MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 28

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at the same time.

The underground palace of Dingxian Mausoleum, the ninth floor.

At the same time as the rumbling and huge earthquake outside, the black iron stone gate weighing more than a thousand tons finally closed, blocking the densely packed corpses on the tomb passage behind the gate. Hearing a loud "Qiang!", Yu Chirui stabbed his sword into the bronze ground, barely supported his body in the violent vibration, and exhaled a mouthful of blood from exhaustion.

"What did you just say?" He finally had a chance to ask, "There are four coffins on this floor?"

Ying Kai slid along the giant stone gate and sat on the ground, his robe was soaked in blood from the fighting, and was torn torn by the group of corpses, he was in a state of embarrassment. He couldn't speak for a while, and after a while he coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, fumbled and lit a fire.

"It's okay." Yu Chirui was about to stop him, but he waved his hand wearily, indicating that it's okay: "This ignition won't disturb them. They will disperse naturally when they don't smell the breath of living people. Let's find another chance to kill them." go out."

The vibration gradually subsided, and the small space in the tomb passage was illuminated by the fire. Behind them was a black black iron stone gate that blocked the group of corpses, and in front of them was another even more majestic, pure gold cast gate that was so tall that it couldn't reach the top, standing quietly in the darkness.

Ying Kai stared at the huge gate for a long time, holding the bright and cold Dingshanhaijian in one hand, and smiled wryly for a while: "Do you know why I proposed that all families and sects work together to build Dingxian Mausoleum, Changsheng?"

Without even thinking about it, Yu Chirui said: "Show off the power of Xuanmen, and make the world worship."

Ying Kai shook his head: "No, the reason is behind that."

Yu Chirui followed his gaze, and the dark light of the huge golden gate was reflected in his eyes.

"There are not many immortal cultivators in this world. There are very few who can build foundations, and those who can form alchemy are extremely lucky. There are only a handful of people who can cross the Mahayana realm and rank among the great masters. Even if they become great masters, they have almost No one can usher in the catastrophe and ascend smoothly."

"Thus, no matter how many years those senior monks who failed to ascend, they will eventually die like ordinary people, and die suddenly."

"The problem is that some seniors are not really dead." Ying Kai paused and said, "They are between the living and the dead."

Yu Chirui had already got the answer, and looked towards the huge stone gate where the screams of corpses could be faintly heard: "Can you cheat corpses?"

"The exact description is 'shocked corpse'." Ying Kai said, "Shuang Ce and I often traveled together when we were young, and found that some aristocratic families had 'shocked corpses' situations-when the younger generation went to the tomb to pay homage, the breath of the living surged out. Entering the tomb, the corpse immediately crashed into the coffin, biting the blood-related descendants to death. But because only master-level monks can scare corpses, this secret was kept in a very small number of high-level families until sixteen years ago."

"Which year... was he promoted to Xiantai?" Yu Chirui asked with a frown.

Ying Kai said: "Yes. After the first heavy snowfall in the deep winter of that year, an abandoned giant mirror coffin was found in the depths of Mount Dai."

Yu Chirui's expression changed slightly.

"The mirrored coffin is half a foot high and weighs over a thousand pounds. Its six sides are covered with shattered mirrors, making it impossible to peek into it. No one knows where it came from, but it just happened to appear in an inaccessible place. In the deep mountain and old forest, the coffin lid is engraved with the name of the coffin owner and an ancient seal symbol in blood, which has been worn mottled, and only half of the word 'qu' can be vaguely recognized."

Yuchi asked suspiciously, "Qu?"

Ying Kai said: "Yes, but there is no one with the surname Qu at all in the major families of Xuanmen. Just as I was secretly tracing the origin of the mirror coffin, a new change occurred in the situation."


Huo Zhezi's light reflected on Ying Kai's handsome face, his expression was a bit gloomy.

"On the seventh day after the appearance of the mirror coffin, a real person from Xianmeng Punishment Shu Palace passed away. When he was buried, the body was startled, and more than ten people were killed and injured. Half a month later, the son of the eldest grandson's family died, and the first seven days were not over. The dead body was shocked in the middle of the night, and was taken down by Changsun Chengfeng himself."

"Since then, whenever someone from the Taoist sect dies, no matter how old or young they are, they will be stunned. Without exception, the casualties will be heavy."

The tomb was quiet for a long time.

Yu Chirui's eyes were empty, as if he was thinking about something seriously, and after a while he said firmly:

"I don't have one at home."

"..." Ying Kai said weakly: "Changsheng, it's because no one in your family died back then, okay?"

Yu Chirui nodded, and then proudly repeated: "My family doesn't have one."

