towards his feet along the ground, and then The Rakshasa Pagoda slashed out a sword light, and the mantra on his nephew Yu Chixiao's body in the distance "Kara!" broke in response.

Ye Jinmen's young master immediately drew his sword and rushed forward, wanting to help: "Master Jianzong..."

But Yu Chirui waved his hand fiercely, and with overwhelming force, his nephew was blown up into the air, and Gong Wei's rope snatched him upright!

What did Gong Wei realize: "Longevity?"

Yu Chixiao struggled hard: "Uncle!"

"Take him away!" Jian Zong's roar overwhelmed everything: "I'm here, hurry up and don't look back!"

It's not too late now, Xu Shuangce used his sword to push back Ding Shanhai who was coming again, Ying Kai wanted to stop him, but the Rakshata sword behind him had already reached the sky, so he had to turn around first to block the majestic sword.

In this instant, Xu Shuangce had already passed by, holding Gong Wei with one hand and dragging Yu Chixiao with the other, and charged into the distance like a sharp arrow without looking back!

Ghost Prince narrowed his eyebrows: "Do you want to leave now?" Then he drew his sword and wanted to chase after him. But when there was a deafening bang, the Rakshasa Pagoda was burning with blazing red gold flames, colliding with the blood sword brazenly, and the rock under the feet of Yu Chirui and Ghost Prince shattered into powder at the same time!

At this time, all the monks were more or less nailed in place by the blood-red spell, only Yu Chirui stood in front of Prince Ghost and Ying Kai with a sword. There was a cold light in the ghost prince's eyes, and he looked Yu Chirui up and down: "Do you really think you can stop us?"

Ying Kai also had a premonition: "Changsheng, don't do stupid things. Everything that happens in the dream doesn't have no effect on reality."

However, Yu Chirui turned a deaf ear to it, the air around him was tightening, and an unusually strong force rose from his feet, and the surrounding gravel, large and small, began to vibrate, and then slammed! boom! In the sound, it exploded into stone powder at the same time.

"Gong Wei," he panted without looking back.

Lingli sent every word to a distance, as if it sounded right next to Gong Wei's ear, every word was hoarse and clear: "You are my only brother, Yuanju is my only blood relative, Xu Shuangce..."

He paused, and said honestly, "Although Xu Shuangce still doesn't like it, you must get out alive."

Gong Wei's hands in his sleeves trembled slightly, only to hear him finally say: "On Shengxiantai, I'm sorry, I shouldn't believe you."

When the last word was uttered, Yu Chirui's radius of ten miles collapsed at the same time, and the red gold radiance rose from the ground, like a huge diamond shield standing up to the sky.

Jianzong's golden core has completely exploded.

The Excalibur Rakshasa Pagoda burst into flames that soared into the sky. It was extremely tyrannical and terrifying, and lit up half of the sky!

"...Qu Xie..." Gong Wei burst out the sound of words between his teeth, and then roared to shake the mountains: "Qu Xie!"

Bai Taishou came through the air with a sword, and the unprecedented fury of the sword light was as high as a hundred feet, like a blade tearing the ground, the **** sword came out with a bang, and blood splashed from the ghost prince's chest in an instant!

Ying Kai drew his sword and slashed, the next moment the Rakshasa Pagoda came crashing down, dazzling spiritual power enveloped Yu Chirui's whole body, knocking Ying Kai and his sword flying dozens of feet away!

The sword light from Ying Kai's sword rushed high into the sky and hit Xu Shuangce's back directly, but Xu Shuangce didn't even look back, and shouted: "Blood River Chariot!"

A long howl resounded across the sky, and four divine birds drove out through the clouds in a giant car, drawing a huge inverted arc in everyone's sight, and snatched Xu Shuangce, Gong Wei, Wei Chixiao and the three of them out, the timing was perfect At the peak, the sword light from Ding Shanhai passed by.

Immediately afterwards: "Roar!"

Bi Fangniao spewed out a mouthful of flames aggressively, directly engulfing the sword light and burning it up. Then the four divine birds glided together, streaked across the sky like a meteor, and disappeared in the vast northern sky in an instant.


The three crashed into the car at the same time, and the door slammed shut tightly.

Yu Chixiao didn't even hit him, he got up and was about to rush out, but Gong Wei raised his hand, and the invisible barrier immediately knocked him back, staggered half a step, and knelt heavily on the ground with his knees.

