MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 57

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There seemed to be endless raging flames burning under the abyss, roasting Gong Wei's primordial spirit from the air, making his eyes black and breathless. Fortunately, Xu Shuangce caught him and held him behind him in an instant. He quickly checked his whole body, and when he saw that he was not injured, he relaxed his tense shoulders a little, then took his hand, and was about to replace the rune with his body again.

However, when he pressed the button, the pale golden "Xu" did not float up—it takes a lot of spiritual power to replace the spell with the body, and everyone's spiritual power has been suppressed to the limit here, even Sect Master Xu. Can't afford it.

He frowned, and wanted to try again, but Gong Wei pulled his hand back hard and put it behind his back.

Xu Shuangce reprimanded in a low voice: "Don't make trouble."

Gong Wei turned a deaf ear to it, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pull Xu Shuangce's lapel down a little, carefully inspected the injured part of his neck for a moment, and then whispered: "I don't want you to replace me with your body again."

He didn't call him Shizun, he didn't even use an honorific title, he just said "you".

Xu Shuangce stopped breathing for a moment, his muscles stiffened slightly, and he repeated after a while: "Don't make trouble, you..."

Gong Wei hugged his waist tightly, like holding a lost and recovered treasure, buried her face in the hollow of his shoulder with all her strength, and said sullenly: "Stop using your body to replace yourself."

"This...what the **** is going on?" Liu Xuzhi looked back and forth between Du Kaixun and Bai Xun, and was completely confused in astonishment: "Why is Master Bai here? Who is the soldier of Dingxianling?" Is the mastermind behind Si's incident?"

Bai Shui was still very calm and guilty when facing others: "It's me."


At this moment, Du Kaixun opened his eyes and asked hoarsely, "Since when did you know?"

Bai Shi said, "Seventeen years ago."

Although I already had a vague premonition in my heart, hearing the answer with my own ears at this moment was like being hit hard in the heart by an invisible heavy hammer. Du Kaixun paused for a long time before he laughed shortly: "So these six thousand days and nights, every day, every moment, every moment you are thinking about how to avenge him, every time you look at me They're all thinking about **** me, aren't they?"

Bai Shui didn't answer.

After all, Du Kaixun couldn't calm down, and asked: "My soul directly took his home, how did you find out?"

Bai Fei's face was cold, the silk thread between his fingers was extremely unusual, the spiritual power was as bright as gold, and his pupils were coldly reflected: "Do you know why you can't break free from this thread?"


"In the middle of the night when you cursed me to tear my heart, I should have started to die immediately. It was Lord Chengfeng who cut open his yin and yang dual spirit alive, and used all the yin and primordial spirit to refine this spiritual power Huge soldiers."

The expression of unwillingness in Du Kaixun's eyes changed slightly.

For seventeen years, he didn't know that the blood curse had already been fulfilled. He didn't feel like being killed by lightning until he found the clue on the golden boat. But amidst the great shock and despair, he didn't look back to think about it—it's impossible for a normal soldier to resist the powerful mana of the Heart-Tearing Curse. What did Changsun Chengfeng sacrifice in the past?

He subconsciously avoided the obvious truth.

The strongest talent of the eldest grandson's direct line is the dual spirit of yin and yang, the spirit of yang proves the way with a sword, and the spirit of yin controls soldiers. Changsun Chengfeng's move is tantamount to ruining his most powerful ability as Juzong, and by the way, his practice in this life will come to an end, and it will never be possible to make any progress.

The pain of tearing the primordial spirit, the pain of cutting out the bones, and the sudden occurrence of the incident without any hesitation, the man really made a sober decision in an instant.

"My heart is connected with Lord Chengfeng's primordial spirit, so I knew everything the moment he died, but you haven't found anything abnormal in the past seventeen years, because you can't imagine how much one person can do for another. "White Grape's voice was soft but trembling: "It's like you would never have imagined why you succeeded so easily when you hid in this abyss seventeen years ago and assassinated Lord Chengfeng—not because you were stronger than him, but because he hurt you." Unhealed."

Du Kaixun's entire face has completely lost all color, Bai Shui smiled, and said very softly: "You never dreamed that there would be someone in this world who is completely different from you."


Above the thousands of cliffs above everyone's heads, the line of sky has completely turned into darkness, and it is only Shen Shi at this moment. The sky is ominous, and the wind and snow outside should have been so violent that sharp whistles could be faintly heard in the heart of the earth.