Ying Kai rested his forehead with one hand, took a long breath, and wisely decided not to argue with him.

"In short, the horror of corpses in various families has reached the point where I can't cover it up alone. If this kind of scandal spreads, not only will there be panic within the Taoist sect, but the common people will definitely regard monks as scourges, and seek immortality as demons and evil ways. .”

"So after a secret discussion with Juzong's grandson, Chengfeng, I suggested that all families and sects bury all the remains of their ancestors in Daishan, build Dingxian Mausoleum, and then impose strict laws and heavy blockades, strictly prohibiting living people from entering the mausoleum. If someone must go to the grave, it is best to have one person, at most two people, to avoid the risk of a group of corpses being startled."

"On the ninth floor in the deepest part of the mausoleum, I poured this heavy gate of pure gold, and delivered the four coffins with my own hands."

"Is the mirror coffin inside?" Yu Chirui asked immediately.

"Yes, the first one is the mirror coffin that is extremely evil." Ying Kai said slowly: "Casted in copper water, sealed with gold, I will personally worship and send it inside the door. It will never see the light of day. The horror of corpses came to an abrupt end."

Yu Chirui nodded thoughtfully, then asked, "What about the other three?"

Ying Kai asked back: "Did you hear the story of 'Ghost Prince Greeting His Wife' when you were young?"

Of course I have. The ghost prince welcomes his relatives is one of the enlightenment stories of the Taoist scriptures, and its popularity is probably similar to that of folk children who read the three-character scriptures and hundreds of surnames.

According to legend, in ancient times, the ghost wall was powerful, and the king of ghosts disrespected the gods and did many evils. One of the gods of the Eastern Heaven was enraged by this, and he sent a catastrophe to beat the king of ghosts to death. In order to get revenge, Prince Onigaki cast spells to set off countless wars in the world, causing bloodshed and scorched earth for thousands of miles, and even the gods were alarmed.

The Eastern God is said to be very merciful, and he took pity on the world for suffering from the war, so he struck out again. As a result, the battle situation in the three realms of gods, humans, and ghosts gradually tilted, and the deadlocked ghost prince could only ask the gods for peace. Just at this time, a great master was dismantled on the battlefield and flew to the ground. It is said that she is a beautiful woman who is a perfect match for Prince Onigaki. So the ghost prince sent out a large number of priceless dowry gifts, and the welcoming team of beasts and monsters went straight from Huangquan to Biluo, and brought the bride back to Jiuchongdi with gongs and drums.

According to the legend, the ending is that the two are deeply in love and harmonious. And since then, the ghost prince has lived in the depths of Huangquan forever, and no one has seen him again.

Of course, this is just an absurd story. The so-called "ghost prince" may refer to a ghost judge, and Taoism has never recorded any "East Heaven God", let alone that Guiyuan beat gongs and drums to marry the princess.

Yuchi Ruihu asked: "So?"

"There is a bronze coffin in the secret room of the Punishment Palace. It has been kept secret by successive lords for generations. No one knows what is inside, but there are rumors that it is the bones left by Princess Guigaki when she defeated Feixian." Ying Kai said slowly: "For the sake of caution, it was also sealed to death by my molten gold and buried in the ground."


Yu Chirui felt the absurdity of intertwining bedtime stories and reality when he was a child, and he was shocked for a long time and said: "No way?"

Ying Kai couldn't help but laugh.

"Where's the third one?" Yu Chirui couldn't help asking again.

At this time, even if Ying Kai said that the third one was Prince Onigaki from the myth and legend, he would not be surprised. Who knew that as soon as the question was finished, Ying Kai's smile gradually disappeared, and it took a long time before he raised his bloodshot eyes and said calmly, "No."

"It's Gong Zhengyu."

In an instant, all of Yuchi Rui's words were stuck in his throat.

"How can you put Gong Wei there!" He suddenly stood up and said in a broken voice: "It is impossible for Gong Wei to-"

"He will." Ying Kai's tone was tired but steady: "As a grand master, he died with resentment and did not rot after death. He already has all the conditions to shock a corpse. The world recognizes that Gong Zhengyu's mirror technique is the best, and that The evil mirror coffin appeared in the same year after his death, even I dare not guarantee that this matter has absolutely nothing to do with him, do you understand?"

"I concealed the existence of the mirror coffin because I was afraid that all the schools of Taoism would believe that Gong Zhengyu's resentful spirit was the cause, which would ruin his reputation after death. After the Dingxian Mausoleum was completed, I reburied his remains in a golden coffin. Not decomposed, the wound still oozes blood, and the face is lifelike."

Ying Kai looked at the huge gate deep in the ground, and said softly: "Changsheng, if there is one person in this world who will surely scare the dead, then this person is probably Gong Zhengyu. shock."

