MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 63

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Gong Wei was groggy, as if he had a lot of dreams, mixed with unreasonable anxiety, depression and fear.

He tossed and turned in Xu Shuangce's arms, always restless, and murmured faintly. Every time when he was about to wake up, his eyelashes would start to flutter rapidly, Xu Shuangce would reach out and pat him, comforting him in a low voice, so Gong Wei temporarily calmed down and fell into a dream, repeating this all night.

It wasn't until dawn that he finally woke up in a daze. His body was extremely weak and tired, but there was a strange and full of spiritual power in his heart that was constantly circulating.

That is the reason for double cultivation with the number one person in the world.

Gong Wei was lying on his side, his whole body nestled tightly in that familiar embrace, behind him Xu Shuangce put an arm under his side of the neck for him to pillow on. Because he cried so hard last night, he was still a little angry in his heart, so he didn't turn around. After lying down like this for a while, he felt bored, and his eyes fell on Xu Shuangce's hand in front of him.

The back of Xu Shuangce's hand was resting on the pillow, her fingers were graceful and slender - the exact length was experienced by Gong Wei personally last night. It is rare for Sovereign Xu to relax and open his palms. Gong Wei couldn't hold back for a moment, so he stretched out his hand and played with his fingertips, plucking them one by one like strings on a piano.

At first he was still cautious, but when he played a few times and saw that Xu Shuangce didn't respond, he became bolder. It just so happened that there was a long strand of hair between the quilts. It should have fallen when Xu Shuangce forcibly grabbed the back of his head last night when he was struggling to prevent the kiss. Gong Wei had nothing to do anyway, so he casually picked up the hair and wrapped it around the base of Xu Shuangce's middle finger, and carefully tied it into a knot.

He himself thought it was quite fun, and he admired it for a while, but he was a little afraid that Xu Shuangce would be angry when he woke up, and wanted to untie his hair without anyone noticing it.

Unexpectedly, he had just stretched out his hand, and before he had time to untie the knot, suddenly Xu Shuang made a move, and held his hand tightly in the palm of his hand, unable to move at all.

Gong Wei turned around with a guilty conscience, and when she moved, she felt extremely sore and sore, and immediately shivered.

Xu Shuangce asked in a low voice above his head, "What's wrong?"


I saw that Sect Master Xu's expression was indistinguishable from happiness and anger, and he could not see any emotions at all. The light in his eyes was deep and deep. It was obvious that he had been awake for a long time, but he hadn't moved.

A large piece of naked skin was pressed against each other, and Gong Wei realized that he was completely naked, and wanted to move out uncomfortably, but when he moved, he was caught by Xu Shuangce's arms. Immediately, Xu Shuangce propped himself up on his elbows, and pressed weakly on top of Gong Wei. This condescending posture made him look even more calm, and asked, "Sleep?"

Gong Wei told the truth: "It hurts..."

His thin and fair eyelids were red from sobbing all night, his lips were swollen and cracked, and they opened slightly unconsciously, and there were three finger marks on the side of his neck that hadn't faded away.

The secret bed was quiet for a moment.

Xu Shuangce didn't say a word, for some reason Gong Wei felt that his muscles were tense, as if he was hesitating.

After a long while, he breathed out as if giving up, and stopped pressing Gong Wei, but said hoarsely: "Turn around."

Gong Wei didn't know why, but she turned over obediently and lay down on the soft pillow.

Immediately afterwards, he felt Xu Shuangce put his hands on his back waist, and began to massage, using light and heavy pressure, and the spiritual power that poured in like a hot spring greatly relieved the discomfort.

Unexpectedly, when Sect Master Xu was still so considerate, most of the anger in Gong Wei's heart disappeared immediately, and he lay lazily for a while, then suddenly remembered something, and asked with half-closed eyes: "Xu Bai."

Xu Shuangce hummed.

"What did Du Kaixun tell you at the bottom of the abyss that day?"

Gong Wei has not been sober these past few days, and has no other thoughts in his mind except urgently wanting spiritual power to support the golden core, and now he finally thought of asking.