Liu Xuzhi was stunned, and finally understood: "But since Juzong's tragic death was discovered seventeen years ago, why didn't he say it then?"

"As long as the second son is not dead, he still has a part of my control. Therefore, my soul and soul are heavily restricted, and I can't even make any hints to the outside world. Only when the master's secret is no longer a secret, can this be done?" This restriction can be slightly lifted." Bai Shi shook his head slowly: "Being a soldier is like being imprisoned in a cage, unable to control every move... It is beyond words, and it is also very human."

Liu Xuzhi's heart suddenly felt sympathetic, but after thinking about it, he was wrong: "Then how could you be the mastermind behind Dingxianling's shocking corpse?"

Bai Lai's light-colored pupils reflected the sharp aura of soldiers, and he said softly: "Eager for revenge, just a single thought, colluding with others."

"with who?!"

"Actually, I don't know who it is, and I'm not even sure if it's a person." Bai Fei hesitated for a few moments before saying, "One day more than a month ago, I accidentally saw a ghost cultivator in the mercury mirror."

The ghost cultivator that appeared in the mercury mirror.

Liu Xuzhi immediately thought of his disciples who were nearly slaughtered, and his expression changed greatly: "You also have the mirror technique?!"

Even Xu Shuangce glanced over, and Bai Shui nodded, "I know it must be an evil thing, and I didn't want to get entangled with it, but it knew everything about what happened seventeen years ago, and even let me I saw with my own eyes the scene of Lord Chengfeng... the moment he was assassinated, and then asked me if I wanted to take revenge."

It was the first time in seventeen years that Bai Shi witnessed the death of the eldest grandson Chengfeng with his own eyes. The poison of his heart was truly incomparable.

Sure enough, he took a deep breath and said, "I agree."

Xu Shuangce asked: "He asked you to take a piece of soldier silk and put it into the body of Fahua Xianzun in Dingxian Mausoleum?"

Bai Xun is a Daoist of Juzong, it is not impossible to use his status to enter Dingxian Mausoleum. Unexpectedly, he shook his head: "No, it just asked me for a soldier silk. At first I thought it wanted It is the one with the strongest spiritual power in my heart, Lord Chengfeng, but for some reason, what it specifies is the silk thread that the Second Young Master smelted seventeen years ago."

Xu Shuangce glanced at Du Kaixun. But Du Kaixun's side face was hidden in the darkness, his eyes were lowered and he said nothing.

Bai Xun said: "Although I couldn't figure out why at the time, I still made a blood oath with it. At the price of this soldier thread, it must try to create an opportunity for me to make Master Chengfeng the past seventeen years. The truth about the imposter was made public."

Needless to say, this opportunity is the shocking corpse change in Dingxianling.

Guixiu used this soldier thread to control Fahua Xianzun's corpse, and at the same time attracted suspicion for Du Kaixun, pushing him to the cusp of the Golden Boat Public Trial—Du Kaixun has rarely made it public in the seventeen years since he replaced Juzong Showed up, but because of Dingxian Mausoleum, he was suddenly interrogated jointly by the four great masters of the current world. One can imagine the horror in his heart.

"Wait." Liu Xuzhi heard Ying Kai explain the details of the Jinchuan interrogation before, and suddenly realized at this moment: "So when Brother Mu wanted to check the number of soldiers in your body, the life-saving soldier in your heart Si wasn't pulled out by Du Kaixun to make up the numbers, but you, in order to draw the suspicion to Du Kaixun, personally... with your own hands..."

Le Sheng is a kind person, and he couldn't say the words "self-destructive life", but Bai Shi laughed at himself: "Based on the situation of the interrogation at that time, even if 'Ju Zong' pleaded guilty, it was only in the name of the eldest grandson Chengfeng. , can’t reveal Du Kaixun’s true identity. I have to find a way to let everyone know that this person ‘Du Kaixun’ is still alive, and there is no other way but to gamble with the only bargaining chip.”

As he spoke, he paused, and a trace of tired joy finally appeared in his eyes: "Fortunately, Sect Master Xu caught this chip."

Liu Xuzhi wondered: "What do you mean?" Then he said, "Brother Xu, it was you who pretended to gouge out his heart..."

