MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 52

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quarter of an hour ago.

Daishan, punish Shu Palace.

The golden boat hovers quietly in the sky, looking down from the side of the boat, you can see the fairy clouds in the Qianli Mountains of Daishan, and the Xunshu Palace is like a distant city on the top of the clouds.

With a crackling sound of ice cracking, Fahua Immortal Venerable's well-clothed corpse was suspended from the bed of black ice, and gently fell into the huge golden coffin that had been prepared. Immediately, there were uneven and orderly vibrations in the layers of the coffin, and they were tightly closed one by one, completely sealing his calm and pale face inside.

Ying Kai stood beside the coffin with his sleeves folded, and sighed sadly: "Tomorrow I will find a reason to send you to the Yanchun Terrace, and find a way to bring Gong Zhengyu back, otherwise sooner or later the truth will be exposed. Sigh, I don't know him How much he has suffered these days, I think he is starving and thin..."

Yu Chirui was cracking walnuts with his teeth, and asked suspiciously, "Is there any?"

However, in Ying Kai's eyes, ever since Yu Chirui and Gong Wei grew up and left Xunshu Palace decades ago, every time they came back, both of them must have lost weight, one was tired and the other was hungry. Later, both Yu Chirui and Gong Wei felt that if they were to lose weight at the frequency Ying Kai described, they would have turned into two skeletons long ago.

Ying Kai was even more sad: "Sixteen years ago Gong Zhengyu made a big mistake, it was because of my lax discipline and dereliction of duty. After taking him back this time, I must strictly warn him and make him retreat and reflect on his mistakes. Not allowed to come out for three to five years! Not to mention seeking revenge from Shuang Ce!"

Yuchi Changsheng could have said it, it would be fine if Xu Shuangce didn't catch him and fork him to death and built it into the wall of Xuanji Palace, and he would take revenge?

At this time, the door of the corpse pavilion was knocked, and Ying Kai, who was still waiting to talk, shut his mouth immediately, only to see Mu Duozhu push the door in, and said politely: "Brother Ying, is he alright? Punish the disciples of Shu Palace Send someone to invite, and it is said that the Xianling Mausoleum has been cleaned and ready for burial."

Ying Kai hurriedly bowed his hands to pay respects, Mu Duozhu looked at him for a long time, and asked with concern: "Brother Ying, why have you lost weight in the past two days?"

"Pfft!" Yu Chirui couldn't hold back immediately, the walnut kernel almost choked into the air pipe.

"..." Ying Kai touched his face, dumbfounded, and asked, "Is there any?"

Mu Duozhu didn't smile, instead he frowned and said, "Brother Ying's eyes have been black and blue for the past two days, his divine light is dim, and his aura is condensed. I'm afraid that the primordial spirit has been depleted. If you feel any discomfort, please tell me as soon as possible, and prepare the medicine as soon as possible." Rest is."

Having said that, Ying Kai suddenly remembered something, but hesitated for a moment before saying: "That day when the Yuanshen entered the illusion that Du Kaixun showed through the soldier's thread, he didn't feel anything at first, but then he dreamed restlessly for two consecutive nights, and frequently Woke up. I always felt that I had dreamed about something very important, but when I woke up, I couldn’t remember what I had dreamed about... These two days, I really felt powerless, maybe it was because I was too big at the time.”

At that time, he used his primordial spirit to open the way when he entered the illusion. It was tantamount to breaking through life and death with his soul alone, and it is not surprising that he left some sequelae. Mu Duozhu said: "Since this is the case, Brother Ying, why not move on first, and then disembark after I give you a diagnosis and visit, at least you can get peace of mind."

Ying Kai habitually declined: "No need, Brother Mu, don't worry, Cheng Feng said earlier that this kind of situation will take half a month's rest, so I..."

"Brother Ying, don't worry about the consultation fee."

Ying Kai thought he heard it wrong: "What?"

Mu Duozhu said solemnly: "You can owe it first."