Yu Chirui fell silent, and said abruptly for a long time: "He liked to be lively when he was alive."

Ying Kai said, "I know."

During his lifetime, Gong Wei not only liked to watch the excitement, but also liked to create excitement. Such a lively and active person was finally buried alone in the deepest and darkest underground, suppressed and sealed up, without seeing the light of day, what would he think?

Will you be disappointed?

Or resentment?

"The fact that Gong Zhengyu was reburied in the deepest part of the Dingling Mausoleum is only known to me, Xu Shuangce, Changsun Chengfeng and a very small number of people in the Immortal League. After sending the three most dangerous coffins in, I originally planned to seal the giant gate. Death, from now on, no living person will be allowed to set foot in the second half of this door..." Ying Kai took a deep breath and said, "Who would have ushered in the fourth coffin at this time."

Yu Chirui frowned and asked, "Who?"

"..." Ying Kai moved his eyes away, and with the dancing flames in his eyes, he said in a low voice for a while:

"Xu Shuangce."

Yu Chirui was stunned for a while, his first reaction was that he heard it wrong: "Who?!"

"Sixteen years ago when he was ascended to the Immortal Platform, Gong Wei said sorry to Xu Shuangce before he died. He said, you will never be able to ascend, and your cultivation in this life will come to an end." Ying Kai stared fixedly at the candle. In the endless darkness behind the fire, he said softly: "In the following years, I was immersed in the intertwined emotions of self-blame, guilt, remorse and pain, and I didn't have the energy to think carefully about the meaning behind this sentence...until late one night , Xu Shuangce suddenly came to the main hall of Punishment Palace with an empty coffin."


"...I have been practicing alone recently, and I have made no progress. I just feel tired. Sometimes I dream back at midnight, thinking of the words left by Gong Zhengyu on Shengxiantai that year, as if there is a decree in the dark..."

A round of crescent moon is reflected in front of the main hall, and the courtyard is as clear as stagnant water. Ying Kai's hands trembled slightly, but Xu Shuangce's expression and voice were extremely flat, as if he was talking about something irrelevant to others.

"I can't ascend in this life, and one day I will die in Huangquan. At that time, I will be unwilling and obsessed. Once the corpse changes, it will be a legacy for a hundred years. So you send this empty coffin to the ninth floor of Dingling Mausoleum first. When the end of the future is approaching, I will enter the mausoleum by myself to seal the door of the tomb and lie in the coffin to wait. Perhaps that day will not be too far away..."

Ying Kai's throat seemed to be blocked by something sour, and it took a long time before he said in a trembling voice: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I had discovered earlier that the friction between you is irreconcilable, if I had noticed Zheng Yu's unhappiness and killing intent earlier, if I can untie him and stop him sooner..."

Unexpectedly, Xu Shuangce smiled, although very briefly: "No."

"Your biggest obstacle is making things difficult for yourself and taking too much responsibility for yourself." He suddenly asked: "Remember when I said that I regretted entering that peach grove with you. Is it okay if you haven't met Gong Zhengyu before?"

Ying Kai looked at him, unable to utter a word.

Of course he remembered, he still remembered the hot blood that Xu Shuangce spurted from his heart.

"I don't regret it now." Xu Shuangce said softly, "I just feel that this is my destiny."

Life is an old enemy, and death is buried together.

Ying Kai let out a long breath.

"When the door of the tomb was finally closed, there were four coffins buried inside. For more than ten years, although there were occasional living people entering the mausoleum to sweep and worship, the thousands of coffins in Dingxian Mausoleum had never changed. Baijia has never had a scandal involving dead bodies."

The screaming screams of the corpses outside the giant black iron gate have gone away, and they gradually disappeared into the depths of the ancient and silent mausoleum with their heavy steps. In the narrow tomb passage, only a bean of sparks was burning, and it swayed suddenly with Ying Kai's sigh, and the projections on the surrounding walls also swayed slightly.

"Until last night, I found out that the haunting piece of the thousand-degree mirror world was a replica. I really couldn't explain all this... I had to open the door of the mausoleum myself."

Yu Chirui was silent for a long time before asking: "Do you want to see if this matter has anything to do with Gong Wei?"

"The person who is most skilled in illusion in the whole world is Gong Zhengyu, and the person who is most familiar with the Thousand-degree Mirror Realm is also Gong Zhengyu. I have to come and see for myself whether his soul is still in peace." Ying Kai's voice was astringent, and he took a deep breath. The tone was suppressed: "If it really has something to do with him, at least when the next lens comes into the world, I can personally rush to... deal with it."