During Jin Chuan's interrogation, Bai Fei admitted his identity as a soldier, but Xu Shuangce suddenly refuted it, and took the opportunity to reach out to dig out his heart, but was stopped on the spot by "Changsun Chengfeng" with a sword in anger.

But that momentary exploration was enough for Xu Shuangce and Du Kaixun to discover the abnormality at the same time.

——Bai Shui's heartbeat is gradually slowing down, which is a very ominous sign.

From that moment on, Du Kaixun finally realized that his heart-piercing curse seventeen years ago had already been fulfilled. But what he couldn't think of was why Bai Shui didn't die back then, and the long and painful heartbreaking process was delayed until now seventeen years later.

Liu Xuzhi suddenly realized and turned to Xu Shuangce: "So you started to doubt Juzong at that time?"

But Xu Shuangce said slowly: "No. At that time, I only felt that Bai Xun was hiding something, but he couldn't say it. It wasn't until later, by chance, that he discovered the heart-piercing curse seventeen years ago, that he realized that there might be a grandson Chengfeng hidden in his heart. A soldier's thread, but the 'Juzong' didn't know about it when he was in Jinchuan—all kinds of abnormalities, it is difficult to ignore, and the only possibility is to seize the body."

The Cangyang Sect Master is indifferent, and the entire Immortal League knows this. At that time, everyone thought that he was only offended by Bai Shui's disrespectful attitude, so they went to gouge out his heart on a whim.

But no one knew, in that short moment, Bai Shi risked his life and sent out the only cry for help in his life, and only Xu Shuangce heard that weak cry.

"—Brother Xu, who are you!" Liu Xuzhi couldn't help but sighed with emotion, "You are really..."

Xu Shuangce didn't pay attention to this, and turned to Bai Fei and asked indifferently, "Are you going back to Xianmeng to surrender, or shall we capture you back?"

Bai Shui still held the shining soldier silk at his fingertips, smiled softly, and shook his head.

"Everything I know has been confessed, and there is nothing else to explain. I colluded with the ghost cultivator, shocked Dingxianling, even disturbed the rest of Fahua Immortal, and implicated the innocent young master Xiang...dai The body of sin has no means of survival, and in the end I just want to ask you one thing."

Du Kaixun seemed to have a premonition of something, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Xu Shuangce asked, "What's the matter?"

"I'm a soldier, I can't kill my lord." Bai Fei seemed to have finally unloaded his burden after traveling thousands of miles, with a bright gleam in his eyes: "This is the place where Master Chengfeng lost his soul seventeen years ago, please use This soldier thread, let me and Du Kaixun be executed here together."


The surroundings seemed to be quiet for a while, Liu Xuzhi lost his voice: "Why is this?!"

Gong Wei also frowned, and subconsciously wanted to grab Xu Shuangce's sleeve, but only heard the clang of the Qingyi sword coming out, Xu Shuangce's expression remained calm, and he took half a step forward holding the sword, with murderous intent on his face: "Okay. "

Liu Xuzhi stopped in shock: "Brother Xu, you—"

"...No." Du Kaixun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said hoarsely, "No."

His bloodshot eyes looked at Bai Fei, and every word was full of blood: "You are mine, and if you die, I can only kill you."

Liu Xuzhi was about to stop Xu Shuangce, when he heard the words, his disgust grew and he said angrily: "You turned living people into weapons, and you still don't know how to repent, what face do you have to say such things? Hurry up and shut up!"

Du Kaixun's shrill voice overwhelmed him: "—Don't you want to know why that ghost cultivator only wants my soldiers, Sect Master Xu? You knew the secret of this world-destroying soldier before, don't you wonder why?"

Xu Shuangce stopped and narrowed his eyes.

"No one in this world knows that ghost better than me." Du Kaixun didn't look at anyone, and only stared at Xu Shuangce with a threatening gaze: "If you kill me, you will never know its true purpose gone."

The situation was very strange for a while, and everyone was deadlocked in place.

The real purpose of the ghost cultivator?

In the quietness that could be heard falling needles, only Gong Wei seemed to hear something gradually, looking at the abyss shrouded in cold mist in the distance, and slowly squeezed his pupils tightly.

Plop, plop.

It was as if a gigantic heart slowly resumed its beating from the silence, but no one could hear it.

Plop, plop.