"...Uncle..." Yu Chixiao put his forehead on the ground, trembling all over his body due to trying his best to suppress it, the veins on the back of his neck and hands were bulging, and he punched the floor in a long while to vent his anger.

"My mother, my uncle, I pay tribute to the 1,200 children of Jinmen...they all, they all—"

No one answered him, except for the whistling of clouds and mist outside the window, the car was silent.

"You must have a solution, right?" Yu Chixiao turned around suddenly, every word was full of despair: "They won't all be lost, will they?!"

Following his line of sight, Gong Wei stood tall, with half of his side shrouded in shadow, and it took him a long time to raise his beautiful and cold eyes, the fundus of which was bloodshot, but his voice was calm and clear: "Yuanju, I want to tell you something. Not a warm fact."

"Tiandao is not all kind to the world, even I have a cruel side. I will take risks for the lives of innocent people, but the risks are limited, and I will not finally let Bei Yuan and Ghost Prince go."

Yu Chixiao's pupils trembled slightly: "...the way of heaven?"

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the world was chaotic, and the way of heaven was a double-sided mirror suspended in the sky and the earth. The world's joys, sorrows, sorrows, weddings and funerals, birth, old age, sickness and death were all reflected in the mirror; over time, the side that sees the goodness and joy of the world is full of clarity. Qi, is moving more and more towards the heavenly realm, and the side that sees the world's privateness and truth is filled with turbid Qi, falling more and more down to the lower palace."

Gong Wei paused, and said: "So the two sides of the mirror separated, the former transformed into me, and the latter transformed into Qu Xie."

"..." Yu Chixiao murmured, "Is it the ghost prince?"

"He just didn't want to admit his relationship with Heaven, so he nicknamed himself 'Prince Ghost' on a whim, which was later believed to be true by the world, and spread rumors." A slight sneer appeared on the corner of Gong Wei's lips: "And he The reason why he instigates Beiyuan Shangshen to destroy the world is also very simple. It is for the sake of more dead people in the world. Gaining power and entertainment for pleasure, even if people are completely wiped out from the world."

"He hit it off with Beiyuan Shangshen, so there was the world-destroying battle nine thousand years ago. If I can't completely beat them this time, the war of destroying the world will inevitably rise again, and then it will be very difficult to fight again." Packed up."

Yu Chixiao froze in place for a long while, tears gradually welled up in his eyes, and said hoarsely: "But my uncle..."

Gong Wei was silent, and it took a long time before he whispered: "Yuanju, your uncle asked me to bring you back to this world, I swear you will survive."

Yu Chixiao roared angrily: "I don't need to live! Let me go back and fight to the death! I—"

"When the last moment comes, I will kill you and Xu Bai together. As soon as you leave the dream, the time in this world will resume to flow, and the whole dream will immediately disappear with me on the Ascension to Immortal Platform." Gong Wei stared Looking at him, his eyes were tired and calm: "Yuanju, if one day in the future you ascend to Taoism, standing at this height, you will understand everything I have done today."

Yu Chixiao dug his fingers deeply into the floor, his whole body was tense and trembling. Gong Wei stretched out his hand to pat him on the shoulder, but before that hand fell, suddenly a huge force struck from behind, like invisible shackles, twisting Gong Wei's hands behind his back like lightning, "Crack!" locked.

Gong Wei turned around in surprise, only to see Xu Shuangce pacing out from behind, and said indifferently: "You can talk, but don't touch."

"Xu Bai..."

Xu Shuangce stood still, stretched out his hand to stroke his eyes, and gently brushed his eyelashes with his palm.

"You can't kill anyone." Gong Wei heard Xu Shuang say before losing consciousness, "Go to sleep."

Yu Chixiao's eyes widened in astonishment, only to see Gong Wei collapsed silently, was scooped up by Cangyang Sect Master, and fell into his strong arms.

"..." Yu Chixiao opened his mouth and said with difficulty: "Sect Master Xu, you are..."

Xu Shuangce said indifferently: "Let's go to Tianmen Pass."


"Hmm." Xu Shuangce looked out of the car window, and the clouds and mist that were flying backwards were reflected in his dark and sharp eyes: "To bet on the third way other than life and death."

Read The Duke's Passion