MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 45

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"Since I took over as the leader of the alliance, I have scattered most of the primordial spirits to the barren and desolate places in the fairy alliance to replenish the thin spiritual energy and maintain the circulation of yin and yang, so as to prevent the local area from being invaded by demons and ghosts. Therefore, I dare not take it back unless it is a big event. Yuanshen, it was only after a hasty comparison just now that I came up with these possible locations... Changsheng? Are you here?"

In the lobby of the Tiantian Pavilion, Ying Kai stopped talking, and saw the disciples of the Yizong respectfully lifted the bead curtain, and Jianzong and his nephew came in one after the other. For some reason, the expressions of the two of them were not quite right, as if they had just argued like.

Ying Kaiqi said: "What's the matter?"

The handsome face of the proud son of heaven and the young master of Yejinmen is dark. Although Yu Chirui has always been expressionless, those who are familiar with him can see a trace of subtle guilt from the corners of his brows and eyes: "It's nothing."

Xu Shuangce glanced at Yu Chixiao's face calmly, then closed his eyes and meditated, as if he was searching for something in the primordial spirit, opened his eyes in a short while and turned away without saying a word.

Ying Kai was at a loss, thinking that he was visiting the head of the Jinmen family to teach his nephew, so he changed the topic and said, "Longevity is just right. I just told everyone that there may be three places where the battle between soldiers and men in the illusion took place, respectively. In Tianmen Pass, Mohe Mountain, and the Great Rift Valley of the Sand Sea. Shuang Ce wants to go out to explore one by one, but these three places are far away and difficult to travel. I think it is better to search separately. If you can find the mechanism buried in the center The giant, maybe he can follow the clues to get the clues of Du Kaixun."

After all, it's about ascension, and it's normal for all the great masters to rush to investigate. But Xu Shuangce was also in such a hurry. I don't know if it was because he was brooding about not getting rid of Du Kaixun back then, or if the scene in the illusion aroused his interest. It was really uncharacteristic.

Yu Chirui has been insisting on contradicting Xu Zongzhu for many years, and he had to say no at first, but then he thought that there was nothing to object to this proposal, both emotionally and rationally, so he got stuck at that time: "...ah?"

Mu Duozhu's soft tone gave people the illusion of being polite: "I dare not let Fa Huazun's fairy body be kept on the golden boat for too long, Brother Ying should send him back to Xunshu Palace immediately. Let’s bury it. Besides, the restoration of Dingxian Mausoleum may change in the long run, and there is really no delay, so I think you should stop running around.”

Ying Kai: "..."

"As for Mohe Mountain, it is just south of the Jinchuan route, so I will go to explore it; the Sand Sea Rift Valley is in the northwest of Julu City, so it is a convenient way for Master Juzong, and it is also convenient for dispatching his disciples. Ladies and gentlemen What does Xianyouzuo think?"

Mu Duozhu cast his eyes on the eldest grandson Chengfeng, and Juzong nodded in agreement: "Since this matter has an inseparable relationship with the previous Juzong, it is my duty to set off for the Shahai Rift Valley."

Ying Kai has been busy with everything since he became the leader of the alliance. The drive and pride of traveling the world in his youth are no longer there. Originally, I was really excited and wanted to go out of the mountain in person, but Mu Duozhu pushed it back with a word, so I could only sigh and said helplessly: "In this way, only Tianmenguan is left. This place is especially far away and difficult to travel, and I can't control the sword, but luckily it's close to Le Sheng Yanchun Terrace. I'll send a message to Xu Zhi..."

"I'll go." Xu Shuangce said suddenly.

Before Ying Kai could say anything, Mu Duozhu said euphemistically, "Brother Xu, you love... your disciple is still injured and needs to infuse a lot of spiritual power every day. If you leave, I'm afraid you will have to leave him behind. Take care of me on the golden ship, and the daily consultation fee..."

As soon as the word "diagnosis fee" was announced, everyone was frightened, and there was a lot of coughing around the long table.

Xu Shuangce said calmly, "He will follow me."

This profiteer surnamed Mu still had the last bit of conscience left, and said solemnly: "Brother Xu must not do it! He is still seriously injured and unconscious, so he must not travel thousands of miles, otherwise—"

Yu Chirui yelled at the case: "Yes! No way!"

Mu Duozhu: "Pfft!"

Mu Duozhu had never received such enthusiastic support in his life, and he almost choked on the tea. Everyone looked at Jianzong at the same time, only to hear Ying Kai ask in amazement: "Longevity?"

"..." Yu Chirui swallowed under the astonished eyes of everyone, and said calmly: "I want to take Xiaoyuan back to Jinmen."

As soon as Yu Chixiao said this, he thought he heard it wrong: "Uncle?"

Ying Kai also thought he heard it wrong: "Changsheng, although Xiang Xiaoyuan can't get off the boat, but he is a disciple of the Cangyang Sect after all, how can he return to the Golden Gate with you?"

Xu Shuangce sat at the side, with a half mocking expression, and said slowly: "Xiang Xiaoyuan is a disciple of my Cangyang Sect, how can I go back to Jinmen with you?"