Ying Kai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and was about to say something when suddenly hurried footsteps came from outside the gate of the corpse pavilion. Immediately afterwards, a purple-clothed disciple stepped in quickly, and without even having time to salute one by one, he leaned over directly: "An urgent report from the Dharma Formation at the Yanchun Terrace! The sword killed the disciple Meng Yunfei!"

The expressions of the three changed, and Mu Duozhu said, "What?!"

Ying Kai suddenly felt his soul vibrate uncontrollably, as if an invisible force had clamped his soul and was pulling it out heavily.

This feeling has happened several times in the past few days, but it has never been as intense and obvious as it is now. But at this moment, he didn't care about the strangeness, and forced himself to calm down and asked: "Sect Master Xu and a disciple are visiting the Yanchun Terrace, has there been any news from the two of them?"

The purple-clothed disciple bowed his head: "Sect Master Xu is injured in one arm, and now he is fighting against the Sage of Music in the Penglai Hall!"

Ying Kai stepped out and walked out, commanding in a stern voice: "Send someone to inform Cangyangzong, and go to Zhilan Meng's family to report the funeral. Brother Mu will bring someone to prepare the coffin and follow me to Yanchun Terrace. Changsheng sits in Daishan Xianmeng, and inform Xunshu Palace We are going to open the Immortal Mausoleum, in case Liu Xuzhi has a problem...what's wrong?"

The rest of the people stared at him in astonishment, and Mu Duozhu tremblingly said, "Brother Ying, you?"

Ying Kai stopped, touched his nose subconsciously, his hands were bright red.

Dark red blood flowed from his nose, ears, and eyes, and dripped to the ground. Immediately afterwards, a mouthful of blood from his heart gleaming with golden light suddenly spewed out, he only had time to stagger, and then fell headfirst!

"Brother Ying!"

Mu Duozhu and Yu Chirui both rushed forward to support him at the same time, and saw that Ying Kai's eyes were closed tightly, and the sea of ​​air was boiling violently like a scorched sea. Mu Duozhu stretched out his hand, and then his expression changed drastically: " No, his primordial spirit is very unstable..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Chirui suddenly raised his hand to interrupt him.


Yu Chirui's expression was stern and his eyes were sharp, which was quite different from his usual appearance. Mu Duozhu thought about it, and saw him turn to the huge golden coffin not far behind him, and slowly put one hand on the divine sword Rakshasa Pagoda at his waist.

Mu Duozhu mouthed in disbelief, "It's... again?"

Yu Chirui turned back soundlessly, blocking everyone behind him, and whispered a word: "Go."

Mu Duozhu quickly set up Ying Kai and took his disciples out of the corpse pavilion without his ordering again. The moment he stepped out of the gate, he heard a dull sound suddenly burst out from the golden coffin behind him——


Immediately afterwards, the entire golden ship shook violently, and everyone sank sharply with the ground:


The two loud noises were thousands of miles apart, but they completely coincided at this moment.

On the Yanchun Terrace, three floors, eight groups, and sixty-five large and small bronze chimes vibrated in sequence. The sharp sounds were like sharp cones, and the accent was like mountain cracks. Penglai Hall!

Xu Shuangce was in the middle of the vortex, and with a wave of his hand, he set up a magic circle, and locked Yin Bo firmly in the Penglai Hall the moment before he rushed out of the hall. Immediately after Qing Li's sword light came, Liu Xuzhi had already rushed in front of him, and he made hundreds of sword strikes in the blink of an eye, all of which were dodged by Xu Shuangce like lightning.

"Xu Shuangce...killed...killed..."

Xu Shuangce patted his head with a palm: "Liu Xuzhi!"

Liu Xuzhi's Tianling Gai received the blow solidly, and spurted out a mouthful of blood, but his bloodshot eyes still stared straight at the void: "Don't...don't let him..."

With a clang, Xu Shuang waved the Qingli sword away, holding Liu Xuzhi's lapel: "What did you see?"

Every word of his contains a powerful power to destroy demons, but Liu Xuzhi has been completely controlled by the illusion he fears the most, and suddenly recalls the green quinoa sword with a roar, and flicks his sleeves.