Xu Shuangce seemed to be thinking about something, but he couldn't see what was going on in his heart from his face. It took him a long time to hear him laughing mockingly: "It's unbelievable to resist stubbornly when death is approaching."

Then he raised his sword and walked forward again, but Du Kaixun's voice became more ruthless and quicker: "Do you think that Guixiu snatched the body of Fahua Immortal from the golden boat just to get out of this world from Wanzhang's heart?" World-destroying giant?"

Xu Shuangce kept walking: "Isn't it?"

"If it's just for this, why has it been wanting Fahua Immortal Venerable's life since many years ago?!"

Not far away, Gong Wei was startled.

Xu Shuangce's footsteps also stopped, and he asked briefly, "Many years ago?"

From Xu Shuangce's expression, Du Kaixun knew that he had regained the initiative again: "Yes, it took longer than you can imagine, starting from the real world."


Xu Shuangce's eyes were uncertain, and he saw that Du Kaixun's pierced abdomen was still bleeding, but he had forced himself to stop panting in pain: "Many years ago in that real world, we had done several transactions. .I gave it part of the Yin Yuanshen, so that it could manipulate the soldiers I made; and it taught me many secret methods of ghost cultivation, and helped me escape from your sword during the exile."

"After entering the illusion, I lost most of my memories of it. I only vaguely remember the existence of this ghost cultivator, but it still needs my soldiers." He said coldly, "So before the death of Dingxianling, The first person to see that ghost cultivator from the mercury mirror was not Bai Fei, but me."

——The night before Dingxian Mausoleum shocked the dead, at Julu City Chief Sun's house.

In the dead of night, everything is silent. Standing in front of the mercury mirror, Du Kaixun stared at the face of "Changsun Chengfeng", and heard the slight sound of Bai Shui picking up the scrolls outside, his heart was suddenly filled with fulfillment and peace, and even his naturally surly and restless soul was shaken. smoothed out.

Fake bodies have nothing to do with illusory time and space, he thought.

Just live your life like this.

But at this moment, everything in the mirror suddenly disappeared like melting water, and a ghost in a gray robe slowly appeared, and countless scarlet light spots under the hood replaced the place that should have been a face. Du Kaixun was shocked for a moment and stood in front of the mirror, but only heard the ghost in the mercury mirror suddenly made a sound, which seemed to come from a far away place, with a rustling echo: "Do you remember who I am? "


"In the center of the glacier, there is a way to return to reality hidden in the skull. I need your soldiers." Ghost Xiu's "face" with nothing seemed to be staring at Du Kaixun outside the mirror: "This The illusory world has begun to fall out of order."

Du Kaixun stared at Guixiu in disbelief, and took half a step back.

—Back to reality?

I have everything in this illusion, why should I go back?

There was a rumble in his mind, and he forced himself to look away, as if he hadn't seen the ghost in the mercury mirror at all, he turned and walked out as if nothing had happened.

"Bai Shui!" he said loudly, "Take a rest, I will clean up those few fragments by myself tomorrow!"

"So that's how it is..." He heard the ghost cultivator's voice from the mercury mirror behind him, with a long sigh: "In this time and space, you have escaped from Xu Shuang's sword, escaped from the extreme northern ice field, and even successfully replaced Changsun Cheng. Wind... you already have everything you desire, and you don't need me."

Du Kaixun turned his back to the standing mirror, and opened the paper door with a bang, only he knew that his fingers were trembling slightly.

"It doesn't matter." Ghost Xiu looked at his back and smiled, "As long as you don't regret it."

The glimmer of melting water covered the mercury mirror again, and when Du Kaixun turned to close the door, the mirror was empty, and the ghost cultivator had disappeared.


"—I didn't know what it meant 'regret' at the time." On the edge of the abyss, Du Kaixun looked back slightly, and when he spoke to Bai Shang, his tone was a little bit astringent: "It's because I pretended not to regret it." When it sees it, it will come to you."

Bai Xun was at a loss and didn't understand: "What...what returns to reality? What does the imaginary world mean?"

No one present could answer his doubts, and the only one who understood was Xu Shuangce, who was staring at Du Kaixun, and asked in a serious voice, "Who is Guixiu in that real world?"

Du Kaixun asked back, "Do you still want to kill me now, Sect Master Xu?"

"Why does he want to kill Fahua Immortal Venerable, and what is his purpose?"