The poor and inarticulate Jianzong was once again shrouded in helplessness. Facing the stares from all directions, his mind went blank, and he forced out a sentence after a while:

"Because he...he has a marriage contract with my nephew and wants to go back to get married."

The surroundings were silent for a long time, Yu Chixiao asked tremblingly from the bottom of his heart: "Uncle?!"

Ying Kai was also caught off guard: "Shuang Ce, is this really the case?"

The delicacy in Xu Shuangce's eyes, which seemed to be watching a drama, was finally put away completely, and he said lightly, "It's not true."

Yu Chirui was driven into a hurry: "Xu Shuangce, you..."

"Half a month before the incident in Linjiangdu, the young master of Jinmen went to the Cangyang Sect to return the life deed in person. This is the first time he has withdrawn his marriage. , and I will transfer it back to Jinmen, this is the second time to withdraw from marriage."

Xu Shuangce picked up the teacup and said, "Young disciples from a famous family should first seek permission from their master before they report to the Immortal League to punish Shu Gong. Today, in front of the leader of the alliance, I decided to cancel the matter of the Taoist couple. And this is the third time to retire. From then on, my beloved student Xiang Xiaoyuan has nothing to do with Yejinmen, once a word is spoken, it will be hard to get it back, and all the masters are witnesses."

After all, he raised his hand and splashed it.

Half a cup of residual tea was spilled on the paulownia floor, reflected in everyone's pupils.

Xu Shuangce stood up and said condescendingly, "I have something to discuss with Wen Xiuyang. I will avoid it for a while and come later."

Everyone didn't react, but Xu Shuangce walked straight towards the gate, as if he had something important to do, and he didn't need the disciples of the Medical Sect to rush over. He raised his hand and lifted the curtain, and disappeared out of the corridor.

Ying Kai turned around inexplicably: "Changsheng, you are..."

Before the words were finished, Wei Chirui strode forward and grabbed his hand: "I have something to tell you."


Yu Chirui didn't seem to see the eyes of the other two as if seeing a monster, and strengthened his tone firmly and solemnly: "Let them leave quickly, I have something to talk to you alone."

Mu Duozhu: "..."

Grandson Chengfeng: "..."

Ying Kai squeezed out another word: "Ah?"


Xu Shuangce walked quickly across the veranda until he turned the corner, when his figure suddenly disappeared into the void.

The next moment, he appeared on the floor where the wards were located in the cabin, stopped his steps, stood on the empty white jade steps, and gently—


It's Xu Shuangce!

With a movement of Gong Wei's soul, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the hairs on his back stood on end.

According to the plan, he has been hiding in Jianzong's house, waiting for Changsheng to bring his senior brother to rescue him, but he didn't expect that after waiting for a long time, Changsheng didn't move the big Buddha Ying Kai, but Xu Bai came back first, what happened in the sky pavilion What?

Could it be that Ying Kai and the others followed closely behind? What should we do now?

There is no room for overthinking at this critical moment, Gong Wei took the risk to make a eavesdropping formula, and a voice from the Tiantian Pavilion came faintly from the opposite side, it was Juzong who said unhurriedly: "...In that case, I will take Bai Xun to say goodbye and go first It’s a sea of ​​sand, if you find anything, please contact me via sound note…”

Why is everyone still discussing matters, but Xu Shuangce came back first!

It's too late to run wildly now, Xu Shuangce has already strangled the only main road leading to the Sky Pavilion on the cabin floor, and is walking down the steps in a leisurely manner.

Gong Wei felt beyond words, got up and quickly pushed the door out, his footsteps were as light as a feather blown by the wind, and he skillfully walked through several intricate corridors in the blink of an eye. At the same moment when Xu Shuangce's figure appeared at the end of the long corridor, he had already rushed back to the room where he woke up, pushed the door and rushed in, undressed and kicked off his shoes in one go, went directly to bed and pulled his coat to wrap himself around his head .

The light white sandalwood fragrance on Cangyang Sect Master's robe instantly rushed towards his face.

At this moment, with a click, Xu Shuangce pushed the door open and walked into the room.

Gong Wei's whole body was huddled in the suzerain's robe with white background, black border and gold trim, and she couldn't see what was going on outside. She only felt that Xu Shuangce walked to the bedside and stood still.

Plop, plop.

He could only hear his heart beating in his throat, as if it was about to pop out of his mouth, and every moment suddenly became extremely long.

Maybe when people are nervous, they tend to think wildly. In the almost suffocating blankness, countless distracting thoughts that I didn't have time to think about just now suddenly popped up, and appeared in Gong Wei's mind one after another.

Why did Xu Bai go to kill Du Kaixun?

Why didn't Xu Bai kill my corpse?

Why did Xu Bai suddenly treat a low-ranking disciple, Xiao Mei Yao, so well, just because he didn't want to see Xiao Yuan die?

Then if he knows that I'm not Xiang Xiaoyuan, will he...will he still want to kill me?