The huge bronze bell weighing more than a thousand junctures rang loudly, and the sound wave was like a frenzy that urged the soul, and the Qingyi sword light finally brought an arc of blood on Xu Shuangce's chest!

Fortunately, Xu Shuang's movement was quick, but the front of the chest was still cut horizontally with a chi-long slit.

The injury on his right arm has not healed, and blindly dodging will not help. If this continues, the Penglai Hall will collapse sooner or later. Xu Shuangce frowned, his eyes reflected the direction Gong Wei left just outside the palace.

He finally made a decision, raised his hand before Liu Xuzhi rushed up again, and said in a deep voice, "I can't help it."

——The dazzling meteor broke through the void, rolled up into the sky with majestic energy, and was firmly held by Xu Shuangce with a snap.

The next moment, the spiritual power ignited from the hilt along the sword body, and the raging flames cut down in the air. The sixty-five bronze bells in the hall collapsed and exploded, and Liu Xuzhi was sent flying tens of feet away with a single sword!

Liu Xuzhi's body smashed through more than ten stone walls, and half of the hall collapsed in the violent vibration, and he was buried under the broken bricks like a torrential rain.

Xu Shuang stepped forward with his sword, and once again pulled Liu Xuzhi out of the ruins with one hand.

Le Sheng was powerless to resist, but still twitched uncontrollably. The whites of his eyes had almost completely turned blood red, his vision was slack and lacklustre, and a small needle-like pupil appeared inside his pupil—a sign that the primordial spirit had been deeply controlled by the illusion.

"Xu kill..."

"What did you see?" Xu Shuangce asked in a low voice.

Liu Xuzhi turned a deaf ear to it, and just repeated those few words over and over again. He seemed to be fighting someone desperately in an illusion, and his entire face was slightly distorted by anger, anger and fear.

Xu Shuangce finally breathed out, and said, "Since you don't tell me, I can only go in and have a look."

He moved his fingertips with spiritual power, and blood splattered between the fingers, dipped in the blood and drew an extremely complicated and difficult talisman pattern on Liu Xuzhi's forehead covered in cold sweat, and he did it in one go.

At the moment when the last stroke of the talisman came to an end, Liu Xuzhi's whole body jerked violently, and his primordial spirit was pinched to death by the invisible giant palm; at the same time, Xu Shuangce separated a soul from his body, and looked at Le Sheng indifferently from mid-air For a moment, plunge down!

It was as if the whole world had sunk into darkness, and after a few breaths, his eyes lit up again, and the howling wind blew his temples.

Xu Shuangce stood in the center of the illusion and slowly opened his eyes.

In front of you is a high platform paved with white jade and lined with golden pillars. The deep winter wind blows through the distant mountains and forests, and the gray sky is tinged with blood. All the masters of the eight sects of the Sixth Family fell to the ground in disorder, some had their heads bleeding, and some did not know whether they were alive or dead; in the illusion, Liu Xuzhi fell beside him with blood all over his body, twitching unwillingly, but it was of no avail.

The endless white jade floor tiles were cracked inch by inch, and the cracks were all stained red with blood, as if a huge **** net had been spread under the sky.

It turned out to be Shengxiantai.

— who did it?

The answer was faintly coming out, when Xu Shuangce heard familiar footsteps behind him, he turned his head stiffly inch by inch, and saw himself.

In the illusion, the cold-faced Sect Master Cangyang passed him by, and walked straight forward without the slightest pause. Xu Shuangce's gaze followed and saw that "I" was walking towards the middle of the Ascension to Immortal Terrace, and there was actually a person standing there, it was Gong Wei!

But that was no longer the Gong Wei that Xu Shuangce was familiar with, at least in his impression, Gong Wei had never been so embarrassed and precarious.

His whole crimson robe has been dyed crimson, and the white skirt is also soaked in blood. His left arm is broken, and his abdominal cavity is pierced. He barely stands with his right hand holding a sword; he seems to be struggling to breathe, but he still stubbornly looks up Looking at the Cangyang Sect Master in the illusion, even from such a long distance, he could clearly see the despair and begging light in his eyes.