"What do you think?"

Xu Shuangce said sharply, "You—"

"Sect Master Xu," Du Kaixun smiled mockingly: "If you kill me, you will never know."

Du Kaixun may have become an instinct for step by step throughout his life, and he couldn't squeeze out a half-truth from his mouth unless he was forced to the last moment. Xu Shuangce stood still, panted slightly, and suddenly said coldly after a while: "Yes, I won't kill you. But someone wants to die."

Immediately afterwards, he didn't say a word of nonsense, and slashed at the white scorpion behind Du Kaixun with a sword!

"—Hey Brother Xu!"

Liu Xuzhi never expected that he would kill as soon as he said it, and flew to block it in shock, but the expected scene of separation of body and head did not appear, only a pop of blood arrows flew out.

Du Kaixun firmly held the sword edge with one hand, and let the blood flow down the palm lines, two drops of blood splashed on Bai Shang's smooth cheek.

"... Fahua Xianzun walks under the moon at night, seems to be integrated with the moonlight, and his whole body is shining..." Du Kaixun stared at Xu Shuangce maliciously: "Since many years ago, it has always wanted that perfect skin .”

Gong Wei almost thought he had heard wrong.

"Give me that thing under the abyss." Du Kaixun's pupils reflected blood, and his madness was clear at a glance: "The body of Fahua Immortal Venerable has been lost for more than a day, and your time is tighter than mine. If you don't find that ghost, You can only watch Fahua Xianzun being skinned and boned right in front of your eyes."


No one knew whether Xu Shuangce believed it or not. From Gong Wei's point of view, he could only see his back. His shoulders kept rising and falling. Shaoqing retracted his sword and slowly moved half a step towards the cliff, and then stood still.

No one knew that at that half step, the pressure at the bottom of the abyss suddenly intensified, as if thousands of ghosts screamed excitedly at the same time!

"—Don't go," Gong Wei said tremblingly, and hurried forward to stop him: "It's not right below, don't go!"

Liu Xuzhi couldn't help it: "The underground situation is unknown, Brother Xu, you should think twice..."

But Du Kaixun stared at Xu Shuangce closely, and every word was like a needle-pricked pressure: "I just tried to steal the right eye of Fahua Immortal, and I was chased by you thousands of miles to the extreme northern glacier. Was Hua Xianzun skinned right in front of your eyes?"

Even Bai Xun felt uneasy: "Sect Master Xu stopped, Du Kaixun didn't know the truth from what he said..."

"I don't want to harm anyone, I just want to go back to the real world." Du Kaixun's anxious and sharp voice overwhelmed Bai Fei, staring at Xu Shuangce and said angrily: "Compare your heart to your heart, that's all!"

Xu Shuangce stood there straight with gloomy eyes.

Gong Wei didn't care too much, stepped forward and pulled him back a few steps, until he was several feet away from the cliff, then Xu Shuangce sneered suddenly, and repeated: "Compare your heart to your heart."

He looked at Du Kaixun, his eyes filled with cold sarcasm: "The reason why you want to go back to the real world so much is because you think that as long as you send Bai Xun back to sixteen years ago, the soldier in his heart was still there." If you don't draw it out, all the damage you have done can be written off?"

Du Kaixun's face suddenly turned livid: "Give me a room—"

"It's only now that I regret it. Your belated affection is as humble as a piece of paper. I'm afraid I can't compare my heart to my heart." Every word of Xu Shuangce is as cruel as a sharp knife: "You just stay in this world honestly, watching Bai Shi Die with a broken heart."

Liu Xuzhi suddenly understood, and looked at Du Kaixun in astonishment: "So he told Daoist Bai that he was actually..."

Bai Xun seemed to have heard something incomprehensible, hesitantly said: "...what?"

Du Kaixun's embarrassing expression at this moment can't even be described in words. Maybe even Shura Ligui is better looking than him.

"Humble as paper." He repeated word by word like masochistic.

His bloodshot eyes stared at Xu Shuangce suddenly, and his eyes had never been as crazy as they are now: "Yes, Sect Master Xu. Seventeen years ago you went to the extreme north for Fahua Immortal Venerable, and seventeen years later you became a young disciple. Replacing each other with the body, who is as deep as paper? Who is fickle?"