No one could see that under the robe, Gong Wei's fingers tightly clutched one corner of the robe, so hard that his knuckles turned white. The sharp and tragic scratches on his corpse's arm seemed to reappear in front of his eyes again, a thought buried in the deepest part of his consciousness, as if he could act as if nothing had happened by pretending not to see it, finally came out of his mind uncontrollably—

Xu Shuangce did not slaughter my flesh and bones.

Then why is the sea of ​​peach blossoms in front of Xuanji Hall undefeated for sixteen years?

Suddenly Gong Wei froze, feeling a familiar hand covering his temples through his robe, sliding down his side cheek, the movement was gentle and undeniable.

The surroundings were eerily quiet, he heard Xu Shuangce leaning over to his ear, and said gently through the layer of clothing: "My beloved disciple."

"My teacher has withdrawn the agreement to visit the Taoist couple of the Golden Gate for you. From then on, you don't have to worry about any outsiders coming to pester you again."

Gong Wei stopped breathing, and even the closed eyelids were tense to the extreme.

But the next moment he unconsciously relaxed.

Xu Shuangce's voice seemed to contain some kind of magical power, and with the last word falling, an irresistible drowsiness suddenly overwhelmed him.

With the last sliver of consciousness, he felt as if his body was vacated, stuck in a strong embrace, and walked out the door, and then he didn't know anything.


Half an hour ago, the deck.

Ying Kai frowned and asked, "Why does Master Bai do such a great gift?"

Outside the corpse pavilion at the end of the deck, Bai Shui bowed his head deeply, touching his forehead to the ground, and bowed in the direction of Bingcun Fahua Immortal Venerable's body. After getting up, he touched the ground meticulously again, and did not stand up until he finished three prostrations and nine kowtows, and then exhaled.

"Seventeen years ago, in the Criminal and Punishment Institute, the dean of the palace tried his best to prevent me from cutting my heart. He suffered a split finger injury. After that, I wanted to come to the door to say goodbye, but I was so stingy until the yin and yang were separated." He lowered his head and said. : "I have always been resentful in my heart, and now my long-cherished wish has finally been fulfilled."

From now on, Yuchi Changsheng has been following Ying Kai every step of the way, he wanted to say something but stopped trying to hold back, but everyone ignored him. Ying Kai sighed, "It's just a trivial matter, Master Bai doesn't need to be too concerned."

"In Bai's life, only Master Juzong and Xianzun shed blood to save my feeble body, and their kindness will never be forgotten." Bai Xun paused, and said softly: "However, good people are not rewarded."

This is tantamount to slandering Cangyang Sect Master openly.

Everyone's expressions were different for a moment, only Changsun Chengfeng's eyes flickered slightly, he coughed and cupped his hands and said, "In that case, I'll take the white scorpion to the Sand Sea Rift Valley first. If you find anything, please contact me through Yinfu. "

Ying Kai was a little sad, and also bowed his hands and said goodbye to him and Bai Fei.

Juzong and Bai Xun left the deck with their swords on one side, and Yuchi Changsheng on the other side immediately grabbed Ying Kai's sleeve, and even ignored the stunned gazes of the Yizong disciples in the distance. Kay pushed in and slammed the door behind him. Judging from this action, he was really about to collapse: "I have to put Xiang Xiaoyuan..."

Ying Kai reprimanded sharply: "Changsheng! Everyone has tolerated you several times today! You were so rude to Yizong and Juzong just now, how could you—"

Yuchi Changsheng: "Gong Wei is back!"

Before the words finished, Ying Kai's face changed drastically, Ding Shanhai got out of his sheath in response, and looked back at the corpse on the ice bed in the middle of the circular hall.

The body remained motionless, and the surroundings were silent.

"He is Xiang Xiaoyuan!" Only then did Yuchi Changsheng have time to add the second half of the sentence.

"..." Ying Kai turned her head inch by inch, with an expression as if wondering if she was dreaming: "What did you say?"

Yuchi Changsheng: "Xiang Xiaoyuan became obsessed and was possessed by Gong Wei. It has been more than a month since he woke up, and Xu Shuangce still doesn't know! Don't let him go to Tianmenguan!"

Jianzong's highly condensed summary was like a cannonball, every word made Ying Kai dizzy, and after a long while he finally squeezed out a question from the bottom of his heart:

"Why didn't you say it earlier?!"

Yuchi Changsheng was full of shock: "Obviously it's you guys..."

Ying Kai didn't wait for him to finish speaking, opened the door and rushed out, beckoning a disciple of the medical school: "Go and ask Sect Master Xu, just say that I have something urgent to discuss with him, and tell him to hurry up—"

"Brother Ying?" At this moment, Mu Duozhu happened to come over and asked suspiciously, "Are you looking for Brother Xu? Brother Xu just sent me a Zhang Chuan Yinfu, saying that he has taken his love... and his disciples off the boat to Tianmenguan. What is your hurry?"


Ying Kai turned his head slowly, and looked at Yuchi Changsheng in blank dismay, both of them looked struck by lightning.