Xu Shuangce said indifferently: "Nonsense, it's not worth listening to."

Gong Wei was amazed, and turned his head to ask questions, but his lower back was pressed heavily in punishment, and he immediately took a breath of cold air with a "hiss!"

It took him a long time to grit his teeth and regain his composure. He didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he was forced to change the subject: "Then... what happened to the soldier in the end?"

Xu Shuangce said: "Destroyed."

"Did you destroy it alone... Hiss!"

Gong Wei almost jumped up, his heart was full of incomprehension and grievance, he didn't understand why such a normal sentence of chatting could hit Xu Shuangce's pain point: "Xu Bai, you really—"

Xu Shuangce said, "You talk too much."

Gong Wei gripped the soft pillow swallowing his anger, and finally forcibly endured the desire to rebuke passionately, and lay down again to be rubbed on his lower back. After pressing it for a while, he couldn't help flirting again, and found a safe topic: "Xu Bai, Du Kaixun said you like me."

This time Xu Shuangce didn't gag him, but he didn't answer immediately, and asked after a while: "What's the matter?"

The dignified No. 1 person in the world actually likes him, Gong Wei is a little subtly proud: "Since when did you start?"


"What do you like about me?"


Gong Wei is the most eye-catching person in his life. He felt that the hand massaging his lower back was showing signs of getting worse again, and immediately acted accordingly: "Forget it, forget it, it doesn't matter, I'll just tell you." .I liked you very much from the first time I saw you, from head to toe, and I even thought you looked good when you were aggressive to me, are you satisfied, Sect Master Xu?"

When this kid was happy, he dared to say all kinds of sweet words, but it was a pity that he didn't look back at Xu Shuangce's expression at the moment.

"Hey," he suddenly thought of something after a while, and became even more proud, lying on the soft pillow and asking with joy, "By the way, Xu Bai."

Xu Shuangce finally agreed to answer him: "What?"

"When I summoned Taishou Bai under the Tianmenguan Glacier, you must have been shocked when you found out that the little disciple I lived with day and night was actually my Gong Zhengyu?"


Xu Shuangce suddenly returned to silence, and faced with this question, his silence became unimaginably longer.

Gong Wei was keenly aware that he was hesitant to speak several times, and it took a long while before he calmly uttered two words: "It's okay."

Just okay?

Gong Wei suddenly felt dissatisfied: "Xu Bai, you can't just lie for the sake of face. When you saw the moment when I recovered my body, weren't you extremely shocked and admired? I guess you must have been so surprised at the time. gone."

An indescribable silence enveloped the entire bedroom.

Gong Wei waited for half a stick of incense with his ears up, and finally heard Xu Shuangce's difficult voice coming from behind, saying, "...well."

He finally admitted it. Gong Wei said happily: "I didn't mean to hide it from you for such a long time. You won't be angry because of this in the future, right?"

Xu Shuangce said, "No."

Only then did Gong Wei feel relieved, and wanted to continue asking about the affairs of the Juzong family in the abyss that day, but he was afraid that Xu Shuangce would come to him abruptly, so he could only hold back for the time being.

It is so comfortable to be massaged lying on your stomach, especially after being infused with a lot of spiritual power, people usually feel sleepy. Soon sleepiness swept over again, he yawned, and vaguely heard Xu Shuangce suddenly say: "Gong Wei."


Xu Shuangce's voice seemed a little trembling, but he still asked, "Do you like me?"

Gong Wei hummed vaguely but earnestly.

"Then if one day I do something unforgivable, hurt you deeply, and even want to kill you, what will happen to you?"

This question came so strangely, if it was normal, Gong Wei would definitely pester and ask why, but now he is very sleepy and wants to sleep, it took a while for his chaotic thinking to understand this sentence: "What is it like?"

Xu Shuangce asked, "Would you hate me?"

Gong Wei said, "That's not true."

"What about you?"

Gong Wei closed her eyes, as if she was already half asleep, and only after a while did she laugh and said: "Then I will try to like you less."