"As expected of a person who cultivates the path of ruthlessness, your little love that you dare not utter becomes faster than turning the pages of a book, how can you feel the same way as me!"

The ending tune was so shrill that it broke the sound, and Gong Wei's ears were buzzing. He stood there with a blank mind, thinking: What is he talking about?

A love that dare not speak out?

The sea of ​​undefeated peaches in front of the Xuanji Hall, the helpless finger marks on the bones of the previous life, the wind chimes that have been empty for many years in the moonlit courtyard... the past and the past, all kinds of desires to hide, like countless silk threads finally intertwined into a giant net, covering his mind overwhelmingly .

Immediately afterwards, a trace of sparks exploded from the lungs, sweeping through the limbs and bones.

Gong Wei's mind was buzzing, he seemed to hear Liu Xuzhi asking something in disbelief, Du Kaixun's answer was vicious and full of sarcasm, but all the noisy words were as vague as if they were separated by deep water. The noise that had been going on for a while disappeared instantly, and the surroundings fell into dead silence again. Xu Shuangce finally gave a short and hoarse laugh.

He said word by word: "So what?"

Several eyes with different expressions around him cast their gazes at the same time, finally waking Gong Wei out of his emptiness, and he realized that he was still holding onto Xu Shuangce's sleeve.


Gong Wei Yuanshen was dizzy for a while, and his heartbeat became violent and terrifying. He wanted to ask Xu Shuangce what you mean by this, and wanted to ask if love is the love I understand? But his throat seemed to be blocked by a hot lump, only the abyss in the distance that seemed to have not changed at all was reflected in his pupils.

Finally, in the dead silence in all directions, he squeezed out two words with difficulty:

"Xu Bai..."


Following Gong Wei's line of sight, there seemed to be a distant muffled thunder in the depths of the earth, the ground began to shake slightly, and fine gravel rolled down the mountain wall beside everyone.


A beam of blood-colored light suddenly lit up in the abyss, passing through the thick ink-like darkness and facing the sky directly.


The last sound was prolonged, and the crack spread rapidly from the edge of the cliff, passed through the ground under everyone's feet, and densely covered the entire mountain dome, followed by:


A violent wind erupted from the center of the earth, roaring into the sky like a huge dragon!

The mountain shook instantly, Xu Shuangce grabbed Gong Wei and flew back, while Bai Fei, who was close to the edge of the cliff, grabbed the rock with one hand, stabilized his body and looked back.

There seemed to be something slowly moving in the abyss, driving the beam of blood to change from one to two, and then from two to three, finally showing a vague outline - a huge human face.

Those three round blood-colored giant mouths are its eyes and mouth that are empty and wide open!

"Why did it wake up suddenly? It's clearly—" Du Kaixun was enlightened suddenly, and the previous image flashed in his mind like lightning: he turned into a ghost and grabbed Xu Shuangce's little disciple, his fingers and claws cut through the boy's throat, Xu Shuangce Flying over from the other side of the cliff, using his body to replace the spell, blood spilled from his neck into the abyss...

After being doused with Xu Shuangce's blood, the world-destroying giant who had been silent for thousands of years suddenly woke up!

Du Kaixun said sharply: "Go! This place is going to collapse!"

—But Bai Shui fell on deaf ears.

The surroundings were violently shaken, but he just looked straight at the center of the earth under his feet, his face was pale and calm, and he still firmly grasped the soldier thread between his fingers.

Du Kaixun realized something, tremblingly said: "Bai Shui..."

"If you do it again, will you still curse me with heart-piercing?" Bai Shi asked in a low voice.

Du Kaixun couldn't believe his ears, and opened his mouth tremblingly after taking a few breaths. At that moment, he became that eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy again in a trance, but this time all the surlyness and jealousy seemed to be blown away by the heavy snow in the middle of winter. As if washed, it faded cleanly, only the warm sourness washed up in the throat:


But Bai Shui had already closed his eyes, and whispered wearily: "I miss Master Chengfeng."

The cracks meandered up the mountain wall, and the two of them suddenly sank under their feet.

Immediately afterwards, the entire cliff broke, and Du Kaixun only had time to open his arms to wrap around Bai Yun, and the two of them fell into the abyss with countless boulders!