Xu Shuangce's pupils suddenly constricted.

He saw himself raising the sword and falling, without hesitation, a sword pierced into Gong Wei's left heart!

As soon as Xu Shuangce's feet left the ground, he was tightly restrained by an invisible force. This is Liu Xuzhi's illusion, he couldn't be more than three feet away from the realm master's body!

Blood burst out from Gong Wei's chest, reflected in Xu Shuangce's trembling pupils, he saw the young man finally knelt down, but his hands were still tightly grasping the blade of the helpless sword, and big tears welled up from his eyes out.

Why just cry?

Didn't you always want to kill me, why didn't you fight back?

Xu Shuangce put his fingers into his palms, and the blood flowed down his palms. The last sliver of rationality was frantically warning him not to look any more, but in fact he couldn't even look away. I said something to myself, and the trembling mouth was clearly—

"Xu Shuangce, I...I like you..."

"...You can't do this to me..."

In an instant, it seemed that he was the one who was stabbed in the heart by helplessness.

Xu Shuangce stood where he was.

His brain was almost blank, but he couldn't see the expression of himself in the illusion from his back. At this time, a person stood up reluctantly in the distance. It turned out to be the seriously injured Jianzong Wei Chirui. He used his last strength to strike down with his sword, but was easily blocked by the Cangyang Sect Master!

When there was a clear clang, the Excalibur Rakshata only cut the armguard to pieces, and then Yu Chirui spat out a mouthful of blood, and knelt down powerlessly on the ground:

"No...can't...let him..."

What can't he do? !

Xu Shuangce couldn't hear the words behind, because he saw that he was no longer hindered by the illusion, so he stabbed Fu Naihe into Gong Wei's heart with all his strength—

The sky was spinning like falling into a deep cliff, Xu Shuangce's consciousness was shaken, and his soul fell back to his body.


The Penglai Great Hall was in a mess, and as soon as Xu Shuangce let go, Liu Xuzhi, who was completely unconscious, fell heavily on the ruins.


The vibration has stopped, and the surrounding is terribly suffocated. The voices of people outside the main hall in the distance are coming through the night sky, shouting, crying, and the footsteps of running back and forth can be faintly heard.

No one saw that in this small corner, Sect Master Cangyang half-kneeled on the ground, supporting the broken floor tiles with one hand, only his hoarse and terrible panting echoed in his ears.

"I like you"—as if the shadow gradually emerged from the deep water, the **** begging sound in the illusion resounded from the depths of consciousness again.

Impossible, you obviously just want to kill me.

"But I like you."

You have no idea what liking is!

"How could you slaughter me like this, Xu Shuangce?"

There was a crisp cracking sound, five fingers pressed into the floor tiles at the same time, and Xu Shuangce firmly pressed his forehead with one hand.

He was like a cornered animal, and suddenly an extremely absurd idea came to his mind: Could everything in that illusion have happened before?

He deliberately said that he likes me, just to see me being hacked into pieces at this moment, just to avenge his own death?


At this time, the door of the temple was suddenly pushed open, and a familiar and brisk footstep crossed the threshold: "Is anyone there?"

In an instant, Xu Shuangce's face changed drastically, and he turned around suddenly.

The heavy palace door was forcefully pushed open a crack, and under the sky full of moonlight, "Xiang Xiaoyuan" was jumping over the broken ground with his hands behind his back. The figure of a young man always has an extremely light and rhythmic sense. He looked around curiously, and suddenly saw Xu Shuangce, his eyes lit up: "Master!"

The darkness completely covered up Xu Shuangce's expression at the moment, Gong Wei couldn't see it, and ran forward happily: "Master is indeed wise and powerful, and he has turned the tide. This disciple admires him so much! This disciple is worried about Master, so I came here..."

Xu Shuangce's suppressed voice came from the shadows, icy cold: "Stop."

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