The inner room was quiet, and after a while he breathed softly and smoothly, and fell asleep comfortably.

Xu Shuang stopped her movements and stared at him motionless, as if guarding the only treasure bestowed by fate.

After a long time, he stretched out his hand to stroke Gong Wei's fine temple hair, his fingers trembled slightly, and leaned over to kiss Gong Wei's temple.


The rustling of the robe was heard, Xu Shuangce got up and walked outside, sat down behind the table in the study, and took out something from his sleeve.

——It was the bronze box inside the Soldier's skull.

It's called a box, but it's actually a set of locks. It's all made of precision-cast bronze long wedges that are locked together to form a whole. The interior is hollow and can be used for storage. As long as the bronze wedge is moved in a certain order, it can be completely disassembled, so it is not difficult to open it, but Xu Shuang stroked it intently for a long time without moving, and after a long time, his eyes fell on his right hand, looking at the entwined middle finger. hair strands.

Seeming to have finally gained some kind of bitter confidence, he exhaled, stood up and gently moved down the first bronze wedge with a "click".

In the study room, there was a constant sound of bronze banging, Xu Shuang moved very quickly, as if he didn't want to give himself time to repent. After a cup of tea, the upper half of the entire bronze box has been disassembled into more than ten square wedges of various sizes, exposing the interior that has not seen the sun for thousands of years.

—Being robbed by Ghost Xiu, being searched by Du Kaixun until his death, claiming to be the only way to break the illusion and return to the present world...Xu Shuangce has already prepared, no matter if there are any ancient artifacts or heaven and earth spirits in the bronze box, it is not surprising .

But unexpectedly, there was only a thin, ordinary silk scroll in the box.

Xu Shuangce pressed his sword eyebrows tightly, took it out in a short while, and spread it out gently.

The scroll is only one finger long and **** wide, as thin as a cicada's wing, with clear ink characters. There are more than a thousand characters on the silk, all of which are extinct ancient seal scripts. Even Xu Shuangce, who is as knowledgeable as Xu Shuangce, can't fully understand them, so he can only understand the outline based on the context.

It is the life of God Kitagaki.

Beiyuan Shangshen was a great master before his ascension, and he was born in a decent sect of cultivating immortals, his mortal name is no longer testable. When he was a human being, it was at the time when the two great powers in the Central Plains were fighting fiercely. The people were starving and dying, and the people were in dire straits, to the point where ten houses were empty.

Among these two great powers, the weak country located in the lower reaches of the river lingered on for many years, but it was unable to attack for a long time; the enemy country located in the upper reaches then thought of a way, that is, to take advantage of the approaching rainy season to send people to dig the other side's river secretly, He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the storm to break the embankment and completely defeat the opponent in one go.

It was also due to the fate of the country in the dark. This year, there was a sudden and rare rainstorm that had never been seen before. As expected, several huge estuaries in the weak country could not hold on, and they were about to burst their dikes.

—Once the estuary breaks its embankment, tens of thousands of people downstream will die instantly, and millions of people will be displaced. After the flood, plague, famine, and insect disasters will swallow countless lives. It is not an exaggeration to call it a century-old catastrophe.

Ants are greedy for life, but there are tens of thousands of people. Therefore, at this critical moment of life and death, someone came up with the idea and summoned a large number of ordinary people to kneel at the Xianmen.

Fighting against natural disasters is a big deal for the monks of Xianmen. If you fight against nature with one person's strength, the light ones will lose their cultivation, the severe ones will die on the spot, and they may even be wiped out. Therefore, all the great sects of the current world just do not see, stay behind closed doors, and the extremely frightened people finally all poured into the foot of the No. 1 sect in the world where Beiyuan is located. .

Aren't you number one in the world? Aren't you a Mahayana Grandmaster who wants to cultivate immortality and ascend?

Natural disasters are coming, tens of thousands of people are kneeling in front of your door, how can you stand by and pretend not to know?

It's worse than a pig or a dog if you don't want to save it!