The huge rock smashed to the side, and the gravel splashed like water. Liu Xuzhi blurted out a yell at Bai Shang and Du Kaixun and walked away, suddenly his whole body froze up and down, as if he had been immobilized by a immobilization spell, and then his eyesight uncontrollably slackened.

What's wrong with me?

He wanted to call someone, but he couldn't make a sound, and he wanted to call for help, but he couldn't even move a finger. A terrifyingly powerful strange soul is rising from his body aggressively, occupying the ownership of this body like a leisurely walk, as if after standing still for a long time, he finally chose this moment as the time to appear on the stage in a leisurely manner.

who is it?

Liu Xuzhi finally recalled something in the blink of an eye, and suddenly fell into an ice cave—he was not only hit by the mirror technique at the Yanchun Terrace, he also seemed to be possessed by ghosts.

And it's always been there, and it hasn't gone yet.

Gong Wei was protected by Xu Shuangce in his arms, and he flew back tens of feet away in an instant. The surrounding snow mixed with boulders fell down like a waterfall, and everything swayed unclearly in the chaos; after a few breaths, the surroundings finally became quiet, and it was Xu Shuangce who put him on a flat open space, and quickly set up a wall around him. A barrier filled with spiritual light.

Gong Wei Yuanshen's pain was unbearable, and he grabbed him regardless of standing still: "Xu—"

He wanted to say that I am actually Gong Zhengyu, I was wrong to kill you in my previous life, if you promise not to kill me in this life, then I like you too. But for some reason, Xu Shuangce's face was stiff, and he deliberately looked at the ground without looking at him, and only pressed heavily on his shoulder:


These two simple words blocked Gong Wei's thousands of words, and the next moment Xu Shuangce turned around and strode towards the violently turbulent cliff, and at the same time raised his hand: "I can't help it!"

The distant roar from the abyss under the cliff is getting closer, clearer and more shocking, as if something is rushing up from left to right. Gong Wei's heart was beating so fast that it was about to explode, and Xu Shuangce jumped towards the cliff, a flaming spiritual light finally flashed from the void, and he had no choice but to fly into the sky like a meteor—

At this time, Gong Wei suddenly saw a silhouette out of the corner of his eye, it was Liu Xuzhi.

Liu Xuzhi stood erect like a stone slab, staring straight ahead without moving, as if oblivious to all the chaos around him.

Suspicion suddenly rose in Gong Wei's heart, but he did not speak out hastily, only to see Liu Xuzhi, who was extremely stiff, suddenly vibrated, his whole body relaxed, and he let out a long breath:

"No." He stroked his chin as if talking to himself: "If he dies, his military thread will be useless."

What's the meaning?

Gong Wei keenly sensed something was wrong, but he didn't have time to call out in the chaos, and saw "Liu Xuzhi" flicking his sleeves into the air, the invisible vigor of his hands turned into a giant net, and plunged into the abyss. .

Immediately afterwards, Bai Fei and Du Kaixun seemed to be hooked by invisible giant claws, pulled them up the cliff, and the two hit the ground hard after smashing countless rocks in the air!

At the same time, tens of feet away, the Reluctant Sword was firmly held by Xu Shuangce, and he slashed into the abyss without hesitation—

The huge monster rose to the ground at this time, and the arc-shaped sword light reflected its terrifying giant face, its facial features were mutilated, frost-carved and wind-eroded, its entire face was facing the sky horizontally, and its eyes were like two evil blood-red suns.

It was the exterminating giant that was buried thousands of years ago!

"Liu Xuzhi" said softly: "It's really not easy to come here."

Then he turned his head in the hurricane, a weird smile appeared in his eyes, and he looked straight at Gong Wei.

The author has something to say:

The next chapter will shake the world~

So the timeline is, thousands of years ago, soldiers in the real world were wiped out—Juzong ascended to Beiyuan and was demoted—thousands of years later, in the real world in the twenty-eighth year of Taiyi, Shengxiantai’s blood flowed into a river, but the palace was on the verge of death—the real world was demoted by the palace. Wei pauses, pulls into the illusion, and goes back to the first meeting in the Taolin by the way—the illusion time comes to the twenty-eighth year of Taiyi again, Shengxiantai Palace fails to assassinate but is killed by helplessness, the story begins

As for why you want to enter the illusion, Xu Shuangce doesn't even know the IQ ceiling, so I will reveal it later~

Today's chapter is also known as the mutual diss between two crazy critics~

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