No one expected that Gong Wei was still lying in the Dingxian Mausoleum, but thousands of coffins that had not been moved for so many years were filled with shocking corpses.


"They're gone." Yu Chirui looked at the Xuantie Shimen, his ears moved sharply: "Let's go."

Both of them are great masters standing at the pinnacle of the world. Although they suffered a lot from fighting all night, they at least recovered a little bit of vitality after this rest. Ying Kai stood up with the support of the Dingshanhaijian, and was about to turn around and walk out when he hesitated: "Are you injured?"

Yu Chirui: "It's okay."

"Then you are breathing so badly?"

Yu Chirui: "No."

The two suddenly froze at the same time.

Panting came from the darkness where you couldn't see your fingers, each sound was clearer and heavier, as if it was close to the ear. Ying Kai suddenly looked at Yu Chirui, both of them saw his pale face from the other's eyes, and then slowly turned to the huge golden tomb door behind him.

Tremors rose from the soles of his feet, but it was not because of fear, but because—the ground was shaking.

The vibration became bigger and stronger, and the gravel and dust on the left and right tombs rustled down, and then the solid stone wall beside the giant door suddenly burst out with a crisp sound:


Like a silent alarm in the void, Ying Kai's complexion changed suddenly, and he only had time to fly away and push Yu Chirui away: "Changsheng get out of the way—"

Before he could finish speaking, the entire door of the golden tomb burst, and the Qianjun door roared in, knocking Ying Kai away in the chest.

Immediately afterwards, he flew out and smashed down the tomb passage, gold nuggets and gravel fell like hailstones!

Yu Chirui: "Ying Kai!"

But the huge earthquake drowned out the roar.

Ying Kai was heavily crushed under the thousand-ton giant door, and instantly spat out a mouthful of blood, and a **** stream of heat quickly overflowed from his ears. It took several seconds before he felt something loose in his consciousness in the violent shock.

That is the seal of Mahayana.

At this moment, the protective circle covering thousands of miles of Mount Dai collapsed.


The light curtain shattered into thousands of pieces, gathered into a torrent and rushed up to the sky, and then even the last ray of light disappeared without a trace. All the people gathered at the foot of the mountain raised their heads at the same time, Yu Chixiao's footsteps froze, the elder Sun Chengyang was speechless with his mouth half-opened, horror spread through the crowd like countless poisonous snakes.

The air of corpses in the sky above Mount Dai was soaring, and the sky was dark and dark, which was reflected in Gong Wei's shocked eyes.

The next moment, the corpse aura that was thick enough to have any substance spread explosively, and swept over with lightning speed!

The monks at the bottom of the mountain didn't even have time to hide, so they were shrouded in darkness one after another, and then even their shouts and exclamations were swallowed up by the thick ink-like mist. Changsun Chengfeng grabbed Bai Fei beside him like lightning, and at the same time turned his head and shouted: "Don't move around! Don't run around!"

Yu Chixiao's first reaction was to reach out to grab Gong Wei, but then he felt that slender and cold hand slipped the moment he touched it, and disappeared without a trace.

"Xiang Xiaoyuan?" Yu Chixiao asked in amazement, groping around but only came across the greasy and wet smell of corpses: "Where are you going?! Come back!"

In the darkness ahead where you can't see your fingers, Gong Wei stood quietly on the top of the cliff, looking up at the direction of Dingxian Mausoleum in the distance, with a pale and dignified face.

Immediately, he fluttered his robe sleeves and flew towards the mountain stream.


"Cough, cough..." In the depths of the mausoleum, Yu Chirui tried his best to stab the sword into the ground to stabilize his body, and said hoarsely in the violently shaking tomb passage: "Ying Kai? How are you, Ying—"

His voice suddenly stopped.

The sound of metal rubbing came from the depths of the darkness, as if something dangerous was slowly sliding away, and then stopped abruptly after a sharp rubbing sound.

Yu Chirui's pupils trembled, he already realized what it was—

coffin lid.

"...Go back." He murmured incredulously, "Go back to that world, you have already..."

But unfortunately it was too late.

The tomb passage was in ruins, and the black candles on the remnant walls on both sides suddenly ignited one after another, illuminating the huge cavity on the ninth floor of the underground palace. On the bronze ground in front, there is a circular magic circle with a diameter of several feet and intricate carvings. Four huge and heavy gold coffins are arranged in a circle, and the lid of one of them is opened wide.

The halo was cold and green, and a stiff figure sat up and turned his face slowly.

Yu Chirui's ears were full of his own uncontrollable panting, he subconsciously stepped back, and finally called out the name with difficulty:

"... Gong Wei."

Read The Duke's Passion