On the seventh day, tens of thousands of people knelt and cried and cursed, the gate of the mountain finally burst open, and Beiyuan, who was still a mortal at that time, entered the world with a sword.

The battle against the catastrophe was as tragic as the later Xuanjinghe battle of the last days. Even a Mahayana master like Beiyuan couldn't block back all the long river flowing down the Central Plains. In the end, he exhausted his cultivation and burned the golden pill in the overwhelming flood, barely blocking the flood in the middle and lower reaches of the thousands of miles of Taihu Lake. Then he died of exhaustion without accident.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when his body was hydrolyzed, the sky was suddenly covered with clouds, and a fairy in the mirror descended from the heaven, stopping his soul that was about to fall into the underworld.

At this time, Beiyuan's soul was exhausted and exhausted, so he asked, "Are you here to pick me up?"

The fairy in the mirror replied: "When every monk in the world is qualified to ascend, I will go down to reflect their souls. If their merits and virtues are complete, I will open the gate of heaven and let them ascend to immortality; They go down to Onigaki and reincarnate, and become human again."

Beiyuan asked: "Then, do I count my merits and virtues as consummated?"

This is actually not a problem at all. Fighting against huge natural disasters and saving thousands of people is the ultimate merit no matter which dynasty or generation it is placed in. If this is not consummation, then there is no merit in the world that can be called consummation.

Unexpectedly, the fairy in the mirror fell into hesitation. He said: "Your merit is full, but your killing obstacles are also full."

Bei Yuan was very surprised, and asked: "But I have never had a killing barrier in my life, and my friends can also prove it. How can killing barriers be born out of nothing overnight?"

The ancient text is extremely concise, and this question and answer is only a line and a half in the original text of the silk script. Xu Shuangce's gaze stopped suddenly, and then he turned back and read it word by word several times before he was sure that he read it correctly.

Beiyuan did mention a "my friend" who had never appeared in the previous article, and the fairy in the mirror did not raise any doubts—could there be a third person present, but the name was deliberately concealed by the text?

What's even more weird is that Beiyuan actually gave birth to a killing obstacle at this time.

A great master who just died in order to save the common people was the most tragic and glorious moment in his life. The rescued people all over the world were grateful to him, crying and mourning, but where did this killing come from? Come?

The immemorial seal characters that follow are rare and obscure, and one can only guess at the general meaning.

Beiyuan's soul was already weak enough to dissipate, but Jingxian was still struggling, as if he didn't really want to open the gate of heaven for him. At this moment of stalemate, suddenly a star of crimson color floated in the rolling flood below their feet, and everyone took a closer look, and it turned out to be a peach blossom that was about to wither.

For some reason, Jingxian's heart was touched, and she suddenly thought of a way.

He summoned the dead branch and handed it to Beiyuan, saying: "Your dharma body is hydrolyzed and your merits and virtues are perfect. Ascension is indeed a matter of course. But after you ascend, you must plant this peach blossom in Dongtian and Beiyuan in the fairy world, because it represents restraint and killing obstacles." The power needed. The more prosperous the flowers, the heavier the killing barrier, and you have to consume more mana to restrain yourself, understand?"

Beiyuan took the peach branch, and after hesitating for a long time, he asked a question: "What will happen if I don't get rid of the obstacles?"

Xu Shuangce fixed his eyes on the next line of ink with complicated strokes.

I saw Jingxian stretched out his hand to spot a drop of blood on the peach branch, and the dead tree returned to spring in an instant, and the flowers bloomed in full bloom. The young man picked a blood-stained peach blossom from a branch, and there seemed to be infinite coercion in his quiet eyes: "So I want to make a blood oath with you here."

"If you fall into the killing barrier in the future with the honor of a god, then I will go to Qiongbi and fall to Huangquan. Even if I chase you to the deepest part of hell, I will definitely deprive you of your **** position and kill you on the spot."

Then, in front of Beiyuan, with the highest standard of making a blood oath, he put the peach blossom engraved with the oath into his mouth and swallowed it down his throat.

Read The Duke's Passion